Watch Dalhi and learn how to protect yourself from him:Do not make mistakes :rolleyes:
Hmm try to watch the camera angles as you spectate. At a few points it's hard to follow the fight.1 and a half years of playing this game and I only found out like a month ago.
Instead of using follow cam, try and fly in free look mode. Make sure you show both the player fighting, his enemies and make sure you can see their swings and blocks as well as is possible.
Also, not many people know this (Phazey's secret spectating tip): If you double tap one of the strafe buttons whilst flying in freelook mode as a spectator, you will double your speed. Can be useful at times.
Good video though. Videos of Ivani4 would be awesome. We could play games like counting how many blocks he does.0
1 and a half years of playing this game and I only found out like a month ago.
free look mode is much more confusing and gives you much less of an idea of what the player is actually doing. I got a good impression of how Dalhi fights in battle and I thought it was a good watch.
What do i get?
The Ivani4 drinking game! :D
It's quite amazing I've never seen the poor guy on the forums or even writing in chat in english but he's a star.
take footage of me i am pretty awesome. not a mainstream cunt fuck player
It's quite amazing I've never seen the poor guy on the forums or even writing in chat in english but he's a star.
What do i get?
I would like to see video where dalhi fight against ppl with heavy or medium armors,and 2h weapons or axes.
And todays player: Byzantium_Dieler:
Note: the begining and the end of the gameplay is a little boring. But that is not Dieler's fault. it is because I didn't cut/edit the gameplay.
You play PR ? Sweet !yep i play PR. actually i'm a fan of PR.
I would love a video that gives a more detailed overview of a fight. You know: stop the video, highlight the enemies on the screen, show possible paths, highlight swing directions, etc.
But that would take some editing skill and a lot of effort.
Maybe much simpler would be to make cRPG videos and add voice commentary, explaining tactical decisions, mistakes, hits and misses, etc... would be great for new players too.
And todays player: Byzantium_Dieler:Haha I got own'd by dieler there :D. Don't know why but that pike is hard to chamber sometimes. Well in hands of a good player like Dieler, everything is hard to chamber block. Nice video once again :)
Note: the begining and the end of the gameplay is a little boring. But that is not Dieler's fault. it is because I didn't cut/edit the gameplay.
actually i just banned (5 minutes ago) from EU-1 while i was trying to capture another video. i spawn without arms but with a weapon and run to the enemies to get killed so that i can start to cap a new video. Now it seems i'm still banned. i don't know why the admimns so agressive but i think i will stop playing this game.
You are a fucking leeching whore
you should be permabanned
I have some serious problems with leechers
You have stated that you just run into pack of enemies and get killed so you can take footage of other players, how that is not leeching??? Tell me, please.He wants to be a hero like me.
You have stated that you just run into pack of enemies and get killed so you can take footage of other players, how that is not leeching??? Tell me, please.
Well, in theory if he is armed, and fights opponents, he is NOT leeching.
Even if he rushes 10 enemies alone and dies in 5 seconds.
Now if he is unarmed, and just walks into a group of enemies, that is leeching.
You don't need to spawn with no weapon and die to spectate, you know. You can just chose "spectate" instead of a team and record people right from the start of the round...
Well, in theory if he is armed, and fights opponents, he is NOT leeching.Yeah, too many unaware people here, always thinking that everything is leeching.
Even if he rushes 10 enemies alone and dies in 5 seconds.
Now if he is unarmed, and just walks into a group of enemies, that is leeching.
and yes for a good gameplay video you need to see the banners.
You don't need to spawn with no weapon and die to spectate, you know. You can just chose "spectate" instead of a team and record people right from the start of the round...
you can sit in spectate at the start of the round , wait until the timer gets passed 6.00 then join a team. You wont spawn and you can see banners, and then just join spec again before round ends and repeat.
yes i will do that.
And please, spectate Chase/Chasey next time. I want to see bundle of sticksry in motion.
With a mouse and keyboard?
Sorry only read thread title and nothing else not even the OP.
I play it with xbox 360 controller.
Gameplay of Templar_PolePoop and his funny teamkills at the end:best round of the day
I'd rather watch more high profile players like Poop, than ArtemRUS who has lamest playstyle i said in the begining of this thread, i will record and put the videos randomly but also some known players firstly. ArtemRUS can has the lamest playstyle ever but i think he is a known player of c-rpg (even he doesn't talk people).
Also, not many people know this (Phazey's secret spectating tip): If you double tap one of the strafe buttons whilst flying in freelook mode as a spectator, you will double your speed. Can be useful at times.
Gameplay of Wolves_kinngrimm
Gameplay of Byzantium_Royanss
I have a very good English, mind you. I am just too lazy to use all the idioms for more eloquent language.
Easier to put it like it is, without honey coating.
The day Bjord corrects Tenne is the day pigs can fly....where's the pigs?
Yes, that's all fine and dandy, but... Isn't it embarrassing when a Swede corrects your English? As you said, it's your Native language.
The day Svitjodvarg corrects my language, be it Swedish or English, which is not a typo or anything of the such, I shall grow mandibles in my face and sprout wings on my back and start eating people's faces off.
He simply does not strike me as a very bright boy, I'm afraid. :(
All the more embarrassing should he correct me.
dat 1h thrustAre you sure you have 6 athlethics? You look like a snail.
A lot of videos to get into :), keep them coming. Not to be too spiteful, I find these videos are really about "rounds with random players" not about "how do people play this mod?", I mean can't we all do that by just joining EU1 and going to spectate mode?
