We will take no such insults to our mighty faction.
The NAP with Crusaders was not properly canceled first , that i see as an afront agaisnt the good manners of diplomacy! For that reason i hereby cancel our NAP and consider you "hostile", If i would be called upon by my trusted allies i will engage on their side. As there was no grace period after a broken NAP, i don't see a reason to give you a similar curtesie. When we come for you we will just knock on your doors.Yeah...
Don't minus me, it hurts so much!
The NAP with Crusaders was not properly canceled first , that i see as an afront agaisnt the good manners of diplomacy! For that reason i hereby cancel our NAP and consider you "hostile", If i would be called upon by my trusted allies i will engage on their side. As there was no grace period after a broken NAP, i don't see a reason to give you a similar curtesie. When we come for you we will just knock on your doors.
I suppose this just means the anti UIF isnt disbanding yet and playing bic boi in strategus. You have just become what you have fought, its only a matter of time before all of you buy a 2nd cd key
I suppose this just means the anti UIF isnt disbanding yet and playing bic boi in strategus. You have just become what you have fought, its only a matter of time before all of you buy a 2nd cd key
This. Just come at us UIF-wannabes :)
Bah you people and your conflicts, I just moved here to Sarimish and all I get is a war between my neighbours :/
It dont matter Kinngrimm. I never wanted any long term relations with Wolves and your 1000 vasalls. Let's have some fun.you make me a sad Wolfy as i intended to have such a thing, well we still have a relationship it is just differently.
We could try to be UN, send blue helmets, we will just buy blue arene helmets or something and make negotiations and defend world peace.
you make me a sad Wolfy as i intended to have such a thing, well we still have a relationship it is just differently.
and +1 for fun factor
You knew that would happen when you attacked, everyone love me to much to let you get away with this. maybe...
As I've said to alpha this is what strategus is about and this is what i find far more fun than any of the shit that's happened so far this strat.What? You and the rest of the Eastern bloc fighting Shu Han instead of just you?
Stop being a prick you little jelous cunt :) it's RP, Chinese are always mighty, no matter what the side. Especially Shu Han.
No sarcasm intended. I'm level 30 :) even if we were both high level and the same class I'd beat you with ease. You are a decent archer, you still got a far way to go to the top.
Personally I wanted a mongol themed faction, but GK were already ahead of me. :(. Al thou we are Shu Han, that was before DK's time
RIP templols :P
War with mighty Chinese is not the same as fight against empty fiefs :P
Ah no Vovka. They are bringing their cavalry. Heavily outnumbered unfortantly :)Bagge on duty http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=JToxcNxED5I#t=111s :twisted:
That is one excellent post, sir(click to show/hide)
3 SHU HAN at Yalen, no one stoppa me?!?? learn 2 strat!
My sword & life are yours mighty Emperor Bagge.
It will be my pleasure to spit on Casimirs dead body.
panos will TK at least 1 of your armies on his own.
My sword & life are yours mighty Emperor Bagge.
It will be my pleasure to spit on Casimirs dead body.
Bagge on duty http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=JToxcNxED5I#t=111s :twisted:
Yeah Kinngrimm its nothing personal :) we want to have fun, and this is hilarious as 400-500 people are ganging on a 30-members faction ;)I gave you the benefit of the doubt in terms of you are being now your own thing, but as you choose to engage with one of the major parties opposing the UIF(not talking about me here ^^) you are also keeping that war alife for longer then it would have lasted otherwise. So staying under the radar wasn't an option for you it seems, yeah we know you do trade with DRZ and we didn't like it still we didn't engage, perhaps we should have from the beginning instead of accepting the Emporers new clothes. Lesson learned!
Haha, yeah Casimir, you are lovely indeed ;) I kinda did yes. Al thou some of you Anti-UIF told me that they had no intentions to gang a smaller faction. But honestly I dont care. I wan to have some fun and gain XP and some interesting turns in this stupid could war. Ler the best numbers win, oh wait, you do :wink:By this attack and also the screeshot above, we know you choose a side, so again you poor little puppy don't make me cry because you see now all coming for you ^^
Yeah, just admit that you have been living of Rogue and other HRE members. Remember strat 3, suckers^^ who cant let go now, but as it is now mentioned Nord_Bagge, this whole mmm we are now different and don't belong to those guys anymore ... doesn't that sound slightly familiar ? It seems also Strategus history repeats within certain aspects. You have learned well my young padawan.
... :) More colours on the map is better.that has my copyright, why ? because i am praying it since strat 2.0, but with the addition less big blobs.
... all shu han perma sign up against HRE in all battles ...not 100% true, i know for sure that i saw Byzantiums also on the side of Coallition on some battles, but it were mostly the same guys who were switching between and some were always on the other side, that but still is ok for me. As you said, we shouldnt take these things too seriously.
Anyways looking forwards to templars actually spending some troops, they are like the stingy person who never buys a round of drinks at a club....not quite sure where you are getting this from, Crusaders have fighted in the beginning of this strat alongside coallition in the desert, they did attack several GO fiefs and sieged a castle of them several times. Besides that i don't think Yalen area was a gift to them.
all shu han perma sign up against HRE in all battles
Also, jbotism what ever his name is has a point, all shu han perma sign up against HRE in all battles, then respond with 'dont take it so serious'. When the time to get fisted comes, there is only talk of the injustice of it, and alot of 'serious talking'. Its kinda to be expected.There is not any official policy on which side members of the Shu Han have to sign up and I have personally attacked Uxhal with HRE about 4 times. This is mostly because of my personal dislike of the UIF and what they did to Strat. Yet I have signed up a few sides for the defense with Grey Order and I completely understand why someone who is neutral would sign for them. Defending is a whole lot more fun than dying as lemmings for a good hour on the attacking side.
In all honesty I really think we need to change the mentality about mercing for factions, so signing up against a party that you are neutral to is not automatically a declaration of war against them.
this. too much hate going on in strat, which even made me loose interest in being in a clan : /
^ lol @ the butthurt.
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
We are not trading with Druzhina, we are using their free trade.And using Druzhina armies to reinforce your 200 man caravans with several thousands (8000) crates, and having the Druzhina member join your faction temporarily so he can transfer while the attacked Shu Han member is asleep, but yeah, that's just free trade, am I right? Totally not militarily working together, and please don't claim that BlackFist is a huge Eastern bloc player who Druzhina wanted to attack on their own.
So it's a crime to arrange so that my "caravan" is being reinforced?Being reinforced by those guys who you're definitely not doing any dealings with, and you're just using their free S&D, no sorts of deals or any relations, right? Also, don't call a 200 man army with 8000 crates a caravan, you guys yourself told Abay that such a guy is instead a greedy retard.
Being reinforced by those guys who you're definitely not doing any dealings with, and you're just using their free S&D, no sorts of deals or any relations, right? Also, don't call a 200 man army with 8000 crates a caravan, you guys yourself told Abay that such a guy is instead a greedy retard.
Because of this : I take my place to defend Uxkhal tonight
I remember Royans, Jackie and Teeth signing up on the opposite side a couple of times each. :P
Being reinforced by those guys who you're definitely not doing any dealings with, and you're just using their free S&D, no sorts of deals or any relations, right? Also, don't call a 200 man army with 8000 crates a caravan, you guys yourself told Abay that such a guy is instead a greedy retard.
...you have decided to attack empty Grey fiefs instead.ask Rogue about Uxkhal, i guess he begs to differ.
I personally sign up for both sides every time (except in cases close to home)...i take it that wont happen now anymore :lol:
What are you on about Kinngrimm?well i am *not much* of a conspiracy nut, but i like the constructs behind them. The seemingly not or perhaps even though related connections leading to certain conclusions.
Me and my best buddy again together :) For sake of our long-standing friendship, you always have a free slot in my roster. Welcome!
Just tell me, why you don't want to ultimately eliminate main source of your frustration. Just take everything you have, and solve the Grey issue.
" Noctivagant - I solve practical problems "
Prove it. Be a good friend and do it :wink:
ask Rogue about Uxkhal, i guess he begs to differ.
i take it that wont happen now anymore :lol:
All Byzantium fight for Nords *rmpf* ShuHan, you have no choice :rolleyes:
or is Byzantium now STR i am confused?
Shu Han is just Shu Han, it is just you guys who see any attack by another faction as a new UIF that needs all the map to be put down. Alas, we are not, we are just a small faction that is trying to spice things up a little. Go home Kinngrimm, the Crusader Alliance should be well able to deal with us on their own while the rest of you keep bashing Grey. This is the moment where the Eastern Alliance's lords should decide to make Strat interesting by not rising together against a new enemy which has nothing to do with UIF, instead of circle jerking for the remainder of Strategus without anyone to fight.
It is this decision that will either force us to be a new UIF or perish, or it will create a multi-faction, interesting Strategus like it always should have been.
you should've waited or found yourselves someone else to fight
Why wait when we have armies ready ? And also who else to fight ? UIF ? There is only 2 sides to fight on EU strategus 4 ^^so you are aware of the basic theme , 2 sides , you attacked one and therefor will be seen as part of the other, simple as that. It is not even a demagurg needed to say so. It is just plain logic.
You are right Kinn, i have nothing to say here I am completely out of the loop :Dstill funny isnt it :)
less talking, more crusading.
If you want to change the 2block strategus you have to start with yourself ;)i did it last strat, and faced pretty much the same dilemma as ShuHan does now.
Damn Templars reinforced their Caravan :cry:you have no idear, alpha please let em know :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh well let's have a good battle. Sorry for crap battletime, took 2h for me to iniate the attack for some weird reason.
you have no idear, alpha please let em know :lol: :lol: :lol:
someone maybe interested in buying a City? xD
People getting warned for posting anything here but jtobiasm not getting muted is slightly idiotic.
you have no idear, alpha please let em know :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am sorry to say that although the delivery men did come to my house they failed to give me my ordered food. This is unacceptable, please come back my special fried rice and crispy duck!
People getting warned for posting anything here but jtobiasm not getting muted is slightly idiotic.
this sounds dodgy :mad:nah, just i didn't want to spoil the fun for him to tell it himself, anyhow.
I think reinforcing veluca in the last 60 seconds of the time available is worthy of note ;)
nah, just i didn't want to spoil the fun for him to tell it himself, anyhow.
It was very exiting, Crusaders made it barely in time for reinforcement sth like 3 min before end. I was awake all night as was Alpha and fingers crossed waited as he wasn't quite sure if he would make it.
:oops: now i told
That then with the ongoing attacks on Ottomans after they sided with ShuHan was rather an eventfull morning :)
you are the man :D and alpha anyways, i doff my hat and salute you Crusaders
also Etrosq Castle attack, well done ShuHan, alpha was worried from start, but for a while i really thought we could hold that, at least we know now how to take it back right :)
Fucking hell Kinngrimm why are you attacking in the morning. It's ok that Corsair did it, cause it's Corsair, but you had a choice :cry:
Maybe it was hard for him to make rational decisions after staying up all night because of Strategus.that i can't deny, also as i said in the Action&Reactions (http://forum.meleegaming.com/diplomacy/action-reaction/) topic for that battle, that certain intel lead to a leap of faith, if we would have waited longer we would have missed an opportunity. Then again, i try really hard to get good battle times, my health atm isn't the best and i don't enjoy it staying up all night to sort out information tidbits from my mates at the frontline and then trying to give them good directions.
I'm not sure why there's so many EU battles in NA primetime but keep up the good work. Someone needs to throw troops away to fund my addiction to respecs.
...we vow to ...our fallen brothers!
Good luck with the war.
However the word unfamous fits more to clans which massively cheated the game what we did not do.
Generally guys who talked of cheat are not enough skilled to recognize the opponent talent. In this case we know that a better strategy and a better leadership is the best issue to win a war. You can be skillful but without "the art of the war" you re only an individuality assembly. That s the true difference in the battle ground.
