Strategus is way more cut throat than playing in a c-rpg public server. The BashiBazouks are a large faction, and early on in strategus people are trying to grab land. If you are unable to defend your village, and they have no clue who you are, then you're an easy target (as you noticed).Ok. I think i didnt explain clearly my thought. :) I understand that i am newbie and know nothing about strategus but it doesnt mean they can behave like uncivilized barbarians. He could just send me some answer to my message and i would leave this fucking village without fight cause i dont wanna fight against anyone i have two-men clan just for fun so i want be peacefull to all. And i didnt try to keep Chelez but he did attack me anyway. And he didnt stopped after this he just attack me again untill i lost all i had! :( Why? Because he is shit and his clan is shit also, cause i did sent message to his leader to stope hostile me without reason and i receive no answer as well!
Ideally you would join forces with multiple people, trying to have one person control a fief will be impossible. You need to recruit troops, make money (doing trade runs) and start equipping your fief, which was impossible to do with one person.
Yes it is pretty brutal, but that's how strategus is at the beginning. People are fighting for any tiny bit of gold or equipment they can muscle off someone.Tell me one thing - Why he attacked me second time after he took what he want, after few messages to leave me alone, after i said him and his clanleader i dont wanna fight against anyone cause i am newbie? Why he did this?
As a general rule of thumb in warfare and hostilities, if someone can take something from you, they are going to. It's not personal at all.
When I play Civilization V my motto has always been, it's not yours if you can't control it, or can't protect it (especially in regards to workers and settlers). That's also how I played PWMod for Warband. Someone might claim a castle, but if they can't hold it, then it wasn't theirs to begin with :twisted:
He probably wants your gold, and any equipment you might have? Or else he's just a dickI had 10 chipped great long axes in my equipment and 500 gold. All money i gave after all that shit to guy who applied for my in that battle and trying to help me! Hope that there is a lot of such good ppl in strategus. :)
He probably wants your gold, and any equipment you might have? Or else he's just a dick
You don't get gold from enemies AFAIK. So about the only thing you'd get would be any equipment he has. Rather douchy but the EU's are damn dirty. Not a one gives a damn about "newbies" or anything.Yea he did sent me answer in turkish after hell attacked me second time, google translate tells me that he said to me like that: Chelez doesnt belong to u so fuck off. WTF? You just took village and attack me again to take my 10 chiped axes? Motherfucker. Let ppl know who are they, hope there is not many such maradeur clans in other case i dont see any sense to play this shit!
Also, Bashi is turkish so he probably doesn't understand english.
Firebrand when you lose the battle and re-appear on the map, I'd suggest heading to a faction's area of control, and message one of them asking if you can stay in one of their villages while you make troops and money.Thank u Cracka, i will follow your advice. I have to begin from zero. :(
I'd suggest you get your army back up to 100 (will take 100 hours and 100 strategus ticks) then when you hit your troop cap, you will start making 10 gold an hour for every strat tick. And keep playing c-rpg. Then you can buy goods from one of their fiefs for cheap (hopefully around 5 gold) and then sell them in another fief for 23 or 25 gold per good. Rinse and repeat.
Good luck, it's brutal out there, even more so if you don't have friends.
It doesn't matter what happened, that's in the past. The question is now what are you going to do about it? :PAhhaha if i will find the way to free Chelez i will do it! I cant be calm when i know that ppl of Chelez suffering by usurper's hands!
Are you going to give up or are you going to fight to free Chelez?
You're always welcome at the Free Peasant of Fisdnar refugee camp in Faraway Uslum. We'll help you out.(click to show/hide)
Не воспринимай так серьезно, это игра в войну, и если они напали - это не значит, что они говнюки)Блин я так и поступил - не воспринимал серьезно когда он забрал эту деревню, но блин, он взял напал еще раз и ваще разорил меня - вонючие десять топров забрал, и он не говнюк?! Я теперь ваще бомжара без дома, без денег, без армии! :D
Одному на стратегусе и правда делать нечего, просто не хватит сил, и любой отряд разбойников тебя сможет ограбить и разорить. Чтобы делать что-то серьезное там - нужны соратники.
PS: sorry, was too lazy to write it in english knowing this guy is russian too.
Actually it doesn´t have anything to do with the fact that you are new. The same would have happened to an old player. If someone can´t defend his fiefs, they will get attacked. And I can kinda understand him that he attacked the village instead of trading with you because you could have taken the money out of the village before the transfer.Prevent from counterattacking? What are u saing? I had no money, no equipment, no clan(two-men clan isn't clan at all), i did sent him few messages he didnt even answer me. He took all i had, kicks me of that place to nowhere, and you can call him good man? He definitly knew that i am newbie and i know nothing about strategus anyway he just brought to ruin me. So fuck him, he is asshole in any case, to behave that way with newbie. Coward motherfucker! :)
Actually, this has nothing to do with bashibazouk being a bad clan, almost no one with the possibility to take it would have left the gold in there untouched, especially now in the beginning.
He may have attacked you for the second time to prevent you from counterattacking the village.
PS: Please don´t call everyone who did something bad to you "motherfucker". :P
If he wouldn´t have attacked you, someone else would, trust me.
I mean the village, not the attack on him...
Well, you do not need to have a clan to be able to counterattack... since you can´t see how much gold people outside your faction have, there was the danger for him that you still have enough money to equip your guys and you could just have walked into the village, bought some stuff and attacked the village. (hypothetical)When he siege my village i just send him message - why are u attacking me i am newbie lets talk what do u want. (In some case i could join their clan for example)But didnt answer. After he took my vilage i told him: i dont want fight with anyone cause i am newbie so - Leave me alone! If he didnt want me in their lands he could tell me that, why he didnt? I would just go with peace. He just attacked and killed me!
