Other Games => ... and all the other things floating around out there => Topic started by: Dexxtaa on April 07, 2013, 02:18:44 am

Title: Warframe
Post by: Dexxtaa on April 07, 2013, 02:18:44 am
Get it, nerds.

EDIT: Because everyone is being a puutie:

In my words!

Warframe is a coop game (up to 4 people) that allows you to be a techno space samurai (complete with taiko music and fucking badassery).

It's PvE, so if you have a thing for beating your friends' skulls to the point of caving in, then this game may not for you. If you have a thing for beating the shit out of hordes of enemies with your friends, then this game may be for you. If you like sabotaging your teammates in order for them to get their heads bashed in, this game may not be for you. But if you like sabotaging your teammates and switch teleport positions as they hit the switch to a long ass elevator so that you get on the thing, but they don't, then this game may be for you.

The games have a random element (environmental dangers, enemy incursions leading to 3 way combat), but the most interesting thing for me is that each type of level is randomly generated with "tiles." Think about L4D2, and how it has random loot generation. Now extrapolate that to the level design, and now you get massive fucking levels for you to shit your pants with (don't worry, there are markers that point towards the end, so if you're like myself and Rhuell who are chronic looters, you know which way to not go).

There is no "tech tree" because fuck that, that's gayer than gay porn. Instead, your 'frame, weapons and character level separately based on "affinity." Your character levels by using your shit. And your shit levels by being used like the dirty hookers they are. As your 'frame and weapons see more use, they will get more "mod capacity," which allows you to stack more mods (in the form of cards), which account for all the damage you do. So fuck Pay2Win, more like Play2Win. You can get shit for irl money, but honestly, if you're on this forum, we all know you have way too much time on your hands anyway, so just fucking play the game and don't shell out cash when you can shell out boolits.

The mods themselves can be improved via "fusion." Contrary to what this implies, the process involves picking a base card that you want to "fuse (read: upgrade)," so you're not actually joining cards to become better, you're picking a base card and using other cards to be assimilated into the card that's basically your best (and only) friend.

You can buy new shit in the market, but they're fucking expensive. This game really pushes being a handyman, so you have to go around beating people to death, to finally acquire a blueprint, which you will then use to bring together the parts for a weapon or new frame. There's a build time, so don't jizz your pants too early. No one ever wins in those situations. Very few level restrictions for weapons and frames, but most of the time you don't get the right stuff because you just got the shit beaten out of you by the latest badmy old friendMcShitShow that came rolling around the corner.

REGARDING WARFRAMES, when you first start, there are three 'frames to choose from. Excalibur, Loki, and Mag.

Since I'm distinctly aware which forum I'm on, hence what player base I'm speaking to, I'll just cover Excalibur.

Excal is a machine. Good balance of hack n' slash and defensive ability. But since we all know that cRPG people don't know how to use the block butan, let's not even worry about that. You will pres butan and things will die (for the first 5 missions or so, if you go alone). Don't listen to the shit descriptions that the games gives you. "GOOD FOR BEGINNERS etcetcetc" eat shit asshole, we ain't no begnerds.

The 'frame I chose, Loki, is focused on stealth and generally being a douchehead to people since he can turn invisible (for 6 seconds, keep your dicks in), and teleport (target restrictions, again, keep your flies zipped). And a couple other things that really aren't as cool to listen to. The most squishy 'frame in the entire game, you'll spend most of your solo missions backtracking with 30 people hot on your heels shooting until the cows come home.

Mag is the black mage, really cool warframe mods that give your caster some serious damage potential. Rhuell uses the Mag frame, and between me squealing like a bitch, and him doing all heavy lifting, everything works out pretty well.

Most of you shitties are going for Excal, and eventually Rhino (yes, Rhino is exactly what you think), which is fine. Since a tank is always welcome to do the party as you'll be taking most of the damage for us.

tl;dr Great game. Get it, nerds.


Snarky attitude aside, take a moment to appreciate the aesthetics. The use of bloom on this game is ridonk. But that's okay. It's a very visually appealing game, and I think it's really worth checking out. The HUD is minimalist, and you actually have to listen to your coordinator for updates on the situation.

It's in Open Beta, so give it some time to improve. The key is really to NOT grind, and just have a good time playing the game. I'm kind of churning my way towards getting the Ash warframe (yes, stealth based frame), and eventually the Banshee (support/stealth/info gathering role).
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: mofugga on April 07, 2013, 03:13:47 am

dont make me type words
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 07, 2013, 06:35:28 am
Lazy op is lazy (

PVE Co-op huh. Interesting.
I'd prefer a mix of both PvE and PvP, but whatever.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SeQuel on April 07, 2013, 07:34:58 am
Get it, nerds.


It's a F2P so I'm assuming there are microtransations obviously...what it consist of? I also heard it gets REALLY repetitive due to the farming and it's generally the same thing after a while.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Dexxtaa on April 09, 2013, 03:20:31 am

It's a F2P so I'm assuming there are microtransations obviously...what it consist of? I also heard it gets REALLY repetitive due to the farming and it's generally the same thing after a while.