All right I didn't make my map to cause trouble. Everyone marked red range from something simple as being a vassal to our hostiles to great war contributors and hostiles etc. And as I posted, "in the eyes of Ghuraba", which means its based upon our own view, which means some parts could be incorrectly marked.
wait wut? when did this turn into poor Chinese empire vs big evil alliance :D
You all declared war on the Crusaders
Wolves declared war on the Ottomens
afaik the battles have been between these people? I wasnt aware the mercs or fallen had attacked anyone
ahh so every clan that attacks a caravan is agaisnt ye :P
You declare war on everyone and then clain gangbang :D
might want to add drz and grey to your side as im pretty sure they are not neutral.
shu han declared war on the crusader alliance. you expect the crusader alliance to not try to wipe the heretics out? :P Your own declaration is of war :)
If you decide that anyone who trades or gives aid to someone you declare war on is an enemy then you will ofc end up warring nearly every faction by default :P
You are not a victim you wanted the war :D
they did not attack you. You however declared war on them :P if there is a gangbang it is your own doing
but when I heard hetman laughing on teamspeak yesterday I felt disgusted.
If you decide that anyone who trades or gives aid to someone you declare war on is an enemy then you will ofc end up warring nearly every faction by default :P
You realize we handed over derchios castle to them less than a week ago, think those troops might be to do with that?
by the one who created us, you may be vaster in number, more feirce in actions and may intimidate other, but i swear it we do not fear no army, no man and no tyrrants, you are brave now you have numbers, but remember this we have something you will never have, the will and spirit to call ourselves free men who bow to no man, who are not affraid to speak up in the face of oppression and injustice, we do not bow down to be dry humped by kingrim and co, we are men who fight with honour, integrity and justice, know this you filthly oppressors of a free Calradia, history will know the Great Shu Hans, Fierce Rice Eeaters, Fearless Byzantiums, Mighty Ottomons and ourselves the Noble Ghurabas as the ones who rose up and fought for a free and equal Calradia.
to all whom are still on the fence i urge you to join our cause the cause of a free and just Calradia, do not fear we shall be victorios either on the battlefield or in history RISE TO THE CALL OF A FREE LAND WERE ALL MEN ARE EQUAL, we fight for the freedom of all!!!
I think you just convinced most of NA to join the templars. U.S. doesn't want any more suicide bombers, thank you very much.
I just puked due to RPnerdophobia.
We declared war, but by the looks of it we will be victims of a great gang bang. Coalition, CFA, Apostates were never mentioned in the war decleration. They invited them selves into this war.hu? i didn't declare war on you, do you want me to do so? You have teh same status as has ShuHan, which is "hostile", don't cross CFA lands, don't make trades close to our parties and we don't have a problem. I don't think Crusaders would call me for help to take you down. They may call me for ShuHan though, but ShuHan will know that also when it happens.
...how the hell did i get on your bad side? have we met before?
kinngrimm bad
why not make drz and greys green then? they are as much friendly to you as the Coalition is hostile!
if rostering for me makes them my friendlies, then you have the wrong understanding what a friendly is.
What makes the Coalition hostile?
Before the war they invited me to attack Shu Han, They invited Risen to attack Shu Han, which they are doing now. And it's pretty much garantueed that they would attack me if I was to go close to any of their armies or fiefs, I will not go into details why they would attack me.
if rostering for me makes them my friendlies, then you have the wrong understanding what a friendly is.
So I also expect
Neutral Coalition/CFA/Apostates who were trying to be at war with everyone will help Crusader Alliance with the excuse of :
-We have to defend ourselves to some of the UIF-like factions (Such as Shu Han)
-Templars will have a chance to recover themselves
Black Fists attacked Shu Han caravans.Shu Han themselves have stated that they don't consider attacking a 100ish man army with several thousand crates a real hostile act.
either way i guess your the victims of the evil empire! I mean its not like your allies the UIF were mass banned for cheating :D (couldnt resist) yes we are oh so evil and so we shall crusade you into the dust knave!Pretty sure all current UIF strat players (unless they bought new keys) weren't banned for cheating, Mustikki once banned a grey player midbattle who had managed to attach himself to an Eastern spawningtent thing, pretty sure one Kapikulu got banned for multiaccounting this strat (pretty sure DRZ lost no players and Greys lost like 8 accounts and Union got like 100% wiped), last strat most of the Kapikulus were banned for applying and not showing up to an AI battle against them, DaveUKR admitted to once using some program to control another merc members pc for strategus, gingerpussy plays strategus on his kid and his wifes account, shitload of people including templars apparently abused some item duplication glitch in a past strategus, templars got known ex autoblockers in their clan, so don't call UIF mass cheaters, you're not really better yourself. And I was banned for one month for accidently triggering a bug in a battle vs wataga after which I fully payed them back and apologized, so I guess WPB is an infamous cheating clan of cheating bastards due to their main leader getting banned for triggering something by accident.
Well, let's just all hope I'm wrong and Coalition and Apostates don't get involved. They must have changed their minds then, because what I heard in TS the day they tried to make me attack Shu Han was something completely different.
And as I said, quick summary, mistakes happen.
templars got known ex autoblockers in their clan, <-- who would that be? and hell even mercs got ex auto blockers :P
I was just loling at the fact that we are now the evil guys and the UIF and co are the poor oppressed free loving peoples ^^
I was just loling at the fact that we are now the evil guys and the UIF and co are the poor oppressed free loving peoples ^^Eh, my general dislike of UIF isn't that smaller than my dislike of Eastern, however all of UIF has mainly stopped playing, and all of UIF isn't currently ganking a much smaller group of people instead of one part of UIF fighting the equally sized enemy (not claiming UIF haven't done it (did it with us and Vataga, also on some other occasions this strat, a shitload of other times in the previous rounds from what I hear as well)), Eastern is no better in any way than UIF, besides the off caravan by Druzhina (only seen one with 3k tradegoods in their terretory) and the off reinforcements UIF has also completely stopped playing, yet you feel the need to gank all who oppose you until you have taken all UIF fiefs, and after that until you've wiped every UIF player, UIF is dead, as it stands now Templars fighting someone else while everyone else in Eastern fights Druzhina and the greys wouldn't suddenly resurrect all UIF activity and have random 1mil UIF armies spawn all over the place.
Eh, my general dislike of UIF isn't that smaller than my dislike of Eastern, however all of UIF has mainly stopped playing, and all of UIF isn't currently ganking a much smaller group of people instead of one part of UIF fighting the equally sized enemy (not claiming UIF haven't done it (did it with us and Vataga, also on some other occasions this strat, a shitload of other times in the previous rounds from what I hear as well)), Eastern is no better in any way than UIF, besides the off caravan by Druzhina (only seen one with 3k tradegoods in their terretory) and the off reinforcements UIF has also completely stopped playing, yet you feel the need to gank all who oppose you until you have taken all UIF fiefs, and after that until you've wiped every UIF player, UIF is dead, as it stands now Templars fighting someone else while everyone else in Eastern fights Druzhina and the greys wouldn't suddenly resurrect all UIF activity and have random 1mil UIF armies spawn all over the place.
...as you would know ^^, atm we have only trade business down there, if a Vassal or alliance partner would attack ShuHan/Califat/Rice Eaters or resupply Crusaders it wouldn't be in a general consensus within the CFA.
but a lot of CFA vassals/allies around the south and they arent all caravans :mrgreen:
Odds are they (don't know about Apostates, have a hard time seeing Coalition not doing this) are trying to bribe people to attack Shu Han and funding smaller clans attacking you, which is a legitimate reason, however claiming that reinforcing a caravan (while drz also reinforced a Chinese caravan is a legitimate reason while not treating Druzhina as Shu Hans allies is somewhat hypocritical.
So? Just because you didn't start the war does that mean your 70%+ of the strat playerbase allies should join you? In my opinion whenever you're attacked if you never attacked the guys who attacked you before you should have an option to press a button and permaban your attackers from strategus then. Coalition has been paying clans and directly founding attacks on Shu Han (giving 1k troops to someone and in return asking those someone to attack someone else with those 1k troops is pretty much the same as attacking yourself), don't claim this isn't going on 100%, this is a gank and there is absolutely no need for this my old friendging out, like it or not.
We didn't start this war afaik i dont see much ganking from the battle list unless im mistaken as i dont really pay that much attention :P
I never mentioned Apostates reinforcing any caravans, which they never did.Sorry then, thought this was a reference to them (guess it was actually someone else then) reinforcing that caravan you were attacking, nevermind then.
Secondly Apostates reinforced the templars with 1.5k troops.
So? Just because you didn't start the war does that mean your 70%+ of the strat playerbase allies should join you? In my opinion whenever you're attacked if you never attacked the guys who attacked you before you should have an option to press a button and permaban your attackers from strategus then. Coalition has been paying clans and directly founding attacks on Shu Han (giving 1k troops to someone and in return asking those someone to attack someone else with those 1k troops is pretty much the same as attacking yourself), don't claim this isn't going on 100%, this is a gank and there is absolutely no need for this my old friendging out, like it or not.
Sorry then, thought this was a reference to them (guess it was actually someone else then) reinforcing that caravan you were attacking, nevermind then.
as you would know ^^, atm we have only trade business down there, if a Vassal or alliance partner would attack ShuHan/Califat/Rice Eaters or resupply Crusaders it wouldn't be in a general consensus within the CFA.
That may change in the future, but you would know by a statement from me here in the diplomacy forum ahead of it.
If you want to you can but try and proof otherwise, i would be interested myself.
You have lost the battle against Byzantium_BlackB_ThePimp [288]
0 of 0 survived the battle.
Your soldiers killed -19 of their 643 men.
Item Result:
I think you just convinced most of NA to join the templars. U.S. doesn't want any more suicide bombers, thank you very much.
Honestly, you guys should "stop wiping" UIF and just go ahead and flipping fight each other. SPILL BLOOD! BRING XP. Stop being pansies and just do what NA does, HAVE FUN, WITH DRAMA!I really thought that our attack would not get an Eastern Alliance respone and we would finally break the 2 faction divide. Surely Apostates and Coalition can resume the war against what is left of UIF and leave the Crusader Alliance to fend for itself. This would have been as good a time as any to finally break up the ridiculous alliance. They can't expect us to wait until they are done with wiping Grey Order and Druzhina, seeing as they have taken 3 months and are not even halfway.
And it's also interesting, NA is still a 3 block strat. FCC, VE+FImb(if still allied) other wise make those two seperate, and then a loose Coalition of HP, Hosp, LCO. Then you have the smaller, TAMDA coalition and Chaos.
What's EU got: Chinese, UIF, East....and one has "stopped playing" relgiously, so it's really just Chinese and East now. EU can never get over the 2 faction divide like NA can. Probably all the cheating that goes on over there.(NA isn't better, but at least the NA cheating is more limited and less common, usually it's primarly game glitchs and bugs)
If I only could have guessed Sarimish would be attacked by enemies, after declaring war on them. Maybe I could have saved the 700k gold I have in there and all the unprotected gear!Are they already ganking you? :shock:
I really thought that our attack would not get an Eastern Alliance respone and we would finally break the 2 faction divide. Surely Apostates and Coalition can resume the war against what is left of UIF and leave the Crusader Alliance to fend for itself. This would have been as good a time as any to finally break up the ridiculous alliance. They can't expect us to wait until they are done with wiping Grey Order and Druzhina, seeing as they have taken 3 months and are not even halfway.
Yet Coalition joins the war and the Eastern Alliance has become what it claims to be fighting, a dominating enormous alliance which roflstomps any faction that does not have a similar alliance. The Eastern Alliance is UIF.
Are they already ganking you? :shock:
I tried negotiating for new fiefs but nope no sucess.
