300 K duel against me ? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Few days ago some big mouths from Grey order insuled Barabe how we are a noob clan, cant block a shit so we answered on that provocation, we proposed an honorable duel on native beetween one of the Barabe and one of the Grey, and the winner gets 300k cRPG gold !
This is how we do it:
empty your pockets pls
we are waiting for more gold..... feel free to send me pm.
The funniest thing though is that Bloody_Death (Barabe_Illusion) is one of the best native duelists and you used him to represent the average skill in Barabe
cant block a shit so we answered on that provocation, we proposed an honorable duel on native beetween one of the Barabe and one of the Grey, and the winner gets 300k cRPG gold
Both are 2h scrubs. Better give 300k to Panos.That is acctually a good point. Settleing C-rpg scores with native greatsword duels? The one most accustumed with natives bullshit instalolstabs is clearly the winner. Watching that video almost made me cry out of joy that C-rpg exists and I am nolonger limited to play native and put up with that shit.
Good video edit mate, and nicely fought!!:D
From my point of view this movie is too fast and should be in slow motion all time :wink: Both 2h fucking heroes are amazing. Congratulations for winner. +1
The funniest thing though is that Bloody_Death (Barabe_Illusion) is one of the best native duelists and you used him to represent the average skill in Barabe
Few days ago some big mouths from Grey order insuled Barabe how we are a noob clan, cant block a shit so we answered on that provocation, we proposed an honorable duel on native beetween one of the Barabe and one of the Grey, and the winner gets 300k cRPG gold !
This is how we do it:
empty your pockets pls
we are waiting for more gold..... feel free to send me pm.
Native duel looks even more retarded than I remember.
Grey is still miles better than Barabe though. :P(click to show/hide)
A duel between me and Rantrex on native(click to show/hide)
I can't see the video :'(
Native duel looks even more retarded than I remember.As true as this is, cRPG with current wpf and weapon speed amounts on a medium speed server setting, aren't exactly exciting.
lol , grey noobs.:D
lol , grey noobs.
As true as this is, cRPG with current wpf and weapon speed amounts on a medium speed server setting, aren't exactly exciting.The game is not all that slow, you just need some restrictions on armour. When you wear Nditions armour in cRPG you aren't that slow at all and even when fighting the best duellers the duels aren't extremely long, and that is with everyone wearing 60+ body armour.
Please to have more lobbying for lower amounts of armor and faster gameplay, kthx.
The game is not all that slow, you just need some restrictions on armour.
A duel between me and Rantrex on native
A duel between me and Rantrex on nativecheater.
300 K duel against me ? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
oh man, such an ... bla bla ... ghostreach ...Funny how you get angry irl due to some imaginary thing that doesn't even exist...
Funny how you get angry irl due to some imaginary thing that doesn't even exist...
Funny how you get angry irl due to some imaginary thing that doesn't even exist...
duel in native to show who is better in crpg :shock:
In native everyone have the same chances to be a jedi.. in cRPG if you have better gear or drugs/alcohol youre about to win lol
In native everyone have the same chances to win.. in cRPG if you have better build or MW eq youre about to win lolIn cRPG everybody gets the equal ammounts of statpoints. Which means technically everybody is equal when it comes to characterleveling. The classes are weaker/stronger for certain things, just like in native. Putting points in one thing means no points for the other. So its a tradeoff. Meaning that for your build to be good at 1 certain part, other parts become weaker. Its nobody elses fault but yours if you put points into something retarded like horsearchery if you intent to be a 2h footinfantryman the whole gen.
duel in native to show who is better in crpg :shock:
In cRPG everybody gets the equal ammounts of statpoints. Which means technically everybody is equal when it comes to characterleveling. The classes are weaker/stronger for certain things, just like in native. Putting points in one thing means no points for the other. So its a tradeoff. Meaning that for your build to be good at 1 certain part, other parts become weaker. Its nobody elses fault but yours if you put points into something retarded like horsearchery if you intent to be a 2h footinfantryman the whole gen.
but why native when crpg is so much different
one more dumbass or you need fucking glasses bobby:
"cant block a shit so we answered on that provocation, we proposed an honorable duel on native"
but why native when crpg is so much different
from animations to weapons stats and variety that makes you character uniqe
In crpg you can play your way , effective or not, fun or challenging, anything that you want.
native = clone wars
cause its more fair........ no high lvl vs low lvl, no nudge abooze, no loomed gear vs regular.....etcbut that stil is not crpg
just pure skill
no nudge aboozeYes, those nudges man, wiggle lolstab jerk abuse and piss easy hiltslashing is definitely preferable.
