Maybe just make everybody lvl 1 again, but they will keep their heirlooms and gen? If its possible ofc.
I'm not really sure what balance or advantage has to do with wiping the database. It seems to me that nothing would ever get balanced by wiping the database. So why do it? People will lose their gen bonus and for what? It won't make people whine less, it won't make weapons any bit more balanced. It won't stop people from crying about what kills them the most. The only thing I see this doing, is pushing people away from crpg.Its giving everybody a fresh start to pick what they want and be what they want, if they get looms back then its even better and still keep their gen.
Honestly, it sounds like the dev team needs a better way to filter through all the nonsensical posts on these forums.
I guess with a simple heirloom-reset most people would be satisfied...
And i think contemplating the massve changes it actually is kinda justfied...
You can take everything away all day everyday sure but please leave the generation exp bonus alone :(.
No way dude, actualy the majority of ppl than whine are poeple with creazy 20-30 generation chars. The gen bonus have been fixed. Do u rly enjoy so much 4 times bigger advantage over new players or ppl that actualy have a life?Of course i do! I have always been humble and took my share of abuse because I knew one day retiering will pay off in a way of huge exp bonus, even before janurary when there was an alternative to retirement.
I guess with a simple heirloom-reset most people would be satisfied...
Considering the many changes brought by this patch, including the new gen xp bonus, a database wipe is the only thing that would be 100% fair for everybody. Not necessarily a full wipe, but reseting everyone to generation 1 and deleting all heirlooms
Considering the many changes brought by this patch, including the new gen xp bonus, a database wipe is the only thing that would be 100% fair for everybody. Not necessarily a full wipe, but reseting everyone to generation 1 and deleting all heirlooms.Except that it isn't 100% fair. It becomes fair AFTERWARDS, the act itself isn't fair though. The action itself isn't fair because: Many people will lose far more than others will lose. I'll lose the 1000+ hours it took me to get my heirlooms and xp bonus.
A less draconian measure that will partially solve the problem and make people stop whining would be a simple heirloom reset.
It is impossible to achieve "perfect" balance in a single patch, especially when the only ones testing the new values and changes are a few men. Having a "closed beta" for each balance patch would help to ensure that more items remain balanced and the amount of whine reduced.
I still want to be able to level at the "not slow as fuck" speed.
Well if you add funny animations to stab...
If you edit cav fight and only allow them to poke forward...
If you buff archery accuracy ...
If you increase all upkeeps...
If you ruin all the bonus that gen 30 had and didn't add anything to stop grindfest...
If you don't allow people to grab thrown weapons...
If you add only russian items...
If you don't even announce that items will be added with the patch...
Yes,people whine chadz...
For example I'm pretty sure anyone around the forums knew that crush-through was being dealt with in the patch, but I never once saw mention of the cav changes that occured in the patch.
This is the way to do it:Agreed.
Reset now
Don't again till there are big changes
Remove the xp bonus for retiring, it's retarded and just gives an advantage to people without a life
I think retiring should be a way to try a new build without losing wealth and gear, not a way to make a super character. In real life people don't automatically do better than their ancestors, though they may have their ancestor's famous equipment.
Also who cares about the whiners anyway..
Maybe you should just reset the whiners :lol:
At least then their complaints will be legitimate.
In real life people don't automatically do better than their ancestors, though they may have their ancestor's famous equipment.In real life people are rewarded for their effort and time.
Well if you add funny animations to stab...
If you edit cav fight and only allow them to poke forward...
If you buff archery accuracy ...
If you increase all upkeeps...
If you ruin all the bonus that gen 30 had and didn't add anything to stop grindfest...
If you don't allow people to grab thrown weapons...
If you add only russian items...
If you don't even announce that items will be added with the patch...
Yes,people whine chadz...
I've spent the last few months looming my favorite weapon. Please don't wipe the heirlooms, maybe let us respec them. I think the frustration of losing the tiny heirloom bonus which I worked so hard for would convince me to play other games instead...
-1 gen for each whine post
instead of gen 90 we'd have gen -90
TLDR version: Shut up and play.
I have thought a long time about what caused this amount of whine. The answer is actually quite easy:
People are not looking for balance, they are looking for advantage. If an advantage is taken from them, no matter if justified or not, they whine. Pretty understandable, actually.
So, using the principle of "don't hate the players, hate the game", it's up to me to propose a solution to this problem. The only fair way (and most efficient one, too!) is to wipe the database every time new weapon stats are released. This will ensure that no one is at a disadvantage, because everyone can find the new "OP" weapon, like everyone else.
