Other Games => ... and all the other things floating around out there => Topic started by: Panos on June 26, 2013, 12:57:13 pm

Title: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Panos on June 26, 2013, 12:57:13 pm
I have a steam account, with 15 games that I don`t play anymore, and I want to trade it for

Arma 2 Complete collection (15 euros on steam now)
Red Orchestra 2 (17 euros on steam now)

Total Worth 32 euros

The game that my account has

Call of duty 4 Modern warfare (25 euros now on steam)
Company of heroes ( 8 euros now on steam)
Counter Strike condition Zero, Counter Strike 1,6, Counter Strike Source ( 15 + 8 = 23 euros now on steam)
Gothic 3 ( 10 euros now on steam)
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition ( 30 euros now on steam )
Half Life 2 ( 7 euros now on steam )
Killing Floor ( 15 euros now on steam ) 
Nations Red (  9 euros now on steam )
Left for Dead 2 (14 euros now on steam )
Rome total war ( 8 euros now on steam )
Alexander Total war ( 4 euros now on steam )
Metro 2033 ( 10 euros now on steam )
Mount and Blade ( 15 euros now on steam )
Mount and Blade Warband ( 20 euros now on steam )
Mount and Blade With Fire and Sword  ( 10 euros now on steam )

Total worth 208 euros.

Here`s the gitsoft value

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Here is the full list of the games

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

And the condition of the account

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

How the transaction will work,  You`ll gift me the games first to another steam account, and then Ill give you the steam username and password.

P.S for the devs/mods :

If I break any forum rules/laws, please send me a pm and I`ll delete it, don`t insta ban me  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Kafein on June 26, 2013, 01:28:11 pm
Iirc you can use steamgifts to give you a quick estimate of your account's worth.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Panos on June 26, 2013, 01:31:24 pm
how can i do that?
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Kafein on June 26, 2013, 01:38:58 pm
When you register on steamgifts they tell you what is your account worth, they check to make sure it's not a phony account.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Panos on June 26, 2013, 02:04:42 pm
ok done, cheers
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Overdriven on June 26, 2013, 02:14:11 pm
Holy crap:

Your account has been verified, with 122 games, valued at $1,224.41.  :|

I spend to much on games lol. That's only the steam games as well. Not including all the others I have.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Leshma on June 26, 2013, 03:38:17 pm
I'm fairly sure there are far worse cases than me, but here it goes:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Overdriven on June 26, 2013, 03:51:01 pm
Where did you get all that? Love how the cost per hour on warband is so small it's showing up as 0  :lol:
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 26, 2013, 07:25:11 pm
lol leshma :D You own exactly 1 game more than me.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on June 26, 2013, 09:16:04 pm
94 games, 3865 hours (probably closer to 6000 if crpg was included), value of $1153.77

1000 hours of civ 5, 1200 of warband (not including since c-rpg stopped working through steam)
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Grumbs on June 26, 2013, 10:00:32 pm
Anyway, here's the unpopular post to downvote:

You can't trade steam accounts its against the EULA, and i'm pretty sure the forum won't allow you to do this. There's nothing stopping someone from trading an account then requesting it back through Steam and the buyer is left with nothing. Not saying it will happen, but whoever buys a steam account doesn't actually own it, the original owner does in the eyes of Valve. Valve might randomly decide to ban it too by determining where people are logging in from then investigate whether its been traded to someone or not.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Casimir on June 26, 2013, 10:03:29 pm
This is the nerdiest pissing contest ever.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Araxiel on June 27, 2013, 07:57:12 am
I beat you poor Greek:
Your account has been verified, with 20 games, valued at $205.90.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: [ptx] on June 27, 2013, 08:05:01 am
Where do you get these statistics? I registered on steamgifts, but can't find anything to do with verifying my account :/
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Araxiel on June 27, 2013, 11:19:25 am
Where do you get these statistics? I registered on steamgifts, but can't find anything to do with verifying my account :/
It should be this link:
I logined there using my steam account.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: [ptx] on June 27, 2013, 11:24:17 am
Oops, it looks like your account is already verified. Click here to get started.

I didn't get anything like that, when i registered.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Thovex on June 27, 2013, 11:27:46 am
Oops, it looks like your account is already verified. Click here to get started.

I didn't get anything like that, when i registered.

