And for the second time in a matter of a few days, FCC or one of their vassals has attacked us in the field between the hours of 3:00 AM and 7:00 AM for an awful battle time. Isn't is so fantastic that they make a point of always doing things for fun and fairness and have such a powerful ethic for never attacking at times when people can't play?
Anyway, anyone who comes to defend our trader will be paid personally by Sandy and I.!?page=battledetail&id=4134
Oh, and feel free to use this thread as the new FCC war shitposting thread since the other one got locked.
We all know that FCC is sucking the fun out of this strategus...all the NA forums are full of shit-posting threats, and we are all right to do this.
Why hasen't FCC gotten the message already?
Oh right
Hahahahaha. You attacked them at 3:30 am and now you whine because they attack you at 7 am. "The hypocrisy is strong in this one." Keep saying everyone who ever attacks you is an fcc vassal so you can play the pity card - ignore the fact most people think you are an egotistical idiot that no one but himself thinks hes funny and are probably glad to attack you, protect your ego I guess and ignore that frisians have been making themselves look worse than me on the forums with their posts. Frisians = clan of trolls and mouth breathers.
*saxton quote*
Who are you? Do you even play this game?
Meanwhile everyone is perfectly aware of how much of a horrible person you are, and yet you still remind us every time you post.
Is your own ego so large that you must try and tear down that of another just to satisfy your animosity towards this community?
I'm no great fan of Daruvian's sense of humor, or whatever it is, but even he is nowhere near your level of posting iniquity. Brazenly insulting him and his clan won't make them worse than you.
As for hypocrisy: it takes one to know one, and no one would think you were above eye-for-an-eye retaliation in malicious ways.
I love how much you have been raging the past month canary - I think you are finally overcoming your crippling passive-aggressiveness - your welcome :) .
Step One: Downvote all posts by Keshian.
Step Two: Report all posts by Keshian.
Step Three: Proceed to ignore Keshian.
Psychological projection is an immature defense mechanism. Say something real for once, you aren't good at insults.Immoral admin is a better insult. But you maybe say I was one but quoting you "It takes one to know one."
I'm so glad Daruvian keeps getting muted. Thanks for not being biased, Canary!(click to show/hide)
That was probably Kalam. :wink:
Step Three: Proceed to ignore Keshian.
Nope, i can confirm it was canary, but keep trying to get cheapshots in ;)
Edit: Also kesh do you remember that day I said I wanted to find vassal factions and I thought it would really help us, and you and Fus YELLED at me. Literally NERD SPERGED all over me. This after saying "FCC is a place where you can do whatever the fuck you want, just have fun." I was so hurt I left the clan man. That was some fucked up shit. Now you're doing it you fucking hypocrite feeling hurters.
Ok semantics kesh semantics
I said "allies"
Lol I would never say that to you asking about allies. And in all fairness you and i never spoke since you were never on ts so i am kind of doubting this exchange.
I think you missed the parenthesis part and switched alignments with this one, Matey.
But its cool, I feel like a my old friend when I compliment people, anyway.
It wasn't meant to be dismissive, just an idea on how people not in FCC view FCC.
To anyone reading this thread with no understanding of diplomacy or strat:
-FCC Vassals are not FCC Vassals, just up and coming independent factions who exclusively merc for FCC, take orders on who to attack, and use their gear and supply&demand
-Many FCC members (the same 3 or 4 people) are dedicated to making Orwellian propaganda RP posts defending every action they make for some reason
-HoC is good at strat
To anyone reading this thread with no understanding of diplomacy or strat:
-FCC Vassals are not FCC Vassals, just up and coming independent factions who exclusively merc for FCC, take orders on who to attack, and use their gear and supply&demand
-Many FCC members (the same 3 or 4 people) are dedicated to making Orwellian propaganda RP posts defending every action they make for some reason
-HoC is good at strat
Nah, but without people like Smoothrich posting my interest for Diplomacy went out the window. With these new belligerents I don't have anyone to cyber with, and posting in neutrality is boring.
Kalam let his eyes drift toward the color show on the horizon, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips. On a plate too close to his chin, the after math of a war with mustard-based barbecue lay in stray crumbs and spilled sauce. "How can we get Kesh to stop talking?"
