cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: 0Baylor0 on November 02, 2012, 05:57:33 am

Title: Strongly protest this update
Post by: 0Baylor0 on November 02, 2012, 05:57:33 am


I want to tell the support weakened archers, you can play the archers over three life this?
If you are an archer, I would think you should know, the hardship of the archers on the battlefield!
This time, the update adds a running punishment skilled, to let archers would have a single means of attack, become more single!
Strongbow archers to attack the premise and running archers guarantee of life. The archers to abandon the heavy armor, to give up the melee weapons.
Now have to give up running, that Archer what is left?
Balance of the game, not by weakening a career that can be achieved.
The CRPG battlefield personnel balance system there are major problems, do not you think you?
Damage the interests of some people, to meet the interests of the people of the other part, which is not a good idea.
Archers to face almost all of the enemy: cavalry sword and shield, crossbowmen, throwing.
Please tell me, which one of these occupations career no restraint archers.
Cavalry hit, cut, stab,
Sword and shield of the shield.
Crossbowman the continued targeting and attack power.
Throwing the spike.
Which of the archer, not fatal?
Why let the archers survive the various threats more vulnerable.

CRPG author, you hate the archers? Only for running punish skilled archer? Or all remote career?
If you hate so remote. I suggest, cancel archers, crossbowmen, throwing, riding and shooting and all long-range career! Return we the +3 range weapons reincarnation point, the return of our skill points, leaving only the cavalry and infantry.
Finally, I would like to say: Please respect each career. Please respect each professional players, rather than respect for a career! Thank you!

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: cxalc on November 02, 2012, 06:03:46 am


to summerize,
not to nerf the rangers or delete them :evil:
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Pollux on November 02, 2012, 06:30:27 am
to summerize,
not to nerf the rangers or delete them :evil:

But... that would be genocide D:
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: TugBoat on November 02, 2012, 06:32:47 am
I love all of the Chinese members of this community
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Arathian on November 02, 2012, 06:39:55 am
I love all of the Chinese members of this community


Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: BlackMilk on November 02, 2012, 07:41:50 am
the protest is strong in this one
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Grumpy_Nic on November 02, 2012, 07:54:47 am
Hey, any of you remember the old saying "GET A SHIELD"?

What if we change it to "GET A WEAPON"

No shield - archer fodder
No (melee) weapon - inf fodder
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Armycook_of_KSantiago on November 02, 2012, 08:42:48 am

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Everkistus on November 02, 2012, 09:02:39 am
You know that something went wrong with the patch since even chinese cRPG players join here to complain about it.

Hopefully it will get reverted in favour of heavier arrows or something.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Kafein on November 02, 2012, 10:45:33 am
You know that something went wrong with the patch since even chinese cRPG players join here to complain about it.

But everything is fine when the whole community except archers is complaining about archers :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Haboe on November 02, 2012, 10:53:19 am
You all have no idea yet how archery is going to turn out... ATM ITS OP... yes some builds are fcked, but other builds became very very op:

So just wait for the next patch that comes soon until you all rally to kill the mod  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Kafein on November 02, 2012, 10:57:43 am
You all have no idea yet how archery is going to turn out... ATM ITS OP... yes some builds are fcked, but other builds became very very op:

So just wait for the next patch that comes soon until you all rally to kill the mod  :mrgreen:


Also, I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to protest that much for someone living in mainland China (I guess ?).
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: 0Baylor0 on November 02, 2012, 02:40:03 pm


Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: 0Baylor0 on November 02, 2012, 02:46:30 pm

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Grumbs on November 02, 2012, 02:47:07 pm
Ranged in this is like baby's first FPS game. Slow moving targets that don't shoot back, Point & click, fast projectiles, spammable shots

Meh, either the ranged needs more depth or they need to be very weak imo. when the shots are made accurate you can see how easy it is..simply making it less accurate doesn't make it harder, just makes it more managable for non-ranged. Its more of a band-aid solution but its better than nothing
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Miwiw on November 02, 2012, 02:48:02 pm
Bah, somehow I cant copy chinese stuff from google translator. :p

Dear chinese friends,
Do not worry about the recent changes. The next patch will make it alright, however kiting won't be possible anymore, once bows and arrows get a heavy weight bonus.
In the end Archers will have their old dmg and accuracy back and they "just" be slower in moving speed terms. That means they should get some 1h/2h wpf to fight in combat and equip a weapon. of course some Archers will still try to run. Who knows how it will look like.
But one important thing: Whoever respecced now, got really fucked once the changes are reverted.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Riddaren on November 02, 2012, 02:49:23 pm
Kiting archers makes sense. That is how archers should play imo.
If you can't deal with it, well you have yourself to blame.

