cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Inactive => Topic started by: Amatsuka on August 04, 2012, 01:13:02 am

Title: EU5 Poll abuse
Post by: Amatsuka on August 04, 2012, 01:13:02 am
So I thought I'd come play with my brothers and sisters over seas and share in some of that sweet 1.5x XP.  However, not only did I have to deal with ridiculously high and unstable ping, but also a very inhospitable playerbase.  Might I suggest the following players for removal in hopes that future visitors might have a more enjoyable gaming experience?


Farmer_ApplePie was most certainly a co-conspirator in these shenanigans, but seeing as he didn't initiate any of the polls himself, I'll leave only this mention in regards to him.  Screenshots will follow.  As far as I can seem to understand, players were being polled because they were "noob."  I'm not certain that's a valid reason to poll someone and suggest it constitutes abuse.

Supporting Evidence:
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Title: Re: EU5 Poll abuse
Post by: Oberyn on August 05, 2012, 04:46:17 am
I'm going to guess your retarded voice spamming had something to do with it. Or not, maybe just trolls.
Title: Re: EU5 Poll abuse
Post by: Amatsuka on August 06, 2012, 02:11:36 pm
Read evidence again please.  There are multiple victims even if you don't like me.  I included a bunch just in case anyone wanted to disqualify my first screenshot because of the TK (not the voicespam, wtf?) It's all consecutive and should show that there was no real reason for any of it other than just to be jerks.  Thanks.