"It's easy. You just close his mouth," replied one of his wise wives.
"Right," the old sneak replied as he washed down the scent of pork with a barley-heavy beer. "If only. And how do we make the more eloquent Kesh be quiet?"
"The same way, but it looks like someone already did it. Also, I think the second Kesh calls himself 'DAH-ROO-VEE-UHN'."
"You're right as always, my dear. Come, let's finish this wondrous meal the way it needs to be finished. With a buttermilk pie! We need to share this recipe with our friends, who this second Kesh insists are our vassals. We don't have vassals, do we?"
"No, but if you get fat, someone's going to be sleeping on the couch."
"If I get fat, and all our soldiers get fat, we will crush our enemies and..." Kalam licked his lips. "...maybe we can even eat them after we're done sacking their castles."
Being the #1 FCC Vassal NA as well as the original vassal, I've never been told who or when to attack by FCC, nor by anyone. I have worked with FCC in the past against Hero Party (now Semen Storm) and we used some coordinated attacks and reinforcement, but never have they went "Go and attack these guys because we don't like them".
I think FCC is large enough and has enough of their own shit under control that if they wanted to attack somebody they wouldn't order a faction comprised of new(ish) clans to do their work for them.
Also, when can I get gear and gold from FCC? I mean, JC says everyone got gear but where the fuck is my paycheck?
Is everybody ready for downvoting Kesh time? Because it's that time of the day folks! :D
Come, let's finish this wondrous meal the way it needs to be finished. With a buttermilk pie! We need to share this recipe with our friends,!?page=battledetail&id=4134
These are all clans with members in FCC that, at least at some point, have or have had a separate identity from the FCC
So you see, FCC literally has other clans kowtowing to their aims, even if they do have a say in what they do as a whole. Being fully a member of the supposed "parent" faction is not the same as being a vassal, but as far as results are concerned, the appearance is not so different.
Add on top of this these new clans apparently warring FCC enemies, and taking land from FCC enemies and you have a public opinion that isn't so far-fetched.
Clans realize they have similar goals and team up. You're surprised when they suddenly share the same enemies? The FCC is an alliance of clans working together. There's no vassalage. No one clan is higher than another.
Let's just gloss over the fact that as a strat faction FCC has more "active" strat players, troops, gold and fiefs than the combination of your "friends" in your alliance.
Without your backing you're basically implying these other factions would be doing the same without you.
and satiate your needs for minus 1ing a post.
We're not all Kesh, Havelle. I know you have trouble with that. I truly do pride myself on honesty and calling out bullshit in my posts. I'd love for you to actually listen to what I have to say rather than immediately dismiss it as you always do. I don't consider you, Sandersson, Daruvian, or Jack the same person. Offer me the same kindness.
Did you just suggest that we are stronger together than apart? Is this a revelation to you? Do you know what an alliance is? I guess BRD has more members than the other factions involved, but that's never been an important factor. even in the beginning, we had more members than the Cavalieres. Do you think Huey was ever anyone's bitch? No.
How about "without their backing?" I don't know what any of us would be doing without the other clans. That's not how this round played out. Every clan currently in the FCC strat faction is working together.
I honestly don't -1 that many posts. I see it as a tool not meant to be abused.
I also believe in being succinct. If you consider any of this a wall of text, you have problems.
Thank you for proving my point of the egotistical elitist mentality. Talking down to everyone like your vast knowledge of everything strat runs deeper than our brains can function. Again you break down the FCC like it's individuals making all their own decisons, doing their own thing, just happening to dominate NA lands. Quit it. Quit trying to force everyone to believe that "hey dudes we're just working together, this is what happens when you do. There are no leaders here..BLAH BLAH BLAH".
you also seriously expect us all to believe that the tiny clans, that have been absorbed into your clan of individuals, are the ones actually supplying the troops, gold and gear that have made you successful this round of strat.
I'm not talking down to you, and I don't have a vast knowledge of Strat. Never said I did. I also didn't say we're all just casually doing our thing. I said we're working together. We're a lot of people working together. I also didn't say that there were no leaders. Of course there are leaders. Why would I mention Huey when making a past reference to Cavalieres? Yes, We do have a lot of leaders, too.
