Off Topic => General Off Topic => Topic started by: djavo on May 20, 2012, 03:10:46 pm

Title: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on May 20, 2012, 03:10:46 pm
So championship in Poland and Ukraine is getting close starts 8th June.
What do you think who will win it? Will you root for your team? Do you like football? Who is your daddy and what does he do?

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Apsod on May 20, 2012, 03:23:48 pm
Fuck dat.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on May 20, 2012, 03:26:32 pm
Germany has a lot of young talent in their squad, i would like to see them win
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on May 20, 2012, 03:27:23 pm
Germany, Netherlands or Spain.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on May 20, 2012, 03:45:49 pm
I'm from Wroclaw and ofc I didn't get tickets for matches in my own city. The UEFA tickets distribution is totaly fucked up. Most of them are going for free to politicians, big company etc etc. The big fucking UEFA family. Tickets lottery is also broken. Someone get nothing, next person get 8-10 tickets. It sucks. They [UEFA] provide you that no-one sell this tickets, but everyone know that this is not true. You can easily find tickets on random website, several times more expensive.

About tournament... I wish my team to qualify to q-finals. I also hope for good result of England and Spain.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on May 20, 2012, 03:51:11 pm
Spain or Germany, cause everyone else sucks.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tor! on May 20, 2012, 04:54:01 pm
Hoping for the Netherlands  :wink: but I think Spain will take it. They will make sure to get free penalties and red cards to their opponents with their incredible moviemaking skills!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gurnisson on May 20, 2012, 04:55:13 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on May 20, 2012, 04:59:36 pm
Germany has a nice group. Directly starting with a challenge vs the Netherlands. Already looking forward that match.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlindGuy on May 20, 2012, 05:42:20 pm
Have Holland been training their martial arts skill since world cup? They showed promise in their dropkicks and roundhouses, and I heard that since then they have been taking intensive karate training.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on May 20, 2012, 05:45:22 pm
USA. Even if it's a shit sport they win at it.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlindGuy on May 20, 2012, 05:48:05 pm
USA. Even if it's a shit sport they win fail at it.

Free fix for you yank.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on May 20, 2012, 06:04:53 pm
Free fix for you yank.

No u
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gnjus on May 20, 2012, 06:05:27 pm
Germany has a lot of young talent in their squad, i would like to see them win

That's because you're a chocolate chip cookie worshiper, not because they're young & talented.  :twisted:

I'm from Wroclaw and ofc I didn't get tickets for matches in my own city. The UEFA tickets distribution is totaly fucked up. Most of them are going for free to politicians, big company etc etc. The big fucking UEFA family. Tickets lottery is also broken. Someone get nothing, next person get 8-10 tickets. It sucks. They [UEFA] provide you that no-one sell this tickets, but everyone know that this is not true. You can easily find tickets on random website, several times more expensive.

I sense some madness in you Kalp.  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on May 20, 2012, 06:15:04 pm
Lol voting for the right wing party and having a shaved head doesent make me a chocolate chip cookie worshiper, or does it? DUN DUN DUN
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on May 20, 2012, 06:24:26 pm
Personally im boycoting euro, sold my tickets becuase of insane prices of accomodation and food & drinks. I'm very dissapointed especially with polish because they come to adriatic every year, they are catholic and slavs, and they want to rip off their poor croatian brothers.
I think Netherlands will win it because Robben has nice karma.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on May 20, 2012, 06:37:56 pm
Personally im boycoting euro, sold my tickets becuase of insane prices of accomodation and food & drinks. I'm very dissapointed especially with polish because they come to adriatic every year, they are catholic and slavs, and they want to rip off their poor croatian brothers.
I think Netherlands will win it because Robben has nice karma.
Lol Robben just fucked up Bayerns Champion League title cause he's to dumb to convert a penalty... :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on May 20, 2012, 06:48:47 pm
I sense some madness in you Kalp.  :wink:

True  :D Big event in my city and I will watch it in TV...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lars on May 20, 2012, 06:52:42 pm
I hope one of the "underdog teams" ( Russia, Czech republic, Croatia, Poland, Ukraine etc..) will win the Euro championship,  at least (i think) they are formed only by European players.   
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on May 21, 2012, 01:46:15 am
Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands

Because fuck those acting grassdivers from southern Europe.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on May 21, 2012, 07:53:25 am
Spain... unfortunately  :(
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bagge on May 21, 2012, 08:11:47 am
I'm hoping for England in case Sweden get's knocked out. :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Everkistus on May 21, 2012, 08:47:38 am
Lol fuck sports. Voted Finland just because I can.

We have always sucked in football and always will suck at football.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on May 21, 2012, 09:10:38 am
Lol fuck sports. Voted Finland just because I can.

We have always sucked in football and always will suck at football.
Jari Litmanen!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tibe on May 21, 2012, 10:01:43 am
Lol fuck sports. Voted Finland just because I can.

We have always sucked in football and always will suck at football.

Well....u will always have skiing. But yea, who the hell really cares about skiing anymore. Its just Norway, Sweden and Finland giving a damn now. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bagge on May 22, 2012, 12:43:23 pm
Jari Litmanen!

And Sami Hyypiä
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Stabby_Dave on May 22, 2012, 01:15:02 pm
England!!!! but seriously England never win anything...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: SoA_Sir_ODHarry on May 23, 2012, 06:58:59 pm
as Bayern Fan i gotta say
WOW FU BIGTIME :arrow:sadface

ofc Germany will win because Spain not gonna do it again...
Well Netherlands gonna be close too the Cup but i asume they will fail like always  :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on May 28, 2012, 10:57:01 am (  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on May 28, 2012, 11:12:51 am
Are those Polish potato heads?  :twisted:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on May 28, 2012, 12:01:25 pm
of course turkey. turkey is the best key
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on May 28, 2012, 12:57:55 pm
Netherlands is crap. Snejder, v.d.Vaart and Robben are overrated as fuck and they don't have a single decent defender
Germany is pretty good overall allthough Sami Khedira gets way too much playtime I guess we have a chance to make it this time
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Razzer on May 28, 2012, 01:29:02 pm
Turkey gets 7 votes?
Lol, they haven't even qualified.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on May 28, 2012, 01:33:08 pm
Seeing the Netherlands-Spain match from last world cup was a bit like a Bloodbowl match between a chaos team and wood elves, respectively.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on May 28, 2012, 01:33:49 pm
Are those Polish potato heads?  :twisted:
No, these mascots are called Small Hunger. It's a advertising prop of homogenized cheese. And a lot of funny ad like this (
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on May 28, 2012, 01:38:09 pm
Turkey gets 7 votes?
Lol, they haven't even qualified.

germany is turkey
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kastu on May 28, 2012, 08:35:15 pm
I support Brazil and Winland
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on May 30, 2012, 10:01:36 pm
Changed Winland option to I love penises because Herkutati asked me to do it.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on May 30, 2012, 11:33:18 pm
Guess Italy will make it. Before the 2006 WC they had had that large betting/manipulatin scandal and afterwards won the cup.

Now it starts again...

@ Kalp:  It's the same in every major tournament. A lot of officials and "vips" get the tickets and oinly a hand full of real fans watch the matches in the arenas...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on May 30, 2012, 11:56:47 pm
Any team with black players will be fucked anyway, so count them out.  I watched a doc. on racism in Polish/Ukraine football.

lol, the Poles think it's an epic insult to call other fans jews, and kill all jews etc hooknoses bla bla, considering the countries history i found it a bit herp derp retarded. 

Also so many monkey chants and einstein salutes and random unprovoked attacks on fans of different races.  Apparently it's the norm, and the police and public are in denial.

Anywhoo, i'm rooting for England.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on May 30, 2012, 11:57:43 pm
I'm rooting for USA cuz...

NWO 4 4 4 4 LIFEEEE!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on May 30, 2012, 11:59:20 pm
I'm rooting for USA cuz...

NWO 4 4 4 4 LIFEEEE!

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on May 31, 2012, 08:58:46 am
Any team with black players will be fucked anyway, so count them out.  I watched a doc. on racism in Polish/Ukraine football.

lol, the Poles think it's an epic insult to call other fans jews, and kill all jews etc hooknoses bla bla, considering the countries history i found it a bit herp derp retarded. 

Also so many monkey chants and einstein salutes and random unprovoked attacks on fans of different races.  Apparently it's the norm, and the police and public are in denial.

Anywhoo, i'm rooting for England.
That document is tendentious. And Sol Campbell is a moron. Hooligans are everywhere. Each city on world have good and bad districts, the same is in football. Don't be naive polkafranzi.... If someone want to make movie about excesses of British tourists or other thing it will be the same tendentious.

Here our bad behavior during events: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Dalhi on May 31, 2012, 09:02:14 am
Any team with black players will be fucked anyway, so count them out.  I watched a doc. on racism in Polish/Ukraine football.

lol, the Poles think it's an epic insult to call other fans jews, and kill all jews etc hooknoses bla bla, considering the countries history i found it a bit herp derp retarded. 

Also so many monkey chants and einstein salutes and random unprovoked attacks on fans of different races.  Apparently it's the norm, and the police and public are in denial.

Anywhoo, i'm rooting for England.

What an idiot  :?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kayle on May 31, 2012, 11:01:30 am
sweden will lose against england in their group. france will run as usual. i hope for ireland if doyle is attending
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on May 31, 2012, 01:05:02 pm
That document is tendentious. And Sol Campbell is a moron. Hooligans are everywhere. Each city on world have good and bad districts, the same is in football. Don't be naive polkafranzi.... If someone want to make movie about excesses of British tourists or other thing it will be the same tendentious.

Here our bad behavior during events: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Don't know if you've ever been to an English football match recently or know anything about the behaviour of English fans recently but I tell you one thing, if ANYone is caught, behaving in the slightest way like your fans do in some of those matches, it's a LIFETIME ban from ALL stadiums in the country.  That's because we care and can be arsed to police them.  It's a little more lax here in Austria but still there are rules.  However, the high up officials in your countries saying the einstein salute is just "fans pointing to the other fans?" lol, laughable.

What an idiot  :?

Thanks for bringing that to the table.  Btw how is Lech doing?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Dalhi on May 31, 2012, 01:48:04 pm
It works pretty much same way in Poland, maybe it's not so strict unfortunatlly but it is going in the same direction. Of course there are planty of morons, nothing unusual.
What worries me is that your opinion is based on watching one document. That makes me wonder what can you tell us about Kazakhstan after watching "Borat".

Btw how is Lech doing?

How the fuck am I suppose to know, but if you think what I think that you think  :lol: then you deserve Gnjuspalm, unfortunalty there are no new fancy pics  :|
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on May 31, 2012, 01:48:14 pm
Be quiet Phil. Or they will hack your account and then sell it on Polebay for 2 Euro.

Or worst case scenario...might convert you to Harpag-ism forcing you to be Harpags bitch in Strat and gief CD Key.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on May 31, 2012, 02:23:24 pm
you deserve Gnjuspalm, unfortunalty there are no new fancy pics  :|

Make one on photoshop :D

Also, i'm not even trolling dude, but it's not the first thing I watched about the Polish football scene and you have to admit - it's pretty bad, just sayin.  A lot can be also said for UEFAil, who have not the first clue about giving advice or parting with some cash to improve anything they just all mouth no action. 