Either make sure your team kills these archers early in the round or simply wait for flags if they are last instead of chasing them dying.

This nerf only makes archery less skill based imo.
There is a big difference between a good and bad archer. That difference is made smaller with thsi nerf.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Kafein on November 02, 2012, 02:51:46 pm
Kiting archers makes sense. That is how archers should play imo.
If you can't deal with it, well you have yourself to blame.

Either make sure your team kills these archers early in the round or simply wait for flags if they are last instead of chasing them dying.

So, no melee class is supposed to counter archers ?
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Riddaren on November 02, 2012, 02:55:43 pm
So, no melee class is supposed to counter archers ?

You made a choice when you picked your build and proficiency.
If you don't have enough athletics as a melee infantry player to catch an archer, why should the archer get punished for it?
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: matt2507 on November 02, 2012, 02:58:33 pm
guys.. its a bug...

Just wait
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Gristle on November 02, 2012, 03:01:59 pm
I don't know about EU, but NA is filled with Strength builds. Very few people actually build to catch archers. I think the popular shield build doesn't go over 15 AGI, and that's the class that's supposed to counter archers. It might help if raising our shield didn't slow us down so much I suppose. Higher Shield skill should reduce the raised shield speed reduction maybe? Why not buff the archery counters rather than nerf archery?
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Kafein on November 02, 2012, 03:04:19 pm
You made a choice when you picked your build and proficiency.
If you don't have enough athletics as a melee infantry player to catch an archer, why should the archer get punished for it?

Because only leoking can actually catch an archer without dying in the process 90% of the time ?
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Mogh on November 02, 2012, 03:20:00 pm
Why not buff the archery counters rather than nerf archery?

I like the way you think
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Grumbs on November 02, 2012, 04:09:50 pm
I like the way you think

The main counter to ranged atm is more ranged, which is a problem imo as you just get more and more ranged players

I would buff shields very slightly by reducing their weight a bit. This would balance them slightly against crossbows and allow you to approach a bit faster. ATM you can just take a crossbow rather than a defensive shield and weigh the same or less. I think the forcefield should somehow be separated between melee hits and ranged..big force against ranged, realistic force field against melee. The shield protects back hits, hits through horses feet sometimes even. Its crazy on cav especially

I would buff heavy armour specifically against ranged if possible. Atm you're better off with more speed than a bit more armour imo. The armour gets a huge RNG element added too, so even if you have like 70 armour only 50% of that might count towards your protection, but you always get the negative element of extra weight. If I could I would give ranged their own values in terms of damage vs armour, separate from melee vs armour. So ranged could still defend in melee against armoured players, but ranged would mostly choose to shoot weaker armoured units like other ranged or horses

Cav are getting some tweaks anyway I think and I don't see how they can be tweaked to counter range without making them too OP
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Shanghai_Brave on November 02, 2012, 04:11:29 pm

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Smoothrich on November 02, 2012, 04:14:45 pm
I don't know about EU, but NA is filled with Strength builds. Very few people actually build to catch archers.

I did a 15/24 shielder for 2 gens, it couldn't catch kiting archers.  Nothing could except cav or other ranged.  Thus you got a shitty game.

Delete shields, replace with dual wielding 1handers.  Delete the accounts of any ranged player with multiple gens so they have no chance to respec, and remove all bows.  Mod Saved.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: 0Baylor0 on November 02, 2012, 04:16:09 pm
I would like to ask you why, most career sacrifice running strike to achieve high strength, high defense. High shield defense, after the high-riding, fail to recover archers running, why such consequences, we need archers to bear. . .
Why not most career to undermine the high-strength blow shield against high-riding, and improve the high running. To catch up with the purpose of archers achieve it?
Is it is balanced, and fair? I think that this is the obvious favoritism!

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Molly on November 02, 2012, 04:22:37 pm

This has 4 "!"... must be important and correct therefore I totally agree ! ! ! !
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Jarlek on November 02, 2012, 04:36:19 pm
I did a 15/24 shielder for 2 gens, it couldn't catch kiting archers.  Nothing could except cav or other ranged.  Thus you got a shitty game.

