cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Elindor on August 28, 2012, 12:02:55 am

Title: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 28, 2012, 12:02:55 am
cRPG Kingdoms
A persistent system to track results of rounds in battle/siege and apply that to a point system which rewards a given "Kingdom" of players each "campaign".

Please read the whole thing, vote in the poll, and if you like it +1 this or if you don't like it or have suggestions - post why.

This idea is based around having an added level of persistence, strategy, and teamwork added to the everyday gameplay of cRPG players.  It’s goal would be to take the normal gameplay of the public servers (specifically battle and siege) and  add to them a persistent incentive and periodic rewards based on the cumulative results of the rounds - without changing anything mechanically about the current gameplay of those servers.

Each cRPG player joins one of 3 Kingdoms.  If a player is in a clan, their clan’s allegiance decides which Kingdom they are in. 
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Battle and siege servers resume as they currently do now, but the results of each round are logged by the website.  Each round a player wins, he awards his Kingdom 1 point.  If a clan has 5 members on during that round and wins, they award their Kingdom 5 points (1 per player, so players in clans or not in clans rewards  their kingdom equally). 

** This would not mechanically change Battle or Siege servers at all **
That is important to understand.  Players would not be balanced by their Kingdom, balance would occur just as it does now on the servers.  The only difference would be an overall persistent incentive for players to win rounds for their Kingdom (reward explained below)  rather than just for an often very temporary modifier. 

As mentioned, this does NOT change the mechanics of the regular server gameplay at all (balance, gameplay, etc) - the Battle and Siege servers would continue on as they do now, 24/7, random maps, random teams (balanced by current balance system).  The only difference is that the results of wiinning a round awards 1 point to your Kingdom (1 point per player). 

The results of points overall per Kingdom would be tracked on the website.  In addition, each player and clan could have its contribution of points listed on their ladder page. 

A “campaign” could last, lets say 3 months, and at the end of that campaign the Kingdom with the highest points is rewarded, and the points system resets. 

The reward could be anything and is still up for suggestions.
Here are some thoughts:

- One time reward of gold and/or xp
- Some other one time reward (Titles?)
- Slight increase in gold and/or xp gain for the duration of the next campaign (until the next campaign ends)
- Some other reward for the duration of the next campaign (Titles?)

Each player of the winning Kingdom (in a clan or not) would receive this reward.

The indirect result of this would be that players had an additional and more persistent  incentive to coordinate and win rounds (aside from multiplier).

The result of this should be that average players of cRPG can be a part of something bigger than the in/out of each round of each map, and that the servers as a whole have something larger and more persistent that drives players. 

Some might say Strategus is this.  Strategus in my mind is at an entirely different level than what is being proposed here, and is more suited for those in big clans or the very devoted to the game overall, and for much of the average player base (even many of those IN big clans) Strategus is not of much significance to them.  In addition, Strategus revolves around scheduled battles led by a particular clan, and is completely separate from the public server play (aside from some gold/xp transfer) - whereas cRPG Kingdoms would be simply a result from currently happening public server play which adds a more persistent interest level for average players of the mod. 

In cRPG Kingdoms, everyone could be REQUIRED to join a Kingdom on the website, since there is no change to gameplay or negative impact from doing so.  If it is not required, even a voluntary joining of a Kingdom for the possibility of rewards would most likely involve a lot more average players, whereas Strategus tends to be played actively by mostly a smaller group of very invested players.

So overall, the result would be a majority (or all) of the players, especially the average playerbase, would (through a persistent Kingdom points and reward system) gain more incentive to strive toward winning rounds on public battle and siege servers.

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Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: sF_Guardian on August 28, 2012, 12:11:43 am
Only prob I see is huge clans goin in one kingdom, like all UIF in one and roll the shit out of the rest.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 28, 2012, 12:14:06 am
Ah, you bring up a good point which is something I forgot to put in the first post....doing so now.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Froto_the_Loc on August 28, 2012, 01:59:47 am
I love the idea!
But, it would kind of be based on skill, so the kingdom with the most autoblocking longsword tards would get more rewards.
One of the kingdoms better be Locia, or someone is going to get hurt.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Spanish on August 28, 2012, 02:06:55 am
Ok so to get points for a kingdom we have to win a round in siege or battle and the more rounds we win the more points we get for our kingdom allowing us to have rewards? What I'm wondering is shoudnt it be based on percentage of rounds won/lossed otherwise he kingdom with the most active players will just gain all the points.