Regarding Borat, although i'm very well travelled, I haven't been to Kazakhstan yet so I have no choice but to beleive it is actually like he depicts.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlindGuy on June 01, 2012, 02:20:14 am
Regarding Borat, although i'm very well travelled, I haven't been to Kazakhstan yet so I have no choice but to beleive it is actually like he depicts.

I've been. It is. Infact, that's a lie, he makes it look good.

As to EURO 2012, the only bet I have down at the bookies is that at least one fan will be stabbed. Unfortunatly they only gave 2:1, even they are convinced someone is getting the shank. Picking Poland woulda helped, they were giving one to one odds, with Ukraine at 3:1.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 01, 2012, 02:58:10 am
I hope Sweden will face Denmark, so we can go to denmark and berserk!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 01, 2012, 10:48:37 am
I've been. It is. Infact, that's a lie, he makes it look good.

As to EURO 2012, the only bet I have down at the bookies is that at least one fan will be stabbed. Unfortunatly they only gave 2:1, even they are convinced someone is getting the shank. Picking Poland woulda helped, they were giving one to one odds, with Ukraine at 3:1.

bet a lot of money and get yourself stabbed there, might be worth it!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlindGuy on June 01, 2012, 01:57:57 pm
bet a lot of money and get yourself stabbed there, might be worth it!

Im pretty sure that my romani descent DOES entitle me to a free shanking in Ukraine, but tempting as it is, I'm gonna pass on that one, I like peeing into the sink, rather than into a plastic bag next to my comatose body.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Chagan_Arslan on June 01, 2012, 03:03:32 pm
Any team with black players will be fucked anyway, so count them out.  I watched a doc. on racism in Polish/Ukraine football.

Polish national team had imported black guy in offence during world cup in South Korea and believe it or not he wasnt stabbed or taunted during games as far as i know, shocker right ?

lol, the Poles think it's an epic insult to call other fans jews, and kill all jews etc hooknoses bla bla, considering the countries history i found it a bit herp derp retarded. 

no we dont, but i guess you know better

Also so many monkey chants and einstein salutes and random unprovoked attacks on fans of different races.  Apparently it's the norm, and the police and public are in denial.

talking about denial, in Poland there isnt that much politic corectness as in the west, you can say something racist thing and you wont get big fine or go to jail (unless your in a public office or public figure) that's why you can see more of it in here, and its not even that much as you may think usually it narrows down to a small part of football "fans",
in the west this things also exist its just that people are too afraid to speak their mind due to said fines and jailtime...

also i have a question for you do you think the London Olympics in 2012 will be safe ?
i mean wont they end up in the riot like the one from 2011
or a stabbing in busy street in broad day light ?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 01, 2012, 06:02:20 pm
also i have a question for you do you think the London Olympics in 2012 will be safe ?
i mean wont they end up in the riot like the one from 2011
or a stabbing in busy street in broad day light ?

No London is by no means safe and i've never claimed it to be  :? 

Actually I know about 5 people who have been stabbed or mugged or drugged but don't forget this is a city with a daytime population of somewhere between 10-12 million people so there is bound to be some activity.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Arrowblood on June 01, 2012, 07:45:30 pm
Germans win.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlindGuy on June 01, 2012, 10:19:07 pm
Germans win lose.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 01, 2012, 11:31:03 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Overdriven on June 02, 2012, 03:45:10 am
Lamps is out  :(
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 02, 2012, 09:54:12 am

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Elmuri on June 06, 2012, 11:31:32 am
up, only 2 days to go
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 07, 2012, 12:14:25 pm
England will win it Casimir told me so (
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 07, 2012, 12:39:26 pm
No Goal! (
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 07, 2012, 01:09:26 pm
No Goal! (

They payed for that goal on several occasions and will continue to pay for it. Lampard agains germany, Portugal penalties, Croatia on Wembley lolol.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 07, 2012, 01:18:38 pm
In case you didnt know, Euro is a done deal.

Germany bought the Victory.

We own this shit anyway.If the other countrys want to be saved by german moneeeeey better lose.Fuckers.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 07, 2012, 01:58:40 pm
In case you didnt know, Euro is a done deal.

Germany bought the Victory.

We own this shit anyway.If the other countrys want to be saved by german moneeeeey better lose.Fuckers.


You is rude, very rude.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 07, 2012, 02:03:26 pm
You is rude, very rude.

Punish me, Hrvat lover.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Cicero on June 07, 2012, 04:40:04 pm
poor denmark
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 07, 2012, 04:45:45 pm
the day after tomorrow its on and I will be enjoying it at the local beach bar.

Getting drunk and maybe Ill get one or two really drunk ladies.

Well see.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 07, 2012, 04:51:38 pm
the day after tomorrow its on and I will be enjoying it at the local beach bar.

Getting drunk and maybe Ill get one or two really drunk boys.

Well see.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 07, 2012, 04:59:10 pm
Boy, girl, its fine for me, a hole is a hole.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Graf_Hodenschaf on June 08, 2012, 12:10:51 pm
Off course A U S T R I A will win ( and your mom )!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 08, 2012, 12:49:52 pm
To bring this one back to topic a bit, what'S your guess for the first few matches, Poland - Greece and Russia - Czech Republic?

And Graf, keep those Austrians out. Four years ago they were allowed to participate (because they were host), this should be enough for the next 20 years...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 08, 2012, 01:02:26 pm
We need an official cRPG gold betting system.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 08, 2012, 02:04:21 pm
I bet your lives Poland will win and Panos will cry.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Graf_Hodenschaf on June 08, 2012, 03:26:19 pm

And Graf, keep those Austrians out. Four years ago they we're allowed to participate (becaus they were host), this should be enough for the next 20 years...

Ah you just want to discriminate us cause we have better beer, AAAADMIIIIIN  :mrgreen:

No, seriously, i bet on germany!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 08, 2012, 05:33:28 pm
My prediction

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on June 08, 2012, 05:38:31 pm
Love child of Gnjus and Ashton Kutcher?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 08, 2012, 05:40:34 pm
The one that gives the most money to referees will win.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 08, 2012, 05:58:24 pm
the stadium where poland plays against greece looks really great from the inside, so much money wasted :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 08, 2012, 06:36:51 pm
the stadium where poland plays against greece looks really great from the inside, so much money wasted :)

And they say EU is in crisis, damn mericans.

Holy shit almost 2:0! ALMOST!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Ronald_Meliossandro on June 08, 2012, 06:52:51 pm
ffs is a penelty and the peneltyjudge is 2 meters from the sitution and he dont se it  :mad:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 08, 2012, 06:59:46 pm
referee fucked up the match, 2 very strict yellows, gg...

omg ancient gods are alive, this match is LOL
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on June 08, 2012, 07:45:59 pm
Too nervous for me. Poland had good 15-20 minutes in first half, then like no more "power".

Good luck for Czech Republic in next match  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 08, 2012, 07:56:41 pm
Incredible! From 1:0, to almost 1:2. Zeus is alive yes
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 08, 2012, 08:18:28 pm

the greeks are going mad, the greeks are going mad!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 08, 2012, 09:54:50 pm
Ah you just want to discriminate us cause we have better beer, AAAADMIIIIIN  :mrgreen:

No, seriously, i bet on germany!

Hodenschaf, you know we still haven't gotten over that Cordoba thing...  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 08, 2012, 11:08:14 pm

Still a classic :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 09, 2012, 06:50:59 pm
Very amusing first 45 minutes. I love the fact that the oranjes are failing hard right now xD
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 09, 2012, 06:59:19 pm
Nothing better on TV, so I watch it too.

The first goal was very, very ugly. Really the goalie got owned there.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 09, 2012, 07:56:40 pm
And they made it!
*clap clap*
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 09, 2012, 07:57:48 pm
Who would have thought it?  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 09, 2012, 07:58:34 pm
Nice dedication of the Danish goalie there. He probably knew he'll be ran over but still jumped for it.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 09, 2012, 08:01:04 pm
Boringlater is crying somewhere
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 09, 2012, 10:15:57 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 09, 2012, 10:19:02 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Razzer on June 09, 2012, 10:43:42 pm
1:0 visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Fuckin close bullshit
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 09, 2012, 10:44:34 pm
Yep its was 50:50 but Germany wins with extra class. They have Gomez, Portugal has Varela lol.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 09, 2012, 10:45:55 pm

Netherlands lost, our guys won (although a bit lucky, but who cares). Lovely day <3
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 09, 2012, 11:34:57 pm
robben is utter crap, the guy cant play football properly.
snejder is not what he used to be and so is van persie
netherlands wont stand a chance against germany and they'll struggle again portugal because i dont see anyone in their team who could possibly stop nani or ronaldo.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bazinga on June 09, 2012, 11:50:07 pm
robben is utter crap, the guy cant play football properly.
snejder is not what he used to be and so is van persie
netherlands wont stand a chance against germany and they'll struggle again portugal because i dont see anyone in their team who could possibly stop nani or ronaldo.

Van Persie ist not what he used to be? Really?

He freakin' scored 30 goals! He's in his best form, ever, ever and ever. They were all really unlucky in front of goal, but they still had some amazing attacks. Defence is mostly crap.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 09, 2012, 11:54:18 pm
robben is utter crap, the guy cant play football properly.
snejder is not what he used to be and so is van persie
netherlands wont stand a chance against germany and they'll struggle again portugal because i dont see anyone in their team who could possibly stop nani or ronaldo.

I wouldn't say that. I know, the test-game GER vs NED turned out to be very disappointing for netherlands and they totally failed today vs denmark, but there is so much potential in the ned-troop that they can use
Oranjes were and will always be very hard opponents.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 10, 2012, 12:04:38 am
Hah, last time the Netherlands lost the very first match of the EC was in 1988 and we won the entire thing and we'll do it again!

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 10, 2012, 12:16:39 am
Van Persie ist not what he used to be? Really?

He freakin' scored 30 goals! He's in his best form, ever, ever and ever. They were all really unlucky in front of goal, but they still had some amazing attacks. Defence is mostly crap.
van der vaart not van persie, I got confused with their names there.

Defence is crap and so in the midfield. Robben is such a limited player, bommel and dejong werent good enough to play in bundesliga (well Bommel was but now hes just old), snejder and van
der vaart arent as good as they used to be.. only affelay or however you spell his name
is really good

huntelaar is op though.
I wouldn't say that. I know, the test-game GER vs NED turned out to be very disappointing for netherlands and they totally failed today vs denmark, but there is so much potential in the ned-troop that they can use
Oranjes were and will always be very hard opponents.
no, right now I don't see any Potential in this team tbh..

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 10, 2012, 12:40:02 am
Boringlater is crying somewhere
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 10, 2012, 12:46:34 am
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kato on June 10, 2012, 12:51:02 am
robben is utter crap, the guy cant play football properly.
snejder is not what he used to be and so is van persie
netherlands wont stand a chance against germany and they'll struggle again portugal because i dont see anyone in their team who could possibly stop nani or ronaldo.