Yeah. But don't farm. Problem solved. It's fun as shit, since there's a stealth element. But so far 0% of the cRPG people (besides myself and Rhuell) are able to do any of the missions without lighting everything up like the 4th of fucking July.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Dexxtaa on April 09, 2013, 05:08:24 pm
Since Christo is a puutie and beat me to the info punch, I posted a shit review which covers the bases.

Also, make sure you do the reading on Mods and polarity. That'll help stave off the confusion that will surely annihilate your mind the same way it did mine.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Vodner on April 09, 2013, 07:08:47 pm
In its current state, Warframe is really fun for a couple weeks. After that, the lack of variety in the content starts to make things tedious.

The 'frame I chose, Loki, is focused on stealth and generally being a douchehead to people since he can turn invisible (for 6 seconds, keep your dicks in), and teleport (target restrictions, again, keep your flies zipped). And a couple other things that really aren't as cool to listen to. The most squishy 'frame in the entire game, you'll spend most of your solo missions backtracking with 30 people hot on your heels shooting until the cows come home.
Be aware that you do guaranteed crit melee damage while cloaked, so if you have a modded out melee weapon you can slaughter entire rooms full of people while invisible.

Also, fusioning your cloak mod will increase the time you spend cloaked. Well worth the investment.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SixThumbs on April 09, 2013, 10:48:43 pm
"Heads up Grineers headed your way"

I'm pretty much done with this game after about three hours. Nothing else is coming my way besides Grineers and I'm assuming there's more of them two rooms over after I clear this one, I don't need to be reminded every ~5 minutes. I fought something else at one point but a couple rooms later it was Grineers again anyway.

The game isn't bad but it's thrown little variation at me in those three hours and although I don't mind figuring things out myself don't force me to "learn" how to play a third-person action game then not explain mechanics that make your game unique.

Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Vodner on April 10, 2013, 12:17:29 am
"Heads up Grineers headed your way"

I'm pretty much done with this game after about three hours. Nothing else is coming my way besides Grineers and I'm assuming there's more of them two rooms over after I clear this one, I don't need to be reminded every ~5 minutes. I fought something else at one point but a couple rooms later it was Grineers again anyway.

The game isn't bad but it's thrown little variation at me in those three hours and although I don't mind figuring things out myself don't force me to "learn" how to play a third-person action game then not explain mechanics that make your game unique.
There are two other factions; you just don't run into them until after you have cleared the first system.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SixThumbs on April 10, 2013, 03:43:39 pm
I found decoy to work just as well as cloak for half the energy coast, so far without fail the enemy has turned and shot at the decoy over me.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Dexxtaa on April 10, 2013, 05:06:54 pm
I found decoy to work just as well as cloak for half the energy coast, so far without fail the enemy has turned and shot at the decoy over me.

That's what it does. Decoys releases a 'high threat' rated decoy to draw fire. Some enemies will fire at you if you're closer than the decoy, and others ignore it entirely.

"Heads up Grineers headed your way"

I'm pretty much done with this game after about three hours. Nothing else is coming my way besides Grineers and I'm assuming there's more of them two rooms over after I clear this one, I don't need to be reminded every ~5 minutes. I fought something else at one point but a couple rooms later it was Grineers again anyway.

The game isn't bad but it's thrown little variation at me in those three hours and although I don't mind figuring things out myself don't force me to "learn" how to play a third-person action game then not explain mechanics that make your game unique.

It sounds like you're trying to play the game by min-maxing it, really. There is reading to be done on the wiki, and this is a simpler game than most. I love the mod system because it's not some dinky tech tree thing (they used to have it, got rid of it in favor of this deck system). That said, you should definitely play it to appreciate how well it plays for a beta, as well as how fucking sexual it looks.

Don't play pub games, cos most people are here to be min/maxing puuties. Definitely play with friends to have a good time together, or if you don't have any friends, play solo. I use the Loki warframe, so I like skulking around and stealth killing like a dirty ninja. Just finished my first stealth completion and it was. Da bomb. 

Also Rhuell, Ostulor, Finbki, Ashtre and I  (in different combinations, since one of us had to drop between rounds every time) got  an alert yesterday. It was about 20 minutes each since we had to drop a second time to get Ashtre's alert (which was on a different planet than mine & Rhu's). So we definitely spent the better part of the next hour screaming at each other, since ammo eventually got low, and the walkers started REALLY mounting on their spawns. Didn't help that the first time, Finbiki didn't have any armor piercing, so killing off the corpus was hard for him (had to rely on body shots, you'll get it eventually). Second time with Ash, he almost wound up dead in a ditch and we had to fight off a small ocean of corpus to get to him (he totally died during our next mission though).

It was intense, fun and overall a really good time. So either (a) you're not giving the game a chance or (b) you're doing it wrong.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SixThumbs on April 10, 2013, 07:04:24 pm
I think 3-4 hours is giving it enough of a chance and there doesn't seem to be a way of doing it wrong. The only appeal to the game would be the aesthetic and playing it with friends, the in-game mechanics are pretty sound too.

The aesthetic doesn't really draw me in because as much as I love ninjas (in space no less) and enemy alien space-marine/robot/zombies, it doesn't have the ultimate draw it did when I was a teenager. I'm running through the same corridors, vents, control rooms, and mining rooms in different levels and when I played the game this morning again to try it out I ran from one room, through a vent, and into a room that was the same exact room I just came from.

