Make a spider ( diagramm with the dimensions
1. average duel points
2. average k/d(main)
3. average strat power level = strat performance + strat reliability
4. average forum power level = renown - infamy
Make a spider ( diagramm with the dimensions
1. average duel points
2. average k/d(main)
3. average strat power level = strat performance + strat reliability
4. average forum power level = renown - infamy
3. average strat power level = strat performance + strat reliabilityvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
In all seriousness, who is sentinel?
Yay, we're #2!
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Duels have nothing to do with skill. These graphs just show elitist clans who have many old members who can loom crutch during duels.
They all die easily in strat when they cant armor crutch
Aren't you from NH?!?page=battledetail&id=1596!?page=battledetail&id=1620
You sure did well against the clan who is top of this ranking.
p.s(click to show/hide)
Duels have nothing to do with skill. These graphs just show elitist clans who have many old members who can loom crutch during duels.I usually do pretty well in duel, and I don't have any looms. I'm sure there are a ton of players in the same boat.
I usually do pretty well in duel, and I don't have any looms. I'm sure there are a ton of players in the same boat.
I wouldn't say tons, but there are a few others on NA I think.(click to show/hide)
Those two blackrose guys at the top there are pro native duelists with no heirlooms like you, right? Because when they get serious, they start pulling off what looks like macrofeints except executed manually in the same way that you do.
What I find more amusing is that not a single person at the top of the rankings on the NA side is a dedicated 1h player. In fact, the only ones who I've seen using 1hs with any kind of frequency at all are you, Luk, and (at least recently) Rohypnol. Everyone else on the list there is either 2h or pole.
I disagree with Semenstorm being #1 since most of them are 2h and horse-xbowI challenge you to a duel with 1h swords! no shields! I must defend sememstorms honor and epeen!
Lol I don't think any of FIDLGB go on duel server to flex our e-peens. If we're on duel server then there must be a strat battle. nice graphs though......I guess. Saul Canner wins,he beats all clans.
^LOL don't make me go cav again and focus only on you dex :) I don't want to respec again!
what movie is that in your sig Kuoin