cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Malaclypse on April 25, 2013, 01:53:32 pm

Title: [Item Modifier] Add option to remove armor + weight value from armor pieces
Post by: Malaclypse on April 25, 2013, 01:53:32 pm
This is a fairly straightforward suggestion.

Add the option to remove all of the body/leg armor from any given piece of owned equipment as well as all weight and requirement.

This would allow people of even the most extreme agility build to dress however (part of the RP aspect of cRPG) they like without any tangible impact on their character's speed or proficiency.

Any item modified in this way (by an option in the Items tab, probably) could never be traded in it's modified form. Unsure whether returning them to original stats should be disallowed but can't see much reason why not as the price paid for said item is the same.

Issues I can see people raising:

They don't expect someone in heavy armor to take 1 hit.
They don't expect someone in heavy armor to run fast despite losing all protection afforded by said armor.
They don't want people to have the option to dress their character however they want if they have less than 16 STR (max requirement for armor).
Title: Re: [Item Modifier] Add option to remove armor + weight value from armor pieces
Post by: Jarold on April 25, 2013, 02:19:09 pm
I can see lots of plate armour agi stacks running around now. Will upkeep remain the same?
Title: Re: [Item Modifier] Add option to remove armor + weight value from armor pieces
Post by: Malaclypse on April 25, 2013, 02:22:01 pm
I can see lots of plate armour agi stacks running around now. Will upkeep remain the same?

That's a good question. Really, there shouldn't be upkeep on it at all as long as the stats are 0 weight 0 armor, but I suppose as a compromise the upkeep could be set at the same level as the "fancy" dress up outfits (Rich Outfit, Khergit Lady Dress, that whole section).
Title: Re: [Item Modifier] Add option to remove armor + weight value from armor pieces
Post by: Phew on April 29, 2013, 08:16:21 pm
Um, no. Heavy armor should be recognizable as such on the battlefield, so that people can adjust their tactics accordingly (use pierce/blunt weapon, attempt kicks, try to kite, etc).

The biggest downside to plate isn't being slow, it's alerting everyone that you are slow.
Title: Re: [Item Modifier] Add option to remove armor + weight value from armor pieces
Post by: Panos on April 29, 2013, 08:42:57 pm
yes yes, buff even more the happy longsword agility nerds.
Title: Re: [Item Modifier] Add option to remove armor + weight value from armor pieces
Post by: Socalus on July 29, 2013, 02:02:57 am
Ah.. I replied wrong topic lol
Title: Re: [Item Modifier] Add option to remove armor + weight value from armor pieces
Post by: Palurgee on July 29, 2013, 02:10:39 am
Pointless idea. What's to gain from confusing players?
Title: Re: [Item Modifier] Add option to remove armor + weight value from armor pieces
Post by: Malaclypse on July 29, 2013, 02:22:35 am
Pointless idea. What's to gain from confusing players?

Freedom from stat based considerations when attempting to role play a character.  The ability to have your avatar look as you desire without having to accept the weight and protection tied with some appearances. That was basically my idea in making the suggestion, and the only other one I could think of along the same lines would be simply to remove the difficulty of all armors. Not sure why this thread was bumped like three months after the last post in it.