cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Abay on July 08, 2012, 10:13:03 pm

Title: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Abay on July 08, 2012, 10:13:03 pm
As I saw in many battles, there are always some enemy guys in AI side. They spy inside of it and build something like siege towers and break weapon racks, healing tents etc with some hits. They do it when they are alone. Also they suicide and help the enemy of AI. Well, what I suggest is that there shall be some pact selections in crpg or strategus. With this, clan A cannot join clan B's battle before they sign alliance or merc pact.

Another option is that leaders will choose which side their members will join!

It is really necessary.
Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Jarlek on July 08, 2012, 10:59:10 pm
Because Kapikulu is the single clan that never did anything like this! All hail Kapikulu for their great sense of honour!
Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Haboe on July 08, 2012, 11:08:59 pm
I think they should be able to apply against their ally's. If the roster of your allies is full, and they are ok with you joining the enemy side you should be able to. There are 50+ players in your team usually, and in strat there are a lot of admins playing. As long as they behave and dont intentionally waste tickets it should be fine.

Of course there are some cases in which this didnt help, but overall its working just fine now.
The wasting of siege equipment is a shame though... For example this afternoon, the defenders made a forward base inside the castle courtyard (the castle was very small) which was a pure waste of construction material/site.
Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Miwiw on July 08, 2012, 11:29:20 pm
I'm for this and against it. Simple reasons as do not fight against your own clan. Not talking about allies, that is free for everyone. I rather mean if your faction attacks a fief, you shouldn't defend it. That doesn't even make sense.

Also a reason is that admins, if they are in the battle; they simply won't be able to see everything. They are neither supposed to watch for that as they are players themselves. It is different than on a public battle, to watch rule violations.

Spectators are not locked by cam, so anyone can "spy" the castle. If someone is breaking siege equip, it usually gets noticed. Not neccessarily by admins as mentioned above, but players will post ban requests anyway so that is fine. Some even did movies before to record the suiciding.

It is not needed but it wouldn't be wrong either. I see that it could be nice if the clan leaders could limit it somehow but after all there are clans that do not play Strategus actively as a clan but members decide to join battles due to good exp, therefore it doesn't matter for them what side they are fighting for.
Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: sF_Guardian on July 08, 2012, 11:31:58 pm
^So the holy Kapikulus did never abuse any system like this eh?
Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Haboe on July 08, 2012, 11:46:01 pm
They are neither supposed to watch for that as they are players themselves. It is different than on a public battle, to watch rule violations.

How is that different? Strategus servers have rules just like battle and siege servers do. If an admin notices abuse/griefing or teamkilling they should interfere.
For example today a guy got a score of 2-15 after a little while in the battle, cause he jumped down the wall naked with a long maul... Admins didnt interfere, he got pollkicked. What happened? He simply came back and later on in the battle his score was -2 kills 8 deaths...

Dont see why admins have to turn a blind eye... for faction battles its up to them who they take in the roster, for ai castles it wouldnt hurt to have some extra supervision.
Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on July 08, 2012, 11:47:35 pm
They spy inside of it and build something like siege towers and break weapon racks, healing tents etc with some hits. They do it

No, This is what you krapikulus do.
Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Miwiw on July 08, 2012, 11:59:26 pm
How is that different? Strategus servers have rules just like battle and siege servers do. If an admin notices abuse/griefing or teamkilling they should interfere.
For example today a guy got a score of 2-15 after a little while in the battle, cause he jumped down the wall naked with a long maul... Admins didnt interfere, he got pollkicked. What happened? He simply came back and later on in the battle his score was -2 kills 8 deaths...

Dont see why admins have to turn a blind eye... for faction battles its up to them who they take in the roster, for ai castles it wouldnt hurt to have some extra supervision.

I probably described it wrong. Of course it would be good to interfere if they notice it and have the time. Otherwise they are playing the Strategus battle themself and therefore its imo more important that they are able to enjoy it as well. Otherwise they could just sit in spec and watch the people.

On public servers it is a bit different. At least a bit, it is public after all without any "real" goal.
Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Haboe on July 09, 2012, 12:06:19 am
Yea true...

Title: Re: Roster disasters in AI fiefs!
Post by: Abay on July 09, 2012, 12:18:56 pm
Thank you for your honest thoughts miwiw and haboe. I dont know why other troll guys are doing something here. Kapikulu clan just filled the roster but didnt show up. That was their mistake. I personally was not a part of it btw. Anyway, there are many players in the game, some good guys, some bad guys. Ofc Kapikulu had/has some bad guys, too. What I suggest is that for making the game fair more! So, lets think for good, not for insulting eachothers anymore, cos we will gain nothing on this way.

Well, if admins do the work good, it can be fair enough but... Why dont we use some easy and better ways when they are possible to do.