I was watching only second half, but snejder was pretty good, many great passes sent, forwards were uterr crap almost on kerzakov level from yesterday. 
Also I agree that netherlands havent big chance against germany.
Title: Re: Denmark - Netherlands
Post by: Nessaj on June 10, 2012, 04:28:36 am
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Persie hits Agger with his elbow:

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Agger says thanks for last Viking style:

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Title: Re: Denmark - Netherlands
Post by: Klauwaert on June 10, 2012, 08:02:19 am
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 10, 2012, 02:53:35 pm
Agger says thanks for last Viking style:

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I remember this one from us against Spain 2 years ago.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tor! on June 10, 2012, 06:50:52 pm
Spain - Italy is surprisingly entertaining so far, did not expect Italy to attack this much and have this much possession  :shock:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 10, 2012, 06:54:16 pm
The black Italian Stallion is not performing, Barotelli is playing like he has stage fright. Making really easy mistakes and what not.

However, very entertaining so far.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lars on June 10, 2012, 07:38:11 pm
The black Ghanaian Stallion is not performing, Barotelli is playing like he has stage fright. Making really easy mistakes and what not.

However, very entertaining so far.


god damn football players, spoiled crybabies
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 10, 2012, 07:41:17 pm
Thank god they swapped the moron, anyway. His hair looks ridiculous.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 10, 2012, 07:49:21 pm

god damn football players, spoiled crybabies

Born in Italy therefore Italian.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 11, 2012, 12:45:50 am
Ireland down.

Italy next.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 11, 2012, 01:08:57 am
The good show of Spain - Italy was unlikely considering, you know... Italy.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 11, 2012, 01:33:11 am
Thank god they swapped the moron, anyway. His hair looks ridiculous.
Ridiculous? This one is ridiculous:
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 11, 2012, 06:58:09 am
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bagge on June 11, 2012, 09:48:36 am
(click to show/hide)

hilarious picture :lol:

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: rebbrown on June 11, 2012, 02:47:51 pm
Spain - Italy is surprisingly entertaining so far, did not expect Italy to attack this much and have this much possession  :shock:

Prandelli, the Italian coach, is known for his offensive approach. He never sits back and defends. Odd that, him being Italian and all :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Nessaj on June 11, 2012, 08:28:18 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on June 11, 2012, 08:34:06 pm
haha epic picture  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 11, 2012, 08:37:09 pm
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Welcome to jackass.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 11, 2012, 09:15:09 pm
Goddamnit, those Ukranians have a really foul play, trampling from behind and shit.

Also they almost fucking scored, I raged...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 11, 2012, 09:34:39 pm
Surprisingly good match for the Ukranians.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 11, 2012, 09:39:09 pm
ukrain vs sweden

brothel wars!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 11, 2012, 09:41:05 pm
Yes, Ukrainians are playing really aggressively. Sweden needs to communicate more, or just give Zlatan the ball...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 11, 2012, 09:49:55 pm
Yes, Ukrainians are playing really aggressively. Sweden needs to communicate more, or just give Zlatan the ball...

Yes give the guy from balkan ball, cause swedes suck  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 11, 2012, 09:58:19 pm
typical balkan my old friend combined with swedish bundle of sticksry

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 11, 2012, 10:00:58 pm
U mad Bjord?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 11, 2012, 10:04:38 pm
First I was like  :D :D :D :D

Then I was like  :|

So typical. You score and then immediately they counter.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 11, 2012, 10:06:35 pm

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 11, 2012, 10:07:03 pm
Wow. xD
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 11, 2012, 10:15:31 pm
People actually enjoy watching a bunch of men running around kicking a ball from one side to the other for 2 hours, faking injuries and barely even scoring once during it all?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 11, 2012, 10:32:14 pm
People actually enjoy watching a bunch of men running around kicking a ball from one side to the other for 2 hours, faking injuries and barely even scoring once during it all?
I really hope that this is an attempt to be funny
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 11, 2012, 10:33:54 pm
Football is holy, heathen scum.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 11, 2012, 10:39:23 pm
People actually enjoy watching a bunch of men running around kicking a ball from one side to the other for 2 hours, faking injuries and barely even scoring once during it all?

You are no true man if you DONT enjoy it.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 11, 2012, 10:41:17 pm
People actually enjoy watching a bunch of men running around kicking a ball from one side to the other for 2 hours, faking injuries and barely even scoring once during it all?

Better then watch fat my old friends sword fighting
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 11, 2012, 10:42:27 pm
hehe turkey 2 sweden 0
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 12, 2012, 12:42:43 am
Ya'll know its true, football is so overrated.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 12, 2012, 02:13:59 am
Shevchenko the old bundle of sticks kicked swedens ass. :P I love this guy. :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 12, 2012, 03:00:56 am
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 12, 2012, 03:23:57 am
UKR - SWE 2:1 wtf??? Couldn't see the match, the result is quite a surprise for me.

Could the Ukrainians, after the draw in world history's all-time classic ENG vs FRA, perhaps make it to the next round?

EDIT: Oh, yes

Football is holy, heathen scum.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lars on June 12, 2012, 11:08:32 am
Rugby is holy
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 12, 2012, 12:33:34 pm
Rugby is holy
aye maybe, but we're speaking about football mate, not about rugby, not about handball and not even about soccer... so make your own holy rugby thread  :evil:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lars on June 12, 2012, 01:14:11 pm
aye maybe, but we're speaking about football mate, not about rugby, not about handball and not even about soccer... so make your own holy rugby thread  :evil:

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 12, 2012, 08:00:36 pm
Wallpaper for Panos

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 12, 2012, 08:17:18 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 12, 2012, 08:26:27 pm
Wallpaper for Panos

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look down
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 12, 2012, 08:28:43 pm

Greece lost against Czechs!???

I feel so bad for Penos.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 12, 2012, 09:59:09 pm
Football just amazes me. A billion dollar industry created out of people running after a ball. It is so retarded. You have all these football nerds who know everything about every team and every player, completely obsessed with something trivial as chasing a ball. Its kinda sad.

And yet, I can't wait for tomorrow's game.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 12, 2012, 10:05:08 pm
Sounds like you never tried a sport, you fucking lard-ass.

If you dumb something down enough it will sound retarded, just like you did.

Football has something magical about it, I can't wait for Friday.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 12, 2012, 10:06:54 pm
Magical, mmhh right.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 12, 2012, 10:09:28 pm
Problem, lardo?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on June 12, 2012, 10:18:06 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 12, 2012, 10:30:45 pm
Problem, lardo?
Hey, my entire youth was pretty much playing football outside. Playing football is fun, watching it is okay, but watching football clubs websites anxiously for their new transfers and plans or punching rival fans, I just don't understand that complete all encompassing obsession.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 12, 2012, 10:33:59 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on June 12, 2012, 10:40:41 pm
Poland-Russia 1:1 uff what a emotions  :o
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 12, 2012, 10:45:25 pm
gg poland and russia

btw : wtf? netherlands got huntelaar and van persie
but still they prefer to go with van Bommel who is ~35 and dejong who cant play football at all?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 12, 2012, 10:50:09 pm
gg poland and russia

btw : wtf? netherlands got huntelaar and van persie
but still they prefer to go with van Bommel who is ~35 and dejong who cant play football at all?
Wait, I know this and I barely care for football. Blackmilk you are a shit football nerd!

Van Bommel and De Jong are midfielders and Van Persie and Huntelaar are strikers, so they can't really replace eachother.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 12, 2012, 11:00:00 pm
But having them on the field is a lot better than having them warm benches.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 12, 2012, 11:01:27 pm
you can change the playing System lol
think they are using a 4-5-1 with dejong and vanbommel being the 2 defensive midfielders and i don't get why marwijck does not change it into a 4-4-2 with 2 strikers :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 12, 2012, 11:31:13 pm
you can change the playing System lol
think they are using a 4-5-1 with dejong and vanbommel being the 2 defensive midfielders and i don't get why marwijck does not change it into a 4-4-2 with 2 strikers :D

I would play 4-5-4
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 13, 2012, 02:05:30 am
I would play 4-5-4
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 13, 2012, 02:23:37 am
What happened to good old 4-3-3? The Dutch invented it and they kicked ass with it. Still, Van Persie AND Huntelaar wouldn't fit into this one, too.

EDIT: I think Van Bommel is Van Marvijk's Son-in-law, so...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 13, 2012, 04:14:09 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 13, 2012, 04:20:49 pm
As if :lol:

You lost against denmark, there is no way you gonna win against us.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 13, 2012, 04:26:21 pm
We'll see about that :wink:
But  if Germany is better, I am okay with losing.

I like Germany and I'm not gonna bring up bad war jokes like many other people seem to do with football :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 13, 2012, 04:28:09 pm
As if :lol:

You lost against denmark, there is no way you gonna win against us.

Well usually the Netherlands is pretty full of themselves and thinks Denmark is complete shit and then loses because they think they already won the match when it started.

Maybe they will put up a good challange against Germany or even win, it is entirely possibly but I'm not expecting it atm.
But I don't really follow football anyway.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 13, 2012, 04:49:15 pm
Well, normally I love the netherlands, I think If I could choose a euro State to live in besides germany it would be the netherlands, but when it comes to football, we are just mortal enemys :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 13, 2012, 04:51:27 pm
Well, normally I love the netherlands, I think If I could choose a euro State to live in besides germany it would be the netherlands, but when it comes to football, we are just mortal enemys :D
no we aren't

we'll destroy them and it's not even a secret. they can't guard gomez, özil or podolski...lahm will take out robben and hummels will take care of van persie
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 13, 2012, 05:06:05 pm
tonight oranjes will loose to germany badly, especially if they will play as badly as they played against denmark...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 13, 2012, 05:11:06 pm
tonight germans will loose to oranjes badly, especially if they will play as badly as they played against portugal...

LOL we are in good company then, talking about playing bad against someone before...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 13, 2012, 05:38:09 pm
LOL we are in good company then, talking about playing bad against someone before...

Doesn't matter what happened at those games. The netherlands got one hell of a team and they surely won't be playing like they did against Denmark. Same goes for Germany. If you think this match tonight is going to be an easy win for germany you most certainly have no idea what you are talking about.
It'll be an awesome match and will probably cause some almost-heartattackes for me.

Oh man, stuff like that always reminds me of the Match Argentina vs. Germany 2006, i died like 10 times at this game.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 13, 2012, 05:44:56 pm
Pff...I didnt say it would be easy, but Im still certain we will win.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 13, 2012, 05:45:03 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 13, 2012, 05:59:46 pm
Pff...I didnt say it would be easy, but Im still certain we will win.

Oh, yeah, that was Blackmilk. Sorry then xD
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 13, 2012, 06:37:15 pm
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Oh yes, Frau Antje. Almost unknown here yet popular in Germany.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 13, 2012, 06:39:21 pm
Does all shit cheese go to Germany?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 06:52:23 pm
Fucking Portugal... bunch of actors and crybabies. Disgusting!
A bit like some 2h of this community  :mrgreen:
Tho Dynamite Denmark isn't as explosive as I hoped for.
And Portugal should be only be with 10 players after that hand play since the defender was last man!

