cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Seadle on June 27, 2012, 05:18:59 am

Title: New game mode - Catch the Rabbit(CTR)
Post by: Seadle on June 27, 2012, 05:18:59 am
Harro tharrrr a11. Well I've been thinking of a sorta rageball/CTF mixture.
Catch the Rabbit
In this game mode you could pick up a flag/ball/anything really, run from the other players called(Two teams Rabbits and Hunters) Hunters.
After the "Rabbit" has picked up the ball he/she receives a speed bonus and a life, defense, and attack penalty. To gain points as the Rabbit, every 5 seconds you gain 2 points and the longer you have to ball the more points you gain after 30 seconds you gain 5 points every 5 seconds and so on so forth. Now the Rabbit will be limited to LIGHT ARMOR ONLY this is prevent agility plate crutch n00bs to run around and be invincible. Now to gain points as the Hunter to have to kill the rabbit and you will gain all of the rabbits points plus an additional 50% or half. Now you must be thinking, "Fuck all those bundle of sticks scrub agi 2h spammer hunters" don't worry hunters receive a very slight speed penalty and only have normal attack and defense. But also as the Hunter you have to compete with the others after the Rabbit, you will receive 5 points for every other hunter you slay.
Well I'd like to see what you all have to say on my suggestion.

- Seadle
Title: Re: New game mode - Catch the Rabbit(CTR)
Post by: Froto_the_Loc on June 27, 2012, 06:34:38 am
Pretty much native Rabbit but with a few tweaks?

I'm all for new modes.