cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Adalwulf on March 06, 2013, 07:09:50 pm

Title: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Adalwulf on March 06, 2013, 07:09:50 pm
I would like to suggest making Italian Falchion 0 slot. Sure i'm a bit biased for the suggestion since last week I loomed it twice but for other reasons.

1. It's shorter then the nordic short sword by 11
2. it's shorter then the short arming sword by 11's shorter then the short nordic war shord by 11
4. and finally shorter then the scottish sword by10.

It's short in short guys. Please fix this.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: zottlmarsch on March 06, 2013, 07:23:12 pm
5. It's shorter than the Spathion, by 32

Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: polkafranzi on March 06, 2013, 07:24:55 pm
make 0 slot cos analgulf based his build around it.

my old friends jizzing too much on byz gear  :mad:
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: donib on March 06, 2013, 07:27:50 pm
Imo Grose messer should also be 0 slot
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Moncho on March 06, 2013, 07:31:17 pm
Please give this man some love. He has suffered a lot already, no need to fuck him even more.
Or make it 2 slots, and make him GTX. I almost prefer the second one (not if he will endure yet another slap to his face and adapt as many people fail to do, though, deciding to cry on the forums instead)
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Spa_geh_tea on March 06, 2013, 07:38:28 pm
Isn't it......really fast.....with high damage in swing and thrust?

I can only imagine every archer trolling with one of these.

Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Adalwulf on March 06, 2013, 07:47:40 pm
Isn't it......really fast.....with high damage in swing and thrust?

I can only imagine every archer trolling with one of these.

Not at all. Go look at stats it's 2 speed slower and not much more cut. Either way we have 1 WPF in 1handed.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Penitent on March 06, 2013, 08:10:09 pm
This is a reasonable request.  I support.

Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Weedmaster on March 06, 2013, 08:43:37 pm
When a 1h passes some criteria like 80 length / shield bonus / 30 pierce stab / blunt swing it should be 1 slot. 1handers with cutting swings and no special attributes should all be made 0 slot.
I have nothing against a 0slot costing 9000+ gold, but they should be 1 slot when loomed as to remain viable for pure shielders. Hybrids have a lot loom as it is.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Rhygar666 on March 06, 2013, 08:53:47 pm
Imo Grose messer should also be 0 slot
nah grosse is longer but weapon with like max 75-80 reach should be 0 slot, ofc only swords not the military hammer.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Pentecost on March 06, 2013, 11:40:42 pm
The Italian Falchion is short, but it's just behind the Military Cleaver (and now ties with the Grosse Messer) as being the strongest 1h sword in terms of damage. Also, unlike the Military Cleaver, it's extremely fast for how damaging it is and has a thrust.

How is it in any way balanced if such a weapon becomes 0 slot?
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on March 06, 2013, 11:54:43 pm
I would like to suggest making Italian Falchion 0 slot. Sure i'm a bit biased for the suggestion since last week I loomed it twice but for other reasons.

1. It's shorter then the nordic short sword by 11
2. it's shorter then the short arming sword by 11's shorter then the short nordic war shord by 11
4. and finally shorter then the scottish sword by10.

It's short in short guys. Please fix this.
Have any of the guys who + this post ever used the Italian Falchion? It's one of the best 1h weapons, really, REALLY, shouldn't be 0 slot.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Rhekimos on March 07, 2013, 12:04:44 am
Have any of the guys who + this post ever used the Italian Falchion? It's one of the best 1h weapons, really, REALLY, shouldn't be 0 slot.

It is a great weapon. I did a gen with it. But if the Spathion (!?page=itemdetail&id=6021) gets 0-slot, why not the Italian Falchion as well? The Spathion is even slightly better than KAS.

Or what about Scottish Sword (!?page=itemdetail&id=3194)? Rather similar stats, but one is 0-slot.

Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on March 07, 2013, 01:35:15 am
It is a great weapon. I did a gen with it. But if the Spathion (!?page=itemdetail&id=6021) gets 0-slot, why not the Italian Falchion as well? The Spathion is even slightly better than KAS.

Or what about Scottish Sword (!?page=itemdetail&id=3194)? Rather similar stats, but one is 0-slot.
The Spathion is clearly a mistake, and the Scottish Sword needs a nerf or an alteration of some form.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Rhekimos on March 07, 2013, 02:40:50 am
The Spathion is clearly a mistake, and the Scottish Sword needs a nerf or an alteration of some form.

That's one way to go about it. Right now the 0-slot status is given to random 1h swords. All 1h swords might as well be 0-slot.
If there's a logic with the current setup, I can't follow it.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Adalwulf on March 07, 2013, 02:57:24 am
The Italian Falchion is short, but it's just behind the Military Cleaver (and now ties with the Grosse Messer) as being the strongest 1h sword in terms of damage. Also, unlike the Military Cleaver, it's extremely fast for how damaging it is and has a thrust.

How is it in any way balanced if such a weapon becomes 0 slot?

You trying to say thrust is even useful at all? An archer with 1 WPF in 1 handed? I always and I say always bounce off like my sword is rubber. Please.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Pentecost on March 07, 2013, 04:15:08 am
You trying to say thrust is even useful at all? An archer with 1 WPF in 1 handed?

Not everyone who uses an Italian Falchion is an archer with 1wpf in 1 handed, and having a thrust animation, even a weak one on a short weapon, can be useful for when you're rapidly feinting or have a major athletics advantage on an opponent.