Yet Coalition joins the war and the Eastern Alliance has become what it claims to be fighting, a dominating enormous alliance which roflstomps any faction that does not have a similar alliance. The Eastern Alliance is UIF.True! Hear, people!
which one of you is Templars?It's up to you to decide which side to join. Make the right choise. 8-)
Untrue, you were given a village by us.You can justify it anyway you want, but an 87 members and 26 fiefs faction, called for his 163 members and 32 fiefs allies to defeat 58 members and 12 fiefs. Not really how I imagined the new UIF free Strat.
I speak personally when i say had this war started just a few day later I would have objected to any intervention from other factions. The fact the attack was done by surprise, when we were in the middle of fief transfers is the reason I'm not surprised Alpha called in other factions.
It was clear we we're transferring fiefs, I had even directly stated it to a Shemaforash who came to apply for one of our battles. I was in a different faction and involved in the process of recovering another fief at the time of the attack. It was a cheap move, and one which has largely been ignored in the following shit storm.
I can't say how long this war will go on for, I'm not the guy who makes these decisions, but I am uncomfortable living next to people who launch surprise wars against their 'neutral' neighbours.
All right to all you haters who hate on my map. Coalition just sent 3k troops that entered Shu Han territory.6k
True! Hear, people!
Join UIF now to become new antiUIF and fight against antiUIF that has become UIF!
I really thought that our attack would not get an Eastern Alliance respone and we would finally break the 2 faction divide. Surely Apostates and Coalition can resume the war against what is left of UIF and leave the Crusader Alliance to fend for itself. This would have been as good a time as any to finally break up the ridiculous alliance. They can't expect us to wait until they are done with wiping Grey Order and Druzhina, seeing as they have taken 3 months and are not even halfway.
Yet Coalition joins the war and the Eastern Alliance has become what it claims to be fighting, a dominating enormous alliance which roflstomps any faction that does not have a similar alliance. The Eastern Alliance is UIF.
I'm willing to step out of our alliance.
I really thought that our attack would not get an Eastern Alliance respone and we would finally break the 2 faction divide. Surely Apostates and Coalition can resume the war against what is left of UIF and leave the Crusader Alliance to fend for itself. This would have been as good a time as any to finally break up the ridiculous alliance. They can't expect us to wait until they are done with wiping Grey Order and Druzhina, seeing as they have taken 3 months and are not even halfway.
Yet Coalition joins the war and the Eastern Alliance has become what it claims to be fighting, a dominating enormous alliance which roflstomps any faction that does not have a similar alliance. The Eastern Alliance is UIF.
Why? It doesn't make sense. Right now you can't do anything more than take empty villages or attack small faction. What you actually did the whole time? Your land is a result of voting at the start, and maybe even less :lol:
visitors can't see pics , please register or logina) why the fuck does that guy put the cable of his headseat under his shirt?
I m really upset to see how peoples who criticize in the past an outrageous domination(Uif gank time) and try to build a huge alliance to counter that use exactly the same tools now to justify their alliance in war against little clans . I think some guys are too serious about that and think only to win and take revenge about the past...They forget the fun of fair and balanced wars.
The worst is the guy who explained with lot of "points" why it s legitimate to attack tiny faction with huge armies and think he could give order about ennemie you could attack or only the timing.In resume before an attack he wants to be warned and that the battle start when he wants .
In reality this guy advice to gank a little clan like they try to do with their huge alliance.
Dude any advice read "The art of the war"...
Sorry, but it was you who teached us how to gank small factions. How big were mercs when you decided to wipe us, 15 man? And you needed to bring Drz and Union with you too.I think now me and Harpag are forced to make a ban list with names of bad person from ur alliance. And then run after chadz and every way annoying and threatening him, oh noes :P
You are right, attacking DRZ will lead to a very long campaign, but well, i rly would like to be lvl 34 again, just much more fun than low lvl :)
Also i really like the part where greys tried to turn our allies against us after you all went "inactive" because you want to see mercs wiped so desperately.
now something much more important than harpag:a) why the fuck does that guy put the cable of his headseat under his shirt?
b) where is the headset?
I think now me and Harpag are forced to make a ban list with names of bad person from ur alliance. And then run after chadz and every way annoying and threatening him, oh noes :P
the history goes on 2nd circle :P
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I think now me and Harpag are forced to make a ban list with names of bad person from ur alliance. And then run after chadz and every way annoying and threatening him, oh noes :P:lol:
the history goes on 2nd circle :P
All of this is the result of defender having too big an advantage... do something about that and it will be less of a grind.
For example troop cap in cities and castles. Or actually starving people by besieging.
We never had any problems with this ... :)
Yes, implement this after Coalition dies at the gates of Jelkala
For people who professed to want a fun war there sure is a lot of crying here.
(click to show/hide)
Gonna reply to the post later Tomas 8-)
Your boyfriend's from the east just arrived, the fun is about to begin.
You could not take Uxkhal from the grey's when they had 700~ body armors. We get why you needed the Fallen/HRE to come down and fight for you :)
Your boyfriend's from the east just arrived, the fun is about to begin.
You could not take Uxkhal from the grey's when they had 700~ body armors. We get why you needed the Fallen/HRE to come down and fight for you :)
You guys attacked a load of undefended fiefs, called it a war and then cried when we called in support.
Shu han was provoked by an attack from "a random who just joined the Crusader Alliance".. You started this war so the new great big eastern alliance could come down and remove us from the map.
I say good luck to you, and good day.
They were also allowed to shop in our lands.
Funny thing, in a war game everyone cries like a bloody pussies about being attacked. I thought that's the point of strat. Quit whining, make war! :wink:
You can justify it anyway you want, but an 87 members and 26 fiefs faction, called for his 163 members and 32 fiefs allies to defeat 58 members and 12 fiefs. Not really how I imagined the new UIF free Strat.You can justify it anyway you want, but an attack onto someone you have a None Aggression Pact, without canceling that treaty with at least a days grace period, but also "possibly" using information about fief transfer which was given i take it in a normal conversation and then afterwards crying that the alliance partner(CFA) and block partners (coallition/apostates/cfa) wouldn't sit idle by while one of their main members is taken down and you indirectly if only, help the UIF. *takesanotherdeepbreath*
Funny thing, in a war game everyone cries like a bloody pussies about being attacked. I thought that's the point of strat. Quit whining, make war! :wink:
When you attack a fief you can either make an assault (what we have now) or start a siege. The attackers must have as many troops as the defenders to initiate a siege. Once a siege starts the defenders have 5 hours to reinforce but can not reinforce again after that unless the siege is broken. The siege is broken if the attackers ever have less troops than defenders for 24 hours straight. The attackers can reinforce the siege whenever they want. At any point the attackers can chose to make an assault. They chose the time and how many troops they want to use and the battle will happen 24 hours later. All equipment is available for the battle and at the end all unused equipment/tickets is kept and not looted. The sieging army can be attacked in the field either by a portion of the defending troops or by another army. This is just a normal field battle but only 1/4 of the sieging army is used (the others are still watching the walls) and it offers another way of lifting a siege by reducing attackers numbers. During a siege any destroyed walls remain destroyed until the siege is lifted
I'll let people work out for themselves who is better towards small neutral clans.
strong DRZ army8-)
why don't you stop sitting back jerking off in your fiefs and instead set out to allout invade UIF?
@Harpag - remind me again how many defended cities you have taken this strat? Come attack Narra and then you can talk about how easy or hard it is to take cities. Could be mis-remembering here but didn't you give up on taking Tihr last strat because it was just too hard :P
When you attack a fief you can [...] start a siege.
His idea was decent enough, nothing not suggested before though and I do believe his suggestion appears to have some holes in it, in my opinion an essential requirement for any realistic kinds of sieges though would be adding some form of food system.
Wow, if your idea was implemented, it would be fucking awesome :o
Sounds hard to exploit too, because you still have to manage to have as much troops besieging as they have troops inside (need OP management).
When you attack a fief you can either make an assault (what we have now) or start a siege. The attackers must have as many troops as the defenders to initiate a siege. Once a siege starts the defenders have 5 hours to reinforce but can not reinforce again after that unless the siege is broken. The siege is broken if the attackers ever have less troops than defenders for 24 hours straight. The attackers can reinforce the siege whenever they want. At any point the attackers can chose to make an assault. They chose the time and how many troops they want to use and the battle will happen 24 hours later. All equipment is available for the battle and at the end all unused equipment/tickets is kept and not looted. The sieging army can be attacked in the field either by a portion of the defending troops or by another army. This is just a normal field battle but only 1/4 of the sieging army is used (the others are still watching the walls) and it offers another way of lifting a siege by reducing attackers numbers. During a siege any destroyed walls remain destroyed until the siege is lifted
- Narra has 15k troops in it(click to show/hide)
- Narra has 15k troops in itRaise to 20k in the city & upkeep will be 266 472 per day for attacker & 24 288 for def :)
- DRZ sieges it with 15k of their own troops
- With battles 1500vs1500 drz need 10 days with kd 1/1
-168144 g per day * 10 = from 1 to 1.6 mil for upkeep :P
The way I see it, from someone who doesn't really care about Strat:
- UIF stomp everyone Strat 3.
- Impossible for smaller independent clans to effectively fight against it in Strat 4.
- Coalition forms to fight back UIF.
- UIF get caught cheating and are somewhat banned.
- UIF retreat to their fiefs with what seems to be an endless amount of troops (I don't know, I don't pay attention to the map).
- Coalition make progress against wiping UIF.
- After UIF wiped Coalition (Eastern Block) will disband and we shall have small clan warfare, this was initial plan.
- Shu Han declare war on Templars (who are allied in Eastern Block)
- Asian clans come to help Shu Han.
- Creates another UIF.
- Postpones the War.
- Claims that Eastern Block are the new UIF.
The way I see it, from someone who doesn't really care about Strat:
- UIF stomp everyone Strat 3.
- Impossible for smaller independent clans to effectively fight against it in Strat 4.
- Coalition forms to fight back UIF.
- UIF get caught cheating and are somewhat banned.
- UIF retreat to their fiefs with what seems to be an endless amount of troops (I don't know, I don't pay attention to the map).
- Coalition make progress against wiping UIF.
- After UIF wiped Coalition (Eastern Block) will disband and we shall have small clan warfare, this was initial plan.
- Shu Han declare war on Templars (who are allied in Eastern Block)
- Asian clans come to help Shu Han.
- Creates another UIF.
- Postpones the War.
- Claims that Eastern Block are the new UIF.
UIF seems to become a word similair to terrorist and you are just fighting a war against terrorism. And i fear that you have seen the benefit of this cooperation you might as well keep it a bit longer, under the excuse of fighting UIF/terrorists.
- small independend clans join strat
- big templar block tried fuck them
- small clans created uif and uif fuck that block
from that time - small independend clans is myth and fiction (exept whom who just join strat)
each new block formed in the months before the start of a new strat.
strat 1 strat 2 strat 3 anti-uif suck hard
- ban, good opportunity for the offended boys to take revenge, and? the suck again under Uxhal wall.
- Shu Han declare war on Templars
- 5 man join them
- Now Shu Han (40 man faction) + some cheneese is a last hope to get a glorious victory for all that loosers
the end хпхпхпхпхпхп
If the wanted to expand territorially on the map they could have annexed DRZ territories, it was a war for the sake of war. I am all for it, but the timing is awful.Btw, the main problem of UIF now is not the hordes of our enemies, but the roster.
poor most gigantic alliance ever can't attack Shu Han and UIF at once, they need their entire bloc focused on fighting 40 Chinese people...
If you consider this as a strategy, which I believe you present it as macho crap, lemme tell you no army will win a battle at your command.Yeah, 89 Crusader alliance fighting 40 guys while the rest of the 500 guys keep on
Just saying it.
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Btw, the main problem of UIF now is not the hordes of our enemies, but the roster.
Those who ally themselves with men who attack harmless missionaries are not true men of God.(click to show/hide)
They then did exactly the same thing for strat 3, although some powers by this stage people had begun to align against them. We had our own agendas and fought both sides at different times.