Or am I missing something
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Taser on August 28, 2012, 02:31:06 am
I like the idea but the issue is having clans join one kingdom over another. So yeah like you said in your OP, there is going to need to be a mechanism that tries to keep kingdoms fair.

I do like the idea though but not sure how you're going to try to keep the kingdoms balanced.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 28, 2012, 03:27:35 am
Ok so to get points for a kingdom we have to win a round in siege or battle and the more rounds we win the more points we get for our kingdom allowing us to have rewards? What I'm wondering is shoudnt it be based on percentage of rounds won/lossed otherwise he kingdom with the most active players will just gain all the points.

Or am I missing something

The idea is that the kingdom numbers would be balanced somehow by the website (which one you're allowed to join at a certain time, etc).  This concept could use some suggestions.

But I do like the idea of using a players win/loss for rounds as a point contributor to their Kingdom....not bad.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: owens on August 28, 2012, 03:29:33 am
You know the bots that can be spawned.

They contribute to website kd.....
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: isatis on August 28, 2012, 03:40:55 am
yes indeed

would just need a bit of thought on it but definitively yes!!
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: SoA_Sir_ODHarry on August 28, 2012, 04:02:55 am

it would try too make pubs work ina team becuz of the reward that winks.., Clans already formed up too dominate the servers....
so its no different when they all join 1 kingdome

Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Strider on August 28, 2012, 04:51:41 am
You know what would be cool. A Persistant World mod style gamemode where you can explore and roleplay in a ginormous map with your cRPG character just as if you're in PW mod.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 28, 2012, 05:41:33 am
You know what would be cool. A Persistant World mod style gamemode where you can explore and roleplay in a ginormous map with your cRPG character just as if you're in PW mod.

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Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: genric on August 28, 2012, 06:07:39 am
So I might have an idea if it isn't too hard to do.

What if we implemented the Performance into everyday playing? Doing this has two very big yet small affects. The first being a number rank like the performance as an additional little "good job for killing people and dying less" pat on the back. We already have the K/D on we can track so it would be a small change. Thing two is that with this system being implemented maybe the game itself could organize people based on their rank to keep the "kingdoms" balanced but could possibly be an addition balancer in maps on a daily basis?

Example. 20 V 20 map. The game splits people up into the two teams with even numbers but so the teams performance were equal? so that it would be 150 performance vs 150 (or within five hopefully)

Now the issue with this could be 'well what about the clans?' this might be solved because if you have a clan that can massively banner stack siege (Kutt *cough cough*) Then it would balance their 7 players together and keep the team together. So team one has 70 points. Well if everyone else is of a lower rank keep adding until it equals the same number? The teams look unbalanced in numbers but are actually balanced in skill. So the greater number player team actually has a change to beat the Kutt team?

Hows this sound? it's just a idea being thrown out but I feel it has some good points if someone can polish them with me/for me?
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 28, 2012, 07:07:02 am
GenRic I think I have heard that overall performance based on score will be tracked on website soon, so using that to balance this cRPG Kingdoms idea is not a bad idea.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: [ptx] on August 28, 2012, 08:39:43 am
But, players would not be balanced in teams by kingdoms, would they? So, how could anyone (but huge clans that bannerstack an entire team) actually have any influence over their kingdom gaining the most points?
For example, you get 10 players from kingdom A, 6 from kingdom B and 20 from kingdom C in one team. Kingdom A and kingdom B players are good and work hard to win the round, whilst kingdom C is mostly newbies. Kingdom C gets the most points for the win.

I just don't see how rewarding for wins could work... Perhaps giving kingdom points for personal score? Winning kingdom gets some sort of reward for all of it's players, but also top contributors of each kingdom get some sort of special reward?
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 28, 2012, 04:45:45 pm
Yeah, that could work PTX....

or it maybe COULD balance by Kingdom, but I dont know if that is possible.   Could come up with some issues there.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Spa_geh_tea on August 28, 2012, 06:26:28 pm
How about a once a month kingdom battle. One of eu and one for na. All the servers shutdown and everyone in crpg can participate. The exp rewards like strategist plus gold. All the points collected prior too effect the quality of equipment and such. It's a 24hr battle with unlimited spawnes, if spawned flags are all capped then match restarts and a point is awarded to the winner. At the end of 24hrs whoever has most points is awarded some percentage(based on time played) of the spoils of the kingdom (gold and exp).