Playing with friends is kind of a moot point too. I had fun back in the day playing and watching single player games be played with friends, the more the merrier.

Min-maxing also isn't something that seems like much of a meta-game here. You don't have attribute stats except health and shields which raise over time from leveling your frame and things like damage, skill modifiers, ammo capacity, extra shields and health are random drops you're going to get over the course of normal play; why wouldn't I fuse the ones I don't use into the ones I would?

I haven't found any gripes with the shooting mechanics and the melee is alright if not a little dodgy from time to time but I guess my mileage for this one just varied.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Dexxtaa on April 10, 2013, 10:39:24 pm
I think 3-4 hours is giving it enough of a chance and there doesn't seem to be a way of doing it wrong. The only appeal to the game would be the aesthetic and playing it with friends, the in-game mechanics are pretty sound too.

The aesthetic doesn't really draw me in because as much as I love ninjas (in space no less) and enemy alien space-marine/robot/zombies, it doesn't have the ultimate draw it did when I was a teenager. I'm running through the same corridors, vents, control rooms, and mining rooms in different levels and when I played the game this morning again to try it out I ran from one room, through a vent, and into a room that was the same exact room I just came from.

Playing with friends is kind of a moot point too. I had fun back in the day playing and watching single player games be played with friends, the more the merrier.

Min-maxing also isn't something that seems like much of a meta-game here. You don't have attribute stats except health and shields which raise over time from leveling your frame and things like damage, skill modifiers, ammo capacity, extra shields and health are random drops you're going to get over the course of normal play; why wouldn't I fuse the ones I don't use into the ones I would?

I haven't found any gripes with the shooting mechanics and the melee is alright if not a little dodgy from time to time but I guess my mileage for this one just varied.

Fair enough. There have been gripes about the levels "feeling the same" on the Warframe forums (I tend to glance over it on my way to the update news section), and I'm sure they'll be adding a little more throughout the course of development.

The levels are actually randomly generated "tiles," so each mission - while it maintains the same theme to the engagement zone - the map layout does change, along with the loot possibilities.

As for playing with friends, I definitely think it's who you play with. So far I've only found one or two people I actually like playing, since they take the game around the same pace I do, and that really changes it up.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on April 19, 2013, 03:18:14 am
At first, the game is quite exciting, it has good visual style and space ninjas are cool. But then what SixThumbs mentioned happens and you get sick of it quickly. If you bear with it for a few hours, it gets fun again, due to new environments, enemies and finally a few cooler weapons that you can buy/craft, but after maybe 30 - 40 hours you have seen everything and tried all the cool weapons, so it's basically only grind after that to get better modules to be able to grind faster to get better modules...

It's still pretty unbalanced. Some weapons are plain useless (Snipetron, lol) while others are clearly OP (Hek). Also, ranged can get annoying, because there are always melee teammates that rush in and block all your shots.

I'm not sure if the current mod system works out that way, btw. I see them change the effect "skill" tree from mod based to weapon based, so that when you apply a level 3 magazine increase mod to a Sniper rifle, it will have a different effect than when you add it to a full auto rifle, not just plain +20% of base magazine size.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Earthdforce on April 22, 2013, 09:11:53 am
Haven't played Warframe much since a month or so before it came on steam, and even then I only played for about a week. If anyone wants a partner just hit me up on steam!
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 27, 2013, 11:00:07 am
I decided to try this game out, it's actually pretty decent, and fun with a friend, but I like how you can also go solo and mess up stuff.

I started with the Mag, loving the damn thing so far. Her skills are just amazing.

Also I just got an electric damage melee mod, now my sword has a pretty electro-effect added to it, sweeeet.

(click to show/hide)

Also Burston is the best thing I've unlocked so far. Modded it up to 75% crit chance atm, also got a piercing damage mod for it.
edit: nvm, I just figured out I can use not needed mods to fusion my stuff, just got my crit chance to 100% ohboy ohboy.
aaand I noticed that it only gets increased to 10% in reality. That's balls

It's ballin'.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on April 27, 2013, 06:46:08 pm
Yeah, crit chance is not really worth it on most weapons. Your mag looks a bit bland, though, you diggin the all-steel look? It's good that you got piercing hit on your weapon, btw, one of the most important mods for all weapons.

My Ash looks like this atm:

(click to show/hide)

Oh, the floating thing next to it is my sentinel called Floaty, the floating mite.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 27, 2013, 09:55:23 pm
I change the colour pattern all the time, but I just stuck with this one for some weird reason now  :wink:

After playing with my friend (we pretty much cleared Saturn area in one go  :lol:), I got some new stuff, but I'm a bit disappointed because I got pistol base damage, a frost melee attack modifier, fury that speeds up mah' melee, flow which is awesome on Mag, really diggin' it.

Spamming crush never gets old especially on those infestation things.

But all I wanted was the base damage booster for my rifle :'(
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 27, 2013, 11:43:27 pm

Really getting fed up with this bug when I can't use any skills or melee at all, I get "skill in use" when it's not.

Also the game crashes too often. Hope they fix these.