*ahem http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesparticipated#!?page=battledetail&id=1972 :P(click to show/hide)
Yeah in 3rd strat we desided play alone not as uif but as independent faction and? FCC + all small NA clan + Fallens + others tryed gang druzhina :P
Nice try but once "FCC + all small NA clan + Fallens + others" were dead you still stayed together. Even once every single other EU faction was dead you still stayed together. Even after you guys publicly stated you hated playing on NA ping and weren't going to do that any more, you still stayed together.No, it was wrong for being a megabloc, regardless of its reasoning for forming, and even more wrong for staying a megabloc once those tasks it set out to originally complete had been done, and we both damn well know you're not stopping either, and you're using your huge gay megabloc for other purposes than just fighting UIF.
The UIF was wrong not because of why it formed (or reformed as you claim). It was wrong because of what it did after it had served its purpose.
- After UIF wiped Coalition (Eastern Block) will disband and we shall have small clan warfare, this was initial plan.Yes that was their plan, which apparently means that everyone outside the Eastern Block has to sit and wait for them to finish or else get roflstomped by an alliance of 300 people. UIF GTX Strat well over 3 months ago, and they haven't even offed Grey Order yet. We get one battle a day, sieging one fief a day at most. At this rate and with this success they are not going to be finished before the summer. If they put as much effort in the war with us as they have put into the wiping of UIF, we stand a very good chance.
- Creates another UIF.Oh we are very sorry that our 40 man faction is apparently able to slow down your 300 man alliance at wiping almost inactive factions. When I call the Eastern block the new UIF, I mean that they are a way too strong alliance, which forces any other small faction to either create a second alliance to have a chance, or get roflstomped. You are ruining Strategus in exactly the same way UIF did it, an alliance which you despised and are trying to wipe for that exact reason.
- Postpones the War.
- Claims that Eastern Block are the new UIF.
and why you all gotta yell on the forums? especially you tomas. you've all been doing this shit for years and all it has done is make this shitty community so hostile
The way you see it as a biased member of Coalition who is apparently unable to spot the backwardness of it all.
Yes that was their plan, which apparently means that everyone outside the Eastern Block has to sit and wait for them to finish or else get roflstomped by an alliance of 300 people. UIF GTX Strat well over 3 months ago, and they haven't even offed Grey Order yet. We get one battle a day, sieging one fief a day at most. At this rate and with this success they are not going to be finished before the summer. If they put as much effort in the war with us as they have put into the wiping of UIF, we stand a very good chance.
Oh we are very sorry that our 40 man faction is apparently able to slow down your 300 man alliance at wiping almost inactive factions. When I call the Eastern block the new UIF, I mean that they are a way too strong alliance, which forces any other small faction to either create a second alliance to have a chance, or get roflstomped. You are ruining Strategus in exactly the same way UIF did it, an alliance which you despised and are trying to wipe for that exact reason.
The way I see it, the 100 Templars are well able to fight us on their own, can you really blame us as a small faction to attack by surprise to have any chance? The other 200 Eastern block members should still be able to continue the war against UIF at a much faster pace than they have done so far. Create 20 armies, attack all their fiefs at once, for crying out loud. With the speed with which we were able to create a faction from scratch with 20-30 members makes me wonder what the Eastern block has been doing the past 3 months.
Tomas, they did declare war on Barabe. If you don't remember what happened, big brother Apostates got involved ;)
P.S, half of those you mentioned belong to Kinngrimm or something.
PS - The CFA is not the Anti-UIF. Some factions (Wolves, SoA and CotgS) can be considered as being in both as they were here when the Anti-UIF was formed. The rest are allied with Kinngrimm alone and nothing to do with the block as a whole. IF the UIF attacked them we would help because it was the UIF. Anybody else though would be nothing to do with us.So, let's say I attack random Cold Front vassal, so Kinngrimm declares war on me to help his vassal, so I'm at war with an Eastern faction, so in order to beat UIF the 10000 Eastern members are gonna fight us...
Also - 20 battles all at once! I thought you had more brains than that Teeth. At 90 mins per battle and an 8 hour nighttime those battles would take 38 hours to complete and that's if NA are kind enough to abandon strat for a day to accommodate us. Not something i'd like to try or have time for :PSigh, that wasn't entirely what I said nor was it meant to be taken literally, but okay. Equip a few dozen armies, attack 2-3 fiefs a day. That is easily possible.
So who ended up with the Barabe fief? Did Apostates come down with vast armies to retake the fief? Did anybody else get involved?
As far as I remember there was a fun battle in a short war that Shu Han won and then it ended. What more did Shu Han want from it?
Sigh, that wasn't entirely what I said nor was it meant to be taken literally, but okay. Equip a few dozen armies, attack 2-3 fiefs a day. That is easily possible.
So, let's say I attack random Cold Front vassal, so Kinngrimm declares war on me to help his vassal, so I'm at war with an Eastern faction, so in order to beat UIF the 10000 Eastern members are gonna fight us...
Yeah, 89 Crusader alliance fighting 40 guys while the rest of the 500 guys keep onattacking UIF with the several thousands of troops they've got lying aroundsitting around with 1k-16k in your fiefs while only sending out a few 1-2k armies like once a week and expecting everyone to wait a few years for you to finally beat UIF, is a much worse tactic than all the 500ish guys sending a few thousand a week (which are mostly just bribes for smaller factions to do the attacking for Eastern) to deal with the 40 guy faction while letting UIF do whatever the fuck they want (which is not really playing strat).
....and you're using your huge gay megabloc for other purposes than just fighting UIF.
I find it hard to believe anyone has respect left for the anti UIF clans except a few people drinking the Kool-Aid of their dear leaders. Every post here by Tomas and others just makes them look like insufferable cowards who suck at Strat, refuse to use their troops for fun battles, and if any other clan tries to use their troops against anyone they will wipe you off of Strat. Because like children with autism, if you even slightly disrupt their routine of "afk for weeks in between failed UIF sieges while we circlejerk about liberating EU" they go into frothing fits of rage.
Its not that we are 1 gazillion and they are 40 people, we are just not interested in fighting them. Otherwise there is a 20 member clan right next to our territory, we are also not interested in fighting them. As some of you might disagree but we are not burning with the passion of world domination. We have only one enemy and I don't see Shu Han as enemy, I see it as a technical difficulty and I'm not saying it out of arrogance.
Then don't fight them, don't help the Crusaders, don't bribe neutral clans into fighting them, just fucking don't enter the whole mess unless you're a Crusader or a member of Shu Han, you and coalition need to get the hell out of the war.
I don't understand one thing here, do you want us to steamroll people or not? In one post you indirectly accuse us as being wuss for not steamrolling and few posts later you accuse us as being dicks for steamrolling 40 player clan.
I'd prefer you either hurrying up (more than one battle per day, ain't asking for a hundred, but at least two or three, we both know you got more than enough troops) and purely fighting UIF while letting Crusader Alliance deal with Shu Han (not like UIF is on an offensive, so Shu Han would only be a slight pain in the ass to one side of your bloc and you would let that one side deal with Shu Han), or just hurrying the fuck up and allout attacking UIF with everything and getting it over with, or just fucking disbanding. I want you to either steamroll (and do it fast) the people you made and kept Eastern going to fight, and then disband, or just disbanding, regardlessly you should only steamroll the people you made your fucking bloc to steamroll, otherwise you're not better than UIF in ANY fucking way.
Wait two things : If you have problem with people who are forming up mega blocs why do you keep signing up for UIF then? this is probably the only round that their mega bloc have failed due to their technical difficulties.
I myself don't really sign up for UIF, if I do it then it is because I'd like some exp, like playing in strat battles on occasion (real battles not two 100 man armies with no ts, no organisation, and max 10 mercs in total), and know that a guy who has 0ath, 0ps, 0wpf in any melee skill and is neither an archer, a crossbowman got no hopes of getting into a battle while only signing for the group that can easily fill their rosters with no difficulties whatsoever, and even when I do sign then I myself lead a tiny clan, I don't have many friends in bigger clans, I know how it feels to lose things I should have won because I was not capable of getting a proper roster, and I do believe that considering mercing for someone a hostile act (somewhat depends on the context and the amount though).
You know what I don't even know what you are talking about, sorry.
Who put on repeat? :?I believe someone forgot to unpress it after Strat 1, just changing some roles every once and then. Not less entertaining than 2 years ago though
I never in my life thought i would ever find myself in agreement with smoothrich. but he's right on this one. we all look terrible when tomas screams at people on the forums.
Curtis - just because you find any sentence with more than 4 words difficult and consider it "screaming" doesn't mean everybody else does :P
I do agree I've posted too much here though. I'm Fallen_Tomas and i'm addicted to forum wars :D
Between Grey Order and Druzhina alone are 50.000 tickets that need killing, behind huge stone walls. Our last survey is already around two month old, so numbers were lower. But even then we estimated (a somewhat optimistic estimate) that wiping Druzhina alone would require 100.000-150.000 tickets and 75+ million gold. Based on average losses against heavily defended fiefs of 1/3 more than the defender loses. If anyone thinks you can really take a well stocked castle or city, defended by a player faction which knows their strat, in one go or even get consistently 1:1 or better K/Ds you have no clue about Strat at all. Maybe some people should take the reaility of the current Strat mechanics into consideration before they so graciously advise us with their brilliant plans how best to press the "I win" button.
Which leads me to the next funny fact. How many of you dick waving forum strategists have ever tried what we are trying? Taking down a faction the size, skill and with the resources of Grey Order or Druzhina have? No one, not even the UIF itself. Apart from the Strat 1 grand templar feast, which was pushover more akin to looting a corpse then fighting a war, all UIF ever did (with the exception of the DRZvsFCC war in Strat2) is roflstomping isolated weaker foes with overwhelming numbers and resources (f.e. DRZ&friends vs Mercs in Strat 3).
And of course there is the issue with the UIF running their trade and their armies with the help of organised large scale cheating. For all we know this has been going on for two years. Way to go!
The Shu Han issue is less black and white than our resident forum warriors make it out to be. After Occitan decided to go back to NA and the entire area from Yalen to Veluca was basically up for grabs without a fight, we warned the Templars not to grab all these fiefs, maybe except for holding the city and Marras Castle, not primarily because we are so kind hearted, but because they were overextending thereby reducing their overall efficiency and just looked greedy. We did help Shu Han set up in the old Bashi lands, talked to our allies to leave them in peace (some were a bit itchy about so many of them being former Nords), gave them the village we had in the area, told them they are welcome to buy gear in our lands, turned a blind eye to them trading with DRZ, after all we could not give them an alternative with our s&d already allocated, and made a NAP with them. Around one week before this war started I was talking with Bagge on Steam about future possibilities, we even touched the subject of the Templar lands, and if us being in an alliance with them was not enough to predict our reaction it should have been clear after this chat. We are still not hellbent on destroying you, but we won't let an attack on our ally go unanswered, not only because we need them against our enemies, but also on principle. We would be pretty shitty allies if we did not help after being asked. That said, like always we tried to consider all possibilities and entertained the thought to let you two duke it out for a while. Although it would have been rather unbalanced, and not in the Templars favour.
I really don't expect any of the resident heroes to even try to look at what is going on with a more realistic approach and a less biased black&white attitude, but in the end we don't really give a fuck about what anyone of you writes or thinks anyway. :wink:
Battle Map, Over Yalen Territories(click to show/hide)
More maps will be posted in the future. No drama over the maps please.
Basically, You have to grind out your gold to get your full masterwork armies together to attack UIF, who, admittedly, can barely fill their rosters so they have to accept whoever they can. While doing so, you allow no clans use any S/D of yours and limit clans not part of this group to using S/D from enemies because that's it.
Ok, First thing that UIF used to do. Check.
