cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Michael on August 01, 2012, 06:21:28 am

Title: level 21 - 29
Post by: Michael on August 01, 2012, 06:21:28 am
level 21 - 29
- how to fight the frustration

The new maxlevel20 server is nice.

But once you have reached level 21, you cant join any more (what makes sense, obviously), meaning you have to play with 'the big ones'.

Not sure if there is some space for a level 21 up to level 29 server.
If not, or in the meantime, here is my solution for those of you who are not  steel-soul hardcore power-grinders.

This guide is dedicated to Leshma, my friend who is kinda frustrated with his low level archer.

When you find it hard to swim through a river, look for a bridge.
When you cant walk through a wall without getting a headache, look for a door.
When you find it hard to climb a mountain, how about walk around it?
so on, and so on.

You see, crpg favores some classes over others. This seems to be intended, but its not the time to rage-cry. You need to learn to accept things you cant change anyway. Thats part of 'growing-up'.

In other words: some classes are more challenging than others.

So to not rage-quit a class that you would actually love to play because its simply to frustrating to get to a level where this class finally gets playable, try the following:

1) Start with the class you would like to play on maxlevel20 server. When you like it, you will level soon enough and find yourself at level 21. When your class is a challenging one (shielder, archer), your char at his 20s will cause a lot of frustration, because these classes are only okay at high levels.

2) Respec to an easier class. There are plenty of classes in crpg that are already good playable at low levels. These classes are so easy that they might become boring later in the game, but for level 21 they are totally fine. Some examples:
a) crossbow + mace/ katana
b) pike/ longspear/ glaive/ long hafted blade
c) lancer
d) thrower

3) Play the (above, under 2) chosen class till you are at least level 31, then respec one more time, this time back to the more challenging class you would love to play. 
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Tears of Destiny on August 01, 2012, 06:29:21 am
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"It was unexpected. I didn't know until he got down on one knee and proposed," said Ashley, 26. "He always jokes that I almost didn't get proposed to because I was in a bad mood that day."

But Ashley's mood changed soon after dinner. For someone who has always been a planner, it's only right that Ashley knew she and Ryan would be together after some time apart.

"We got engaged the same night as two of our friends got engaged, and that's why I didn't know he was going to propose," Ashley said. "All the focus was on them, although I knew we would get married at some point."

And after six years of friendship and relationship, Ryan and Ashley wed June 12, 2010.

"She killed me with our vows," Ryan said . "I thought you could just wing it, so I wrote some sentences in my Blackberry."

Ashley says he basically talked off the top of his head, while she gave their vows much more thought.

"A few days before, he asked me how many sentences I had and I told him that I had six," Ashley said. "He was like, 'Six, how are you going to have six?' He made me feel bad, so I went back and re-wrote them. I added these great metaphors and analogies and everything."

Ashley describes her vows as a "slam dunk," but she admire d the eloquence of Ryan's speech.

The couple met back in spring 2004 at Texas Southern University. Although they aren't sure what constitutes a proper introduction, mutual friends put Ryan in the right direction to ask Ashley out .

They both describe their first year of marriage as fun and exciting. The two always have a good time traveling together from coast to coast. They also share in the operation of a public relations brand-development firm, Medley-Inc., which Ashley founded.

"It's a learning experience still," Ryan said. "It's just like we've known each other all this time, and when you get married things just seem a little different. I had to realize I'm not talking to my girlfriend anymore; she is my wife."

Ashley says that Ryan brings out the best in her.

"Ryan is outgoing. I'm more conservative, but we balance each other," Ashley said. "I try to give him the qualities he'll respond to, such as love and compassion, because that's what he gives off. They say marriage is hard, but I don't think it's as hard as people say it is."

Ryan makes it easy.

"When it comes down to it, she has a different status," Ryan said. "She is the queen of the household."

[email protected]

To nominate a couple for consideration, email love [email protected]
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Everkistus on August 01, 2012, 06:31:07 am
1) Suck it up and fight with the low-levels until you get to a higher level....
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: ArysOakheart on August 01, 2012, 06:33:49 am
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Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Tears of Destiny on August 01, 2012, 06:35:24 am
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I thought it was a response most suitable for a Michael thread.
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on August 01, 2012, 06:35:40 am
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

"It was unexpected. I didn't know until he got down on one knee and proposed," said Ashley, 26. "He always jokes that I almost didn't get proposed to because I was in a bad mood that day."

But Ashley's mood changed soon after dinner. For someone who has always been a planner, it's only right that Ashley knew she and Ryan would be together after some time apart.