:oops: double post
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on April 28, 2013, 02:27:12 am
If you want good modules, do defense missions with friends and survive as long as possible, because mod rewards get better and better. Check the wiki if you want to know which mod drops on which faction. Serration for example (the rifle base damage increase mod) is most often dropped by Grineer, so Gaia on Earth could be a good place to get it. Make sure to get friends, though, because randomers usually quit after Wave 10. Oh and bring long range guns with AP for Gaia. Best setup is two Latron guys sitting on the lamp posts next to the reactor, covering the whole map, while the two others help with the heavies and mark modules.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 28, 2013, 02:47:36 am
Ah yeah Earth, I need to unlock access to our homeland (wtf we are the Grineer?)

I just bought the burst pistol, seems like I found a nice theme for my guns, and the blueprint for a future upgrade, the Kraken.
Will take some time to get all that stuff tho.

This other pistol will have to do until then.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on April 28, 2013, 10:48:29 pm
The Sicarus is actually quite good IMO. Dishes out good damage if you hit with all three shots of the burst. Haven't tried the Kraken yet. It's a good idea to get a sidearm that covers the other side of the range spectrum of your main gun, e.g. if you have a shotgun, get a Lex, or if you have a Latron, get a full auto pistol. This way you are ready for close quarter onslaughts and distance sniping (Lex is best sniper weapon in the game, btw.).
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 29, 2013, 08:42:46 pm
I got the Latron and the Cronus

Holy crap these weapons are amazing.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on April 29, 2013, 08:59:05 pm
The Latron is my favourite gun. I got it supercharged. It's a head shot machine.

The Cronus is a worthy upgrade over the Skana, but wait until you get one of the heavy melee weapons or one of the Sword and Dagger combinations. Or the Dark Sword is pretty good as well, although single target like the Skana or Cronus.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 30, 2013, 05:08:58 am
Really having fun with the game so far, surprisingly.

For me it's like Devil may Cry met Dead Space and Doom, cool stuff.

Thinking about buying a backup shotty just for lulz at the moment, and maybe for anti-infested role.

edit: Seriously, those god damn ancients are overpowered. I can't focus-fire on their damned limbs as I've been told while 4 of them are charging at me. Let alone defend the cryo-pod.

Solo is almost impossible with a rifle  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Leesin on April 30, 2013, 11:18:17 am
Could have enjoyed this game if the first mission it put me into made any actual sense to me, I don't know if it was bugged but it felt like it was just sending me in circles with endless enemies and the players I started with just left the game, got bored pretty quickly tbh, felt like I was playing a cheap Doom game. Game could be good but it gave me a horrible first impression.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 30, 2013, 05:24:26 pm
The marker you are supposed to follow sometimes messes up, it's not 100% reliable sadly.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on April 30, 2013, 05:26:07 pm
Yeah, the first few missions are not really that great. Also, enemies spawning in your back all the time is unfortunately seen as a gameplay feature by the devs. That said, it's still beta, so it can only get better.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 30, 2013, 09:10:42 pm
Seems like I'm getting lucky today.

Got Cryo Rounds and Serration finally in a row.

My rifle is out of control now.  :mrgreen:

(click to show/hide)

Hope it's not as bland as it was before. ;)

I find the lack of colors disappointing though, they should make the "classic" pack free at least.

edit: Just got streamline now, as well. Gotta love the infestation, their drop rate seems high.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Vodner on April 30, 2013, 09:36:32 pm
edit: Seriously, those god damn ancients are overpowered. I can't focus-fire on their damned limbs as I've been told while 4 of them are charging at me. Let alone defend the cryo-pod.

Solo is almost impossible with a rifle  :mrgreen:
Soloing defense missions beyond the first 5-10 waves isn't really something I can recommend, no matter your weapon.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 01, 2013, 05:17:36 am
True that.

I don't know it's probably old news, but if you jump and hit ctrl+E, you'll do a spin attack.

Now, if your timing is right, you can do this spin attack again and again pretty much, it makes you travel so fast, no run speed mod needed!  :mrgreen:

Also can be used to descend, if there's no wall to run on, or you're just all crazy.

I managed to do like what.. 15-20 of those in a row, but I couldn't feel my pinky for a short period of time after  :lol:
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: TurmoilTom on May 05, 2013, 08:45:51 pm
Whenever I try to change visual settings or keybindings the menus freeze and I can't close them, making it impossible to play. Any solutions?

EDIT: Solution found. The menu doesn't freeze up so long as I don't scroll to the bottom. Weird, but it works.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 06, 2013, 08:47:29 am
Volt's speed ability is pretty cool, you can run up walls that are like 10m high or more. So far, this is one of my favourite Warframes. Good shields, nice skills (except the basic lightning strike is a bit meh) and a cool look:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 06, 2013, 12:58:56 pm
Wish I could've started with that instead of Mag.

It sounds much more fun.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 06, 2013, 04:36:08 pm
reading OP´s text gives me adrenaline rushes and lets me immediately want to play this fucking game.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 07, 2013, 06:07:20 pm
Gosh this game is so addictive.

I really reccomend it to anyone that likes coop-shooters.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 10, 2013, 04:00:02 am
Space Knight:

(click to show/hide)

The crotch area of a lot of warframes is kind of weird.