The big whiners for the patch (most vocal) don't represent the larger community. These whiners (and far from all of them) seem to be the people approving this idea of a full database wipe (which you promised never to do again). DOn't give in to them. I actually like the changes, obviosuly some few bug tweaks needed, but a full database wipe at this point would just end up being obnoxious.
eg: my MW glaive to 3 times heirloom of any weapon of my choice
The big whiners for the patch (most vocal) don't represent the larger community. These whiners (and far from all of them) seem to be the people approving this idea of a full database wipe (which you promised never to do again). DOn't give in to them. I actually like the changes, obviosuly some few bug tweaks needed, but a full database wipe at this point would just end up being obnoxious.This. God this.
Wipe for the wipe god!
The big whiners for the patch (most vocal) don't represent the larger community. These whiners (and far from all of them) seem to be the people approving this idea of a full database wipe (which you promised never to do again). DOn't give in to them. I actually like the changes, obviosuly some few bug tweaks needed, but a full database wipe at this point would just end up being obnoxious.
Standard. When the weapons ain't op anymore, people want to grab the next one. Never fails.
cRPG only adds in Russian items? Coincidence? I doubt it. It's clearly racism towards the Turks.
The claim that those items got added because of decent models is obviously a lie.
No, get on here and whine!! Whine till he chadz' face goes ragey and wipes everything!
I will gladly play peasant and never heirloom again.
cRPG only adds in Russian items? Coincidence? I doubt it. It's clearly racism towards the Turks.
The claim that those items got added because of decent models is obviously a lie.
ThisLanges disappeared too, which makes me believe that the Gross disappeared too.
I only wish you'd bring back the long espada as it seems its the only item that strangely disapeared...
cRPG only adds in Russian items? Coincidence? I doubt it. It's clearly racism towards the Turks.
The claim that those items got added because of decent models is obviously a lie.
Well Narfs Rus armour pack is fucking awesome. I wanted them so much a made a post about them to try and get them in.,2633.0.html
I don't remember seeing any post about some Turk armour, and racism? Yeh let's pull that card out. We won't add in Turk armour because we all know that chadz and the Dev team are all racists. Seriously I hope you was being sarcastic.
He was making fun of a certain clan that counters almost every argument with "You racist against Turks?"
Let face it they are a bit backward....
lol I thought he was a Turk playing the Racist card :P
Standard. When the weapons ain't op anymore, people want to grab the next one. Never fails.
shitstorm in 3.... 2..... 1.....
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Wait, what is that supposed to mean, are you saying that only turks can call out racism?!
You Racist Against Turks?!
If there isn't a full wipe I'm gonna GTX.
Just remove retirement, generations and heirlooming already. It'll fix most of it.Yeah do it. Or redistribute heirloom points
If there isn't a full wipe I'm gonna GTX.
If there isn't a full wipe I'm gonna GTX.
If there isn't a full wipe I'm gonna GTX.
If there isn't a full wipe I'm gonna GTX.
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If there isn't a full wipe I'm gonna GTX.
Yes, I can say proudly that we pushed the technical limits of the mod in every direction possible.
It's official; chadz is not a donkey, in fact he is a sad panda.
That makes me a sad panda.
For all that didn't realise it, the first post was sarcasm.
Please don't go to the island of misfit mascots!!! On another note thanks for all the hard work. I liek the aptch, some obvious bugs need fixed but thats normal, overall good changes and in the right direction. Looking forward to trying out the changes on Strategus.:)
DO IT!!!!!! Oh please do it!!!! Please, please, please Do IT!!!! Its pretty hard for even a good player (not saying I am) to complete with someone who is loomed out the ass and with the xp nerf it will take forever to get there. If u reset then it is all back to skill and weapon choice instead of some crazy loomed out weapon kicking ur butt.Looms aren't that special.
Looms aren't that special.
Looms aren't that special.
Balance isn't as bad as you make it seem. I have a dedicated cavalry, hybrid shielder/thrower, dedicated polearm and dedicated 2H-er. I'm not a good player, but can get a decent score with any of them if I put my mind to it.Wait that's... that's not called being balanced at all.
Maybe just make everybody lvl 1 again, but they will keep their heirlooms and gen? If its possible ofc.
Just change crpg to how it was a half year ago... :rolleyes:
Just change crpg to how it was a half year ago... :rolleyes: true the statement is as true would be the following
So, using the principle of "don't hate the players, hate the game", it's up to me to propose a solution to this problem.
Just change crpg to how it was a half year ago... :rolleyes:
That makes me a sad panda.
