If this happens i quit the mod.
if this happens i will never play this mod again, and will retract my £150 investment
if this happens i will never play this mod again, and will retract my £150 investment
Ah this was the perfect opportunity to tell people how generous u are wasnt it?Loomwhore you mean :D
Ah this was the perfect opportunity to tell people how generous u are wasnt it?
He's mature
he's reasonable
he knows the rules
Yeah, he is too much attentionwhorish as it is now, sometimes i am not sure whether he is serious or not with them : BAN HE shouts, but i for sure do not want to see what would happen if he had the power to do so.
Relax, it is just a life... right? :wink:
i like your vids with your kids
On one hand yes, on other ....
Pepe is the kid, i dont understand how no one gets this
so no?
so no?
smartass, you used to be way cooler man
What's with all the Pepe hate going on? Hate someone who actually deserves it.
What's with all the Pepe hate going on? Hate someone who actually deserves it.would you like to volunteer ? =)
would you like to volunteer ? =)
Fuck all of you grumpy haters.
Evolution is a fascinating process which never ceases to surprise, the way this mod is going I wouldn't be surprised that next unit of admins promoted from player's ranks contains the likes of Panos, Pepe or even Leshma which was kind of unthinkable last year at this time. :wink:
if this happens i will never play this mod again, and will retract my £150 investment
Panos, Pepe, Leshma... Who will be the next one? Gnjus? Oh my dear... :wink:
Please explain why or whynot you support PEPE.
Feel the difference.(click to show/hide)
Holy crap! Why do I get the feeling it aint the admins fault. Every single one of EU banthreads/discussions turn into a massive barfight that I think no admin wants to partake in, cause than the envolved admin gets lots of haters from one side and little thanks from the other. This is just my speculation, as in I may be wrong. Am I?If an admin takes a decision, that should be accepted. They dont have to be afraid for hate, its their job.
Give him a chance! Atleast he is active!
Give him a chance! Atleast he is active!
You should be great admin... whynot ? we can do good job together hand in hand... they will call us "Love twins admins"... :mrgreen:
Admins cybercop are NECESSARY to have massive fun for majority of pple... no admin = trolls and shitgamers have power...
In french there a good sentence about it : "entre le faible et le fort c'est la loi qui protège et la liberté qui opprime"..I will try google trad :
"Between the weak and the strong that is the law which protects and the freedom which oppresses" correct ?
" "
If that's a proper argument then I hereby candidate for an admin position!
I m ok to ban only griefers, th tkers and leechers and just warn fundestroyers.... so yes now ? :mrgreen:
It's my birthday today... please =) :mrgreen:
OK ok..end of the joke... I m happy to see 50% pple wants me as admin... so funny !
The real PEPE 2013 is there...
- no more CAPS
- no more banthreads
- no more stupid jokes
- no more admin wannabe
- no more screens
- no more funny topics
- no more kitten pictures
- no more videos irl with Gaby and emma
- just play Crusader Kings II
Thank you haters for killing PEPE
(PS : how can I turn chat off in game please ?)
- no more videos irl with Gaby and emma
After reading that post I changed my mind.
You can`t ban someone just because he is a troll and a shitgamer.
Ban a griefer,yes.
Ban a tker,yes.
Ban a leecher,yes.
But a troll,No.
since you started the hate on SoA- NO
post there your best crying pics to follow me in sadness....PEPE you're the best freaking troll I've ever seen. :rolleyes: Or, to be exact, anti-troll :)
post there your best crying pics to follow me in sadness....
OK ok..end of the joke... I m happy to see 50% pple wants me as admin... so funny !i hope you joking right? i just subscribed to your youtube channel :(
The real PEPE 2013 is there...
- no more CAPS
- no more stupid jokes
- no more admin wannabe
- no more screens
- no more funny topics
- no more kitten pictures
- no more videos irl with Gaby and emma
- just play Crusader Kings II
Thank you haters for killing PEPE
(PS : how can I turn chat off in game please ?)
if you mute the chat i will paint a teardrop in my avatar pepe :cry:
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