Also, I discovered the regular Braton. MUCH better than Mk1, and probably one of the best weapons in the game. Very good fire rate, good damage, good enough accuracy for long distances (where Gorgon and Boltor are useless). I don't suggest it as first upgrade, though, because you will be sick and tired of the firing sound from playing your starting Mk1.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 21, 2013, 12:31:46 pm
Anyone here interested in doing some defense missions?Im really tired of doing those with pubbies, you just can´t go over wave 10 with most of them -.-

I need some for wave 20+

A Frost would be really nice(The Globe, yo).
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 21, 2013, 02:06:23 pm
I'm still leveling the Rhino, but Frost is next, if there isn't anything cooler coming in Update 8.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 21, 2013, 03:47:42 pm
Yeah, I was thinking about getting frost next(atm on the Rhino), but Iam not sure since they are both more on the heavy side and I might want a more agile, lighter frame next(I am definately getting vauban as soon as I have the parts, but they are really rare and I only got systems of him so far).
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 21, 2013, 04:42:30 pm
I think I am done with the game.

They'll nerf everything to uselessness, sooner or later..
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 21, 2013, 04:56:34 pm
I think I am done with the game.

They'll nerf everything to uselessness, sooner or later..

Yet you still play cRPG. :D
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 21, 2013, 05:00:27 pm
Yet you still play cRPG. :D

Not very often, last time I opened it was about 2-3 weeks ago.

I only touch it if I really get bored with what I got on my PC.

I'm still here waiting for the death of the multiplier system, looks like it was worth it.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 21, 2013, 05:08:57 pm
Warframe is still in Beta; Naturally they are going to play around with the numbers a bit.

What exactly do you think got nerfed to the ground? Rhino´s IS?Yes, but they look into that and it will be fixed in the next patch.
I can´t really think of anything else that got "Nerfed to the ground", except there are people complaining about Paris; I have used the paris a lot since the new patch and it´s still banging against grineer if you can aim.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 21, 2013, 05:11:09 pm
The real question is not what got nerfed to the ground, but judging from the avalanche it started, what else will get hit by the nerfbat.

I can already see snowglobe and link being rendered useless soon.

People and their whining in a PvE-based game is just hilarious.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 21, 2013, 05:12:45 pm
Well, some nerfing had to be done, considering there was a lot of OP shit like Nyx' Chaos or the sniper shotgun a.k.a. HEK.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 21, 2013, 05:17:20 pm
Yeah, HEK is still ultra-awesome though.

I think things will balance out like they did with rhino´s Ironskin: First the people who dont play rhino scream for a nerf, then the people who play rhino will scream for a buff, and in the end it will be something inbetween, which is called balance.If a lot of people think something is op, it probably is op.It´s just mostly not THAT op as Developers seem to think.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 21, 2013, 05:53:28 pm
I'd call that an unnecessary middle-ground agreement where nobody is happy, but whatever.

Now rumors tell Trinity is next on the NerfFrame list, because "Z0mg Link OP trinity OP!"

Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 21, 2013, 06:01:45 pm
It doesnt really matter to me anyway since it´s pve and even nerfed to the ground you can still rape anything with any frame and any weapon, really.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 21, 2013, 06:02:16 pm
I didn't really understand the nerf for iron skin, because in my opinion, there are much worse things, like Banshee's ulti. Rhino still has to kill stuff after activating iron skin, Banshee just has to activate the scream and everything dies.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 21, 2013, 06:40:06 pm
Yeah, they really need to put the cc-immunity back on it.

Also, they should add aggro-ability to it or make an extra skill with aggroing abilities so rhino can take the heat off teammates more and such.It´s the heaviest and biggest warframe, it´s like made for the job(Should just rerplace the damage stomp ability, that one is useless anyway).
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 24, 2013, 12:02:46 am
Update 8 with massive improvements and new content is live now :) Server is horribly overloaded though, cant veen access the forum imo or download the update.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 24, 2013, 12:10:25 am
Hehe, yeah. Two new tilesets sounds cool. Dojo building also sounds promising.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 24, 2013, 12:12:55 am
Iam really disappointed by the fact that there are basically no new main weaps besides the Vulkar and the ones that are not accessible for single players.

Really, 9 Weapons only accessible to clan players?Fuck that.

Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 24, 2013, 12:33:20 am
Actually, I think it's pretty exciting. We already have plenty of weapons, and the hidden ones are bound to be especially good. I prefer this to more Grakatas or Ankyrosses.

It sucks a bit that all the cool stuff will be a huge grindfest to get, though...did you see the screenshots of the dojo building primer? Tens of thousands of resources for a simple t-shaped corridor? OLOLOLOL. And of course, Forma, another thing that can only be gotten through platinum or alert if we needed more of those.

I am even a bit surprised by the sheer amount of stuff they included in this update. 2 tilesets, a warframe (2 if you count frost prime), 20 weapons, a sentinel, 9 mods, dojo building + dueling in dojo, polarize system...
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 24, 2013, 12:39:10 am
Hidden ones are ok with me; But why the hell did they make 9 weapons ONLY accessible through clan-research?This means I can ONLY get those weapons by joining a clan.What the fuck?

It´s a 4-player PvE game.Why would I want to join a fucking clan?

That´s just screwing over players who prefer to play solo.