Damn referee!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 13, 2012, 06:54:49 pm
portugay sucks hard, i hope pepe dies today
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 07:40:53 pm
Ahaha... Fucking Ronaldo  :twisted:

Lmao if the Danish would manage to win now  :mrgreen:

Edit : Nooooooo
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 13, 2012, 07:53:17 pm
ewww shitty retards won it..
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 07:55:52 pm
Yea, god damn it. Not even properly deserved. Draw would have been fine.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on June 13, 2012, 08:30:50 pm
Fucking Portugal... bunch of actors and crybabies. Disgusting!
Not in this match. Watch Giorgos Karagounis in matches versus Poland and Czech Republic then try to write this again :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 13, 2012, 08:38:13 pm
Danes didn't deserve draw here, move along nothing to see here.

Also i spotted fake Ronaldo jersey in Portugal team.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 09:11:59 pm


Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 13, 2012, 09:13:27 pm
Germany gonna crush pussy Holland.

Think it's going to end with 2 - 0 Germany.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 09:24:05 pm
Fuck you, Netherlands! Not this time :D

Great save from the goalkeeper before though...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 13, 2012, 09:24:47 pm
i could give hints to other people on how to bet, basicly if anybody would bet opposite than i suggest, he'd make shitloads of money.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 13, 2012, 09:25:11 pm
And Goalmez scores again!!!!!

Fucking epic.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 13, 2012, 09:25:39 pm
no not so epic
it isnt done yet
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 13, 2012, 09:27:19 pm
Shut up, Van der Pussy and Robben sucks today. Robben just failed hard during corner for Holland and Germany almost scored again.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 09:31:32 pm
no not so epic
it isnt done yet

We're watching the same game? Your Team is in a wake coma right now.
I'm sorry, buddy but this isn't going to end well for Oranje...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 13, 2012, 09:32:37 pm
Netherlands are fail today. Deserved win for Germany inc.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 13, 2012, 09:37:36 pm
Shut up, Van der Pussy and Robben sucks today. Robben just failed hard during corner for Holland and Germany almost scored again.
Robben has one move he pulls of (fake right, go left and either shoot or pass) but Lahm doesn't let him to do it. Thats why he has to go to the middle and try to feed van persie, which is just not his game.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 13, 2012, 09:39:44 pm
Die Mannschaft will fuck all opposition in die arsch.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 13, 2012, 09:41:53 pm
Die Mannschaft will fuck all opposition in die arsch.

Die Mannschaft wird das gegnerische Team in den Arsch ficken.

Thats a bad choice of words though, not very polite.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 13, 2012, 09:44:16 pm
I wasn't trying to speak German, Die Mannschaft is the term non-German medias use to describe Germany's superiority in fussball.

But yes, that does not sound very polite. But... that's the point.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 10:03:31 pm
Just tried to imagine Bjord being polite. I lol'd  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 13, 2012, 10:05:13 pm
Lol'd at you lol'ing. :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 13, 2012, 10:12:34 pm
I think when Bjord came to Nordmen TS once, he said hi. Was polite enough.  :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 13, 2012, 10:15:51 pm
Netherlanders woke up.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 10:17:48 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 13, 2012, 10:28:53 pm
Van Persie is really good though, no surprise he made that goal. Just wondering what German Mannschaft defence was doing. :/
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 10:36:32 pm
Ole ole! 8-)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 13, 2012, 10:36:48 pm
awful in the second half  :|
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 13, 2012, 10:39:27 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 13, 2012, 10:39:58 pm
awful in the second half  :|
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 13, 2012, 10:45:04 pm
congratz turkey for beating the shit out of orange
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 13, 2012, 10:46:54 pm
Gomez is the best. The media and many suckers here in germany often complain about him, but he's one of the best forwards in europe and I hope his critics feel bad today. :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 13, 2012, 10:49:59 pm
Cool match.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 13, 2012, 10:52:52 pm
gomez has been the second top scorer in the championsleague twice in a row now but german media still complains about him and his playing style haha

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 13, 2012, 10:57:02 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 13, 2012, 10:59:12 pm
Joachim Löw.  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 13, 2012, 11:07:03 pm

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 13, 2012, 11:13:59 pm
Bit off-topic but I thought I'd share what kind of great goalkeeper is unfortunately leaving my hometown club... we really enjoyed his time here  :wink: (
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 14, 2012, 12:04:32 am
Oranje can only win if they win from Portugal with a difference of 2 goals.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 14, 2012, 12:43:26 am
I always believed in German superiority. Great show.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on June 14, 2012, 12:45:47 am
People actually enjoy watching a bunch of men running around kicking a ball from one side to the other for 2 hours, faking injuries and barely even scoring once during it all?

This 100 times. Only gypsys watch soccer  (football for u butthurts).

Real men watch hockey!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 14, 2012, 12:49:39 am
This 100 times. Only gypsys watch soccer  (football for u butthurts).

Real men watch hockey!

Quick quiz for you Berenger, please answer as you answer to your mom ( don't lie).

1.Do you like baseball

a) yes b)cricket is better c)no

2. Are canadians superior to their south neigbhours in hockey

a) of course they are b) maybe c) no way

3. Which one do you prefer?

a)taco bell b)mcdonalds c)subway d)KFC e)all of the above    what letter is after e?

4. How would you describe yourself in one letter?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 14, 2012, 01:11:57 am
just ignore him, all he wants is to get some attention...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 14, 2012, 01:31:29 am
This 100 times. Only gypsys watch soccer  (football for u butthurts).

Real men watch hockey!
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cool game
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 14, 2012, 03:50:32 am
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 14, 2012, 04:20:51 am
Joachim Löw.  :lol:
Jaaa, das war hilarious :mrgreen:
Germany ftw.
Gonna be fun to watch them on Sunday, i live in Denmark and am german  :twisted:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 14, 2012, 08:56:52 am
First half we were awesome and netherlands wasnt.Second half We werent so awesome and netherlands became somewhat more awesome.

Still a nice game imo.

But Robben is fucking useless.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 14, 2012, 11:34:33 am
He did some amazing passes which created some of the best goal opportunities in the match for Holland.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 14, 2012, 11:47:58 am
i hope turkey beats italy today
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 14, 2012, 11:51:46 am
He did some amazing passes which created some of the best goal opportunities in the match for Holland.
Yea, like 2 of them. Lahm, Boateng and Hummels did just an awesome job in the defence and just nullified Robben and Afellay.
And I don't think the 2nd half was that bad. Keep in mind that it was Netherland, a team with probably the best offensive players in Europe. Just look at their team.
Besides, the last 8 minutes, holding the ball at that on corner basicly, was very entertaining... at least I enjoyed it  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 14, 2012, 01:05:58 pm
What drunk idiot came up with the idea to throw Bommel in in the first place? :l
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lars on June 14, 2012, 01:08:45 pm

Will the italian fans  get the same "consolation prize"  after this evening's match? :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 14, 2012, 01:11:05 pm

Will the italian fans  get the same "consolation prize"  after this evening's match? :lol:

ugly chicks with nice tits
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 14, 2012, 01:20:05 pm
What drunk idiot came up with the idea to throw Bommel in in the first place? :l
He's van Marwijk son in law right? Has to keep the daughter happy.

Van Bommel has been the most fail player in this tournament so far, he needs to gtfo.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 14, 2012, 01:54:22 pm
He's van Marwijk son in law right? Has to keep the daughter happy.

Van Bommel has been the most fail player in this tournament so far, he needs to gtfo.

Yes he is family related with him afaik - fuck that bullshit.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 14, 2012, 02:28:11 pm
Why isn't Seedorf playing. Hes still young.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Teeth on June 14, 2012, 02:35:45 pm
Why isn't Seedorf playing. Hes still young.
Wat, the guy played back when I cared for football and he wasn't even that young back then.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Oberyn on June 14, 2012, 02:38:46 pm
I cringed many times when watching the Danemark/Netherlands game. Soooooo many opportunities. Game should've gone to the dutch, but the football gods were not with them.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 14, 2012, 03:55:55 pm

Will the italian fans  get the same "consolation prize"  after this evening's match? :lol:
lmao that guy licking it
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 14, 2012, 06:06:57 pm
Jebo te mater, Italian balding midgets!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 14, 2012, 07:04:08 pm
All the football violence related to euro 2012
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 14, 2012, 07:38:44 pm
omg! Croatia is really pretty awesome!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gnjus on June 14, 2012, 08:05:17 pm
Joachim Löw.  :lol:

Trololöw! =))
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: dregh94 on June 14, 2012, 08:19:02 pm
Another 1-1 for italy (1-1 since world cup of 2010 :D)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Ujin on June 14, 2012, 11:07:38 pm
All the football violence related to euro 2012
Polish police and the authorities not doing their job properly.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 14, 2012, 11:27:27 pm
Polish police and the authorities not doing their job properly.

They're probably hooligans themselves who signed up for the police job just so they could fight :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 15, 2012, 01:29:01 am

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 15, 2012, 02:16:53 am
Bad haircut?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 15, 2012, 02:23:27 am
Bad haircut?

Maybe Tavuk will know
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 15, 2012, 02:40:12 am
All homosexuals?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 15, 2012, 09:22:33 am
All turks.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2012, 10:30:38 am
Quote from: wikipedia
Mario Gómez García (German pronunciation: [ˈmaːʁioː ˈɡɔmɛs]; born 10 July 1985) is a German footballer of Spanish descent who plays as a striker for Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga and the German national team.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 15, 2012, 11:06:49 am
All turks.


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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2012, 11:51:37 am
I guess you just couldn't find an even bigger picture than this one, right?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 15, 2012, 01:59:34 pm
I guess you just couldn't find an even bigger picture than this one, right?
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bagge on June 15, 2012, 06:02:54 pm
Todays bets:

Ukraine - France 1-2
Sweden - England 0-2 (fuck it, i'm no longer optimistic)'

Anyone dare to bet against me? 50k per match.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bagge on June 15, 2012, 06:06:24 pm
Fucking rain. Ukraine worst weather eu
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 15, 2012, 06:15:17 pm
Todays bets:

Ukraine - France 1-2
Sweden - England 0-2 (fuck it, i'm no longer optimistic)'

Anyone dare to bet against me? 50k per match.
Sweden - England 0:0
Don't want to bet against you though haha
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2012, 06:25:50 pm
Ridiculous rain. Look at the lawn. That's gonna be a fun match when it continues.

But I gonna say France wins with one more goal, scored in the 92nd minute.
And Sweden wins. 2 goals by Ibrahimovic. Both scored before 30min are over. Gerrard scores around minute 85 from the distance. They fail scoring the 2nd goal...

My tip, no bet cuz I'm broke  :?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 15, 2012, 06:27:40 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 15, 2012, 06:45:40 pm
Ukrain wins and I hope Toivonen will be a substitute and gets so badly injured he will never be able to play again.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 15, 2012, 07:02:36 pm
Raiden wins

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 15, 2012, 07:06:33 pm
Ukrain wins and I hope Toivonen will be a substitute and gets so badly injured he will never be able to play again.

why? cuz he's finnish?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2012, 07:09:00 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 15, 2012, 07:13:04 pm
why? cuz he's finnish?
No because Ola is a douchebag and never plays fair.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Nessaj on June 15, 2012, 10:04:44 pm
Cmon Swedes..
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 10:13:06 pm
1 - 1, pretty crude goal by Mellberg but if it's in it's in!

I'm rooting for Zlatan to score at least once. :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 15, 2012, 10:18:07 pm
Hart noob, that was his ball :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 10:18:54 pm
2 - 1 Swedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!!