Funny to see this...
Nudge nudge nudge, 7-2...
Thnx Illusion for the 500k.
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Nudge OP!
Yes, but when you kick and backpaddle with a polearm I have to shut my mouth?
Yes, those nudges man, wiggle lolstab jerk abuse and piss easy hiltslashing is definitely preferable.
In case you haven't noticed, the developers have actually thoroughly changed the fighting mechanics in cRPG, which means that what you call 'pure skill', is actually skill at Native, even more specificly at Native duelling with a Great Sword in a tunic. It has little to do with Warband skill overall and much less so with skill at cRPG. You are playing Battlefield to decide who is better at Counter-strike. Sure they both have guns and similar controls, but skill at one is a little different from skill at the other.
Say you agree on duelling in cRPG with STF's wearing a Gambeson, leather boots and no gloves or helmet and using unloomed weapons. Much better test of skill at cRPG than Native duelling and completely fair, and let's see how slow the game is in a Gambeson.
Being that "bad-ass' guy in eu1 who thinks to win everything?
Reality bitch. Dont insult people you dont know.
Mauwits is a good dueler ? Since when ?
Mauwits is a good dueler ? Since when ?In all fairness Mauwits has been a realy good player for the last 2 months orso , he improved rapidly.
In all fairness Mauwits has been a realy good player for the last 2 months orso , he improved rapidly.
cause its more fair........ no high lvl vs low lvl, no nudge abooze, no loomed gear vs regular.....etcLike Bobby said. You settled Crpg discussions in native. Which is just odd. The 2 mods are completely different from eachother. And one person had played a lot more native then the other one. Seems like the one representing Grey Order got duped. Should have made like STF 2h chars and dueled it over in EU3 or in Vikingr or something. And how is nudge such a horrible factor in dueling? It basically just lightly distracts, but its blockable. Its a pain in the ass when getting ganked, not so much in duel really.
just pure skill
Btw, Perverz is not Illusion.
And how is nudge such a horrible factor in dueling? It basically just lightly distracts, but its blockable. Its a pain in the ass when getting ganked, not so much in duel really.
Thats the shame, he paid for it...[/spoiler](click to show/hide)
Thats the shame, he paid for it...
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Illusion enough?
with who are you arguing? you hear some voices in your head? ¸
btw accept new duels withouthe nudge,big mouth
you got to be fucking kidding me......he didnt hit him even once withouthe help of nudge....If Mauwits was an uncapable player he would not be able to block till he was in nudge range , also I must admit nudges are definatly abusable .But only a good player would be capable of abusing it.
you got to be fucking kidding me......he didnt hit him even once withouthe help of nudge....I dunno did you just come from the past or something or am I seriuslly missing something here? :shock:
I dunno did you just come from the past or something or am I seriuslly missing something here? :shock:
The first patch where the nudge was introduced, yeah, then it was complete and utter bullshite. After that got fixed, I havent even died a single time to nudge in duel. Not even once. Someone occasionally nudges me, I get pushed slightly further, the nudger makes a attack I block it and thats that. Personally I havent been a victim of anything else nudge related.
Can someone give me 50k gold??What you need it for.
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Even though I'm 12 year old I feel like old man among you kids :P(click to show/hide)
What you need it for.
After that got fixed, I havent even died a single time to nudge in duel. Not even once. Someone occasionally nudges me, I get pushed slightly further, the nudger makes a attack I block it and thats that. Personally I havent been a victim of anything else nudge related.
Can someone give me 50k gold??
lol i think you are lost case.....
Hold left attack with 1h, make nudge, release button, land a hit. Works like a charm. Though it doesn't matter, nudge is part of this game, no need to cry about it. Starting this thread was silly from the beginning.And this is similarly effective with other weapons besides 1h?
Can someone give me 50k gold??