I agree with Zlisch that the Italian Falchion is one of the best 1h weapons and that there's pretty much no justification from a balance standpoint for making it 0 slot.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Dezilagel on March 07, 2013, 01:19:24 pm
I agree with Zlisch. The Italian Falchion is really good in comparison to other 1h and not deserving of a 0-slot buff. I use it myself.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on March 07, 2013, 03:10:04 pm
Not everyone who uses an Italian Falchion is an archer with 1wpf in 1 handed, and having a thrust animation, even a weak one on a short weapon, can be useful for when you're rapidly feinting or have a major athletics advantage on an opponent.

I agree with Zlisch that the Italian Falchion is one of the best 1h weapons and that there's pretty much no justification from a balance standpoint for making it 0 slot.
Stabbing is much easier with short 1hs too, so even with the 21 pierce and my usual agibuild I could still confidently thrust with it, and I was a lot worse at 1h stabbing back then than I am now.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 07, 2013, 03:53:30 pm
Indeed the italian falchion needs some love, i approve of this suggestion.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: MacLeod_ on March 07, 2013, 05:40:32 pm
Why don't you head on irc and slap one of the gm's around and see what they think? At least you may get some sort of shallow answer that might satisfy yall.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Radament on March 08, 2013, 04:20:46 am
was tempted to loom it cause it's really a monster 1h weapon (very fast/37cut dmg loomed) , i just preferred the grosse messer cause of lenght.
it's a no for me sorry analgulf  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Malaclypse on March 08, 2013, 07:11:42 am
Either way we have 1 WPF in 1handed.

Lol why? I mean, with 6 WM @ level 30 you could get 154 Archery 1 One-hand.. or you could do 150 Archery 50 One-hand. The bonus to min average damage is worth way, way more than 4 more prof in Archery, there's basically no reason not to take just a FEW points off and put it into a melee  prof if you have any PS at all.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Adalwulf on March 08, 2013, 09:42:21 am
Lol why? I mean, with 6 WM @ level 30 you could get 154 Archery 1 One-hand.. or you could do 150 Archery 50 One-hand. The bonus to min average damage is worth way, way more than 4 more prof in Archery, there's basically no reason not to take just a FEW points off and put it into a melee  prof if you have any PS at all.

for an archer his draw speed is essential. I use a MW Bow most of the time and I can get hit by a rus bow and still out draw his next shot and shoot him in the head. This is why I have  1 WPF in 1 handed.Draw speed is a must for archery.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: rufio on March 08, 2013, 09:50:12 am
You trying to say thrust is even useful at all? An archer with 1 WPF in 1 handed? I always and I say always bounce off like my sword is rubber. Please.
1  handed stabs dont bounce like they used to
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Malaclypse on March 08, 2013, 03:31:07 pm
for an archer his draw speed is essential. I use a MW Bow most of the time and I can get hit by a rus bow and still out draw his next shot and shoot him in the head. This is why I have  1 WPF in 1 handed.Draw speed is a must for archery.

Yes, draw speed is essential, but I'm not convinced that 4-10 points more in Archery is of equal or greater value to the 50-70 points you could get in melee for those same points instead. 4 more points has got to be like .05% percent faster or something equally minimal, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Kafein on March 08, 2013, 03:39:50 pm
The pasta cutter doesn't need any buff.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Phew on March 11, 2013, 09:05:01 pm
Devs really opened a can of worms with the 0-slot 1-handers. Where do you draw the line? Personally, I'd separate 1-handers into two groups; those with 'top-tier' stats and those with sub-top-tier stats. The top tiers would be 1-slot, the rest 0-slot. For instance, Italian Falchion is balanced with the top-tier axes, so it's top tier and should be 1-slot.

Spiked Mace, Sword, Fighting Pick, One Handed War Axe, etc are all clearly inferior than more expensive options in their respective categories, so they should be 0-slot. Same goes in 2h: Practice Longsword and the 3 cheapest 2h axes have inferior stats and should be 1-slot. Same thing in Polearm; the weakest forks, voulge, and maybe a few others should be 1-slot.

Then the totally crappy weapons (including the old 0-slot weapons like hammer/hatchet/dagger/etc) should get a "sidearm" slot of their own, so people can carry one for pure vanity purposes, or use a 1-slot bow with 3 stacks of arrows or whatnot.

Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: Jarlek on March 13, 2013, 08:58:16 pm
Devs really opened a can of worms with the 0-slot 1-handers. Where do you draw the line? Personally, I'd separate 1-handers into two groups; those with 'top-tier' stats and those with sub-top-tier stats. The top tiers would be 1-slot, the rest 0-slot. For instance, Italian Falchion is balanced with the top-tier axes, so it's top tier and should be 1-slot.

Spiked Mace, Sword, Fighting Pick, One Handed War Axe, etc are all clearly inferior than more expensive options in their respective categories, so they should be 0-slot. Same goes in 2h: Practice Longsword and the 3 cheapest 2h axes have inferior stats and should be 1-slot. Same thing in Polearm; the weakest forks, voulge, and maybe a few others should be 1-slot.

Then the totally crappy weapons (including the old 0-slot weapons like hammer/hatchet/dagger/etc) should get a "sidearm" slot of their own, so people can carry one for pure vanity purposes, or use a 1-slot bow with 3 stacks of arrows or whatnot.
This is pretty much my view of things too. Only thing I'd want to add to this is that there also should be more 3 slot items (and 2 slot 1hs). Making them slightly better than the 2 (or 1) slot versions, but thus keeping them for pure classes anyway. Do this together with a small buff to hybrids and we'll get much more variety and fun on the battlefield.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: owens on March 13, 2013, 11:31:37 pm

This is an old topic and idea but was overlooked or ignored by the devs it is worth consideration.
Title: Re: Italian Falchion 0 slot.
Post by: San on March 14, 2013, 01:36:54 am
This and broad short sword would be great 0.5 slot weapons.