Thus so said the UIF back in the day. Who has ever attempted to destroy a larger(perceived though it may have been) down. What people fail to remember is that at that strat, FALLEN was in fact a second block(between Templar/Fallen) before the UIF formed. UIF and Fallen fought at end of 1, going into a stalemate. Strat 3, you guys would have NO DOUBT attempted this then if not for the fact that Fallen attempted to HOLD na Lands and NA clans said HELL NO, and drove OUT the Fallen leaving the UIF coalition down to CA, CFA, MERCS, and KAPI who all eventually migrated to NA, where they acted like immovable rocks and did shit all nothing(save CA).
Also I like your example from Strat 2, which was a NA vs EU war and an NA clan did damn good job holding their own against all mighty DRZ.(Ping matters, yes, but that's only 1 part of the equation)
BOLDED part: Well their we go. Eastern Bloc is UIF cause they can't do shit while not having 1 clan(who in your own words, over extended) fight their own war.
UIF has nice rosters. We allow plenty of clans to use our S&D, but when it is all allocated it is all allocated. Forcing clans to use enemies S&D? We should be the ones having an interest in no one trading with our enemies. Which is completely normal. You are not making any sense here at all.
Sounds like you did not play in the previous two Strat rounds. Our downfall in Strat 3 had nothing to do with your "NA pride". It was plotted by an EU guy from an EU faction and mostly executed by Bashibazouks. The NA opposition was at that time down to a single village.
FCCvsDRZ was not a EUvsNA war. DRZ had CHAOS at their side and FCC was supported massively by us, basically with everything we had to stop DRZ. Later on the Greys stepped in and forced a retreat and shortly before the round ended prematurely Nebun threatened us to let them fight FCC without our help or he would bring in all his friends. Again you have no clue.
I think can leave this one standing without any further comment, seriously please stop emberassing yourself. :wink:
Actually, Templars don't allow people to use the enemies S and D either. They put up gankers to stop NA to EU desert trade by attacking our players who wanted to use DRZ's s and d that is being completley wasted otherwise. Why? "BECAUSE YOU CANNOT TRADE WITH OUR ENEMIES." All they are doing is making sure less fun is to be had by smaller clans who need to risk shit to get gold. Hero Party would prefer to have 4/5 of NA painted our color to trade across vast distances like EU, but we are pretty boxed in here and the NA map is small, so DRZ was a great location. But it would be against these guys M.O. to allow anyone besides themselves to play the game.
No - we just don't let you trade with our enemies.I's not actually a trade since we have only 5% from each transaction. Nice bonus for upkeep maybe, but not a trade :) Anyway we have enough gold
I's not actually a trade since we have only 5% from each transaction. Nice bonus for upkeep maybe, but not a trade :) Anyway we have enough gold(because we duping it)to meet the end of the Strat 4
forgot the attack on Yalen?
I find it funny that Fallen members are posting as if Crusader Alliance are in their clan and that they hold sway over themWe, having common goals, strangely talk to each other and work together. A weird example of human nature. We certainly don't have sway over them, don't tell me we are about to be subject to another Hero_Party "vassal" conspiracy theory like a few months ago, are we? :lol: :wink:
...but in other places you try to be adamant that you guys will disband the alliance as soon as the Great Enemy of the UIF has fallen.I fail to see how the Tears_Fan_Club working together to keep like-enemies from reaching each other has any correlation with the future or lack thereof of the Tears_Fan_Club. If people have a common goal of worshiping me and killing UIF, then why would we not cooperate in the Tears_Fan_Club? The Templars are certainly not my Vassals, just part of my fan club for the time being, that's all.
But anyways disregarding that anyone who has a problem with Templars attacking us is pretty stupid, we don't like them and they don't like us so why should they let us trade through their lands?Common sense prevails! I give you a gold star and a hug for using your senses.
Which leads me to the next funny fact. How many of you dick waving forum strategists have ever tried what we are trying? Taking down a faction the size, skill and with the resources of Grey Order or Druzhina have?
all UIF ever did (with the exception of the DRZvsFCC war in Strat2) is roflstomping isolated weaker foes with overwhelming numbers and resources (f.e. DRZ&friends vs Mercs in Strat 3).According to my latest intelligence report, we got: Apostates, Crusader Alliance, Coalition, Risen already against us, the Wolves are just playing the fool with us, using evasive language, but basicly it is an all out war against the chinese block plus Ghuraba caliphate.
Actually, Templars don't allow people to use the enemies S and D either. They put up gankers to stop NA to EU desert trade by attacking our players who wanted to use DRZ's s and d that is being completley wasted otherwise. Why? "BECAUSE YOU CANNOT TRADE WITH OUR ENEMIES." All they are doing is making sure less fun is to be had by smaller clans who need to risk shit to get gold. Hero Party would prefer to have 4/5 of NA painted our color to trade across vast distances like EU, but we are pretty boxed in here and the NA map is small, so DRZ was a great location. But it would be against these guys M.O. to allow anyone besides themselves to play the game.
You guys need to have a massive orgy already.
Would help relieve all this tension.
I've been playing strat longer than almost anyone in this game. I was in the pre-pre-pre beta strat. Long before there was even a templar block.
I have no bone to pick with either side here, but when was this prepreprebeta strat? As far as I know the first characters to ever spawn on the Strat map were Growl and myself, for a set-up test siege.
...erm :oops:
Our downfall in Strat 3 had nothing to do with your "NA pride". It was plotted by an EU guy from an EU faction
... and mostly executed by Bashibazouks.not really, just used as opportunity to start the conquest.
The NA opposition was at that time down to a single village.true, but fully equipped and ready to counter attack any time. This is the Desert Alliance NA part we are talking about, no clue if the Northern NA guys really engaged against Fallen, i know FCC tried to bring reinforcements , due to upkeep problems that but was a small disaster i heard.
....Not playing that part ^^, we got just included into a war with Ottomans by Apostates while they can sit back laughing their ars off :D well earned if i may include, becasue you really played me well there :twisted:.
the Wolves are just playing the fool with us
Lol @broken logic as Bros are part of CFA and CFA declared war onto DRZ long ago and remember Slezkh Castle that meat grinding shit hole we took back from DRZ. Thanks for passwords anyhow.
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It's meant as a joke Kinngrimm. Jesus christ relax will youwhy don't people get that i get it ^^ jesus who?
i am too old for this shit -_-http://c-rpg.net/?page=charretire :twisted:
i am too old for this shit -_-
why don't people get that i get it ^^ jesus who?
dry humor anyone ... i am too old for this shit -_-
why don't people get that i get it
Strategus without killgrimm sucks :mrgreen:
Chong a !!!
I wanted Eastern Wu for my faction name but I was outvotted, still I found the opportunity to put the symbol of this kingdom in this topic haha :P Maybe one day we will find a 3rd member to incarnate the Wei ? :mrgreen:
Those who ally themselves with men who attack harmless missionaries are not true men of God.http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p25/Alarim/Scripture1_zps7601d32b.png
Not you Khorin :cry:
Did they promised you a land for your harmless missionaries ?
I had even directly stated it to a Shemaforash who came to apply for one of our battles.
http://c-rpg.net/?page=charretire :twisted:
no more weapon rack's raping
No kingrimm, no killgrimm... It's pingwin!!! (penguin) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:Wolfs_Pingwin
Looks like i will be leading our armies in today's glorious battles! Your morale will suffer hit in the face of such a stout and experienced commander.God wills it!
So did shu han inadvertently awaken the beast of DRZ and Grey Order, by making Eastern attack them Western Blocks seem to have gotten active!nope :) We will still sit on our asses. Btw, nobody from DRZ leadership plays c-rpg(only Strat). Some even stopped play Strat battles(like Nebun or Antip) :(
nope :) We will still sit on our asses. Btw, nobody from DRZ leadership plays c-rpg(only Strat). Some even stopped play Strat battles(like Nebun or Antip) :(
nope :) We will still sit on our asses. Btw, nobody from DRZ leadership plays c-rpg(only Strat). Some even stopped play Strat battles(like Nebun or Antip) :(
Then why is GO launching an assault on 2 villages(albiet undefended)?
Pretty new for me to hear that Polish clan Grey Order == Russian Clan Druzhina.
http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesupcoming#!?page=battledetail&id=2416That is in Druzhina territory if you didn't know.
That is in Druzhina territory if you didn't know.
http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesupcoming#!?page=battledetail&id=2416I should give him my respect. Ginger sneaked in the heart of DRZ territory & attacked one of our guys with a lot of stuff on him :)
I should give him my respect. Ginger sneaked in the heart of DRZ territory & attacked one of our guys with a lot of stuff on him :)You have to keep better watch the border and not to give ur respect to the enemy :evil:
God wills it!
The enemies will scatter as the tidal waves at the rocks of Gibraltar
didn't see or hear
Hence ninjas!
Hot news : apostates invade rice eaters territory and roam in jamiche forest! Kill those tree lovers!
It was 150k in the village and Macky was being attacked on his way down there (locked for 24h + random respawn). Of course we transfer it.
You say you are here for your own entertainment? Well, you shall get it, we can't accept anyone to the battle, and we actually have equipment in the fief. Is that the kind of entertainment you want? :lol:
Thanks, but no thanks for the potatoes. We only need rice, noodles and chicken.
Just a reminder, its bannable to attack you own fief when the enemy is about to attack it. This time you were only 2 hours in my way, so i don't mind, but don't do it for real :mrgreen:
I said i need a base here to operate, naked village is no fun taking, but i can use it to operate from.
Look who is talking, look who invades templars "for fun battles" and only takes the naked castle and naked villages in the attack ;)
Enough for the forum crap, ill let bagge play whatever role he wants, the big forumwarriors of mercs are sleeping :rolleyes:
Also, if there's no point attacking the Greys, why do you insist on having your gigantic alliance? I thought you wanted to bring down UIF, which doesn't even excist anymore, but instead you choose to attack us, cause you simply have realized that you can't bring down Grey or Drz. This just makes you a bully on smaller factions.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us
and the world will be as one.
Gigantic alliance? Even with this alliance I think we're less than 50 active members on Strategus...Yeah, every other faction than you guys got all their members active, totally.
I never said "whiny" :) I called you a my old friend after you said, "we will attack you because you are weaker than Drz and there's no point in attacking the Greys". Which reminded me when Mercs got completely gang banged in Strat 3, I never thought you were that much of hyprcrites to do so yourself.Mercs are hypocrites? What a surprise!
Yeah, every other faction than you guys got all their members active, totally.
Like for example UIF.
Shut the fuck up Zlisch, all I'm saying is. If Byzantium can average around 20+ players on EU_1, then they probably have similar numbers to us in Strat...
Shut the fuck up Zlisch, all I'm saying is. If Byzantium can average around 20+ players on EU_1, then they probably have similar numbers to us in Strat...
You are delusional Lizard. How can Byzantium have similar numbers to the entire Crusader Alliance, Apostates and the Coalition? :lol:
I only see Apostates in the area...
... Ottomans wanted to "help", but they didn't do shit but to fuck up. ...but but but they send 9k troops shiny to Grey Order, aren't those going down to help ShuHan as stated they would? mmm
Mercs are hypocrites? What a surprise!
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A bit off topic but aren't you a little too political for a developer Autobus? Even the blind and deaf know your hatred against Mercs especially the clan leaders.Is Strategus and M:BG the same game?
Lets say everyone except Dave.
Looking forward for anti-mercs models in M:BG :D
pfft thats like saying Crusaders is not Templars and SB it just has tons of Templars and SB in it :D
Ah, well sure if you want to use that comparison, but you are representing Crusaders. Byzantium doesn't represent Shu Han. I might be speaking out of my ass but that's how I understood it, it's a faction created by Bagge and it's purpose wasn't to collect every Byzantium member, it just turned out that way. During the foundation we had more Nords than we had Byzantiums, so you can take that piece of information and interpret it however you want.