Sverige Sverige Sverige wooohoooooo
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2012, 10:22:51 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 10:23:27 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 15, 2012, 10:24:33 pm
theo walcott bwahahaha
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 10:26:38 pm
Seriously, typical Sweden. Can't enjoy a goal for more than 5 minutes...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 15, 2012, 10:27:43 pm
i love penises should be the option for Sweden ?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Nessaj on June 15, 2012, 10:34:07 pm
Sweden will win, 3-2, Zlatan scores (perhaps Källstrom).
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 10:35:49 pm
That could have been true already if we weren't so shitty at finishing.

Omh are you FUKING KDDING ME!????
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Nessaj on June 15, 2012, 10:36:21 pm
Did I say Sweden? I meant England :twisted:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2012, 10:37:59 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 10:40:23 pm
After this EC I am never ever watching it again, Sweden keeps breaking my heart...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 15, 2012, 10:53:50 pm
So Sweden is out?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 10:55:44 pm
Yup...  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2012, 10:59:10 pm
Well, England had more luck than skill in this one. I didn't see the english team better playing than Sweden tbh.

If England is the birthplace of football, they're on strict birthcontrol atm.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 15, 2012, 11:02:45 pm
Isaksson always behaves strange.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 15, 2012, 11:04:41 pm
Well, England had more luck than skill in this one. I didn't see the english team better playing than Sweden tbh.

If England is the birthplace of football, they're on strict birthcontrol atm.
dude rooney, ferdinand, lampard, barry and even more are injured/disabled
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 15, 2012, 11:15:03 pm
dude rooney, ferdinand, lampard, barry and even more are injured/disabled

Well Sweden has always been better than England in football. So don't think that would matter that much.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 15, 2012, 11:29:14 pm
Well Sweden has always been better than England in football. So don't think that would matter that much.

Guess not.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 15, 2012, 11:34:24 pm
Guess not.

Yeah they won now I know. But Sweden has beaten them way more than they have beaten us.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 15, 2012, 11:36:53 pm
If they have allways been better than England, why didn't they win any title yet?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 15, 2012, 11:37:39 pm
If they have allways been better than England, why didn't they win any title yet?

Yeah they won now I know. But Sweden has beaten them way more than they have beaten us.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 11:38:47 pm
Because we can't finish a match....
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 15, 2012, 11:44:44 pm
England won the World Cup in 1966, Sweden has yet to win any world or euro cup...

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 15, 2012, 11:46:22 pm
Ibrahimovic played a single player game, he just haven't noticed he logged on into multiplayer...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2012, 11:48:34 pm
dude rooney, ferdinand, lampard, barry and even more are injured/disabled
Ferdinand = old
Lampard = old
Terry = old

they are "playing" in the past.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Svitjodvarg on June 15, 2012, 11:54:52 pm
England won the World Cup in 1966, Sweden has yet to win any world or euro cup...

We have always had it easy against England except a few times when we lost.... Accept it.. Sweden playing style is often better than english playing style.. it has nothing do who won the world cup or whatever.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 16, 2012, 12:07:06 am
We have always had it easy against England except when we lost....

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 16, 2012, 01:04:03 am
We have always had it easy against England except a few times when we lost.... Accept it.. Sweden playing style is often better than english playing style.. it has nothing do who won the world cup or whatever.

lol sweden is nothing without kebab ibrahimovic. btw nice title, finnish peasant, lawl'd hard :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 16, 2012, 01:42:38 am
lol sweden is nothing without kebab ibrahimovic. btw nice title, finnish peasant, lawl'd hard :D
Dahlin, Brolin, Larsson... just to name a few great players from the past swedish team.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 16, 2012, 03:43:01 am
Dahlin, Brolin, Larsson... just to name a few great players from the past swedish team.

im not talking about the past you moron. of course they had good players in the past, my fave was kennet andersson. but today they suck hard.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 16, 2012, 04:06:39 am
It doesn't matter how many times Sweden has beat us in the past, they could have beat us 1000 times, but you guys lost today and you're out, cannot get out of the group stage, go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 16, 2012, 04:19:18 am
Swed team sucked like Finn team would! wololo!! what is the difference between Finns and swedes?  nothing, but swedes are a little bit more gay, but it's ok to be gay in the 20th century.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Baggy on June 16, 2012, 04:20:17 am
An Irish team would have bombed the English before losing.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 16, 2012, 12:15:27 pm
It doesn't matter how many times Sweden has beat us in the past, they could have beat us 1000 times, but you guys lost today and you're out, cannot get out of the group stage, go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 16, 2012, 10:14:28 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 16, 2012, 10:18:32 pm
If Cze and Gre win...
Russia and Poland would go home...
I don't even...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 16, 2012, 10:30:51 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 16, 2012, 10:40:40 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Oberyn on June 16, 2012, 11:00:57 pm
                        W   D   L   GD   Pts
Czech Rep.    2   0    1   -1    6
Greece            1   1    1    0    4
Russia            1   1       1    2    4
Poland            0   2    1   -1    2

I don't get it, why is Greece and not Russia going beyond the group phase? Don't they win on the goal difference?

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 16, 2012, 11:03:58 pm
Because according to brilliant UEFA logics: Greece won 1 time against Russia, so obviously they are better, and thus deserve it to go to the next round.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 16, 2012, 11:04:50 pm
                        W   D   L   GD   Pts
Czech Rep.    2   0    1   -1    6
Greece            1   1    1    0    4
Russia            1   1       1    2    4
Poland            0   2    1   -1    2

I don't get it, why is Greece and not Russia going beyond the group phase? Don't they win on the goal difference?

They beaten Russia. Its not goal difference, tiebreaker are only matches against each other.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Ujin on June 16, 2012, 11:10:40 pm
Gz Greece and Czechs.

No comments about our game tonight, dunno wtf was that, the team looked unprepared or demoralized.

P.S. good thing i'm at least drunk, can't imagine watching that sober and without a company.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 16, 2012, 11:34:55 pm
Dionysus will get smashed t'night...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gnjus on June 16, 2012, 11:35:25 pm
I'm not shaving until the Greeks drop out of the tourney and if they win it I'll seriously consider visiting Athens and celebrating with Pancake.  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 16, 2012, 11:48:23 pm
Well, since the probability is high that Germany is going to be 1st in its group...
One more match for Greece and they're going home. So keep your razor sharp, Gnjus. That beard won't last long.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 16, 2012, 11:57:01 pm
Haha I can only imagine the amount of hate and rage in greece if they lose to germany in football.

I mean, they are so heated up and aggro against germany anyway...That would probably start a fucking war  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 17, 2012, 12:15:34 am
Haha I can only imagine the amount of hate and rage in greece if they lose to germany in football.

I mean, they are so heated up and aggro against germany anyway...That would probably start a fucking war  :lol:
they better, got payed already  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 17, 2012, 12:17:04 am (

Boringlater in action lolz.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Boerenlater on June 17, 2012, 12:39:37 am (

Boringlater in action lolz.
Yes I saw that clip on tv lol, poor Ukrainian journalist.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 17, 2012, 12:58:24 am
Yes I saw that clip on tv lol, poor Ukrainian journalist.

She's Polish... (imo)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 17, 2012, 03:09:14 am
Czech Rep. > Poland
Greece > Russia

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gnjus on June 17, 2012, 11:52:56 am
One more match for Greece and they're going home. So keep your razor sharp, Gnjus. That beard won't last long.

Don't worry, I use Mach 3.  :wink:

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 17, 2012, 12:03:14 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 17, 2012, 01:01:01 pm
That was awesome²
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: KingBread on June 17, 2012, 01:14:21 pm
She's Polish... (imo)
She speaks like Ukrainian so i think she is Ukrainish :P

Anyway how dafuq Poland and Russia didn't exit the group ?? i hope they will kick out our(polish) football association bosses after this
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kalp on June 17, 2012, 01:21:14 pm
i hope they will kick out our(polish) football association bosses after this
naive  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 17, 2012, 01:30:19 pm
She speaks like Ukrainian so i think she is Ukrainish :P

Anyway how dafuq Poland and Russia didn't exit the group ?? i hope they will kick out our(polish) football association bosses after this

haven't heard you on ts for a long time so i forgot how polish sounds like :)

its good that machos from russia are going home, at least i won't have to listen to "russia, russia..." chanting in the matches where russians are not even playing anymore... i'd prefer poland going with us to the next phase instead of greeks though, but one can never have everything.

you had a very good team overall, but maybe kinda inexperienced - seemed like you can beat brazil and the other day loose to san marino.  like our national team was many times just 1 step from hell in euro qualifiers and always managed to recover, maybe its the experience that polish were not able to get, when they had their spot in euro for free. similar goes to greeks, they always are able to give their best when its really needed.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: KingBread on June 17, 2012, 01:48:42 pm

you had a very good team overall, but maybe kinda inexperienced - seemed like you can beat brazil and the other day loose to san marino.  like our national team was many times just 1 step from hell in euro qualifiers and always managed to recover, maybe its the experience that polish were not able to get, when they had their spot in euro for free. similar goes to greeks, they always are able to give their best when its really needed.

I'm not sure if they are good... mayby becouse of their random performance. We can't win anything and can't recover when it's needed i kinda blame our coach also but it doesn't matter now. End of Euro, high hopes, and cheering for them.

naive  :rolleyes:

Seems like all politics agree on this :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gurnisson on June 17, 2012, 03:17:40 pm
I loved the fact that Czechs and Greeks progressed. :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 18, 2012, 12:21:32 am
Nice Euro, Netherlands.  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 18, 2012, 12:43:42 am
Netherlands completely deserved to get thrown out, they played so shit.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 18, 2012, 01:01:19 am
neeedurrrrlands, such a fail :/
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 18, 2012, 02:02:02 am
Loltherlands. I still think you would win Euro if you called Seedorf to team. Clarence the Menace.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 18, 2012, 03:26:54 am
Loltherlands. I still think you would win Euro if you called Seedorf to team. Clarence the Menace.

ebic team
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gurnisson on June 18, 2012, 03:38:32 am
Good job not using Van der Vaart more. What you need against a team you can't break down (Denmark) is some magic. VdV has proved time and time again that his shooting is truly stunning, especially for Tottenham the two last seasons. I don't remember how many shots the dutch made from outside the box that day because of how many danes were behind the ball, but I know that VdV would've had a lot of chances to curl one or more beauties. If they had won that game they wouldn't have needed to go gung-ho against Portugal, and I believe that an organized Netherlands would've won against Portugal. With the extremely offensive mentality they had to go into the game with, it was predictable that Ronaldo's and Nani's pace would pay off with the amount of room they got to roam in.

Anyway, I'm still rooting for Germany. God I love that team. :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 18, 2012, 04:13:45 am
I only watched football to see Jari litmanen. Football is now real as american wrestling
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 18, 2012, 08:09:35 am
tbh Im happy denmark is out and we dont have to play against them later on in the tournament.Man, I had some serious Heart-Attack moments yesterday.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 18, 2012, 08:16:29 am
Lol @ Swedes spying on Englands training and planning, but still losing.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Prpavi on June 18, 2012, 02:22:43 pm
Damn wanted to put some money on Dutch for winning the tourney glad i didn't, they were my firm favorites.