"We got engaged the same night as two of our friends got engaged, and that's why I didn't know he was going to propose," Ashley said. "All the focus was on them, although I knew we would get married at some point."

And after six years of friendship and relationship, Ryan and Ashley wed June 12, 2010.

"She killed me with our vows," Ryan said . "I thought you could just wing it, so I wrote some sentences in my Blackberry."

Ashley says he basically talked off the top of his head, while she gave their vows much more thought.

"A few days before, he asked me how many sentences I had and I told him that I had six," Ashley said. "He was like, 'Six, how are you going to have six?' He made me feel bad, so I went back and re-wrote them. I added these great metaphors and analogies and everything."

Ashley describes her vows as a "slam dunk," but she admire d the eloquence of Ryan's speech.

The couple met back in spring 2004 at Texas Southern University. Although they aren't sure what constitutes a proper introduction, mutual friends put Ryan in the right direction to ask Ashley out .

They both describe their first year of marriage as fun and exciting. The two always have a good time traveling together from coast to coast. They also share in the operation of a public relations brand-development firm, Medley-Inc., which Ashley founded.

"It's a learning experience still," Ryan said. "It's just like we've known each other all this time, and when you get married things just seem a little different. I had to realize I'm not talking to my girlfriend anymore; she is my wife."

Ashley says that Ryan brings out the best in her.

"Ryan is outgoing. I'm more conservative, but we balance each other," Ashley said. "I try to give him the qualities he'll respond to, such as love and compassion, because that's what he gives off. They say marriage is hard, but I don't think it's as hard as people say it is."

Ryan makes it easy.

"When it comes down to it, she has a different status," Ryan said. "She is the queen of the household."

[email protected]

To nominate a couple for consideration, email love [email protected]

Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Tears of Destiny on August 01, 2012, 07:05:29 am

Only he has the power to free himself.
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Daergar on August 01, 2012, 07:26:59 am

3) Play the (above, under 2) chosen class till you are at least level 31, then respec one more time, this time back to the more challenging class you would love to play.

I would suggest simply retiring, selling your first loompoint and bankroll your next generation. Nothing perks you up like rolling in full gear without a care in the world for upkeep, or saving for your first masterwork weapon.

Also, stick to the class you have chosen. Given how the attribute/skill points exchange works, your class will be very playable at an early level (26+).
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Vibe on August 01, 2012, 07:43:23 am
Playing 21-29 isn't that bad, unless you are ranged without looms. Then I agree it's frustrating.
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Mlekce on August 01, 2012, 08:58:10 am
max ur strentght in first 20 levels,and then follow the main group.
Get one small shield not to get shooted because you are slow and help your teammates or steal kills untill you get higher lvl.
It works for me pretty well.
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on August 01, 2012, 09:16:15 am
It's called a Trident bitch, learn to use it. God damn uppity peasants. If you hate the grind... don't grind, just don't retire. Looms, meh! MEH! MEH! MEH! MEH! MEH! MEH!

Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: dodnet on August 01, 2012, 10:10:34 am
The level20-server really is fun now. And at around level 24 my build is almost complete and I'm fairly good. May depend on which build you have, of course.
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Muki on August 01, 2012, 11:04:49 am
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Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Michael on August 01, 2012, 05:31:45 pm
1) Suck it up and fight with the low-levels until you get to a higher level....

This is a theoretical option. There are no low levels. And if there were some, you wouldnt even get close to them to fight them, because a mob of 10 level 35 lamers who can easily outrun you with their 11 athletics although they wear heavy armor and you none would gank you before.

I guess all - voters in this topic are butt-heart. Probably the typical crpg player of very young (mental) age who couldnt kill anyone on Nditions and needs 14 extra levels in crpg all masterwork stuff plus support from teammates to get a kill in crpg.
Well, the truth hurts. But truth is the truth, deal with it, and leave my usefull tipps undisturbed, cause they work.

My level 19 lancer can help the team, a level 19 shielder cant. Not even in my most competent hands, definately not in a beginners.

And those who dont have the awareness to be a usefull lancer can still shoot a crossbow or take a polearm and support the team. Or throw. See above. 
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Oberyn on August 01, 2012, 05:50:36 pm
Michael, stop projecting how much you suck at this game unto other people. Admit you are terrible, instead of pretending you have any sort of skill or that your opinions on it are relevant.
Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Shaith on August 01, 2012, 06:09:51 pm
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Title: Re: level 21 - 29
Post by: Nihtgenga on August 01, 2012, 06:45:11 pm
I like it