A bit off topic but aren't you a little too political for a developer Autobus?I have nothing to do with cRPG and Strategus development.
why hardrada hating on me in strat battles
But we can't, on average we have around 4-12 players on EU1. Also you're forgetting that Shu Han is NOT Byzantium, it's just a faction that happens to have a lot of Byzantium members.This, we for example have Kratos.
Shut the fuck up Zlisch, all I'm saying is. If Byzantium can average around 20+ players on EU_1, then they probably have similar numbers to us in Strat...Mercs + Deserters pretty much always have many more players online than byzantium does, and I haven't seen there being over 20+ of one clan on EU_1 in ages (besides maybe mercs once or twice on random stf builds), and not all byzantium are in Shu Han, but ok.
A bit off topic but aren't you a little too political for a developer Autobus? Even the blind and deaf know your hatred against Mercs especially the clan leaders.Well, Autobus proved mercs at one point slightly cheated, so from your own clans general point of view he has more than the right to hate you, and so what if a dev is "political"? What's he gonna do? Nerf the builds you guys have? And besides that his sign even says he isn't a c-rpg dev... :rolleyes:
Lets say everyone except Dave.
"Diplomacy spam +20 points". Meh, am I not allowed to post in my own diplomacy thread? my old friend mods!inb4 mute.
Byzantium doesn't represent Shu Han. I might be speaking out of my ass but that's how I understood it, it's a faction created by Bagge and it's purpose wasn't to collect every Byzantium member, it just turned out that way.This is true, one day I just woke up in bagge's basement with a rope around my neck with some other Byzantines. We didn't know we were forming a faction with Byzantium. All I can hope for now is that my nails last longer than the rope. Fucking bagge.
I guess congratulations are in order. You have succesfully been holding Chelez for over a week, DAT INVATION :DDDAnother great victory! I remember another large-scale operation involving Crusader alliance. They sent In our lands ~5k army to steal 400 SD from our village ((
Come on, our attack still went better than the glorious "Annexation of Ismirala Castle" ^^
Come on, our attack still went better than the glorious "Annexation of Ismirala Castle" ^^
Come on, our attack still went better than the glorious "Annexation of Ismirala Castle" ^^Bragging about having your nighttime cover the evening, weak, lol.
Bragging about having your nighttime cover the evening, weak, lol.
AFAIK alpha has effectively quit strat.You the crusader king now?
AFAIK alpha has effectively quit strat.The last knight left CA :P Time to rebrend in Kapikuku order or somethink like that :P
You the crusader king now?
You always had the choice of attacking it a 2nd time since the nighttime was set properly afterwards, but as it happened it the south recently the nords prefered to make an assault when the castle had no equipment in, we got lucky to reinforce it in the last second, and as soon as there was the slightest chance of meeting resistance there was no more attack :wink:
I was always the King, he's just the Marshall.The Hand is gone, now the King needs to do his stuff himself again or finds a new Hand.
ploys displeasure of your use of game mechanics quit Strategus abuse the night time disheartening
Everybody is wrong Cooties is right, move along.and there i thought i had figured it all out ...
and there i thought i had figured it all out ...
Nords pussing out because of their western block members getting caught cheating and therefore the poor Nords all alone. Well at least you gave your stuff to a worthy follow up faction.
Oh wait can't see them ... Thir now belongs to Grey Order ... did i hear that correctly GO gave up on Thir last round, but now you got it through other means. Another place for your glorious defenses right? The 9k Ottomans send you are i guess all well and secure and with the gear you got from Templars(the bug gear they already told about to the devs) you can now afford the upkeep ^^ not like GO had stated they wouldn't be active in strat anymore, but taking undefended fiefs instead of leaving them to active smaller factions doesn't count to that i guess ... welcome back GO ... or not?
how many factions are now out since beginning of this strat? How many came back under different banners?
That GO and DRZ changed colors again is that an indicator for activity? Well the 10k send to ShuHan by DRZ may be one, what happened to those anyways a gift to a none allied :rolleyes: faction or is DRZ doing something with that?
Zigzag zagazo zagazogoza. Jag säger vad fan som helst det låter ändå bra.
Kinngrimm Inc. just wants to take free fiefs from 50 man clans (Shu Han) with the entire alliance and not have any decent battles only stomping with excessive numbers.
So now he's butthurt because the Grey Order, Druzhina came back and stomped everyone down in their places within a small period of time, he can't take real battles where the numbers are equal!
Now it's time for you to go back to your last resort, whining on the forums again.
Oh and by the way, we sold (Yup, we got a whole bunch o looms for it) our stuff because, well, look at the amount of active players we have in cRPG for the last few months, don't be pathetic making things up, we're playing Dota! :lol:
Man I love this forums, it is truely remarkable to see so much crying eyes over a war that is not even started yet, they only regaining their old territory atm. :P
but taking undefended fiefs instead of leaving them to active smaller factions doesn't count to that i guess ... welcome back GO ... or not?
how many factions are now out since beginning of this strat? How many came back under different banners?
That GO and DRZ changed colors again is that an indicator for activity? Well the 10k send to ShuHan by DRZ may be one, what happened to those anyways a gift to a none allied :rolleyes: faction or is DRZ doing something with that?
Lemme guess from now on you'll be more active on forum to brag about their victories.
Kinngrimm Inc. just wants to take free fiefs from 50 man clans (Shu Han) with the entire alliance and not have any decent battles only stomping with excessive numbers.hardly my fault that Ottomans lost roughly 6k troops because they hadn't been able to make a roster, you know just accepting people for a battle which was seen 24hours on the battle screen.
So now he's butthurt because the Grey Order, Druzhina came back and stomped everyone down in their places within a small period of time, he can't take real battles where the numbers are equal!wait what was that in your first paragraph and how is that different to taking undefended fiefs in Yalen? How is that "stomping" ... :lol:?
Now it's time for you to go back to your last resort, whining on the forums again.
Oh and by the way, we sold (Yup, we got a whole bunch o looms for it) our stuff because, well, look at the amount of active players we have in cRPG for the last few months, don't be pathetic making things up, we're playing Dota! :lol:as i said pussied out, while getting personal cRPG gain, how did you devide that stuff in your faction did everyone get a loom or crpg gold? Everyone worked for it and you throw it away towards a clan who then messed up and now complaining about not good battles ... pathetic indeed.
How many fiefs templar give away to small active clans on the west? all ? oh wait no they all dont have garrison but under heir control :PHow many fiefs did you give to small factions to get them started? none? so what is your argument here again?
How many fiefs did you give to small factions to get them started? none? so what is your argument here again?I think his argument is that unlike UIF, who fully admits to being anti-small faction funhating blocloving bastards, the majority of Eastern goes to great lengths to deny being anything like UIF.
How many fiefs did you give to small factions to get them started? none? so what is your argument here again?
And the vast majority of the grey land they took back was not held by small active factions, it was held by major Eastern factions like Wolves, Apostates, and Crusaders.
ok, so DRZ also helped others, but in this strat the only one i saw was this one faction which then get themselves banned for account charing "Vendetta, i believe was the name" and you back then also claiemd you ddint help them even if screenshots showed DRZ hadning over armies. If i as a small to medium faction can bring in around 7-9 small factions and help them build up, mostly me as a single person, then i would expect more of a faction your size. If DRZ and Coalliton and Crusaders and Apostates really would be here for the fun and not so much for the winning at all cost, a) you wouldn't have so big factions but split in smaller factions b) there would be less alliances needed . Land as i see it is here more then enough, you can do a great job with less land and still a great number of players, but then again i don't particularly "blame" any of these factions. I see the problems around this since strat 2.0 and made several suggestions to balance huge factions and alliances, but nearly nothing into that direction happened. It is only always more from the same and in the end people banging their heads against each other in the forum by either flaming, bragging or some other stuff i don't want to get into.(click to show/hide)
During 4th StratBrodnics, Vendetta & Legione Italica also was given some fiefs.
Brodnics, Vendetta & Legione Italica also was given some fiefs.Legio Italica is kind of a long term UIf partner, that is like saying Fallen gave fiefs to HRE this or last strat ^^ or GK this strat.
Ok. Let's see.
1. When ninjas were defeated they were offered to settle down in one of our claimed fief with remaining troops. They refused.
2. Factions like STR, Gardarika, BIA, (one nord themed rus faction), Crusaders of Acre, Teutonic Order (if I'm not mistaken) were given a fief or a chance to settle down on conquered territory.
3. 22nd got chance to recruit troops in our fiefs with high %chance and low hourly wages to start their anti-templar campaign.
4. Guards of Istiniar (with D'Hara if I'm not mistaken) got back their conquered villages.
That's what I know from first strat, may be it's not all
When UIF appeared Greys had only Gisim, 22nd had nothing, STR had some fiefs, mb Gardarika had smth. UIF wasn't made of established, well known in strat factions with lots' of members and fiefs.
During 4th Strat Druzhina welcomes common and faction traders in free trading zone with lowest taxes, less dangerous routes and allows ppl to trade inside it's territory with buy\sell centers in both directions.
Druzhina was always open for new factions, you are not right saying that Druzhina doesn't give anyone a chance to do smth in strat.
Brodnics, Vendetta & Legione Italica also was given some fiefs.
Druzhina is always open for factions who only will work for them aka invitation for UIF or serving the UIF cause. Anyone who refused to that in previous rounds today have formed Anti UIF because of this mentality, is it any better? no but who said it would be?How many factions who are openly telling Eastern to go fuck themselves have you given fiefs? How many factions have gotten fiefs from you who haven't served you in some way?
Again Russian, Russian and wanna be Russian or serving to UIF cause. Like 22nd, collapsed almost instantly without UIF support.
Which proves my final sentence above, but of course there are many Russian members of this community who fight against UIF. Thing is being a fellow countrymen gives %50 bonus
Howthe UIF vs anti UIF discussionevery Diplomacy thread looks to me right now:
so if i leave templars ad swear alliance to uif i gets free equipment?Only if you'll take Alpha with you :wink:
1. When ninjas were defeated they were offered to settle down in one of our claimed fief with remaining troops. They refused.How generous. If I ever see you guys get invaded in strat, which I doubt, I'll do my utmost to convince the invading faction to "give" you one fief. I bet you guys will only be grateful for that.
All these ridiculous alliances that last through strat after strat and each time play the same is ridiculously boring. I would like to see something truly fun happen, like a DRZ-Fallen alliance against a Templar Greys and a Cold Front + HRE vs Byzantium and whatever Turk faction that's around atm.
It sure as hell would be different, and you guys would notice how you're all the same. I mean, if you guys insist on these mega-alliances, at least mix it up a little. Coalition, UIF, CFA. Who cares. All the same. All huge blocks that justify their existence with the existence of the other blocks. It's almost tragic to watch how you guys consider these to be any different.
Imagine for a moment, you're a small faction, just playing with mates. You work hard to take a fief maybe. If another small faction wants to attack your fief you can have a fun battle, and if you lose it you can always try and retake it another time. Now imagine Grey Order or Coalition take your fief, you're steamrollered with no hope of ever retaking it. And for the rest of this version of Strat that fief will belong to one of the large factions and the area hostile to small factions will become even larger. (Coalition owns about 1/6th of the map, even passing through you run the risk of being attacked as a potential S/D stealer). So i'm sure the large factions are loving it, and maybe accuse Kinngrimm of giving land and support to smaller factions because he has too, but it's players like him that make it bearable for the rest of us.
Otherwise our only options are to join a massive faction of people we dont know, or just stop being active cos there's no way in. I dont really care if you're UIF or anti-UIF, if your fief gets taken by Coalition or Grey Order or Mercs, or Druz (if you're in the desert), then it's not going anywhere, it'll just be absorbed and the map will shrink for the rest of the players.
2-man faction for the win!!!!
I understand the sentiment that being in a small faction can be tough, but you have better opportunities now than you had the last 2 strats. I suggest you try to either go your own path and have some fun yourselves, or try to make a deal with one of the two blocks and work for them in return for land.This is one of the biggest issues in the current strategus, that and bloc loving people like you.