@Sweden/Denmark/rest Nordic nations: stick to snow and ice please, you will never play quality football and winning the Euro was a fluke just like Greece was in 2004.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 18, 2012, 02:29:30 pm
robben is utter crap, the guy cant play football properly.
snejder is not what he used to be and so is van persie
netherlands wont stand a chance against germany and they'll struggle again portugal...
i told you guys
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 18, 2012, 02:41:16 pm
After 20 minutes all portuguese players were 1.5x quicker on their feet than all the netherlands players, and on top of that the team was split between a defense struggling to get the ball and a static attack on the wrong side of a red wall. Literally half the netherland balls were lost before they managed to get into the portuguese half of the terrain, because of the fubar passes they had to make to reach their attackers.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 18, 2012, 03:38:49 pm
The dutch system and the way the players play it isn't what it used/supposed to be, and it's pretty easily countered by most teams, didn't expect them to get far after the match against denmark.
Shame Russia lost due to greeks parking the bus, now all my hopes are on germany winning the euro, who have a pretty high chance.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 18, 2012, 03:48:08 pm
The dutch system and the way the players play it isn't what it used/supposed to be, and it's pretty easily countered by most teams, didn't expect them to get far after the match against denmark.
Shame Russia lost due to greeks parking the bus, now all my hopes are on germany winning the euro, who have a pretty high chance.
And we would fucking deserve it after being third like over 9000 times   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 18, 2012, 04:31:53 pm
...over 9000!

I am still a bit baffled by people having such high hopes for Netherland. This the - what? - 3rd tournament they went to with pretty much same team, with a huge amount of talent piled up in it. I mean let's go through the team and see who plays for the Netherlands:
Bommel, Heitinga, Van Persie, Snejder, Van der Vaart, Afellay, Robben, Hunterlaar... Those guys belong to the best in Europe. Still they mange to fuck up for... I dunno... 10 years now? And every single tournament there are people saying: Look at that team, so many great players, they surely gonna make it THIS time.
The problem sure isn't the lack of good players but some mental issue they have. It's not even just this generation. The last one was barely better doing, if I recall it correctly.
Something is wrong in the Dutch football scene... seems to be for me the only reasonable explanation.

Yesterday, Danish Dynamity made a way, way better match than Netherlands did before. Still I see people saying, they suck. Well, I had a lot of fun yesterday watching Denmark but I was rather disappointed about Netherlands...
Did some of you watch the last Swedish game. Very mediocre but Ibrahimovic? Man, that guy is a genius if he wants to ;) Even he showed more of his class during this tournament than any of the Dutch players... and most of the time I got the impression that he is bored by playing with that rather bad team, except maybe for Källström and Melberg. Anyway...

Not trolling, not ranting, not mad nor angry. Just wondering why everybody seems to be surprised about Netherlands going home early. Seeing Russia going home and Greece advancing surprised me - Netherlands did as I was expecting, unfortunately not as I hoped, that I admit.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 18, 2012, 06:49:51 pm
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Chose your player 1-12
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on June 18, 2012, 07:16:04 pm
This instead

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 18, 2012, 07:28:31 pm
(click to show/hide)

12  :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 18, 2012, 07:41:01 pm
Spain will rape, as always.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 18, 2012, 08:11:57 pm
5 and i don't even mind that asymmetrical ear.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 18, 2012, 09:34:39 pm
croatia/spain booorrrrriinnnnnnnnnngggggggg....
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 18, 2012, 09:38:45 pm
German referee... Croatia and Italy win.
He didn't give the penalty cuz no one is going to assume foul play from the referee  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 18, 2012, 09:58:53 pm
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Chose your player 1-12

Btw... I'd go for this:
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 18, 2012, 10:40:26 pm
Oh god this is awful, 93:30, Spain has a freekick, croatia intercepts it, they get to redo the kick, the second they kick it the referee stops the match. Also this new system is awful, but oh well, atleast we get to see a QF of "Europes top" again.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 18, 2012, 11:04:16 pm
I think Croatia deserved to win... but... oh well... it's the actual Euro- and Worldchampion we're talking about.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: KingBread on June 19, 2012, 12:08:15 am
croatia/spain booorrrrriinnnnnnnnnngggggggg....
2nd Half was nice i was cheering for Croatia...

now i have only Czech and Ukraine to cheer (and every country i cheered till now lost instantly ). So Beauchamp i think Czech will lost with Portugal(but hope they will rock).
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 19, 2012, 01:34:22 am
zaaa xd
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gnjus on June 19, 2012, 08:06:13 am
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No foul on Mandžukić, no penalty on Ćorluka, no penalty on Pique, several minor "wrong decisions"......Germans are not fit to referee anything, whether its a real life sport match or an online game.
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Only Greeks left to support now......  :?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 19, 2012, 08:07:22 am
2nd Half was nice i was cheering for Croatia...

now i have only Czech and Ukraine to cheer (and every country i cheered till now lost instantly ). So Beauchamp i think Czech will lost with Portugal(but hope they will rock).

please, cheer for portugal man! :D

(spent 2nd half playing dota2 instead, but heard that croats should have won - like they should have gotten 2 penalties etc... but welcome to the reality, where french can play by hands and penalties are given only to those that attract moneeeyyzzz).
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: KingBread on June 19, 2012, 10:58:55 am
please, cheer for portugal man! :D

(spent 2nd half playing dota2 instead, but heard that croats should have won - like they should have gotten 2 penalties etc... but welcome to the reality, where french can play by hands and penalties are given only to those that attract moneeeyyzzz).

I can't !! When i see Ronaldo it makes me vomit(plus if Czech will win Euro i can say that we lost with the best team in europe ). 

I can't agree on that about penalties it just seems that this refree was penalto-phobic cos he also didn't give penalty for Spain when they clearly deserve it. So not only Croatia was wounded by his decisions
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 19, 2012, 01:18:02 pm
They ruined my summer, I was supposed to play waterpolo naked in fountain with dado and now nothing. Not even a suprise buttsex.

@bosco that girl is so fuckable

@gnjus At least Franky and Lars are happy.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 19, 2012, 05:59:28 pm
I think Croatia deserved to win... but... oh well... it's the actual Euro- and Worldchampion we're talking about.

Croatia didn't deserve to win. Whoever says that has no idea of football. Spain didn't deserve to win either, but when neither deserves to win let's say Spain has somewhat "superior" players to those of Croatia. Croatia's effort is admirable, but Spain is just a better team - if Spain would have had a nice day yesterday we would have pwned Croatia.

I tell you, we spanish people admit Croatia did well, but they did well what they intended to do - which is defend and find an opportunity for counter-attacks. Most of us spanish people wanted Croatia to score a goal in the last minute to kick Italy out, seriously, we wouldn't had minded a 1-1.

Though, from that to saying Croatia deserved to win, there's a trench...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 19, 2012, 06:27:30 pm
Exactly the point... Since Spain has the way better players, considering how they played, Croatia being the better team overall in that particular match, Croatia deserved to win.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 19, 2012, 06:50:27 pm
Exactly the point... Since Spain has the way better players, considering how they played, Croatia being the better team overall in that particular match, Croatia deserved to win.

If you take a race in your VW Golf against a Bugatti Veyron, afterwards saying that because the Bugatti only used half his power and the Golf his fullest the Golf should win?

I was for Croatia in the match and If they had won I would have celebrated it, but one needs to accept the fact that Spain is simply better and it would have needed a lot of luck to win against them.

I still believe even germany will need lots of luck to win if we get to play against them.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 19, 2012, 09:09:33 pm
What's up with Ronneys haircut. Looks crap and kinda... experimental.

And please tell me that England is not seriously thinking about playing on time and draw?
Looks like it. I would actually lose every little bit of respect for them  :?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 19, 2012, 09:16:36 pm
Well, hes an englishman...They are not known for nice haircuts, really.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 19, 2012, 09:22:04 pm
What's up with Ronneys haircut. Looks crap and kinda... experimental.

And please tell me that England is not seriously thinking about playing on time and draw?
Looks like it. I would actually lose every little bit of respect for them  :?

They transplanted hair from his ass on forehead, didn't you read?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 19, 2012, 09:24:23 pm
Actually switched to Sweden vs France. Seems to be the better match atm.  :shock:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 19, 2012, 10:11:47 pm
They have a 2 extra refferees to stand on the line, all they have to do is watch the line of the goal, and yet still they manage to fuck up this badly. Got dam it FIFA, just modernize already, get instant replays, allow refferees to give goals 2 minutes after instead of fucking up a whole team like this.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 19, 2012, 10:13:58 pm
That was pretty f-ed up.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 19, 2012, 10:16:29 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 19, 2012, 10:42:43 pm
Well... Sweden won.

Oh, and btw Momo? Fuck you! Get a life... or some selfrespect... dun care.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gnjus on June 19, 2012, 10:45:25 pm

Looks like you've got your own private imbecile stalker.  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tennenoth on June 19, 2012, 10:47:44 pm
They have a 2 extra refferees to stand on the line, all they have to do is watch the line of the goal, and yet still they manage to fuck up this badly. Got dam it FIFA, just modernize already, get instant replays, allow refferees to give goals 2 minutes after instead of fucking up a whole team like this.

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Even as an Englishman, that's rather bad, particularly since both France and Ukraine would have 4 points in the group. (England wouldn't matter, 5 or 7 would still see us top.)
England didn't deserve the win in any case, they played badly once again and I don't see us beating Italy. I hope they then go on to win the whole thing (just so we don't feel so bad) but my money is on Germany getting it this time round.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 19, 2012, 10:52:30 pm much did the frenchies pay those referees? =O

That dude is standing there to watch situations like this more closely and yet he manages to fuck it up.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tot. on June 19, 2012, 11:01:33 pm
One of the reasons why I couldn't care less about current football. Retarded, antiquated refereeing system.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 19, 2012, 11:28:23 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 20, 2012, 12:04:30 am
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 20, 2012, 12:07:40 am
My predictions

Czech wins over Portugal

Germany wins over Greece

Spain wins over France

Italy wins over England
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 20, 2012, 12:22:36 am
My predictions

Czech wins over Portugal

Germany wins over Greece

Spain wins over France

England wins over Italy

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 20, 2012, 12:25:46 am
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 20, 2012, 01:41:53 am
What's up with Ronneys haircut. Looks crap and kinda... experimental.

And please tell me that England is not seriously thinking about playing on time and draw?
Looks like it. I would actually lose every little bit of respect for them  :?

You call this a hair cut???

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 20, 2012, 01:53:18 am
lol chavs bribed the linesmen, bb khokhols
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 20, 2012, 05:19:21 pm
Actually if you check out the play that lead up to the goal, he was offside anyway, yes the ball did pass the line, but it was an offside play, so the truth prevailed regardless.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bulzur on June 20, 2012, 07:55:17 pm
Englands wins over Italy : 1-0
Germany wins over Greece : 2-0
Czech wins over Portugal : 1-1 prolongation then a score 2-1
France and Spain both looses and are unqualified. Greece takes the place to demi-finals.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 20, 2012, 08:41:48 pm
Actually if you check out the play that lead up to the goal, he was offside anyway, yes the ball did pass the line, but it was an offside play, so the truth prevailed regardless.

