cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: Kellshar_of_Wessex on May 05, 2011, 04:34:00 pm

Title: Cav build polearm/1h
Post by: Kellshar_of_Wessex on May 05, 2011, 04:34:00 pm
whats a good cav build?


6 power strike
6 riding
5 athletics
6 weapon master
4 shield
102 wpf 1h
133 wpf polearms
Ironflesh 2

I want a build thats good on foot for siege as well as mounted.
Also what horse would be best?
Title: Re: Cav build polearm/1h
Post by: Gondemar on May 05, 2011, 05:12:39 pm
Seems good to me. Maybe 1 less IF and 1 more athletics.

A thing to keep in mind now, is that lances are unsheatable. You'll drop them when you switch to you 1h weapon.
And they take 2 slots, but I'm guessing shields usable on horseback only take 1 slot, so that won't be a problem.

Though, lances have a penalty with shield, so if you think you can manage to fight without it, block well and can dodge arrow and range, a full polearm guy with a lance and another polearm to fight when dehorsed / on foot might be better. And you can have more IF then (take points from shield), which might help, and a good 156 polearm wpf.
Title: Re: Cav build polearm/1h
Post by: Kellshar_of_Wessex on May 05, 2011, 05:21:21 pm
so this then?


6 power strike
6 riding
6 athletics
6 weapon master
5 Iron Flesh
156 wpf polearms

Title: Re: Cav build polearm/1h
Post by: Gondemar on May 05, 2011, 05:28:16 pm
If you're good at blocking, and can dodge arrows and blots (or don't mind getting killed by them sometimes), yes. That, I can't judge, it's your decision :)

But I've seem a few good players with a similar build. Makes them good on horseback and on foot.
Title: Re: Cav build polearm/1h
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on May 05, 2011, 07:32:08 pm
I would switch the polearm a nd 1h wpf's. Put the emphasis on 1h weapons, because the lance on horseback doesn't require too much wpf, really. It's the 1h weapon, used on foot with a shield, that you'll notice the wpf difference with. If you wanna be able to fight effectively with it on on one, you'll want about 120-130 wpf with the 1h weapon.

I saw someone else post a polearm/1h build. The WPF was:
Polearms: 90ish
1H Weapons: 120ish

I myself put all wpf into polearms, and do as Gondemar suggests. If it weren't for the slot issues, i'd fight as a hoplite/cavalry guy, with heavy lance, shield, and spear.... but spear is 2 slots, alas.
Title: Re: Cav build polearm/1h
Post by: EponiCo on May 05, 2011, 07:47:00 pm
Yeah, I'd put more into athletics and 1h and also shield. Ironflesh is mostly a waste for horsemen because when you are hit it is usually some really heavy damage thanks to lighter armor and high speed.
For lancer horses, the courser and arabian (the grey one) are mostly the best, but I also like destrier and steppe horse for horseback slashing. I'd personally try to start with the steppe until you have 50k saved as it is so cheap and you can try out other horses when you find them.