cRPG => cRPG Technical problems => Topic started by: Zaalback on May 19, 2013, 11:51:15 pm

Title: Some stuff isn't included in the new server.
Post by: Zaalback on May 19, 2013, 11:51:15 pm
we are recently trying to make a server running for crpg, but we are experiencing this error ...

Game executable checksum: AC119DC3top\Bureau\MBW\Zaalback\mb_warband_dedicated.e
Pulling switcheroo
Library path: Z:\home\desktop\Bureau\MBW\Zaalback\WSELib.dll
fixme:console:AttachConsole stub ffffffff
                                         WSE Loader by cmpxchg8b (Build date: Apr 21 2012 14:14:29)
OS version: 5.1.2600 SP 3.0
Command line: -m cRPG -r cRPGZaalback.txt
WSE path: Z:\home\desktop\Bureau\MBW\Zaalback\
xeme executable origin: path (dedicated)
Game executable checksum: AC119DC3top\Bureau\MBW\Zaalback\mb_warband_dedicated.e
Pulling switcheroo
Library path: Z:\home\desktop\Bureau\MBW\Zaalback\WSELib.dll
Failed to create Warband process

Windows API error
Code: 193
Message: (null)

I don't know from what it is from ... :/ but that doesn't allow us to make it working :/
The server is running on linux as an information.

I'll really appreciate your help for this. Thanks a lot.

Title: Re: Windows API error Code: 193 Message: (null)
Post by: cmp on May 20, 2013, 12:06:55 am
You need to use the 1.143 dedicated server (
Title: Re: Windows API error Code: 193 Message: (null)
Post by: Zaalback on May 20, 2013, 12:10:45 am
We will try it thanks a lot. I'll tell you if it works.  :!:
Title: Re: Windows API error Code: 193 Message: (null)
Post by: Zaalback on May 20, 2013, 12:15:00 am
It's fixed :)
Title: Re: Some stuff isn't included in the new server.
Post by: Zaalback on May 20, 2013, 08:08:42 am
Hello again, sorry to bother you again. So we made a few tests on this new server and apparently it works properly :) without lags and decent auto-balance .
However there are some specifities of the new crpg which didn't applied on it .
Indeed we can block while kicking :/ , and also there Is also that issue with the hitbox of the dead bodies. That's all we spotted yet , we hope that we can find a solution to this , and as asual your help would be really appreciated here ^^.

Thanks again cmp.
Title: Re: Some stuff isn't included in the new server.
Post by: Zaalback on May 20, 2013, 08:49:36 pm
Oh and yea the server is unfindable in the crpg's browser after one hour up ^^ and disappear from there
So we each time need to restart it :D

Any help is welcome here thanks :)