In addition to that, most of the clans that are currently existing require ts3 and microphones and shit, which is the main reason I rarely join clans in games.So even if I wanted to join a clan and participate in that system, it is way harder for me than it should be.

But well, why am I ranting...It´s not like those things will stop me from playing it :D

As we speak about clans, some people here up for a fun clan?Despite my rant against that system, I have to admit Iam curious about it.Finally a way to gwt rid of all those useless resources I will never spend anyway!

/edit: where did they release 2 new frames?Only frost prime is new, Vauban was in Update 7.something
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 24, 2013, 12:52:10 am
Well, it was originally part of 8, they just released it earlier because the update itself was late.

You can join the clan i'm in, i only joined because a buddy wanted to check out the clan features. I'm not really a clan player either, so nothing is expected of you, except of maybe playing together sometimes. There's already another dude in who isn't much into clanning either (in addition to myself). Only the leader would like more frequent interactions, I guess, but well...i don't really care.

BTW: I think you can also do everything as a solo clan, it will just take longer of course if nobody helps you with resource gathering.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 24, 2013, 02:28:46 am
Watching from the outside, I find the forced clan content insulting.

Game is going in a very weird way.

Also no frost prime for me it seems, the whole Fusion Moa event.. I thought it would lead up to an epic boss battle in Europa, but.. this?

It is rather disappointing.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 24, 2013, 08:16:17 pm
Frost Prime parts drop in the Void, to which you can gain access by using void keys (which are random bp drops).
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: TurmoilTom on May 25, 2013, 05:41:25 pm
Yeah, I did 2 Void Key missions so far and I've gotten Frost Prime Helmet and Systems Blueprints.

On the flipside, I only started playing after the Fusion MOA event so I don't even have the base blueprint.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 25, 2013, 05:43:57 pm
It is not entirely clear if you are even able to obtain the meta frost bp if you haven´t got it in the event.

So good luck for you.Might be your parts are useless.

(I started playing after event, too, so Iam kinda disappointed by this)
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: TurmoilTom on May 25, 2013, 05:57:25 pm
The devs have already confirmed that Frost Prime BPs will no longer be available and that the only way to have obtained them is the Fusion MOA event. I'm going to hold onto the part BPs, though. Partly because 7k credits is so low and partly because they might change their minds in the future if they have any decency in their hearts.

Seems like a real kick in the balls to have these rare keys and then have the possibility of certain rewards that are completely useless to certain players. If I can't ever get Frost Prime, at least don't tease me with all of the BPs for his parts, geez.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 25, 2013, 09:20:32 pm

Seems like a real kick in the balls to have these rare keys and then have the possibility of certain rewards that are completely useless to certain players. If I can't ever get Frost Prime, at least don't tease me with all of the BPs for his parts, geez.

Well, that sucks. I have found Forma and a few special weapon bp parts in the void so far. There are lots of secret rooms in the void, and containers have a big chance to drop modules. It's worth it to explore a bit.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Micah on May 25, 2013, 09:45:34 pm
oh wait what , update 8 it out already =D
is there some clan from crpg folks where i can jump in and check out Dojo stuff ?=D
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 25, 2013, 09:51:11 pm
Well, the dojo can be checked out by making your own clan as well. If you want to see built structures, you'll have to join one of the large clans, because it takes an assload of resources to build anything at all.

You can always join the clan I'm in, but we are only 2 active players, so it will take forever to get anything done.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 25, 2013, 11:23:07 pm
Can you even leave your clan somehow?Oo I dont see an option for that anywhere.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 26, 2013, 03:51:20 am
Yeah, you can, i think you have to rightclick your own name or something in the clan window.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 26, 2013, 04:51:02 pm
Oh yeah, thanks.

I found my first void key today(Weirdly, as a 5th wave reward in venara on venus Oo).Since I just polarized my rhino for the first time, I´ll wait a bit before doing the run.But I´m really excited for it :)

Zagibu, Iam kind of interested in joining your clan(Since it seems to be a small clan if there are only 3 active players?)What´s it´s name?
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SixThumbs on May 26, 2013, 06:27:03 pm
After playing a bit more and exploring more of the market, foundry, and customization I think it's more fun then I originally thought. It slowly introduced more enemies and although it still feels repetitive at times the progression and collection elements of it won me over along with the spontaneous co-op online (when other players aren't frustrating me completely with their play-style.

If anyone wants to get some co-op going on just let me know, I move at a moderate pace when I'm not just trying to get a mission done and I've just unlocked access to all the planets, I'd say I'm about two-thirds of the way done with the missions. My steam ID is RetrogradeRun.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 26, 2013, 09:01:51 pm
Sure, guys, just hit me up on steam, I'm the zagibu dude with the Witcher logo avatar.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Micah on May 26, 2013, 10:35:25 pm
Sure, guys, just hit me up on steam, I'm the zagibu dude with the Witcher logo avatar.
hey man , i think i would be in too , was kinda hoping that there is some bigger clan of crpg folks xD but small is fine too and i think you are really cool guys ;P anways , gonna hit ya on steam later  :P
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: TurmoilTom on May 26, 2013, 11:28:10 pm
Okay, so some news.