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Just keep telling yourselfs that England deserves to be in the quarters and maybe some day you even gonna believe it  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 20, 2012, 08:44:00 pm
This will be first time I root for England! Wohoooo!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 20, 2012, 08:48:37 pm
Englands wins over Italy : 1-0
Germany wins over Greece : 2-0
Czech wins over Portugal : 1-1 prolongation then a score 2-1
France and Spain both looses and are unqualified. Greece takes the place to demi-finals.

Dudes, Czech sux. Group A was easy mod. None of those teams deserve to be in quarter finals. Poland had the easiest group on the championship and didn't manage to qualify.

Germany wins over Greece with 3 or more goals difference.
Portugal will demolish Czech.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 20, 2012, 08:52:46 pm
Dudes, Czech sux. Group A was easy mod. None of those teams deserve to be in quarter finals. Poland had the easiest group on the championship and didn't manage to qualify.

Germany wins over Greece with 3 or more goals difference.
Portugal will demolish Czech.

Never underestimate the slav power.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 20, 2012, 09:03:30 pm
Dudes, Czech sux. Group A was easy mod. None of those teams deserve to be in quarter finals. Poland had the easiest group on the championship and didn't manage to qualify.

Germany wins over Greece with 3 or more goals difference.
Portugal will demolish Czech.
never, Germany will win 1-0 in overtime.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 20, 2012, 09:09:23 pm
Germany will win 2:1

Czech will win, probably 1:0

England wins over italy with 1:0
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 20, 2012, 10:33:00 pm
Just keep telling yourselfs that England deserves to be in the quarters and maybe some day you even gonna believe it  :mrgreen:

We won 1-0 and won our group, WE DESERVE IT DAMN YOU!!! even if that goal was allowed ( even though it was actually still offside ) it would have been 1-1, we still would have won the group and Ukraine would have been on 4 points, making them equal on points with France, which means they still would have went out of the tournament because they lost their game to France. YES ENGLAND WINRARS.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 20, 2012, 10:48:19 pm
We won 1-0 and won our group, WE DESERVE IT DAMN YOU!!! even if that goal was allowed ( even though it was actually still offside ) it would have been 1-1, we still would have won the group and Ukraine would have been on 4 points, making them equal on points with France, which means they still would have went out of the tournament because they lost their game to France. YES ENGLAND WINRARS.

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Can't wait to see England vs Italy... your tears gonna be delicious :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 20, 2012, 11:08:37 pm
England has one problem. His name is James Milner.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 20, 2012, 11:13:12 pm
Fuck Milner, Hodgson will soon realise his mistake and we'll prevail.

It's coming home...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 21, 2012, 12:01:44 am
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 21, 2012, 01:36:28 am
England has one problem. His name is James Milner.

Yes, I hope he banhammers Milner, the guy cannot control himself, he is the reason Sweden got the freekick to score their second goal and he didn't do shit to redeem himself in the Ukraine game, just showed more anger.

Can't wait to see England vs Italy... your tears gonna be delicious :D

If we lose against Italy I'm not going to be upset, because if we can't beat Italy, we deserve to go home, if we cannot beat Italy we don't have a chance at beating the other teams. On the plus side I am just glad we are out of the group stage and also won our group, our new young players had a chance to get some competitive international experience and most of them have done very well.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Baggy on June 21, 2012, 02:58:37 am
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The T-Shirt is green as well :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 21, 2012, 02:59:35 am
Calradia win's the finalz
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gurnisson on June 21, 2012, 04:56:43 am
We won 1-0 and won our group, WE DESERVE IT DAMN YOU!!! even if that goal was allowed ( even though it was actually still offside ) it would have been 1-1, we still would have won the group and Ukraine would have been on 4 points, making them equal on points with France, which means they still would have went out of the tournament because they lost their game to France. YES ENGLAND WINRARS.

Who are you? You contribute as little as Downing :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 21, 2012, 05:35:30 am
Who are you? You contribute as little as Downing :lol:

Yes, if it wasn't for me we would have not made it out of the group stages. But yeah, that's just how people talk here, it's easier to say "we" etc than to say your teams name.

But I think you jelly rly  :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 21, 2012, 08:48:03 am
Yes, if it wasn't for me we would have not made it out of the group stages. But yeah, that's just how people talk here, it's easier to say "we" etc than to say your teams name.

But I think you jelly rly  :P
Actually... and it's the same all over the world I guess... it's "we deserve it... we won..." but it's always "they lost... they suck..."
Just listen to people talking... always "we won" but "they lost". People participate in the win-situation but stay away from the loser.
At least here in German you can hear and sometimes even read it that way. Reading it just is the "Sun"-kind of press tho. Serious newspapers dont do that mistake as easily ^^
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 21, 2012, 04:22:46 pm
England vs Italy could indeed be a close match. I'm supporting England in this one (let's meet in the Semi-Final, Tommies, like in 1996). I hope that Italy won't sneak into the next round like they did vs Australia in the 2006 WC...

Greece vs Germany, well...

I'm putting my fingers cross for Czech Republik, not only because the Czech forward Tomas Pekhart is playing for my favourite club.

Spain will sweep France off the pitch.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Corwin on June 21, 2012, 04:25:26 pm
I am willing to put 50k on Greece tomorrow. Any German patriot here who is willing to give me 3:1 odds?

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 21, 2012, 04:26:04 pm
I am willing to put 50k on Greece tomorrow. Any German patriot here who is willing to give me 3:1 odds?

Strat or crpg gold? Just asking as I'm not sure how much gold you guys looted back in your days as Bandits...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Corwin on June 21, 2012, 04:28:13 pm
cRPG, off course.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 21, 2012, 04:32:58 pm
Ok, I'm in. 150k for you when Greece goes to the next round!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Corwin on June 21, 2012, 04:41:11 pm
Ok, I'm in. 150k for you when Greece goes to the next round!

deal! any other takers? To be precise, my bet is - the Greece is going to the next round, I am not betting on final result.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 21, 2012, 04:44:07 pm
Can't afford 150k atm, lets settle for half of it? 75k if the greeks win.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 21, 2012, 06:17:53 pm
Actually... and it's the same all over the world I guess... it's "we deserve it... we won..." but it's always "they lost... they suck..."
Just listen to people talking... always "we won" but "they lost". People participate in the win-situation but stay away from the loser.
At least here in German you can hear and sometimes even read it that way. Reading it just is the "Sun"-kind of press tho. Serious newspapers dont do that mistake as easily ^^

Oh no, if England loses I still say "we lost", I can't win them all.  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 21, 2012, 06:27:29 pm
Ill change my Name to "_the_german_Loser" if we loose against greece.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 21, 2012, 06:35:06 pm
Ill change my Name to "_the_german_Loser" if we loose against greece.
same here
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 21, 2012, 06:55:48 pm
Ill change my Name to "_the_german_Loser" if we loose against greece.

I'm in =D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 21, 2012, 11:08:00 pm
Ill change my Name to "_the_german_Loser" if we loose against greece.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on June 21, 2012, 11:14:25 pm
Permaban for all greek cRPG players if Germany loses.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 21, 2012, 11:28:53 pm

Intended.I was talking about how if we would let loose our german discipline and exquisite play against greece I would change my name to that ;)

Permaban for all greek cRPG players if Germany loses.

Why not redistribution of all gold of greek cRPG players to german cRPG players?

Sounds more fair.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Corwin on June 21, 2012, 11:37:20 pm
Can't afford 150k atm, lets settle for half of it? 75k if the greeks win.


Paul, interested in the bet? I'd really like to get me some dev money.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 22, 2012, 12:03:30 am
50k on Germany
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Corwin on June 22, 2012, 12:12:33 am
So far, I accepted only one bet. My terms - I am betting 50k that the Greece is going to next round, and you give me 3:1 odds. And yes, I am betting only Germans.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 22, 2012, 03:07:40 am
So far, I accepted only one bet. My terms - I am betting 50k that the Greece is going to next round, and you give me 3:1 odds. And yes, I am betting only Germans.  :mrgreen:

On most bettting pages its around 1:10 greece will win. So i would ask 50k for 5k.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Corwin on June 22, 2012, 10:30:23 am
I feel like wasting money.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Noctivagant on June 22, 2012, 11:09:45 am
preview of tonite's Germany vs Greece game
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 22, 2012, 11:24:09 am
"Name go in book" still makes me giggle
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 22, 2012, 12:12:00 pm
germany vs greece, at least one kebab team will make it to the semi finals for sure
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 22, 2012, 12:39:13 pm
well u can get better kebabs in Germany, so yeh, its decided  :idea:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 22, 2012, 12:49:00 pm
U can't get ANY kebabs in Greece!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 22, 2012, 07:12:55 pm
preview of tonite's Germany vs Greece game
One of the best!  :D

"The Germans are disputing it! Hegel is arguing that reality is merely an a priori adjunct of non-naturalistic ethics, Kant by the categorical imperative is holding that ontologically it exists only in the imagination, and Marx is claiming it was offside."  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 22, 2012, 07:36:00 pm
Haha that's hilarious.  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 22, 2012, 07:50:00 pm
Molly will cry tonight.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 22, 2012, 09:00:50 pm
We'll see...

It's a bit like siege... One team defending the flag all the time, now and then one guy goes solo, otherwise just defending.
Had to be expected. It's the lack of skill showing...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 22, 2012, 09:15:30 pm
pigsteiger plays really poorly
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 22, 2012, 09:25:27 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 22, 2012, 10:00:50 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 22, 2012, 10:02:25 pm
Stupid bunch of lazy ass wankers...

Now they gonna lose -.-
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 22, 2012, 10:07:31 pm
Wow... What a lovely goal.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 22, 2012, 10:13:48 pm
Wow... What a lovely goal.

This. Again.  :mrgreen:

I dare say that it's over now.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 22, 2012, 10:19:46 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Corwin on June 22, 2012, 10:21:02 pm
Strat or crpg gold? Just asking as I'm not sure how much gold you guys looted back in your days as Bandits...

Put something for 50k and send PM when you do.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 22, 2012, 10:23:13 pm
Put something for 50k and send PM when you do.

Trololo...  :mrgreen:

I like how they change positions in the midfield.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Corwin on June 22, 2012, 10:33:15 pm
Not a trololo, but honoring a bet.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 22, 2012, 10:51:09 pm
Honoring a bet.

This. Corwin already payed the debt.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 22, 2012, 10:52:09 pm
lol kebab > gyro

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on June 22, 2012, 11:31:48 pm
Panos got off the hook once again.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 23, 2012, 01:15:09 am
Hahaha, total pwnage.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 23, 2012, 02:50:40 am
yeh, their defence got ripped apart hehe  :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 23, 2012, 04:01:05 am
Wow, I screamed a lot this night.Mostly things like "You dirty goatfuckers wont get no more money from us!!!" and such.

Im really a bead person.