You seriously believe they haven't done anything? That they mean nothing? I know Dynamike has done a lot more this Strat than I have. Frankly, fuck you for suggesting otherwise.
You mean like BRD and Cavalieres? You know we didn't always call our alliance the FCC. Have I ever changed my clan tag? No. BRD4lyfe!
Don't be so insulting. If it's all one faction, we clearly should have the same goals as a whole.
Clans realize they have similar goals and team up. You're surprised when they suddenly share the same enemies? The FCC is an alliance of clans working together. There's no vassalage. No one clan is higher than another.
You know better, Canary. You do understand what we are. You know the difference between vassals and clans coming together as an alliance.
Lol such a warm eloquent response. Again Remnant has been absorbed in like the last month or so so up to that point I'm sure their contribution to you all was HUGE. No offense to Remnant I love Tom Cruise and did some trading with him when we had villages.
Right, but unlike the original FCC member clans they didn't set out united from the start. It was something that happened more recently; all the clans I specifically named were unique NA factions earlier this strat.
P.S., you guys are being too hard on Gristle. He's one of the good 'uns!
I could dwell, once again, on strat 2 dealings where we were repeatedly called Druzhina's vassal (mostly by FCC, for the record), despite the fact that they had to repeatedly state that they did not keep vassals.
It's been much longer than a month. Thank you for paying attention.
Anyway, I get the feeling that you're only responding to me this way because of my clan tag. You're not even trying to be reasonable. I'm done caring about what you choose to say, if that's how you choose to say it. You have become that which you hate the most. You are the Kesh of the Bowlers, and I wash my hands of you.
If you want I can find the thread where kesh was or did sell 40,000 "excess" troops to MB. I guess those were recruited by the smaller groups too.
If you want I can find the thread where kesh was or did sell 40,000 "excess" troops to MB. I guess those were recruited by the smaller groups too.
46,000 troops for sale - pm if interested
Can we be the Great Khans?
I would like to motion that you stop referencing fake shitty fallout games and only ever acknowledge Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics as all other games with the "Fallout" moniker are terrible games that shit all over my childhood.Okay.
I would like to motion for Chaos to be associated with the Tunnel Snakes.
I would like to motion that you stop referencing fake shitty fallout games and only ever acknowledge Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics as all other games with the "Fallout" moniker are terrible games that shit all over my childhood.
New Vegas was very good. Way better than any Bethesda game.
I tried to get into it but I just got so damn annoyed and bored by the first town even that i just stopped playing. I don't like fallout as a 1st/3rd person game, at least not with the emotionally dead looking characters of the bethesda engine. I also got mad cause some stupid lady was like "help me and mah dog kill some stuffs" and then the dog ran off way the fuck ahead and got one shot and then she bitched me out for it like its my fault her dog is retarded. how the fuck did her stupid dog last more than a day if its that stupid? Anyways, I've heard new vegas is better and I will believe that it is, but being better than a bunch of shitty bethesda games doesn't make it a good game :wink:Matey the first two towns are like the boring parts of new Vegas, the next ones are ok/great, also that dog normally only ever dies if you intentionally shoot it.
I tried to get into it but I just got so damn annoyed and bored by the first town even that i just stopped playing. I don't like fallout as a 1st/3rd person game, at least not with the emotionally dead looking characters of the bethesda engine. I also got mad cause some stupid lady was like "help me and mah dog kill some stuffs" and then the dog ran off way the fuck ahead and got one shot and then she bitched me out for it like its my fault her dog is retarded. how the fuck did her stupid dog last more than a day if its that stupid? Anyways, I've heard new vegas is better and I will believe that it is, but being better than a bunch of shitty bethesda games doesn't make it a good game :wink:
Oh god no, Kesh. Don't suggest that. If Besthesda got their hands on Planescape, they'll do nothing but eat your childhood. That company has no idea how 'plots' and 'characters' work to create something called a 'story,' so if you want a new Planescape choose a game company known for actual storytelling.