This is one of the biggest issues in the current strategus, that and bloc loving people like you.You just says like that but on his place you just do the same.
Imagine for a moment, you're a small faction, just playing with mates. You work hard to take a fief maybe. If another small faction wants to attack your fief you can have a fun battle, and if you lose it you can always try and retake it another time. Now imagine Grey Order or Coalition take your fief, you're steamrollered with no hope of ever retaking it. And for the rest of this version of Strat that fief will belong to one of the large factions and the area hostile to small factions will become even larger. (Coalition owns about 1/6th of the map, even passing through you run the risk of being attacked as a potential S/D stealer). So i'm sure the large fac
tions are loving it, and maybe accuse Kinngrimm of giving land and support to smaller factions because he has too, but it's players like him that make it bearable for the rest of us.
Otherwise our only options are to join a massive faction of people we dont know, or just stop being active cos there's no way in. I dont really care if you're UIF or anti-UIF, if your fief gets taken by Coalition or Grey Order or Mercs, or Druz (if you're in the desert), then it's not going anywhere, it'll just be absorbed and the map will shrink for the rest of the players.
2-man faction for the win!!!!
You just says like that but on his place you just do the same.We'll never know because I'd decline any chance to be in a huge fucking bloc because I don't believe huge fucking blocs should exist and I don't believe in fighting fire with fire.
We'll never know because I'd decline any chance to be in a huge fucking bloc because I don't believe huge fucking blocs should exist and I don't believe in fighting fire with fire.
This is one of the biggest issues in the current strategus, that and bloc loving people like you.
I understand the sentiment that being in a small faction can be tough, but you have better opportunities now than you had the last 2 strats. I suggest you try to either go your own path and have some fun yourselves, or try to make a deal with one of the two blocks and work for them in return for land.
We'll never know because I'd decline any chance to be in a huge fucking bloc because I don't believe huge fucking blocs should exist and I don't believe in fighting fire with fire.
And none taken. I know enough about the mechanics of strat, i've dabbled in learning about the map for a long time before my various faction-related endeavours. My point is that i have absolutely no interest in joining one of the large factions, and i'm not accusing you of being deliberately evil xD merely that whatever your intentions the end result is the same.
I'm perfectly happy now having fun myself as you so rightly say (although huge swathes of the map are full of S/D-whore factions that attack first and ask questions later (if ever) since none of their allies are prepared to punish them whilst other large enemies exist). And i never got wiped in that manner. My previous post was for the likes of 'Phalangites' and other small factions that came on full of enthusiasm, got a fief, and were steamrollered to the point where they quit.
You should've joined us Khorin so Ninjas could've been our secret little elite force to send and assassinate the Eastern leaders :rolleyes:
As usual Zlish you ignore 99% of what I write, take out 1% and put it out of context. Let's read it again:
I did not take any shit out of context, I included the exact same fucking sentence as you, I just underlined the especially fucked up part. What I said is that the most fucked up thing in strategus is that you gotta be a 100+ man factions bitch in order to take any land, and you gotta stay that factions bitch forever because otherwise it'll decide that it'll want your land, turn it into a S&D storage facility, and fuck over everybody who is trying to have fun and not play half of the map versus the other half. And why does it have to be this way? Because of blocloving bitches like you (you've said yourself that coalition is most likely going to be sticking together and that you like that, so you're pro blocs, don't bother making a bullshit claim you ain't), and I'm not just talking about you, I'm talking about you, all the shitheads in coalition, greys, druzhina, mercs, deserters, and to some extent templars. You are not purely using your gay huge megaalliance to fight UIF either, you proved that, that's why fighting fire with fire doesn't fucking work here, once one fire stops burning the other one ain't going to.
Did I make it clear enough? I have the deepest respect for honest factions going out of the line and trying things themselves, I simply stated that if such is not for you, it will make things easier to ally with the big blocs.Quote[What you actually said] I understand the sentiment that being in a small faction can be tough, but you have better opportunities now than you had the last 2 strats. I suggest you try to either go your own path and have some fun yourselves, or try to make a deal with one of the two blocks and work for them in return for land.That is not what you said at all, you basically acknowledge that you cannot get any land or do anything besides just going your own path and doing random extremely small shit without at least some attachment to one of you two groups of assholes.
As we did for three strats. Don't forget the Anti-UIF did this because we were forced to, not because we wanted to. This should also address your point about me being a big-faction lover. Honestly, stfu. You don't know shit about me nor my opinion on the matter. You're just a pretentious little rat who sits in the corners and cries whenever somebody does anything so you can get some attention. I have no patience or respect for people with such a complete lack of consistency like you.
You are a big faction lover, otherwise you'd not on several occasions have said that coalition is staying intact, you might have been forced to form your huge fucking gay megaalliance, and that's a fucking might, it depends on perspective, but you weren't forced to abuse it in all the various gay ways you did (Shu Han, Nordmen, etc).
Since you're knowledgeable about strat, how can you presume the Coalition, as well as any other faction, gain anything in terms of ressources and manpower from an excess amount of territory? It doesn't, as I said it only stretches us even further.
You're retarded if you don't think you gain anything in terms of resources from hording insane amounts of land, if you seriously don't see it, you're a fucking idiot.
The end result is not necessarily the same. If our objective was to hoard land, we'd be getting the result you're speaking of. IE: Huge factions holding every single piece of land on the map. As I've said already, this is not the Coalitions objective, and I doubt it would be any other big faction's objective.
Besides a few vassal or servant factions that is basically what we're seeing...
Things can be hard, very hard for a small faction. I agree that it can be very disheartening to see all you've worked vanish in smoke. However, I still believe skillful, small factions are able to survive and adapt to the situation. Not all are, naturally.
Skillful and small factions can do that, it just required swearing allegiance to one bloc and therefore changing from a small faction to just a lesser limb of a bloc, or, they can just not hold any land and only trade in mercs "free trade areas".
To Basnak: I'm all for nerfing big factions, but how can you nerf them in an appropriate fashion? I'd like to see concrete suggestions, because to me it seems that the trust and friendship these factions share is very hard to nerf indeed.
your mistake is that you think that Druzhina needs anyone to serve it's cause, or even UIF cause.
being fellow countrymen gives you easy communication and best chances to have clear agreement, that's why it's russians, russians, russians, and 22nd_Evgen (who is ukranian) made it possible to have 22nd-DRZ diplomatic relations and form UIF later.
not sure if this needs any comments, but..
during first strat uif had (almost always) >1 k/d battle ratio. even when they had worse equipment, or other side had better position. guess why?
UIF had a goal - destruction of Templar block. Everyone in uif pulled out all the stops and did, what they could according to their sizes, crpg grinding abilities etc. Who did more? The one who gave 100 equipped troops for the battle or the one who saved 100 equipped troops in the battle?
I beg your pardon but we got war in DRZ when they told me "If you attack STR we will back em up" in the end we ended up with fighting Go, Union and Drz at the same time with the support of Bashi, Legio, Risen, 22nd so on and on. Back then the moment you threaten one UIF faction you had to prepare yourself for the entire UIF. So spare me from the story of generosity. Today the whole block fighting UIF are fighting with the same reason/stories
Thing is its not that weird that you do it. Because its part of the game.
Thank you for admitting that UIF's goal was gangbanging. Back then there were no Eastern Bloc, so indirectly you have admitted that UIF was doing in since Strat 1 till now...whatever please be realistic because it really seems like :
Thank you for admitting that UIF's goal was gangbanging. Back then there were no Eastern Bloc, so indirectly you have admitted that UIF was doing in since Strat 1 till now...whatever please be realistic
you threaten one UIF faction you had to prepare yourself for the entire UIFWhat's wrong with it? Imagine if we attack Deserters. What would you do?
This conversation have started with you posting nonsense about how DRZ is Jesus like clan helping the helpless. Which is total bullshit and you know that.This really shouldn't be coming from a merc.
This conversation have started with you posting nonsense about how DRZ is Jesus like clan helping the helpless. Which is total bullshit and you know that.omg
Let me remind you some facts of first strat:
1. Templars had the biggest block ever, consisting of like 5-6 factions both EU and NA
Does this justify abusing the mechanics and attacking them from the sea?
:lol: this "fact" was pulled out from Kesh's ass and sat down firmly in your head with the rest of shit about go drz uif and russians :P
But yeah vovka, is right, we all thought they came from the sea since no one saw them travel in the lands between, only found out later how they had cheated their armies across the map. Good point, thank you for the correction vovka. :wink:Oh You are welcome.
all of them back then had to give cd key upon joining drzyou forgot to mention passport and life!
That's the worst part, at the start of every Strat almost all factions declare that they are starting with a clean slate and hold no grudges. Then they claim the same area, ally with the same people and declare war on the same people.never did that once sofar and also proposed in strat 2 and 3 to get a random fief distribution right at the start which may counter such an approach of always being at same place and allying with same people.
So damn interesting.
.....but there are ways many indeed, i formulated out already a few times when i find a link to those put it in here.
To Basnak: I'm all for nerfing big factions, but how can you nerf them in an appropriate fashion? I'd like to see concrete suggestions, because to me it seems that the trust and friendship these factions share is very hard to nerf indeed.
......and i have had erm an erm secret scouting faction without clan tags and without actual strategus faction of around 25-30 players.Atleast half of them is my 2nd cd keys all others i think owned by Harpag.
Atleast half of them is my 2nd cd keys all others i think owned by Harpag.Grandmom took over the section 13 ^^ and does a great job, with this strat some new possibilities erm came into place.
With love your dedicated spy :P Give my best wishes to the grandmom :P
Become wolve's fool membersheep!The reasons they weren't or in the most cases didn't want to be part of any clan were quite nummerous and who am i to judge that anyways ... some were just friends from playing cRPG who wanted to help or even reallife friends which didn't get into that much of cRPG but still would do a mouse click from time to time. With the changes i also suggested myself and then had been included this strat so that you can't spy anymore that easily within enemy fiefs that spying buisness on the map was reduced. I would have prefered if instead of not being able to spy at all(which was taken out to deminish reasons to attack free traders) it would be possible by contracting none faction members so they could get a new source of income and factions would include those single players more and see a use for them and not just attacking them all the time.
who killed strat?factions pussing out? factions cheating? but wait strat dead cant be, noone ever gave me that memo
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He later apologized for his behaviour,respect for shu han (bagge) for having some manners ^^
Second time you post a private conversation and last time I speak to you via one. Idiot
Well that lasted shortly... Last time i only published a small part, the part where you said you opened a conversation just to call me a whiny little fäggot :) To show the community you did have a sense of manners, i posted the apology for it. If you apologize and don't want anyone to hear about it, its not really sincere huh...
Saying that kind of stuff, then expecting me to keep it private (even though you didn't ask to do that) is a bit much heh :rolleyes:
Keep private, private and there shouldn't be any problems, you are ridiculous.
Keep private, private and there shouldn't be any problems, you are ridiculous.
Random guy comes to me to tell me in a fäggot, at that point he lost the right to keep it private in my eyes :rolleyes:
Says the guy who allows discussion of where I live in his ts channel.
That's how children reason.
You actually supporting posting private conversations Nocti? You out of all people?
Well maybe you shouldn't allow some retard to discuss my private manners with the entire clan. if you remember I asked you that in person and when we came to your TS that was the first question to me
"Nocti weren't you living in...."
I didn't see you minding it then?
Ah come on Nocti. I remember when he asked the question, and that was all there was to it, forgive peoples curiosity. I hardly doubt he wanted to discuss your private life. Do you honestly believe he meant any harm to it?