Is it possible to have 250-300 person server if all the others aren't running?
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Auphilia on August 28, 2012, 06:43:22 pm
I like the idea but I can see a bunch of clans picking the same Kingdom and the majority of the impatient solo players simply picking the less advantaged kingdom just so they can actually play the game.

Rewarding people for winning is one thing, rewarding people for stacking and always winning is another. They already get to farm x5 all the time, so why would they need further rewards for making the rest of the server enjoy the game less?

You will have all the best clans in one kingdom. Guaranteed for NA Kingdoms. 
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Spanish on August 29, 2012, 08:41:32 am
Maybe it should be done differently and instead of rounds won/lossed it should be done purely by avg score not K:D ratio but the avg score you get in battle and siege or maybe this is just the same as "performance". And clans should be balanced by the avg score of the entire clan collectively so that way the system would treat them like a singular player and still be able to balance them among the three kingdoms and use the player base as padding to even out the differences between the clans.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: JennaHaze on August 29, 2012, 09:56:46 am
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on August 29, 2012, 01:50:36 pm
I'd like to see this idea work, and it would be cool if implemented. As someone else said, I think the top 3 players of the winning kingdom should get some sort of bonus(like 10,000 gold for number 3, 20,000 for number 2, and the best player in the kingdom gets 30,000 gold and a title like "Hero of <insert faction here> for the next campaign.) to give people the incentive of WANTING to be the best. Also, I think there should be some sort of bonus for clans, so that way clans get some sort of bonus for teaming up, but not a huge one(like maybe a bonus to experience to members of the clan who does good or something), because this would make people want to join clans and have people team up more.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 30, 2012, 07:41:45 am
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Joker86 on August 30, 2012, 10:00:14 am
Idea: valour grants kingdom points.

Downside: current valour calculation is screwed.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Aleta on August 30, 2012, 01:40:28 pm
this idea is great :) A bit like pottermore, except you can play awesome cRPG instead of brewing potions and have wizard duels.
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Byrdi on August 30, 2012, 02:01:31 pm
But, players would not be balanced in teams by kingdoms, would they? So, how could anyone (but huge clans that bannerstack an entire team) actually have any influence over their kingdom gaining the most points?
For example, you get 10 players from kingdom A, 6 from kingdom B and 20 from kingdom C in one team. Kingdom A and kingdom B players are good and work hard to win the round, whilst kingdom C is mostly newbies. Kingdom C gets the most points for the win.

I just don't see how rewarding for wins could work... Perhaps giving kingdom points for personal score? Winning kingdom gets some sort of reward for all of it's players, but also top contributors of each kingdom get some sort of special reward?

My point as well. If these kingdoms were to mean anything, we would have to balance by kingdoms.

And if we balance by kingdoms, then all the good players/clans (if there are any entirely good clans anymore) would choose the same kingdoms. (Which would mean that the clan less people have even less to say.)

The only way I could see this work is if each clanless player and each clan are randomly assigned to a kingdom, and then balance would be done by banner, then kingdom.
The assignment should of course be redone every "campaign".

Also kingdom points should be based on relative performance instead of an absolute number of points awarded whenever you are playing well. Otherwise the kingdom that has the most active players would have a huge advantage.

PS: What I really like about this suggestion is that people in the same kingdoms would be used to playing with each other instead of random balance every time.
PPS: There should be more than just 3 kingdoms. More like 6 or 10. (Or just 2, but then people might rage quit cRPG for an entire campaign if they think their kingdom is too weak).
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 30, 2012, 03:49:25 pm
Byrdi, good ideas all around!

You are right, balance by kingdom would make more sense ultimately possibly, and random assignment by clan then individual might be a way to do that (reassigned every campaign)
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on August 31, 2012, 05:42:53 pm
Title: Re: "cRPG Kingdoms"
Post by: Elindor on September 18, 2012, 11:27:58 pm