How should he know that you are new before you sent him a message?
In this case, you have to call half the community in strat "motherfuckers".
Nobody cares whether you are new or a veteran, the fact that matters that you wasn´t able to defend your fief.
If he wouldn´t have attacked you, someone else would, trust me.
I'd suggest doing some research and find out which clans will go to war with bashibazouk. Then pick one of those clans to join. I'm guessing you'll be knee deep in bashibazouk blood before you know it, and that is what Strategus is all about. (or what it should be all about)Thanks man! It seems like revenge will be my strategus idea! I believe that evil must be punished! They will pay with their blood for their sins. So at this moment every bazookas enemy will be my friend! I dont care about career in strategus my goal is to revenge and return back my pretty small village Chelez cause in fact i am legitimate owner of this fief I was choosen to own it and they just broke law! I will fight for justice in Calradia! :D
So at this moment every bazookas enemy will be my friend!You should join Kapikulu then! They are the strongest Bashi's enemy.
my hands are shakin now anders
Ok , as an asshole shit motherfucker...
Like how he calls them Bazookas. Hilarious. I'd fight for this guy just cause of that.
You should join Kapikulu then! They are the strongest Bashi's enemy.And every enemy of Crapikulu will be payed for killing them! Death to the heathen Crapi blasphemer cowards!
Just FYI, everyone's been calling them "Bazookas" since the clan was created, he's not special.
Ok , as an asshole shit motherfucker and one of the leaders of that shitclan i am here to inform you angry peasant.Hello, thank for answer. At least you are adequate man with sense of humor. I have read your clan diplomacy thread. Ok maybe i did break ur clan rules by haveng more than 100 troops but wtf. I told you guys that i am newbie and dont wanna fight, so i could leave with peace your lands, or i could even join your clan, why not? I DID inform one of your leader in name Cicero(he is true assholeshitmotherfucker not you and not elendir) all shit, but he preffered to eleminate me.:( Anyway that fact that you attacked me with army of peasants is funny. I dont have anything personal against you, cause i am sure if i would wrote message to u we could find good compromise to avoid any frustrations.
I see you can use forum , next time check "Diplomacy" section . This is where factions announce their policy , land claims and rules of engagement.
Go to this link :
You can see our claims and rules of engagement and in both cases you've done wrong.
If you wanted to get in touch of our faction diplomatically you should contact our leaders instead of the guy who attacked you.
You told "army" attacked you , we were naked and unarmed we punched serr and stole his sword then took the flags :)
I understand your feelings because you are an individual but get this right , strategus is meant to be medieval strategy browser game.
In medieval era if you don't have followers,armed troops,a cause and noble bloodline you are not capable enough to hold a land.
Calling us "Bazookas" ? Legio_Sharky done it before it was cool (Bajibajookaz ti amo sharkyborn sharkatron !).
I posted this informative messege because i don't see your case as a single incident between you and us , i see it as a newbie vs large faction in general.
For all single peasants out there , YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO HOLD A FIEF for that you have to become a known knight with capable troops and knowledge of other factions , strategus mechanics and of course forum usage . (Or prove yourself in cRPG servers and get attention of a clan who's playing actively in strategus then join them , make them like you then TAKEOVER THE LEADERSHIP LIEK A BAWSS!)Signed,
I am civilized barbarianUncivilized. I know such type of guys like you, you dont understand any words, you understand only language of strengh, you always will be trying to hurt those who weaker than you, and you will kneel those who stronger than you! Thats why you are barbarian, uncivilized barbarian man without honor!
P.S. 2 koyama - If i wasnt newbie or if i did learn good enough strategus mechanix, so - when they made me owner of Chelez i could make some researches and find bazookas enemies, join them and they would protect that fief against bazookas, right? So why you call this vilage your property? And why i did break any your shitty rules? You just used the fact that i am newbie and dont know how deal on strategus map! I am still only one legitimate owner of that village and you are still usurpers! :)I don't care wheter you are a newbie or a veteran.
Hello ppl. First i should say english is not my native so forgive me for mistakes.
Also,you sent Elendil this message:
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Блин я так и поступил - не воспринимал серьезно когда он забрал эту деревню, но блин, он взял напал еще раз и ваще разорил меня - вонючие десять топров забрал, и он не говнюк?! Я теперь ваще бомжара без дома, без денег, без армии! :D
Watch your back Cicero! :evil:
Also,you sent Elendil this message:Only one thing i do regret in that message is that i called all turkish ppl idiots, i was mad cause i was attacked even without warning. You did it not like big noble faction but like bandits without honor in dark corner. It was reaction on your hostile action against peacefull farmer!
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This is not how you make diplomacy , before accusing my clanmember's , my clan policy's or any leader's manners check yours.
Uncivilized. I know such type of guys like you, you dont understand any words, you understand only language of strengh, you always will be trying to hurt those who weaker than you, and you will kneel those who stronger than you! Thats why you are barbarian, uncivilized barbarian man without honor!
Only one thing i do regret in that message is that i called all turkish ppl idiots, i was mad cause i was attacked even without warning. You did it not like big noble faction but like bandits without honor in dark corner. It was reaction on your hostile action against peacefull farmer!If you get angry that people attack you, then strategus really isn't for you.
Also,you sent Elendil this message:
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Strategus,seems to be the contest between clan.
If can build a strong clan...