Yeah I had a chat with Nocti and I can confirm that Mercs didn't have anything to do with it. I seriously doubt Mercs would sink so low, and it's partwise our fault for accepting him to the battle (even tho one of our commanders had knowledge of what faction he was in) -_-
Noctivagant: [6:48:03 PM] Lizard_man: Here Noc
[6:48:11 PM] Lizard_man: kick Gerzel from the faction
[6:48:15 PM] Lizard_man: he's giving us a bad name
Says the guy who allows discussion of where I live in his ts channel.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, but please refrain from associating some specific people with a whole clan.
Well maybe you shouldn't allow some retard to discuss my private manners with the entire clan. if you remember I asked you that in person and when we came to your TS that was the first question to meI think I was the one asking you that, and no one forced you to answer or in any way respond, you did though. I don't know why you are making a point out of this, because at the time you did not seem to mind and you just chatted along. I shall for the future refrain from asking things about your personal life.
"Nocti weren't you living in...."
I didn't see you minding it then?
I think I was the one asking you that, and no one forced you to answer or in any way respond, you did though. I don't know why you are making a point out of this, because at the time you did not seem to mind and you just chatted along. I shall for the future refrain from asking things about your personal life.
If you want private convocations to remain that way you should consider your behaviour within them. IIRC you were fairly abusive to alpha at the start of the war outbreak, very unbecoming of you.
Manners go a long way to garnering respect.
It seems the discussion is not over, let me explain my point again:
My argument is not "he started first"
Its that i don't consider random namecalling a "private conversation"
Also, you say you consider a teamspeak conversation private:
For me its end of the conversation about this
Tyr, Muff and Me treat Bagge different same goes for Alpha or Rogue, I don't know Phase, Idzo, Bobby, Kesh etc. These things do not represent clans, its just we get a long that's it. Not everybody gets our humor. Many will think we are either gay or racist mostly pure obnoxious. But that doesn't mean that I can go to for example Cooties and call him bundle of sticks, I actually did that I wasn't serious but it didn't end up well. Same for Bagge and Haboe. Sometimes we get carried away, thats it.
But if the person doesn't like it just stfu and don't do it again and sometimes be the bigger person and apologize for it. Some stuff can be easily mistaken for verbal abuse.
But if the person doesn't like it just stfu and don't do it again and sometimes be the bigger person and apologize for it. Some stuff can be easily mistaken for verbal abuse."...noc wants you to know you are a blistering penis filled with shit for being such a dick..."
Maybe you should apologize for accusing me of doing something I haven't.
"...noc wants you to know you are a blistering penis filled with shit for being such a dick..."
I do believe I deserve an apology, kind sir.
I'll see if alpha has the logs when he comes online. But yeah, the point stands, people should act with more class.
Your first ever sentence to me was "Nobody likes you because you are an obnoxious asshole" :(
Apologizing to you seems as appealing as playing leapfrog with unicorns.That actually sounds pretty fun.
It was more towards Shu Han, I should rephrase it as : Says the member of the clan....I apologize for not making a proper sentence
Apologizing to you seems as appealing as playing leapfrog with unicorns.
Your first ever sentence to me was "Nobody likes you because you are an obnoxious asshole" :(
oh it was when we came to Templar TS to help you guys in Strat 3 lol
i got warning for posting irrelevant shit in this thread.. pretty my old friendgy , since everyone is posting irrelevant shit to diplomacy, my old friendmins.
lol. Noctivagant is 31 of age?
Good, cause I don't date strippershow about a kinky angry german nolifer?
I dunno, late night talks with kinngrimm were always kinda saucy...
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visitors can't see pics , please register or login
I have bad feeling about it.
Following the issue with servers yesterday, i believe we will be returning the gear to Shu Han. I would request that you don't attack the town until this evening if you must, as i am pretty busy with RL stuff atm and wont get a chacne to go through the gear til then.
Kesh, you really are a complete retard. Do you honestly believe we should expect that shit?(click to show/hide)
kesh's point while dumb is valid.. I bet you guys do not wait till last minute to hire any longer... which proves his statement true... that you learned a lesson.
kesh's point while dumb is valid.. I bet you guys do not wait till last minute to hire any longer... which proves his statement true... that you learned a lesson.
If you had bothered to read, we have categorically stated we are giving back the EQ.
kesh's point while dumb is valid.. I bet you guys do not wait till last minute to hire any longer... which proves his statement true... that you learned a lesson.
As for now, it looks like we won't do anymore rosters (except for today v Emer). I've wasted alot of time on Strategus and this kind of stuff fucks me over, without any official word from chadz, nor apology or compensation. This really kills my passion and motivation for Strategus.You sound like Harpag.... Oh wait :rolleyes:
As for now, it looks like we won't do anymore rosters (except for today v Emer). I've wasted alot of time on Strategus and this kind of stuff fucks me over, without any official word from chadz, nor apology or compensation. This really kills my passion and motivation for Strategus.
The very day we start being offensive again, site crashes and we lose shitloads. Yeah, let's Strategus y'all :)
If nothing will happen, Shu Han will be diploannexed by the UIF and Master Byzantium_bagge, Lady of Jelkala will be deaseased.
Enjoy your day
Shu Han will be diploannexed by the UIF
We're not joining UIF, even thou this shitstorm :wink:
The very day we start being offensive again, site crashes and we lose shitloads.
The site didnt go down 10 minutes before the battle. It went down hours before the battle, it went down just under an hour before the Risen battles which we also lost because of the site being down, but I'm guessing the Risen aren't going to give our stuff back. We'll just have to deal with it and move on.
Meh, we concidered the idea of giving the gear back , but we wanted of course something from it. Things are like this , our request got ignored and declined. So no gear, back. I'm sorry for this destitution.
Meh, we concidered the idea of giving the gear back , but we wanted of course something from it. Things are like this , our request got ignored and declined. So no gear, back. I'm sorry for this destitution.
Anyway, before you even wrote your reply, didn't you notice the exact same towns you own are getting attacked again?
Dear Korgoth.
Of course i noticed it since yesterday :lol: , you can take them after all, you suffered so hard for those towns :wink:. I hope you'd have fun with those poor villages. I have no regrets, by giving those slums up, you can take the rests :?
Dear Zaalback,
What comes around goes around.
... Conspiracy! Devs are secret supporters of Templars and ...
God willz it.
Risen coming on our TS bragging about the gear they got. :lol: And you guys are wondering why we wont make a deal with you guys? Templars are giving us the gear back and they contacted me immediatly after the battles. Respect for the sportmanship Templars. Risen, you're on the blacklist of doom
Wait . "Bragging" ? I don't think so! We came there to inform Lactose that we looted his gear obviously , and that we can give it back if you dare listening our peace offer. According to Templars's action , i respect, it's honorable , but actually we don't share the same situation regarding that war . It's more asymetrical for us, and you'd have still wanting to take our fiefs, even if we would have gave you the gear back. So no bad words Mr Bagge.
Your fiefs?? They were ours but you cowardly attacked them while we were busy fighting the Grey Order.
Your fiefs?? They were ours but you cowardly attacked them while we were busy fighting the Templars.
Calm Down Korgoth...
Have a nice hunt scumbagge , and a nice experience on strategus and c-RPG, that's all I wish you bagge. I'll try to deal with that chase. :/
Good night.
Cracked a smile, cheers guys :wink:
ehh bagge I have allways thought you are better than this :/
Who's the scum exactly? :P(click to show/hide)
Who's the scum exactly? :PLiam Neeson ?
Spends 1 Hour sorting enemy equipment from his own to transfer it back to them.
Forgets to reinforce own town with equipment.
Spends 1 Hour sorting enemy equipment from his own to transfer it back to them.
Forgets to reinforce own town with equipment.
Spends 1 Hour sorting enemy equipment from his own to transfer it back to them.
Forgets to reinforce own town with equipment.
Spends 1 Hour sorting enemy equipment from his own to transfer it back to them.:shock:
Forgets to reinforce own town with equipment.
How about taking flags without a fight and handing it back again to Casimir, so we can have the battle as it was supposed to be? Show us that you can match the fairness of Templars or even surpass it.
Thread is getting boring and petering out - time to lock and start new drama.
How about taking flags without a fight and handing it back again to Casimir, so we can have the battle as it was supposed to be? Show us that you can match the fairness of Templars or even surpass it.
A bug should be recompensated, but a mistake? Unfortunately no. Occitan did something similar at Caraf castle, retreated mid way through, and lost it. VE never gave it back. It happens, so you just go with the flow.well in that case there is nothing about being mercifull either. Casimir tried to do the right thing, was under lots of pressure and neglected his duties to his town. So by doing the right thing he now looses even more. I don't think that should be punished as it may turn out that then people are less inclined to repeat this example of fairness.
Bugs are something that Can't be planned for, so those should be recompensated, but human error? No, that's the point.
Win lose or draw I got respect for VE, they fight hard, but still have honor (which is certainly not required in a strategy video game) and class (taking Robert's posts with a grain of salt). And gotta give them props for giving some gear back to LCO after LCO fucked up and retreated (on accident) as defenders with troops/gear still in the castle. It was pretty obvious it was a mistake, but VE didn't have to compensate them in any way, human error happens, it's not like it was a bug.
VE is competitive (as we all are) but I'm glad that they aren't letting the game become more important than it really is...I'm as competitive and cut throat as they come, but some of these people being "above the game" (although remaining competitive) are giving me some hope for cRPG factions to not let what happens in strategus affect how they view others in cRPG or outside the game.
I always thought it was ridiculous that some people actually hate others (and hold grudges) due to what happens in strategus (and not just for the current round but going back multiple versions). Would be cool if your strategus character (and factions) were randomly generated names when you join strategus and change each round so people don't "necessarily" know who you are (aka you could remain anonymous if you don't tell people who you are). Maybe you wouldn't see the same blocs always allied/working together every strat iteration.
....so you argue that because of they are not playing fair, you don't have to either?
Cheap like dupe gold cheap?
Playing fair? Its not like we cheated to take the castle. Just like the Templols, LCO fucked up and made a mistake, its all apart of the game: Human Error.
Especially in the Templar case, not reinforcing is just a silly mistake. The retreat feature is just poorly done.
Occitan/chev did not mistake you got the castle tu to a strat command bug that it get real fact and stop making bas suposition about what you don't know.
ps: lol to kesh for down voting me each time i make a post 5 mins after get a life dude you really need one definetly.
Hahahaha, this is the first time i checked this thread since i posted last night, you just got lucky/ :wink: And it was very much human error more than a bug, Commanders should never QML in the middle of a strategus battle or QMS in your case. Props to ve for giving you equipment back, not that you really need it after sekhtem. :twisted:
get your fact straith oppened the menu wich mean q probably pressed s at the same time since i have big finger and make us retreat and as far as i know to retreat you need to do q m l S to confirm it was still pending from the battle before so get your fact straigth before talking without knowing anything still funny how fcc are briging na strat as boring as it was i should have stayed on eu with cheater at this point anyways we all know that most na are multi accouting so not a big deal i guess.
Being fat is not a bug, its human error. Also, use that excuse - all of na is multiaccounters so its okay for you to use the money from massively duplicated gear in sekhtem to arm all your armies in full plate.
Taleworlds are cooperating with Coalition.
If nothing will happen, Shu Han will be diploannexed by the UIF and Master Byzantium_bagge, Lady of Jelkala will be deaseased.
Nothing happened did it? So when will you be gone?
Why do you care anyway Haboe? Mind your own business :)
Reason I didn't delete my main character was out of loyalty and respect to my clan, Grey Order and Druzhina. I've motivated alot of players to help me in Strategus, some people are fond of it and were disappointed when I wanted to quit, and I also want to finish the cRPG league. If I'd let Grey/Drz diploannex my faction, it would've been selfish of me.
I realize that this has happened to most of the larger factions and it's not the end of the world. Al thou, I was expecting some kind of apologize from chadz after these kind of events. Leaders spend alot of time with Strategus and these things should not be allowed to happen.
I was to hasty with my words, I agree. I just needed to calm down, which I have :)