cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: mulas on May 12, 2011, 12:02:28 am

Title: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: mulas on May 12, 2011, 12:02:28 am
For people who do not want to retire, but want to upgrade their weapons, armors. Since the amount of $$ earned from 1-30 is very limited. It's only fair to upgrade their weapons with money they earned. Or a trading system for people to trade loomed items.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: tankmen on May 12, 2011, 12:04:52 am
trading is coming out, who knows maybe even buying heirlooms
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Denam on May 12, 2011, 01:18:12 am
I hope I'm not the only one who hopes we won't be able to buy heirloomed weapons or armor, ever. I know for heirloom grinders it's really nothing special, but I like my tempered long iron sword, it feels special in that I earned it. If I can buy a masterwork weapon for 100k then I'd never retire and just keep making money. I ended Gen1 with 90k, then did an athletics build with light armor, and reached level 30 with around 300k.

However having said that I can understand why someone would want to be able to trade heirloomed items. You start over on a new build, something that is a drastic change from your previous, and maybe that masterwork spiked dildo just isn't gonna work with your archer build. So I guess in that respect I think trading would be ok, but I'd hope for someway to regulate it, such as only being able to trade heirloomed items of equal status.

Buying, no.
Trading, yes.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: John on May 12, 2011, 02:33:48 am
I think you should be able to spend gold to reset your heirlooms, but using it to get more heirlooms?  I don't know about that.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Chagan_Arslan on May 12, 2011, 10:34:53 am
heirlooms for $$ = more naked leechers
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Radix on May 12, 2011, 10:56:39 am
I would support trading. Tbh I am not happy with my masterwork langes messer and would love to trade it for champions nordic sword or reset its heirlooms for money. I know the pain. But the effect on the balance must be concidered.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Prpavi on May 12, 2011, 10:59:45 am
heirlooms for $$ = more naked leechers

here here
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: La Makina on May 12, 2011, 11:13:32 am
If a buying a heirloom at +1 would cost 300-500k, this would discourage naked leeching. A player would need to nakeleech gold so long that he won't be worth it. He would just better play the game and enjoy it as it is. Collecting 500k to afford a +1 on damage might just not be worth the price.

Also, with the recent nerf to heirloom bonuses, it won't be break the balance of the game.

The gold cost of heirlooming should just be high enough so that heirlooming through XP/retirement would still be faster than heirlooming through Gold.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Rhaelys on May 12, 2011, 12:03:52 pm
I think you should be able to spend gold to reset your heirlooms, but using it to get more heirlooms?  I don't know about that.

Pretty much this. The game needs more gold sinks, and heirloom reforging offers an incredibly simple gold sink that many people would buy into.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Vibe on May 12, 2011, 01:18:02 pm
The game needs more gold sinks

1. Play cav
2. ????
3. PROFIT!!!
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: bosco on May 12, 2011, 01:42:23 pm
Getting TF2 flashbacks, people buying Vintage weapons with real $$$...  :o
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Magikarp on May 12, 2011, 02:47:32 pm
1. Play cav
2. ????
3. PROFIT!!!
Hey, you stole mah post! Don't make me quote that shit!
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Siiem on May 12, 2011, 03:03:57 pm
100.000 gold to reset your heirlooms, never ever, to buy new ones... There are millionaires in cRPG.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Reinhardt on May 12, 2011, 03:06:45 pm
1. Play cav
2. ????
3. Lose all your gold and QQ about being broke and cavalry getting nerfed.

Fixxed for ya, mate.

PS: Not a build joke or stab at cavalry. I am a cavalryman.

On topic: I think that trading would be nice. Other things, no.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Mamba on May 12, 2011, 03:11:14 pm
Skip the fun...
Requirements: only one character! You can jump directly to level 30 and gain 10,000 gold. However, you will not gain any Experience any more - you will be stuck at this level, and are not allowed to have any alts until you delete this one. You can use this character for Strategus, too, though.

Thats new on the site. Trading/buying heirlooms for those characters are the only way. Crpg switches to the fast lane. You can create any character you like without having to level for ages.
Before any old players mourn, think about new players. The recent changes made leveling for people without gens even harder. So all these changes would make sense to increase the playerbase, which will be even bigger when strategus is relaunched.

And note the last sentence.

I believe the new strategus will attract loads and loads of people, and when that happens the normal crpg has to be in shape and beginnerfriendly.
Thats only my opinion, but I think the devs agree or even had the same idea.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: okiN on May 12, 2011, 03:15:08 pm
Thats new on the site. Trading/buying heirlooms for those characters are the only way.

I wouldn't expect those characters to be allowed to have heirlooms.
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Torp on May 12, 2011, 03:20:27 pm
1. Play cav
2. ????
3. PROFIT!!!

lol, i earn gold with arabian horse, semi-heavy armor, 2 weapons and a shield
Title: Re: $ = time, heir looms for $$?
Post by: Vibe on May 12, 2011, 03:53:59 pm
Fixxed for ya, mate.

PS: Not a build joke or stab at cavalry. I am a cavalryman.

On topic: I think that trading would be nice. Other things, no.

That's exactly how it was meant mate :D

PROFIT at successfuly using the gold sink for playing the cav.
Don't think many got the joke really :D

lol, i earn gold with arabian horse, semi-heavy armor, 2 weapons and a shield

Bleh you always earn money. That's y u rich bro