Firstly, Void Keys can be gotten anywhere. I've gotten 2 from the 2nd mission of the game, M Prime. Secondly, it's been confirmed that the main Frost Prime BP can be acquired from Tier 3 Void missions, so hold onto any Frost Prime part BPs you may have acquired from Tier 2 Void missions. Thirdly, I cannot, for the life of me, get my hands on any forma. FML.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 27, 2013, 12:10:38 am
Yeah, Forma is extremely rare, I have found one in my first void run, but nothing since. I was also lucky to get a Reaper Blade in the second run, which also seems impossible to get for most people. The outrage is pretty big in the forums, some dudes claim to have done 100 runs (they bought key packs), and have found 3-4 Forma only and no Latron Prime receiver or Reaper blade.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SixThumbs on May 27, 2013, 03:54:22 am
Let's start a c-RPG base clan/dojo. I'm not sure what else there will really be left to do once I've completed the missions anyway.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: TurmoilTom on May 27, 2013, 05:32:51 am
The outrage is pretty big in the forums, some dudes claim to have done 100 runs (they bought key packs), and have found 3-4 Forma only and no Latron Prime receiver or Reaper blade.

Their fault for spending money on things that just got introduced in the latest patch that might possibly not work as the devs intended or as they themselves wanted.

Let's start a c-RPG base clan/dojo. I'm not sure what else there will really be left to do once I've completed the missions anyway.

Join a huge clan. It takes up to hundreds of thousands of materials and millions upon millions of credits to make anything for a dojo and you'll just grind yourself into submission trying to make that stuff with less than hundreds of people.

I'm in the clan Broframe just for the weapons research and dueling rooms. I've also managed to talk my way into about half a dozen void mission runs. It's pretty fast to get into a mission if you're quick to add people and volunteer when they come into the clan chat looking for some dudes to roll with. About 2300+ people in the clan, too.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 27, 2013, 08:02:32 am
Okay, so some news.

Firstly, Void Keys can be gotten anywhere. I've gotten 2 from the 2nd mission of the game, M Prime. Secondly, it's been confirmed that the main Frost Prime BP can be acquired from Tier 3 Void missions, so hold onto any Frost Prime part BPs you may have acquired from Tier 2 Void missions. Thirdly, I cannot, for the life of me, get my hands on any forma. FML.

How do you know what tier keys you have for the void?
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on May 27, 2013, 01:47:41 pm
It doesn't matter anyway, since rewards are completely random.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 27, 2013, 02:43:01 pm
I am very disappointed that a lot of interesting weapons are clan research only.

Flamethrower, ALL the corpus energy weapons (I wanted to try one so much u.u), etc.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 27, 2013, 07:32:33 pm
Well, it doesnt really matter once you submit and become part of the faceless mass big clans have become.

Seriously, you just CAN´T hold high standards with several hundred or even thousand members.Just apply to one of them(I am currently in the "Lone Rangers", which is a clan consisting mainly of solo players, there is only a loose hierarchy as far as I can see and they take everyone)and you´ll be fine since they do the research and so on.Just donate some mats here and then and you´ll be as valuable a clan member as the other 500 ones.

The way it is now, the Clan System is useless.It is impossible to impose any kind of real structure to a clan with several hundreds of people in a 4-Player PvE game and small clans really can´t progress because the mats needed for the Dojo are way too high in number.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 27, 2013, 07:34:39 pm
Yeah, I totally agree with you.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on May 29, 2013, 04:57:03 pm
Double post time;

Just did my first tier II void run, and got a Forma Blueprint.

Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on June 04, 2013, 02:42:28 am
Someone has datamined the mission reward chances, and it's not looking good:

The whole Latron prime receiver thing is bordering on scamming, if you ask me.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on June 04, 2013, 04:15:23 am
That is just ridiculous, lol.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: TurmoilTom on July 06, 2013, 10:56:54 pm

I did 5 low level missions on earth and got 22 drones. Really easy.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on July 07, 2013, 12:20:44 am
Aye, got my 24 drones killed as well, will do more tomorrow, I want that gun, looks great.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SeQuel on December 09, 2013, 01:21:47 am
Bumping this thread - Has anyone been playing lately? I picked it up a couple days ago and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I've been playing the Nova Warframe and Frost on the side. Farming in the game is pretty easy and not boring (in my opinion). Working towards new weapons that you want takes a while too but if you're playing a Warframe you enjoy it doesn't even feel like a grind.

Helps if you got a group of people to play with.

Edit - P.S (If anyone wants to try it out you can use my referral link (helps me and you out by giving you a 7 day booster which makes you rank quicker) or if you don't wanna use the referral link just google warframe.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SixThumbs on December 09, 2013, 02:03:54 am
I played a few hours a little while ago, I haven't really played much though since dojo's were first introduced. I solo'd most of the missions up until Pluto with a Loki but I think they upped the difficulty or I'm super rusty because I don't think you can really do some of these planets and missions solo now.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on December 09, 2013, 03:06:27 am
I play everyday, but they are releasing content faster than I could finish them off.

I only have about 5 or 6 primary weapons left in the game to level at the moment for an example.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SeQuel on December 09, 2013, 05:09:54 am
I play everyday, but they are releasing content faster than I could finish them off.