I would like to point out that FCC has been around since strat 1... There are hardly any other NA clans or strat factions that have survived as long as us. Hospitallers and I guess DL are the only others I can think of that are still around. Many people from that time are still around but have made new clans or joined others and so on.
Oh god no, Kesh. Don't suggest that. If Besthesda got their hands on Planescape, they'll do nothing but eat your childhood. That company has no idea how 'plots' and 'characters' work to create something called a 'story,' so if you want a new Planescape choose a game company known for actual storytelling.
I liked that New Vegas sort of returned to the whole story roots of the series, also way more interesting side quests than windows 8
Morrowind's up there as one of the best games made, imo. I recently installed it on my new computer and found out that it can't run at my monitor's resolution or Windows 8 or something. I'm a pretty sad puppy.
less off topic, more talk about FCC vassal policies.
we have been vassals of the great bird clan but we do not keep them. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Who isn't a vassal of BIRD CLAN?
Good field battle today, and it seems that the diverse vassal force was completely and utterly broken by the honorable soldiers of the Frisian freedom. Today they sent a message to all current and would-be vassals. No matter how much gear, land, or title you're given, it means nothing to the people with battles under their belts. Bring your A-game next time and pray that God have mercy on your souls.
I heard you guys bitched me out in TS a few times. Good times. To bad Frisia learned, quickly, how to stop my destruction of your spawns.
Oh well, kill my performance for a hope to win. Shoulda just went for kills instead. Not really, but only a drop from 7 to 6....
Good field battle today, and it seems that the diverse vassal force was completely and utterly broken by the honorable soldiers of the Frisian freedom. Today they sent a message to all current and would-be vassals. No matter how much gear, land, or title you're given, it means nothing to the people with battles under their belts. Bring your A-game next time and pray that God have mercy on your souls.
I think that the phrases "fucking anders" and "he's just gonna do it every life" and "fucking anders goddamn him" was most of it.
See shoulda hired me instead 8-). Then you'd have 10 more C sites than you do now. 5 weapon racks, 2 forward spawns. Not counted the 1 you broke yourselves. 8 sites wasted, and 3 others used to make more spawns. I'd say I payed for my xp that battle even though i went 13:46. :twisted:
Joe stood behind a herd of some seventy five Champion Coursers, fifty Warhorses, and eight hundred Champion Rounceys, trying desperately to cram them inside a quickly filling castle. "FUCKING MOVE," he screamed, his voice barely carrying over the neighing and stamping of hooves. "ITS NOT SAFE OUTSIDE!"
He turned to see a rising dust cloud behind him, a few miles off. A CHAOS raiding party was hot on his heels. He needed to get the rest of his horses into the safety of the castle. He ran back and forth behind the herd, waving his arms and slapping rumps, shouting. Slowly, the animal ocean flowed though the castle's gates.
An unloomed rouncey approached. He said, "My lord! The leaders of Frisia and the FCC are having a long-distance parlay!"
Joe smiled. Nothing could distract from the thought of imminent death like these two factions' attempts at diplomacy. "Thank you, good horse." He grabbed an armful of hand-written dispatches from a basket on the horse's flank and kicked it in the face, dismissing it.
Joe had read through five dispatches, quite giddy by this point, when a +3 Courser appeared, panting and bloody-faced. "Lord Joe, there is no more room in the castle! We are being crushed!"
Still reading, Joe said, "Have the guards throw ladders. You can climb up if the angle's not steep. Fill up the walls and towers."
The courser looked skeptical. "As you wish."
After a few minutes, Joe had satisfied his lust for nerd rage. This round of communiques had been particularly entertaining--the parchment upon which the last exchange between Keshian and kasMVC was written on was actually speckled with dried blood.
He looked up at the castle. Horses stood all along the walls, upon the keep and towers, and filled up the courtyard. They bristled from every surface of the building like the feathers of a great bird. His four-legged friends had done well.
Summoning the rouncey again, he wrote out his own contribution to the diplomatic event: "Nerf cav."
God, Frisia was so cool a few months ago.
Am I right other Frisia guys?
Do you remember how cool we were?
Those few months ago.
Because we were really fucking cool.