cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Closed Requests => Topic started by: SuperNewb on October 25, 2012, 06:09:16 am
I don't understand why I was banned for four and a half days. I do understand that my previous history has been pretty bad but I haven't gotten banned in well over 8 months now (until now).
I had just come back to the game and was wondering if they had fixed the longspear on horseback since it's been bugged for a long time. I played before and after that incident with a heavy lance due to the unfair advantage I had with the longspear. Now I do acknowledge since I am a veteran player in this community that I should be banned for doing what I had done but a 4.5 day ban for 1 round incident is in my opinion a bit excessive for the nature of the problem at hand.
Hope you review the scenario and thank you for your time to look at it.
I think he was juicing.
Hi noobie. I think that the amount of time that passes between bans does not matter, and that every ban you get is progressively longer depending on the reasons. Also you were pretty antagonistic in your ban thread, and I'm not sure if it mattered or not, but it probably didn't help.
You were probably going to be essay banned if someone didn't help vouch for you as a reasonable dude who should get the hint.
Yeah 4-5 day ban is severe but you are pretty much on the hall of shame of notorious cRPG griefers and it was a toss up between a severe ban or an essay ban, which is often months long before someone remembers to unban you.
Nice to have you back playing in typical Noobie fashion but if you go back to old ways again you will probably be essay then permabanned lol its like your permanent record that will haunt you forever.
Piking on horseback isn't that big of a deal (if it was indeed 1 round) but pretty much any complaints against you will get much harsher penalties as a "stop griefing god damn" sort of thing.
Its not like grand theft auto where if you lay low for a while your stars dissapear?
Common sense would say that you test out such bugs in the duel server where there are no ways to damage other people's game from "testing" exploitative mechanics, and the fact that once you spawned with the pike and kept using it for the entire round instead of dropping it at spawn also did not help, as there is zero reason to use it if your sole reason was "did they fix it."
Common sense would say that you test out such bugs in the duel server where there are no ways to damage other people's game from "testing" exploitative mechanics, and the fact that once you spawned with the pike and kept using it for the entire round instead of dropping it at spawn also did not help, as there is zero reason to use it if your sole reason was "did they fix it."
I agree, but he actually did get off of his horse like 15 seconds after that screenshot was taken.
Unban him. He is good role model to the community as a whole.
Now what I really think is he was banned because he was owning people and this "spear on horse" was a good way to remove him from owning the shit out of them.
While we are at it let's "test" and see if racism gets you banned on na1!
While we are at it let's "test" and see if racism gets you banned on na1!
wait what? What does his ban have to do with racism?
Hey, yea don't even worry about this unban request.
- I just wanted to show my girlfriend my character on crpg and no one was on the community server (fuck EU server) so just leave the ban since she's gone now and I got other things to do outside of this game. Thanks for the comments regarding this unban and I like the people who are supporting me but I unfortunately must end this dilly-dallying and just move on with my life.
- If I am to be considered a troll/repeat offender in this game, might as well just leave crpg now because of one tiny incident after leaving for 8 months yields a 5 day ban and the next one is an essay ban seems a bit ridiculous in my opinion.
- People do change after being gone for a long time. You might argue that I still got banned but if it were any other person this would net a warning on the server or a 1 day ban tops on the forum. You guys should really implement a "reset" or something along those lines for incidents such as this where players come back and only make one mistake
Guess I'll be gone for another long time.
Retired Noobie
wait what? What does his ban have to do with racism?
Absolutely nothing. Just saying you are "testing" things should not let you dodge a ban or get unbanned.
Just trying to prove a point.