lol guys, you're so fucking poor
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I wanted to show everything 8-)(click to show/hide)
1,602,107 goldlike a boss(click to show/hide)
i won it seems, i have the biggest epeen, now wheres my reward
1,602,107 gold(click to show/hide)
30/18 as an archer build? :shock:
Edit: Never noticed you need STR for PD...
Ladies Please...(click to show/hide)
Now that's what I'm talking about. Thanks, Arrowblood.Microsoft paint also got that feature....
Btw. imgur has a feature where you can edit your picture and crop the only part that matters.
Yep.coldblood had 13 in 2011.
I wanted to be the most hard hitting archer of all crpg players. :wink:
Hax, copy html source code, add a 147 before the other numbers, then copy code and display in a new page making a screen of it.
coldblood had 13 in 2011.Useless.
Useless.They did it cos of him i guess, it was before this max +4 pd over pd requirement.
Only +4 PD above the bow PD requirement effects the damage, missile speed, accuracy and speed.
So the Longbow requires 6PD ... +4 = 10PD.
They did it cos of him i guess, it was before this max +4 pd over pd requirement.No.
I remember him 1 hitting lolwen in the head over a mile, ah lolwen was so mad.(click to show/hide)
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginmy new best friend
can you see it now?
1,602,107 gold(click to show/hide)
TEN POWER DRAWMy mother has a husband, so I dont need to be...
i wish NA archers would go 0 athBetter more bunny hoppers than archers with the same damage as an arbalest right?
I wanted to be the most hard hitting archer of all crpg players. :wink:
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginLawl, he had to fake having 100k, fuck, you must be one poor mutha fucka
Sorry you're not alone... Shik got PD10 too with MW longbow and MW bodkins :shock:Also 159wpf ? I guess not, so I deal the most damage...
How much gold Poophammer has?
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Only +4 PD above the bow PD requirement effects the damage, missile speed, accuracy and speed.
So the Longbow requires 6PD ... +4 = 10PD.
How much gold Poophammer has?
Sorry you're not alone... Shik got PD10 too with MW longbow and MW bodkins :shock:i have power strike, clearly i am the hardest hitting archer