cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: Shpongled on September 10, 2012, 09:26:24 am
It's driving me nuts.
Before the big throw nerf about a year ago, each point of power throw above the weapon difficulty significantly increased accuracy.
Is this still the case? Is there any positive correlation between PT and accuracy or is it just wpf?
Thanks in advance.
Teh Shp0ng
Accuracy is only from wpf.
PT increase your damage and the range of your shot.
This is more of a help/guides thing, but from what I can recall the current system has each point of PT requiring about 13 wpf to maintain base accuracy. To get any bonus to accuracy you need to exceed the minimum requirement of 13(PT).
You lose 13 effective WPF per PT, meaning if you have 148 WPF with 7 PT, you actually only use 57 WPF. Adding to that the penaly from armor, you end up with almost no accuracy.
What's crazy about this to me is how people can still hit me in the face with throwing lances, when 7 PT gives you -91 WPF. I just... right in the face.
What's crazy about this to me is how people can still hit me in the face with throwing lances, when 7 PT gives you -91 WPF. I just... right in the face.
It's 'cuss they're better than you.
It's 'cuss they're better than you.
They're so good they can affect random chance? :lol:
Unloomed throwing lances seem fairly accurate up to 20 meters when I stand still.
But usually I just wait until there's some kind of enemy mob and throw randomly into it. That's what throwing weapons are for.
They also excel at repelling cav and slowing down infantry because of their effect on what the enemies do.