cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Turboflex on April 09, 2013, 04:58:16 pm

Title: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Turboflex on April 09, 2013, 04:58:16 pm
New 30 slot server is up. Will be set to duel by default so there's a place to go say if there's a ton of strat battles going on but the main use is a clan scrimmage/practice server.

If you want to book it for a practice or scrimmage message me or BlackWhite.

Raven_BlackWhite (steam: the_jesus, forum: killenstein_JR)
Raven_Turboflex (steam: Turboflex)
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server
Post by: Wesleysnipes on April 09, 2013, 06:01:56 pm
Very exited to practice some clan battles. I would be happy to help fund this server.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server
Post by: Sir_Mahtin on April 09, 2013, 06:12:48 pm
time to organize some clan battles huh turbo. An option for an NA Clan Elimination Tourney? Finally EU wont be the only ones hosting tourneys
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server
Post by: Turboflex on April 09, 2013, 07:19:40 pm
glad to see some interest, we had a server up last year and nobody really used it.

a clan tournament would definitely be pretty cool. If anyone has any ideas on format feel free to suggest.

team size? cav limits? gear limits (maybe a cap on gear value per person)?
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: oohillac on April 09, 2013, 07:23:58 pm
But are there random bits of terrain for you to shieldwall around?

I may PM you guys for a scrim, I'll chat with the Fallens about it.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Hobb on April 09, 2013, 07:36:23 pm
glad to see some interest, we had a server up last year and nobody really used it.

a clan tournament would definitely be pretty cool. If anyone has any ideas on format feel free to suggest.

team size? cav limits? gear limits (maybe a cap on gear value per person)?

Yeah cuz digglez made you ask 2weeks ahead of time, pay a bunch of gold, and not involve a clan he didnt like.

But we should do some small team clan v clans, since strat sucks ass and all.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Sir_Mahtin on April 09, 2013, 07:51:17 pm
I second hobb.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: WeeBo on April 09, 2013, 08:30:11 pm
This is great! How do you feel about a scrim with The Remnants?
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: oprah_winfrey on April 09, 2013, 09:09:54 pm
Does your server have the modified turn rates?
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Turboflex on April 09, 2013, 09:59:00 pm
BlackWhite will have to comment on settings. He's spent the last 5 days trying to get it running properly, apparently it's a lot more complicated now with WSE so everyone give him some props.

This is great! How do you feel about a scrim with The Remnants?

Sure, just trying to figure out our best availability times,
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: BlackWhite on April 09, 2013, 11:02:23 pm
Does your server have the modified turn rates?

Not sure, if it is included in WSE2 yes.  If not no.  Not going to tie this in to the database, just make a scrimmage/practice server.

This is great! How do you feel about a scrim with The Remnants?

Of course man. 
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Jack1 on April 09, 2013, 11:18:18 pm
Just a sugjestion: for a clan tourney

If 8 or more: simple tree/bracket style play. The ones who applied earlier get the free passes, such as a 10 clan tourney: last four to apply get 1v1 so it turns into a simple 8 bracket.

If below 8 do round robin, you face every other entered clan once for X rounds each.
After, count up the won and lost rounds to find the winner
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Turboflex on April 11, 2013, 09:09:13 pm
can a forum mod please move this to server info forum?
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: BlackWhite on April 14, 2013, 09:21:25 am
Will be having a Raven Vs. TkoV Scrimmage on Monday around 8 EST. 
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Mae. on April 14, 2013, 07:05:46 pm
so applicants get to participate, right :3
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: BlackWhite on April 15, 2013, 12:54:21 am
Possibly.  We will have to come up with a roster. 

Have one of your guys message me who wants to be your guys scrimmage POC. so we can start working something out.

p.s. I'm new
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: BaleOhay on April 15, 2013, 02:57:05 am
I will have to see if I can find 10 FCC for a team. You guys doing Melee only or a mixed bag?

I am sure there is betting involved................
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Turboflex on April 15, 2013, 06:12:22 pm
atm we wanna do a lot of scrimmages to test out rulesets for upcoming NA clan tourneys / league so everything is on the table.

contact Hobb also he is heavily involved and Im sure would be up for scrimming with TKoV.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: BaleOhay on April 15, 2013, 06:37:48 pm
If you do not mind us having a few dickless ranged and cav we can field a pretty scary crew of 10. to fight with.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: BlackWhite on April 16, 2013, 05:00:13 am
Good fun on the scrimmage tonight.  Sucks it got cut short, have to plan around strat a little bit better in the future.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: BaleOhay on April 16, 2013, 05:50:52 am
Can we keep a score sheet on the first page. Be interesting to see who is beating who.

Kesh I know you are on the forums 24/7 Get some of the FCC together and challenge someone!!!

Who wants a piece?
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: Malaclypse on April 16, 2013, 06:11:57 am
Not sure how much I'm at liberty to say from the secret KKK teamspeak meeting tonight, but we got some basic ground rules hammered out I think. I'll leave Hobb or one of the Raven guys to talk more about those.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: LordLargos on April 16, 2013, 06:47:42 am
Clan tournaments for NA?
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: MrShine on April 16, 2013, 06:51:40 am
Clan tournaments for NA?

tournaments & weekly events are the plan

also mala I think we can spread the news but an official thread is going to be worked on as well

and if we aren't supposed to spill the beans....oops I already did it anyway in our faction thread  :shock:
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: BlackWhite on April 21, 2013, 01:30:17 am
So far we have scrimmaged Tkov for 2 maps and Frisians (kinda) for like a map and a half.  Damn strategus bs getting in the way all the time.

Seriously though, if you guys would like to scrimmage Raven or anybody else for that matter get with me on steam "THE_jesus" or most anybody in our ts can help you.  Also if you would like to scrimmage someone other than Raven let me know so I can work on getting you admin rights before the match starts.

P.S. Still waiting for Tom Cruise to post his picture for the scrimmage league.
Title: Re: Ravens of Valhalla - New NA Duel / Scrimmage server (+ tournament discussion)
Post by: MrShine on April 21, 2013, 04:51:27 am
P.S. Still waiting for Tom Cruise to post his picture for the scrimmage league.

Step 1: Click on my sig
Step 2: ???
Step 3: See that the thread is in the event section and despair