Delete shields, replace with dual wielding 1handers.  Delete the accounts of any ranged player with multiple gens so they have no chance to respec, and remove all bows.  Mod Saved.
I did a 15/24 shielder too (but only 1 gen). I had it way easier to catch archers when I dropped the shield. Dodging arrows is way better than holding a shield if you want to take out archers.

Hell, as a crossbowman I usually have it easier to hit shielders than non shielders. The shield only protects a small part of them and they are way easier to hit because of the low movement speed.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Malaclypse on November 02, 2012, 04:38:56 pm
OP's post is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Gnjus on November 02, 2012, 05:12:53 pm
Did i just read this......

Only for running punish skilled archer? Or all remote career?

....or this even......

Please respect each career. Please respect each professional players, rather than respect for a career! Thank you!

...what the.......can some of the Greys please advise this lad of the latest online translators that could make him a bit more understandable ? Hasul ? Harpag ? Anyone ?  :?

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Sarpton on November 02, 2012, 05:45:49 pm
When did we get some many Chinese people on the forums?
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Boss_Awesome on November 02, 2012, 05:53:44 pm
Edit: well they are changing it back so no need to rage...
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: _Tak_ on November 02, 2012, 06:16:15 pm

我和上海也是个中国人, 要问作者吗? 去IRC找Shik. 或者给他发个短信/ PM. cRPG作者们不仅痛恨弓箭手....他们也很讨厌骑兵....在cRPG 步兵=最强的

Baylor, 看看cRPG的网站链接. 它被称为Melee Gaming喔.......
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Juhanius on November 02, 2012, 07:27:56 pm
I strongly protest this update.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Dexxtaa on November 02, 2012, 07:43:16 pm
Holy cow, more Chinese input.

Oh reekrus, get the wadda cuz shit's goin' down.

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Armycook_of_KSantiago on November 02, 2012, 10:31:06 pm
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: OpenPalm on November 02, 2012, 11:18:11 pm
I did a 15/24 shielder for 2 gens, it couldn't catch kiting archers.  Nothing could except cav or other ranged.  Thus you got a shitty game.

Delete shields, replace with dual wielding 1handers.  Delete the accounts of any ranged player with multiple gens so they have no chance to respec, and remove all bows.  Mod Saved.

Shielders are not a good counter to kiting archers.  Shielders with throwing on the other hand...
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Segd on November 02, 2012, 11:40:04 pm
Jiangnan style! (Stupid Google translate  :lol: )
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: yetuyetu on November 03, 2012, 02:48:47 am
Relax, there are always complaint after major update.  Chinese archers cannot represent all the other chinese players, who are still testing the new patch :lol:
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: 0Baylor0 on November 03, 2012, 02:53:06 am

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Frankysan on November 03, 2012, 03:22:09 am
Ranged in this is like baby's first FPS game. Slow moving targets that don't shoot back, Point & click, fast projectiles, spammable shots

you can give him - but he's right. If you want archery to be hard hidding and able to kite and bloody accurate, you are not different from the 2h crying for not having a top speed/dmg/ length weapon anymore. In no way the ranged gameplay is fair compared to the depth of melee fighting.
make it harder to play and we can talk about buffing it
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: yetuyetu on November 03, 2012, 03:49:59 am

Go ahead.

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: TO_Ice_and_Fire on November 03, 2012, 06:59:59 am

强弓减熟练 ,比跑动减熟练更真实。骑砍和CRPG的根本特色,就在于真实,所以要遵循尽量真实设定的原则。
楼主怕的是,这次跑动减熟练了,下次更新变成 跑动+强弓 同时减少熟练!!!
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: 0Baylor0 on November 03, 2012, 07:06:10 am
强弓减熟练 ,比跑动减熟练更真实。骑砍和CRPG的根本特色,就在于真实,所以要遵循尽量真实设定的原则。
楼主怕的是,这次跑动减熟练了,下次更新变成 跑动+强弓 同时减少熟练!!!
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: TO_Ice_and_Fire on November 03, 2012, 07:09:37 am

遵循真实,就不应该 不断削弱弓。
应该恢复强弓减熟练,取消 跑动减熟练。
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: 0Baylor0 on November 03, 2012, 07:10:52 am
遵循真实,就不应该 不断削弱弓。谢谢希望你认真看了我的回帖的意思
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Pollux on November 03, 2012, 07:40:25 am
I see the recent addition of quality armor was vury effectrive in attracting weeaboos who discovered google translator.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: fosr on November 03, 2012, 08:56:03 am
强弓减熟练 ,比跑动减熟练更真实。骑砍和CRPG的根本特色,就在于真实,所以要遵循尽量真实设定的原则。
楼主怕的是,这次跑动减熟练了,下次更新变成 跑动+强弓 同时减少熟练!!!

Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: d0_0b on November 04, 2012, 02:03:19 pm
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: cxalc on November 04, 2012, 02:19:22 pm
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Bonze on November 04, 2012, 03:00:44 pm
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Camaris on November 04, 2012, 03:07:35 pm
Vermutlich will er, dass jeder hier seine eigene Sprache benutzt ;)
Leider gibts im deutschen nicht so schöne Bildchen ;)
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Kuujis on November 04, 2012, 03:40:15 pm
Visiškai pritariu Camaris, kas per nesąmonė kalbėt ne savo kalba, kai galima kalbėt savo kalba. Kaip sakoma - kai esi Romoje - (pasirodo nebūtinai) elkis kaip romėnas. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Elio on November 04, 2012, 05:34:30 pm
Je ne comprends rien de ce que vous dites, mais continuons ainsi!
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Oberyn on November 04, 2012, 05:35:48 pm
I like that the chinese are starting to give feedback on the main forums, I guess all the item additions make them feel more of a part of the community :D
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: LordBerenger on November 04, 2012, 05:37:59 pm
Rösta SD 2014 eller låt finnarna och araberna invadera Sverige!
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: slimpyman on November 04, 2012, 06:14:44 pm
heck yeah. thats what i think.  archery nerf was brutal and unnessecary. im not ranged. but i think it was silly.
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: irvine on November 04, 2012, 07:39:01 pm
我痛恨每局收尾弓箭手跑给步兵追 拖延时间且无聊
我宁愿面对大力弓箭手 也不愿意面对愚蠢的风筝

I am chinese , but i strongly SUPPORT this update for killing the goddamn kitting archer.



I want to tell the support weakened archers, you can play the archers over three life this?
If you are an archer, I would think you should know, the hardship of the archers on the battlefield!
This time, the update adds a running punishment skilled, to let archers would have a single means of attack, become more single!
Strongbow archers to attack the premise and running archers guarantee of life. The archers to abandon the heavy armor, to give up the melee weapons.
Now have to give up running, that Archer what is left?
Balance of the game, not by weakening a career that can be achieved.
The CRPG battlefield personnel balance system there are major problems, do not you think you?
Damage the interests of some people, to meet the interests of the people of the other part, which is not a good idea.
Archers to face almost all of the enemy: cavalry sword and shield, crossbowmen, throwing.
Please tell me, which one of these occupations career no restraint archers.
Cavalry hit, cut, stab,
Sword and shield of the shield.
Crossbowman the continued targeting and attack power.
Throwing the spike.
Which of the archer, not fatal?
Why let the archers survive the various threats more vulnerable.

CRPG author, you hate the archers? Only for running punish skilled archer? Or all remote career?
If you hate so remote. I suggest, cancel archers, crossbowmen, throwing, riding and shooting and all long-range career! Return we the +3 range weapons reincarnation point, the return of our skill points, leaving only the cavalry and infantry.
Finally, I would like to say: Please respect each career. Please respect each professional players, rather than respect for a career! Thank you!
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Kuujis on November 04, 2012, 07:54:30 pm

I am chinese , but i strongly SUPPORT this update for killing the goddamn kitting archer.

I approove this message. Double that because it is understandable... well... the last line anyway  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Dezilagel on November 05, 2012, 01:54:27 pm
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Leshma on December 12, 2013, 03:41:46 pm
Edit: Nvm, he's lobbying for archery... 
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: //saxon on December 12, 2013, 03:50:26 pm
November 2012...

sort your heads out, this is a dead thread
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: _schizo321437 on December 12, 2013, 03:57:56 pm
Title: Re: Strongly protest this update
Post by: Nessaj on December 12, 2013, 04:08:36 pm

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