Could you list their class as well? Mainly for newbs like me who don't know these people, but would like to watch how a professional 2 hander or cav or whatever do their work, without having to watch every video.
There is not any block in this video
There is not any block in this video
will doyou didn't :(
you didn't :(
check the beginingOh, I see you did :D I didn't realize all videos were posted in op, I've been sorting through all the pages this time.
no thrower, hybrid thrower? :(22nd_baron_deprav , he plays at night mostly
Gameplay of Nord_Tor
Note: and yes i will record a thrower next
Gameplay of NuberT_HRE
Note:hereafter i will put at least 3 rounds of gameplay so we can have more opinion about the players game style
@borisko What programm and what settings do you actually use for recording? I tried some time ago, but gave up at some point as the vids were either huge or shitty..
Gameplay of Rage_Guyaw y u kick me 2 min in the vid pepe :mad: i r so mad now
Damn you Apriori...where is my video :evil: :evil:
Damn you Apriori...where is my video :evil: :evil:
Gameplay of Deserter_CCleaner:
and CCleaner, tell us what happen at the end.
The videos need to be more of a compilation instead of just recording them once, people can have their off days and a lot of these videos don't do people Justice.
I never clicked on this thread cos i thoght its some beginner help. Im positive surprised now :!:I allways thought it was a rant-thread: "How the fuck can people play this shit mod?"
I allways thought it was a rant-thread: "How the fuck can people play this shit mod?"+1
Uh, why record NA? Especially a Hospergler, and especially that guy. :lol:
Nobody cares except them.
Jealous of ez mode cav? Yes, terribly.
Well ROHYPNOL is one of the more skilled NA, but I wasn't very impressed. Then again, not everyone's roundd are MVP material, so I can't say for sure.
lolIts what ever, I just feel I block better with certain weapons.
IMO blocking is blocking.
Gameplay of Hospitaller_Devilize:
Gameplay of Templar_Lerva:Thx dude
Gameplay of Deserter_TiberiusX:
2h is the one true class, it is the most fun to play by a longshot (and i've done at least a gen of everything but HX)
You definitely should change the title of this thread, it's misleading.
Change to something like Videos of people playing or Gameplay videos or something like that
have to post something to keep up with Tears...
Name is fine, ignore Vibe and other smart-asses who don't have anything smart to post but have to post something to keep up with Tears...fallenopia ; we call it fallenopia
@MB passionately thank you.
Gameplay of Gameplay of BashiBazouk_Hearst
Gameplay of Deserter_TiberiusX:
Thx dude
And remember kids, always watch out for lances and couches :oops:
2:55, 4:00. Best parts imo.
Uh these are not good rounds of me. :P
do me
where and when ?
NA_1 pretty much anytime of the day. I'll work around your schedule
NA_1 pretty much anytime of the day. I'll work around your schedule= nerd
Why isnt there a gameplay from me?
Gameplay of Hospitaller_Huseby :
Gameplay of Ivani4
420+ views.
*Takes a look at the other video views....* LAWL
one of our first clan matches, wouldn't have chosen my name as title but well =)
That was as much sad as it was hilarious to watch those poor ninjas get steel dicked.perhaps after lvl 36, but then i may just play alts and learn manual blocking ^^, i still have dreams :mrgreen:
Although seriously kinngrimm, when will you get a less broken build? :wink:
btw this thread reached +10k views... i have to make a special c-rpg video for this now :)
Yes, you have to record me I agree.
You recorded him twice actually.
You recorded him twice actually.
really. what is the other one? let me now so i can compare them...
one of our first clan matches, wouldn't have chosen my name as title but well =)
:(Sry mate i didn't make that vid, it was done by Wolves_Dondarion, our 4th member of the wolves still part of us even if he ain't playing crpg atm.
You should have recorded my awesome ninja ambush. The only round I was leading and the only one we succeeded in :)
Gameplay of Byzantium BD JackieScam :hitting random rocks and walls and going afk during round like a boss!
wow, these guys have some patience :)you'll see top ranked players fighting behind the lines most of the time, just picking up as theyre safe and away from the front line. :(
if i play siege i always charge in at the first sec :D
maybe if i do like them i wont be this bad anymore at battle
Gameplay of BashiBazouk turbo massage :3:10
watch 03:10 he reaches Kinggrimm without breaking his shield :)
Gameplay of Burak Turk :gimme better quality of skill :twisted:
Saracen_al_Bhjourd and Merc_Bjord are the same personNo shit
How do people play this mod?
Gameplay of Templar Roffel
God I suck 8-)dat ths :D
Gameplay of Fallen_TOPLITE_Oohillac:
Gameplay of Fallen_TOPLITE_Oohillac:
Gameplay of Fallen_TOPLITE_Oohillac:
Quality thread should be stickied so people can post their own recordings here aswell. ;):P
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Gameplay of Fallen_TOPLITE_Oohillac:
A Strategus Battle of c-RPG in 5 minutesi gotta admit, those capes looking fucking badass
Gameplay of VrG Centurii chip cookie
Do you know what is happening Uther?
Yup, the link is as follows
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
( chip cookie)
and since nazi gets automatically converted into a "chocolate chip cookie", its pretty much impossible to post this one here without it bugging out, sadly.
EDIT: Can't even use the image-link :( <- a working shortened url to the video.
ok this is not an only c-rpg gameplay video. This is a montage of xbow shots from c-rpg and BF3:(click to show/hide) you , shooting my horse at 1:18 :D
A Friend of mine gave that to me :)
If not working, use this:
You playing again Chris?
Guess everyone was right, no one really leaves this mod :D
Another one:Pay attention to the duck!