I dunno did you just come from the past or something or am I seriuslly missing something here? :shock:
The first patch where the nudge was introduced, yeah, then it was complete and utter bullshite. After that got fixed, I havent even died a single time to nudge in duel. Not even once. Someone occasionally nudges me, I get pushed slightly further, the nudger makes a attack I block it and thats that. Personally I havent been a victim of anything else nudge related.
Who cares what you think?
you obviously...since you answer on my post......now be quietIts because you are a funny little man. You seem slightly mad there friend. Need a hug?
Its because you are a funny little man. You seem slightly mad there friend. Need a hug?
omg you downvoted me corsair, feckin wanker, i shall never forget this!!
Do it again do it right. (Clan match on Crpg) NOT NATIVE
fuck native, make skipthefuns with same build, same armor, confirm with ss and proof of time in background, maybe even have admin backup for chance of cheating balkan attitude. and have yourselves some real honour, in CRPG.
just stating my oppinion brah, dont take it personally, its all cool and shit what you guys are doing. keept it up :wink:
From reading those post the only thing i can say is that some of the barabe guys (*ahem* perverz *ahem*) are real assholes.
As said before, if you want to settle some problems on crpg, dont duel on native, its lame.
Anyway boys and girls, let us try to stop a bit that retarded session shall we ?Ahh common man. Dont be like that. Everybody liked the video. You did a great job and im sure we would like to see more. Its just the native thing that got everybody a little stirred up as all. :rolleyes:
Illusion told me that he is fine to a ft7 on cRPG with same gear, no loom and STF character, so if any Grey_Order member is reading and want a revenge, just let us know, we will give you this revenge and this time it will be in cRPG style.
PS : Next time I will feel like creating a video, I'll just shot myself...
@Peter_afca7 : ...
Ahh common man. Dont be like that. Everybody liked the video. You did a great job and im sure we would like to see more. Its just the native thing that got everybody a little stirred up as all. :rolleyes:
This makes me remember when I was famous in native for skills etc.
Stopped playing it for a year because of cRPG and am rusty as shit in it now :D
Fuck native, seriously, if you want to see who is better in a mod, stay in this mod.
I smell macrosThose are pretty typical native feints; they don't take too much practice to do manually. The feints also aren't very fast - it is more a matter of taking advantage of the very subtle transition from a held thrust to a held right swing, and vice versa (when rotated correctly).
Those are pretty typical native feints; they don't take too much practice to do manually. The feints also aren't very fast - it is more a matter of taking advantage of the very subtle transition from a held thrust to a held right swing, and vice versa (when rotated correctly).
its not about the video its about all the ppl whinning
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Illusion... THE Powerful Barabe player! the others are far behind imo.
Lock the thread before you get yourself in debts mr pervjerkz...
This makes me remember when I was famous in native for skills etc.
Illusion... THE Powerful Barabe player! the others are far behind imo.
Pff, no one kicked as many goals in rageball as I did :P
From reading those post the only thing i can say is that some of the barabe guys (*ahem* perverz *ahem*) are real assholes.
Few days ago some big mouths from Grey order insuled Barabe how we are a noob clan, cant block a shit so we answered on that provocation, we proposed an honorable duel on native beetween one of the Barabe and one of the Grey, and the winner gets 300k cRPG gold !
Nothing more, nothing less - this topic was by definition not about duel, just an attack of hysteria because of a small penis and short e-peen :rolleyes:
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well when you run your mouth sometimes you get unexpected surprises ^^ (like ending up dueling a native duel admin on native duel)
Nothing more, nothing less - this topic was by definition not about duel, just an attack of hysteria because of a small penis and short e-peen :rolleyes:
Pff, Barabe was definitely the best clan in rageball, no contest :P And I assure you, our pussies are very tight 8-)
Barabe = World rageball champion :p
To all the noobs that believe that this is high skilled duelling ..well it isnt....Your duelling sure is. Go visit a doctor already, ffs. Preferably psychiatrist.
Your duelling sure is. Go visit a doctor already, ffs. Preferably psychiatrist.
Dude you dont even manual block what are you talking about?You cant even do a chamber?You definitely cant kick."Why are you even here?
Go to bed Kid
Macropus didnt comment on my opinion.