The big whiners for the patch (most vocal) don't represent the larger community. These whiners (and far from all of them) seem to be the people approving this idea of a full database wipe (which you promised never to do again). DOn't give in to them. I actually like the changes, obviosuly some few bug tweaks needed, but a full database wipe at this point would just end up being obnoxious.
although a hierloom respec would do the trick too.
For all that didn't realise it, the first post was sarcasm.
From all the things cRPG is and can be, most of the people just care about if the item they happen to use lost one or two damage points.
That makes me a sad panda.
Standard. When the weapons ain't op anymore, people want to grab the next one. Never fails.WRONG!
well, chadz did it.
if chadz can do it, you can too!
WRONG!Nah,most cowards use a Huscarl Shield with a Side Sword and a Long Hafted Spiked Mace (no skill needed at all, get out of the enemies range and spam).
I choose weapons you need skill for.
And to "go to for next OP weapon" is for COWARDS. Thats why most cowards use 2h and they even are supported by the donkey crew last 3 patches.
Most people dont "whine" because of a minor advantage they lost. They whine because all their "work" to get a masterwork something was a waste of time.
I hate patches because they always turn out as a new grind marathon getting started.
Deleting the database would mean even more grind.
Why not the other way around, no grind at all, every char starts with all the attribute and skill points a char has at level 31 and all you have to do is to spend the points the way you want?
And upgrade items not for grinders but for donators.
To decrease the amount of whine threads, you should do more effective:
Lets take this patch for example. Instead of Releasing everything at once, release it in stages.
Something like this:
First part of (this) patch: Release the New items, website, new game modes, and animations. Nothing else changes. Give that 3-4 days of letting people play around with their new items to find things they like, bugs with animations, and problems with website. Put fixes into Step 2
Step 2: Release the the Item slot changes and the no sheath limits. DO NOT CHANGE STATS OF ITEMS YET. Let everyone learn how this works, give 5-7 days for testing of these features. Put fixes into Step 3.
Step 3:(Whine time) Release the Item nerfs, price increases, etc. With this release, the final part of the test is done. You will get the whine, the hate, and the praise (most of it, anyway) in this step.
By doing it like this, the patch is released longer, but the damage is gradually absorbed and people can see where there builds are headed over time rather than just "OMG GTX, QQ".
The game is really nice now balance wise, tbh.
though that didnt get it was military pick huscarl users.
Most people dont "whine" because of a minor advantage they lost. They whine because all their "work" to get a masterwork something was a waste of time.
I hate patches because they always turn out as a new grind marathon getting started.
Deleting the database would mean even more grind.
Why not the other way around, no grind at all, every char starts with all the attribute and skill points a char has at level 31 and all you have to do is to spend the points the way you want?
And upgrade items not for grinders but for donators.
I have thought a long time about what caused this amount of whine. The answer is actually quite easy:
People are not looking for balance, they are looking for advantage. If an advantage is taken from them, no matter if justified or not, they whine. Pretty understandable, actually.
So, using the principle of "don't hate the players, hate the game", it's up to me to propose a solution to this problem. The only fair way (and most efficient one, too!) is to wipe the database every time new weapon stats are released. This will ensure that no one is at a disadvantage, because everyone can find the new "OP" weapon, like everyone else.
Exactly Dado, if you think of Strategus you see that's all the change and nerf are insignificant. I really think that cRPG is just a tool to achive Strat.maybe, but do you really think that there will still be those massive xp/gold gain for the main char after strategus will be released again? And there will also be those players who just play crpg.
Maybe give the possibility to heirloom one thing anytime, even for gen 1. You'll have YOUR weapon, armor, or something like that. One special little thing your character has.
We shouldn't reset, we should be able to reSPEC, like after the last major game-changing patch...
But if you make a reset make it permanent. No more retiring. No more heirloomed items. Set level cap to 30.
THAT would definately end alot of whining and it would be very fair as "grinders" won't have any advantage.
After that you can reset how much you want as people won't lose anything (given the level is capped to 30).
Wait he means another character wipe?!? What about the people who are level 35, I mean I just got all the looms I want, I plan on leveling past 31, I'd be fine with a weapon wipe, but you must also refund the loom points lost.
The sole fact that chadz got only +5 on his Opening Post, when he usually has +45, pretty much sums up the thoughts of the community at that time.
The sole fact that chadz got only +5 on his Opening Post, when he usually has +45, pretty much sums up the thoughts of the community at that time.
Especially because there was no rating system at that time. -_-