cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: matt2507 on November 06, 2012, 08:57:04 pm

Title: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: matt2507 on November 06, 2012, 08:57:04 pm
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Blue= same value
Red= Top value

As you can see, the arabian now has lower stats to courser.
It looks more like a crossbreeding between a rouncey and a desert horse with more maneuver.

The problem is as follows:

-Courser price = 19838
-Arabian price = 22004

It does not seem logical to pay more for a lower horse, and a revision of arabian prices seems necessary.
Although, with the latest patch and the damages that horses suffer with archers, it would seem logical even revise all horses prices.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: BlackMilk on November 06, 2012, 08:58:52 pm
7 more's a fucking go kart dude.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Gurnisson on November 06, 2012, 09:00:38 pm
inb4 Hunter complaining about the "fairy"
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: matt2507 on November 06, 2012, 09:03:32 pm
7 more's a fucking go kart dude.

A go kart which dies with just one arrow.
The life expectancy of my horse does not exceed 30 seconds sometimes.

1540 to repair it each 3 rounds, it hurts the ass
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Torben on November 06, 2012, 09:05:53 pm
maneuver also bust acceleration,  so the horse is A LOT less likely to get hit,  which is worth a lot. 

the courser is not only more likely to get hit,  but also if at top speed,  the speed bonus is a lot greater. 

those 7 man make the arab far superior,  in avoiding damage as well as attacking,  as one can play the reach game better.

in short: your opinion  is flawed
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: matt2507 on November 06, 2012, 09:10:16 pm
maneuver also bust acceleration,  so the horse is A LOT less likely to get hit,  which is worth a lot. 

the courser is not only more likely to get hit,  but also if at top speed,  the speed bonus is a lot greater. 

those 7 man make the arab far superior,  in avoiding damage as well as attacking,  as one can play the reach game better.

in short: your opinion  is flawed

with the last "nerf" of archers, I can assure you that now he does not miss the arabian..
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Torben on November 06, 2012, 09:16:56 pm
with the last "nerf" of archers, I can assure you that now he does not miss the arabian..

afaik archers will be changed a bit again...  whilst the 13pd archers were around a few days ago my courser didnt survive 10 seconds in the open,  ahrg ^^

but ya,  ofc i get you,  but imagine the poor heavy cav guys,  they live like what,  1 arrow or hit longer and pay another 1 or 2 k on top o0

problem is if you make the arab less costly,  there will be a total spam of the most dangerous horse on the servers : /
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Nordwolf on November 06, 2012, 09:24:57 pm
I think prices are fine, looking that Arabian is used much more than Courser.

PS: but no, I'm wrong, make Arabian cheaper, I'm using it :D
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: matt2507 on November 06, 2012, 09:30:08 pm
afaik archers will be changed a bit again...  whilst the 13pd archers were around a few days ago my courser didnt survive 10 seconds in the open,  ahrg ^^

So you know what I mean :p

but ya,  ofc i get you,  but imagine the poor heavy cav guys,  they live like what,  1 arrow or hit longer and pay another 1 or 2 k on top o0

I can not imagine, when I already see how fast my gold disappears..

problem is if you make the arab less costly,  there will be a total spam of the most dangerous horse on the servers : /

I do not think there are still 7 points of riding required, which are also an additional argument to lower the price.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Nordwolf on November 06, 2012, 11:36:42 pm
matt, you know, Arabian is already the most used horse, and as far as I know, you have chosen it too, so there is no need for another + for this horse.

btw, 1540 for Arab and 1388 for Courser is not a big difference at all.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: matt2507 on November 06, 2012, 11:50:25 pm
matt, you know, Arabian is already the most used horse, and as far as I know, you have chosen it too, so there is no need for another + for this horse.

btw, 1540 for Arab and 1388 for Courser is not a big difference at all.

The most used is the destrier i think, and yes, I chose to go to the arabian (against my sandstone elsewhere) for its benefits, and I think sincerely that he has lost.

1388 vs 1540 is actually not a big difference on paper but is a big one for use in the long term.
This is aillor why I just make an offer on the market for exchanging my arabian against a courser and I do not make it with the smile.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Digglez on November 07, 2012, 12:05:50 am
if anything, Arabian should be THE most expensive unarmored horse
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Argoth on November 07, 2012, 12:14:06 am
7 more's a fucking go kart dude.
fuck you should've seen it when it was 45 speed 56 maneuver MW, jesus that thing was awesome
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Nordwolf on November 07, 2012, 12:16:36 am
if anything, Arabian should be THE most expensive unarmored horse
To be honest, once I found it surprising when my Arab was cheaper than Destrier.
But it's nice as it is now, Destrier is a very good horse too.

And yes, I'm using arabian, that 150 gold difference is not a difference at all. You can easiliy remove this upkeep adjusting other gear.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Kafein on November 07, 2012, 01:09:43 am
To people saying the arabian warhorse is a fairy :

I can use a 42/3 build and the maximum amount of armor, I will still turn faster while sprinting than any horse.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Hunter_the_Honourable on November 07, 2012, 01:45:52 am
inb4 Hunter complaining about the "fairy"

GOD DAMMIT!!!  :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

The arabian is the most OP horse on the field, can catch any other horse apart from the courser and if you get bumped over by one well don't even bother trying to stand up and defend your self because the dam things on you before your on your feet.

Lower its price? yeah make everyone bitch even more about cav.

IMO cav is not easy mode......Its this horse that makes cav easy mode.

please get a real horse and stop living in neverland with fairys and shit.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Death_Dealer on November 07, 2012, 02:17:29 pm
im a horse archer, i use arabian and repairs hurt, but i prefer my opponents on coursers or destriers instead arabians.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on November 07, 2012, 04:39:16 pm
The Arabian warhorse is the best horse in the game.  Lay off the crack.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Grumpy_Nic on November 08, 2012, 10:24:09 am
what the... god this is.. hell! what?

Well nevermind, just so you understand why people are raging I'm gonna make a suggestion that you will find extremely stupid and OP and fucked up. And then you will know how we think about your suggestion.

Arbalest could use a little speed buff while reloading, it should be the same speed as the normal crossbow at least. Also the damage is not high enough is you compare it to the heavy xbow which is a lot cheaper. I'm paying so much for the arbalest but the hunting xbow reloads a lot faster!! No balance, fix this please.
Title: Re: Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
Post by: Templar_Steevee on November 11, 2012, 01:28:48 am
I can tell you, that arabian is hardest to shot when rider know how to use it.
I'm using mw longbow and mw tatar arrows and i can likk arabian in 2-3 shots
but to take me those 2 shots takes me about 8 seconds. In that time rider can smash me or just ride away...
and one more thing:
All horses seems to be trained by ninja masters, because it's almost unable to hear them coming from behind.
And when you hear a horse in most situations for archer is just too late ;(