He didnt say anything like "No Ras, you wrong those are not lucky chambers..or Ras you wrong this is great footwork.."
He just insulted me like a little Kid he is..Like he always does..
Now you came and you insulted me also..
And all of that because i said my opinion...
Wow frenzy great QQing and great description of your style.
Illusion good guy and a good player.
Good luck with some of these mate, think you'll be needing it:)
Greys should really have wonderd why Barabe wanted native duels :D
I mean if you were ranting at me and said mercs suck and i said something like your 3 players duel our 3 players on native you would have to wonder why native? :D
Wow frenzy great QQing and great description of your style.
Illusion good guy and a good player.
Good luck with some of these mate, think you'll be needing it:)
Macropus didnt comment on my opinion.
He didnt say anything like "No Ras, you wrong those are not lucky chambers..or Ras you wrong this is great footwork.."
He just insulted me like a little Kid he is..Like he always does..
Now you came and you insulted me also..
And all of that because i said my opinion...
still can't make up my mind on you, are you being serious or just a stupid troll.Fixed
This is very low skilled duelling ,useless feinting and lucky chambers...not any kind of footwrok at all ,macros and au...cough,coughcough,cough.....
This is a joke...
To all the noobs that believe that this is high skilled duelling ..well it isnt....
what's your name in native? lol
If you want to see my epeen whirling around, here it is.
It's from an 1 year old thread, so I didn't really plan on posting it here.Unfortunately I stopped playing native, I may have gotten Yona's title if I didn't start playing cRPG :P(click to show/hide)
Fuck, I could be the champion of Greece, that guy Athenian is really really bad :shock:You´re already the champion of Greece , what are you talking about?
If you want to see my epeen whirling around, here it is.
It's from an 1 year old thread, so I didn't really plan on posting it here.Unfortunately I stopped playing native, I may have gotten Yona's title if I didn't start playing cRPG :P(click to show/hide)
This is very low skilled duelling ,useless feinting and lucky chambers...not any kind of footwrok at all ,macros and au...cough,coughcough,cough.....You can complain how good you are all day bud, but I'll chop off my balls if you can actually beat bloody_death in a duel on native.
This is a joke...
To all the noobs that believe that this is high skilled duelling ..well it isnt....
People took this thread seriously? :lol:
hint: anyone can nominate anyone
People took this thread seriously? :lol:Indeed, we made Lord_T champion of Sweden just for the lulz :lol:
hint: anyone can nominate anyone
People took this thread seriously? :lol:
hint: anyone can nominate anyone
Trying to say that you all should stop epeening here, why would I start posting pics from the old days now if I took it serious?
If I took it serious, I would have jumped around a year ago, being like these Barabe guys and saying how good I am.
This was more meant like "Look, everybody can show his dick and post nonsense, now stop", and not like "DID EVERYBODY SEE MY DICK?!? LOOK HOW BIG IT IS" :rolleyes:
Indeed, we made Lord_T champion of Sweden just for the lulz :lol:
Ill take that bet hardness :D im sure i can win at least 1 duel ^^
uther pendragon i noticed you give - to all my posts....here is reason for more:lol
suck my cock miss pendragon!
and I want to know who the heck gave me so much infancy or whatever its called lol gf wp..
I smell total bullshit..
EDIT: Infamy :)
An idea:
Rather than all you guys spamming here if you want to duel a guy, make a duel thread in general discussion or diplomacy sections and request or banter with each other for duels or offers or what seems to be the majority of your trash talk at each other their :D
May make more sense:)
hey if you care so much I will +1 every your posts here now k?
don't be so0 shy;'(
This is very low skilled duelling ,useless feinting and lucky chambers...not any kind of footwrok at all ,macros and au...cough,coughcough,cough.....Aren't you the guy who literally accused the majority of EU cRPG duelists of autoblocking? Also, those chambers were clearly intentional, and it is highly unlikely any of those feints were done with macros.
This is a joke...
To all the noobs that believe that this is high skilled duelling ..well it isnt....
Indeed :)
And Perv, please stop now... That's more than enough...
I was asking myself why Barabe has such a bad reputation and why Byzantiums was rude to us today on server, I think I know the reason now :)
So please, try to stop a bit :)
what the fuck is wrong with you