I only have about 5 or 6 primary weapons left in the game to level at the moment for an example.  :mrgreen:

Add me on steam 1acadia1
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: zagibu on December 09, 2013, 07:58:22 pm
I play a bit after every major patch. The latest patch completely changed weapon balance, and I still have no idea how to mod them in the new damage system.

And yeah, the difficulty has been increasing the past few months. Which is good, because before, it was very easy if you had certain weapons.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on December 09, 2013, 08:20:28 pm
Corrosive is pretty damn awesome against everything but shields.

Against shields ice or magnetic is good.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on March 28, 2014, 06:42:57 am
Necro, Warframe reached it's first year anniversary, here are some cool statistics.

Warning, it's LONG!  :)

(click to show/hide)

A big update is about to hit this game, U13, which is called "The Sword Alone" Its main focus is a total revamp of the melee system, and combat! You guys who were disappointed by melee might want to check this game again when it comes out.

Also there is this mysterious website, it's probably some reveal thing, is good. (
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Taser on March 28, 2014, 07:37:07 am
I tried this out on my old computer which couldn't handle it very well.. might try it out again. It seemed fun.. couldn't tell completely tho lol.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on March 29, 2014, 05:42:57 am

First reveal with some animation combos. Oh wow.  8-)
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SixThumbs on March 29, 2014, 02:05:24 pm
I played solo 90% of the time because of spaz teammates, although I built a Loki specifically to outrun everyone.

That being said I have about a planet or two left before I've finished all the missions (last I checked a couple months ago) and melee is pretty much impossible to do as soon as your spotted because you get shot up immediately.

From what it was when I stopped it was hard to play solo, the enemies took way too many bullets on my mostly fully upgraded Latron and by the time I cleared the area more would have spawned.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on March 31, 2014, 04:27:19 am
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on March 31, 2014, 04:45:06 am
Here's my little vid on the dojo parkours with no mods enhancing sprint nor stamina (
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 05, 2014, 11:29:16 am (

So Melee 2.0 is coming next week, the devs showed a lot of teasing about the new system and it's freaking amazing.

Charge attack spam is taken out of the game, the game will have a combo system, and a hit multiplier counter that you can maintain, and the more numbers are there, you'll deal a ton more damage. This is how melee will scale into the lategame, it's really effective!

Also there'll be a channeling system where you can channel your warframe's energy into your melee weapon, very fancy, this is all somewhat DmC-esque. But great! The combo system will be accessible via 'stance cards' that you can put on your melee weapon. THese are little mod cards that you can collect and change.

Melee weapons are getting major buffs, you will be able to equip your melee weapon in your hand, blocking is actually working like in jedi knight games with the lightsabers.

I'm hyped like crazy. My melee combat oriented friends, you want to try this out when U13 drops!
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 08, 2014, 09:59:39 pm
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Dexxtaa on April 09, 2014, 02:00:06 am
i haven't been back in a while, how is the game? I know the devs were mega-involved with the community when I played, I hope they're still as committed! That's what really makes a good game.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on April 09, 2014, 03:09:53 am
Yes, they are. Even more I'd say

Warframe won the MMBOMB F2P Showdown! (

Also, U13 with Melee 2.0 is about to hit today, might be soon!

Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on November 02, 2014, 02:26:01 am
Archwing is out.

Played it at a friend, really good. It's like an entirely new game.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Clockworkkiller on November 02, 2014, 02:42:14 am
Nice, I got about 250 plat just sitting around, is that enough to buy it? I'm too lazy to grind
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Christo on November 02, 2014, 03:01:51 am
The Elytron costs 275. (

But I heard it's not even that good, the one you can get from the archwing quest, the Odonata is a lot better for now. (

I wouldn't spend that much plat on it.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Mala on November 02, 2014, 08:51:12 am
The quest is pretty easy, only the crafting takes some time.
There is no grind involved like with the kubrow egg thing.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Chasey on November 02, 2014, 10:29:53 am
I hvnt played this in over a year, remember quitting because the grind for items was too long. Could anybody summarise what's changed or is there a webpage I can read or something?
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: Mala on November 02, 2014, 11:20:20 am
There were a few things.
After the Damage 2.0 rewamp they have changed the meele system as well. Now you can shift your focus to firearms or meele weapons.
Two or three new warframes were added and the UI was changed (lokks a bit like in Dead Space now).
The new UI brought a personal space ship as well and new tutorial missions.
Most of the new contend has involved a lot of grind (i have need ages for an kubrow egg, and the kubrow itself works only as money sink), Archwing on the other hand was quite easy (i guess the flight suit will be important later on).
And they have added a few more game modes, some conquest thingy, excavation (thats a variation of the survive mode), some missions with void portals, escort missions, hostage rescue has become a bit harder, archwing missions and group PvP.
Oh and a few more enemy types.

Overall it is still a lot of grind for better modules and blueprints or you take the short cut via real cash.
Title: Re: Warframe
Post by: SixThumbs on November 02, 2014, 02:27:03 pm
I've sunk a good amount of time into it although I stopped playing it several months back. I soloed most of the content but the last one or two planets are basically impossible solo if the mission is anything but extermination or sabotage.

A jetpack looks really tempting but for how much they've changed since I've played it's still a bit bland for me at this point. Although even a jetpack made a shitty game like Dark Void a lot of fun.