I registered about a year ago, can't seem to get it back myself either but you can just google for a Steam worth calculator theres dozens.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: [ptx] on June 27, 2013, 11:42:27 am
Meh, got it somewhere

You've spent 3092.7 hours playing this selection, which includes 49 items, is valued at $552.66, and requires 228.79 GB
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Oberyn on June 27, 2013, 01:59:06 pm
You only spent 2 hours playing Skyrim? Jeez, with all the mods and everything it took me at least one complete playthrough the main campaign before I got bored with it. Not much replay value, which is kind of supposed to be the point for sandbox type games, but meh, I still got some entertainment out of it.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Leshma on June 27, 2013, 02:29:01 pm
Skyrim is an open world game, not a sandbox. I've bought it recently, before that I played "stolen" copy for 20 hours or so. Was going to play it for at least 50 hours or so but my PC isn't strong enough to support all the mods I want and really don't have enough time to play it the way I want (need at least 3 hours a day to be able to enjoy it and I can't spend that much time on video games anymore).

There's another issue. I've spend way too much time on Morrowind and Oblivion and can't play the same game for the third time. Also, ES main story was always a bit crappy. When they improve the game I might spend more time on it. Playing Morrowind for the 3rd time with less interesting story and characters, worse magic system and better combat (still sux compared to what I'm used to) isn't something I'm willing to do atm.

Above paragraph perfectly describes why I can't play Path of Exile, Diablo 3 or any "hack&slash" action RPG. Spent too much time playing those when I was younger, they need to seriously improve the concept. It's getting old.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Radament on June 27, 2013, 03:14:05 pm
Above paragraph perfectly describes why I can't play Path of Exile, Diablo 3 or any "hack&slash" action RPG. Spent too much time playing those when I was younger, they need to seriously improve the concept. It's getting old.

doesn't exists
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Ganner on June 27, 2013, 05:02:43 pm
hrmm i thought i had more games.

Your account has been verified, with 258 games, valued at $2,782.01.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Tibe on June 27, 2013, 06:40:40 pm
You only spent 2 hours playing Skyrim? Jeez, with all the mods and everything it took me at least one complete playthrough the main campaign before I got bored with it. Not much replay value, which is kind of supposed to be the point for sandbox type games, but meh, I still got some entertainment out of it.
To you mybe. Personally ive replayed Skyrim like 3 times(mostly all questlines done in all of em). I found it having alot of replay value. But yea, its definately not everybodies cup of tea. It has real issues and god damn it, I dont even know why I played it so much myself....

One thing however I have noticed about people commenting Skyrim is the fact how negative they have gotten all of a sudden. What they didnt notice all the shit 2 years ago? I mean one group of people are those who just dont like it, I can respect that. Second group is the ones who seriuslly overplayed it and now call it shit cause they basically drained all the fun they had from it, aka idiots. Third group is the most common one these days. The hipstertypes. The ones who say the game is shit, cause apparently saying its cool is too mainstream now. Dont get me wrong, I dont stand up for Skyrim, I just seriuslly hate these hipstercockheads who just shun things cause they want attention. You can clearly notice one if you ask him "what was wrong with it" and he starts giving silly not really gameexperience ruining bugs and glitches as big gamebreaking issues. Most acctual people who dont like it just state they didnt get into it for some reason, which is all fine.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: SixThumbs on June 27, 2013, 07:18:50 pm
Game-breaking bugs aside the glitches are probably the best part about TES games. I've sunk about 40+ hours into each game and it's enjoyable during the journey but falls off towards the end when the dev's game play design choices and formulas start to show. Morrowind is the only one I actually enjoyed from start to finish but it's incredibly dated now.

I also have ~640ish dollars spent on Steam, I was afraid it would be much higher but I also don't want to know how many hours were sunk into it, or video games in general for that matter.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Clockworkkiller on June 28, 2013, 06:25:24 am
You guys never cease to amaze me, because I always feel like I have the least amount of games on my steam account than everyone else, I have like, 19 or something? But my PC is shit and I mainly play on console,
That, and the fact that I would be overloaded, I'm one of those people who NEEDS to beat the game, not 100% it, just beat the main quest/campaign, I can't just play a game for 1 hour, uninstall and move on.
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Kafein on June 29, 2013, 08:24:33 pm
I'm one of those people who NEEDS to beat the game, not 100% it, just beat the main quest/campaign, I can't just play a game for 1 hour, uninstall and move on.

Enjoy that while it lasts
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Sir_Hans on July 05, 2013, 05:09:43 am
Dear god, this is disgusting...  :shock:

219 items
3671 hours!!!! (152 full days+)

I want the money and the hours back....  :cry:

Really makes me wonder how much time I've wasted on video gaming in general, if I have 152 days in steam... I wouldn't be susprised if I've surpassed 1 year of solid game time. In fact I think I would be surprised if it was under 1 year solid game time... I know I've done at least 60 days Just on WoW, and probably 90 days on Asheron's Call. Problaby another 100-200 days combined on consoles... I would say around 20-30 days on c-rpg outside of steam.

Wow I'm a loser  :oops:
Title: Re: Looking to trade a steam account with 15 games for..
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 05, 2013, 01:17:04 pm
Mines like €120  8-)