I rage a lot at football games.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 23, 2012, 04:12:30 am
Greece scored twice? Bye GermanyTurkey, hi Spain.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 23, 2012, 06:19:56 am
Last world cup, Spain lost against Switzerland.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 23, 2012, 08:38:47 am
Greece scored twice? Bye GermanyTurkey, hi Spain.
well in real they only scored once, the 2nd goal we can thank Boateng for, cus he accidently touched the ball with le hand so greece got an free 11m kick in the 86min playtime i think, wich noone really had a problem with though, since DE already had their 4 goals in hehe
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on June 23, 2012, 09:49:07 am
Kinda ironic that Ballotelli seems to be the only true Italian in his team.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 23, 2012, 10:21:49 am
Wow, I screamed a lot this night.Mostly things like "You dirty goatfuckers wont get no more money from us!!!" and such.

Im really a bead person.

I rage a lot at football games.

u mean that money "lent to greece" from most of eu countries that went straight back go german & french banks?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 23, 2012, 10:48:06 am
goremany gibe our neighbour's monei back, long live hellass
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 23, 2012, 12:29:51 pm
Kinda ironic that Ballotelli seems to be the only true Italian in his team.


He is a perfect representative of our "glorious" nation.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 23, 2012, 03:35:20 pm

He is a perfect representative of our "glorious" nation.
Wait, you're a balding midget too?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 23, 2012, 04:00:55 pm
u mean that money "lent to greece" from most of eu countries that went straight back go german & french banks?


No I mean the money that greece uses not to totally crash.The Interest it pays to germany and other contries is far less overall then what It received.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 23, 2012, 05:39:47 pm

No I mean the money that greece uses not to totally crash.The Interest it pays to germany and other contries is far less overall then what It received.

according to some statistics i did read (not sure whether it was completely true or not) 96 percent of the money went back to german/french banks (to cover their fucked up investments in greece) from what was lended to greece until 2012. so basicly all the countries paid money to french/german banks while greeks have to pay interests now. its not surprising that merkozy was speaking about helping greeks at all cost while now the tide suddenly starts to turn (aye french and german investments are fine so greece can fuck off...).

(not that they don't deserve to fuck off, but its not the point now)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 23, 2012, 06:00:47 pm
Well, you kinda leave out of this equation that Greece lived far above their possibilities for decades, lending money from those banks in the first place. It ain't all that easy...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 23, 2012, 06:36:18 pm
Well, you kinda leave out of this equation that Greece lived far above their possibilities for decades, lending money from those banks in the first place. It ain't all that easy...

sure, but whose fault is it that those banks were lending them money?

i see there were two idiots - greeks and banks. who's paying for their mistakes? slovaks for example so that the banks come out clean and greeks can live 2 more years in their "wonderland". common sense ftw...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 23, 2012, 06:45:47 pm
I think this thread is about football.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 23, 2012, 07:13:31 pm
according to some statistics i did read (not sure whether it was completely true or not) 96 percent of the money went back to german/french banks (to cover their fucked up investments in greece) from what was lended to greece until 2012. so basicly all the countries paid money to french/german banks while greeks have to pay interests now. its not surprising that merkozy was speaking about helping greeks at all cost while now the tide suddenly starts to turn (aye french and german investments are fine so greece can fuck off...).

(not that they don't deserve to fuck off, but its not the point now)

The thing is, Germany is not german Banks.

The Interest gained back from greece is way lower than what germany gave in the first place, and because Greece will probably crash in the next few years a lot of that money will be lost for germany, too.

Idk, the whole system is idiotic anyway.They should have found a better solution than just prolonging greece struggle to absolute bankruptcy.

I think this thread is about football.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 23, 2012, 07:42:11 pm
Poor panos, -1ing posts full of truth...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 23, 2012, 07:46:30 pm
I think this thread is about football.

football is all about monei
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 23, 2012, 07:50:07 pm
try to say german banks are not germany to those taxpayers that trusted their money into these banks.

aye 4 percents of those money will be lost, the rest went back to german/french banks so they don't go bankrupt. these money came from all around europe, not just from germany and/or france. germans may have paid the most, but its still hell of a deal, because otherwise they and frogeaters would have to pay everything as this was their problem, their banks, their shit...  (but dw merkozy came out victorious, now they just have to find out a smart way how to get rid of those lazy greeks they originally gave money to)

aye football... i like it, i play it.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 23, 2012, 08:14:11 pm
so... eh... who should win today?  :mrgreen:
England or Italia :?:
cough, i mean France or Spain ^^
well, no guessing needed here, its gonna be Spain for sure  :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 23, 2012, 08:30:31 pm
France goes in semifinals.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on June 23, 2012, 08:36:39 pm
I predict France - Germany in the finals and Germany wins by a tight margin, on penalties or something.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: v/onMega on June 23, 2012, 08:44:49 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 23, 2012, 08:46:26 pm
France, seriously? One of the worst teams this year, passed only because the group was easy mode.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 23, 2012, 08:48:09 pm
I predict France - Germany in the finals and Germany wins by a tight margin, on penalties or something.

Not so sure about that just now...

Spain vs France 2:1

I hope for something else though. 1:1 after 90 minutes, no goals during the following 30min and then France wins cuz Iniesta and Xavi both fail their penalties  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 23, 2012, 09:49:27 pm
boring match
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 23, 2012, 10:24:29 pm
Incredibly boring. Spain playing way worse than I would have expected.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 23, 2012, 10:27:40 pm
I am afraid my 1:1 is not going to happen...  :!:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 23, 2012, 10:29:26 pm
seems like french are quite happy with 0:1 defeat :)

(edit with 0:2)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 23, 2012, 10:32:12 pm
seems like french are quite happy with 0:1 defeat :)

Guess not... 2:0 is even better  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 23, 2012, 10:34:16 pm
Pretty nice fail of France today. Wasnt good this year.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 23, 2012, 10:35:46 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 23, 2012, 10:44:48 pm
Pretty nice fail of France today. Wasnt good since 2000.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Magikarp on June 23, 2012, 11:07:34 pm
This tournament has been boring as hell, hoping for a miracle to happen when the germans clash with either portugal or spain.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 23, 2012, 11:10:06 pm
Pretty much every team has been disappointing so far, with Germany being the less disappointing one, after today's match.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 23, 2012, 11:16:48 pm
Quote from: Miwiw99 on Today at 21:34:16

    Pretty nice fail of France today. Wasnt good since 2000.

To be fair, in 2006 they did give us this  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on June 23, 2012, 11:25:50 pm
What a fucking joke, i hope Spain fails hard so we can finaly see some unbiased refereeing
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 23, 2012, 11:31:15 pm
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I laughed. Even better, in final fantasy 9 the hero is actually thought to be named after zidane.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 23, 2012, 11:32:50 pm
(click to show/hide)

Good "old" times.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 23, 2012, 11:36:15 pm
This video is quite a good history course for those of us that weren't born during the last millenia, isn't it ?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 23, 2012, 11:39:16 pm
For us, being 12 years old?  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Patoson on June 24, 2012, 01:08:10 am
Without Villa and Pujol, it's a bit harder for us, and our team isn't doing as well as in the World Cup, so I bet Germany will win.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on June 24, 2012, 01:31:07 am
Ballotelli will pull off something special Zidane-style along with his congenial compatriot Cassano. Maybe they beat up a gay racist(Terry?) together.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 24, 2012, 01:36:55 am
For us, being 12 years old?  :lol:

Unless this is some weird construct in english, in :

This video is quite a good history course for those of us that weren't born during the last millenia, isn't it ?

The "those" implies some are and some aren't, "that" referring to the subgroup of "us" that weren't.

I always wanted to eat Pujol's hair. It looks like noodles.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 24, 2012, 02:53:10 am
wow over 9000 pages about france and nobody has mentioned this yet

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 24, 2012, 03:35:08 am
Ballotelli will pull off something special Zidane-style along with his congenial compatriot Cassano. Maybe they beat up a gay racist(Terry?) together.

Maybe they will pull off a 2006.
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 24, 2012, 04:51:05 am
God shave the queen
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 24, 2012, 12:24:25 pm
If England wins against Italy then we might all as well go home and give up football.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Magikarp on June 24, 2012, 12:38:21 pm
More of this please!

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 24, 2012, 12:42:31 pm
Shows why Netherlands didn't win a single match if you ask me  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 24, 2012, 06:33:42 pm
i bet 10k on italy going into the next phase :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Thovex on June 24, 2012, 06:38:39 pm
Shows why Netherlands didn't win a single match if you ask me  :wink:

That was 2 years ago nub.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 24, 2012, 07:07:31 pm
i bet 10k on italy going into the next phase :)

10k 1:1? If Italy goes you get 10k, if england goes I get 10k?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 24, 2012, 07:14:40 pm
10k 1:1? If Italy goes you get 10k, if england goes I get 10k?

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 24, 2012, 07:37:44 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 24, 2012, 07:56:07 pm

challenge accepted :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 24, 2012, 08:52:43 pm
Taking this start into account, this could actually become an interesting match...  :shock:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 24, 2012, 09:10:56 pm
yup  :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 24, 2012, 09:25:22 pm
Ballotelli falls and everybody is like... *sigh*
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 24, 2012, 09:26:10 pm
balotelli will owe me 10k of crpg gold!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 24, 2012, 09:35:24 pm
Well, the match is up until now way better than I expected it even could be.
I give the advantage to Italy tho since they were stronger overall, especially in the later part of the half. And they had the clearer and stronger chances...
Let's see how the Brits will react after the break.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 24, 2012, 09:52:18 pm
Holy crap that was intense.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 24, 2012, 09:52:49 pm
Aye I fucking know who bet the most on the match - Italians!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 24, 2012, 09:55:51 pm
Someone forgot to tell the Italian team that their savings were placed on England and they're supposed to lose this match...  :?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 24, 2012, 10:01:23 pm
chavistan is so pathetic.. go italy! pickpockets 4 life!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 24, 2012, 10:03:16 pm
I wish England would get a chance to try overcoming their issues when it comes to penalty kicks  :mrgreen:
Should be very entertaining.  :mrgreen:

Aunt Edith says...

Omg, it's becoming reality. We are going to get penalty kicks!
Ain't looking good for England...

I can't even describe how much I hope Italy wins... everything else would be so unbelievably undeserved!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 24, 2012, 11:25:00 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 24, 2012, 11:25:46 pm
Germany vs Italy

Classic.  8-)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 24, 2012, 11:27:50 pm

Head wrapping for 10k in the shop :)
I like English more overall, but better team won...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tennenoth on June 24, 2012, 11:27:57 pm
Young will be crying himself to sleep tonight!  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 24, 2012, 11:28:33 pm
Not exactly a big supporter of our team, but losing after 120' of playing better would've been quite a shame.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 24, 2012, 11:28:54 pm
So Spain - Portugal
     Italy   - Germany

This is going to be interesting.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 24, 2012, 11:30:10 pm
Man of the match:


Who would have thought?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on June 24, 2012, 11:30:40 pm
Pirlo is my hero. Penalty shoot-out pressure? Not giving a single fuck.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 24, 2012, 11:35:01 pm
Hart is dumbass. Whole world knows how Pirlo shoots penalties. He should just stand still...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Magikarp on June 24, 2012, 11:35:18 pm
Awesomely precise penalty by Balotelli! And that panenka from Pirlo, simply the best way to troll Hart.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 24, 2012, 11:38:36 pm
Yeah, that was just awesome.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 24, 2012, 11:43:19 pm
Don't know what the fuck Cashley Cole was thinking, usually he is pretty good at penalties but that was just awful.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 24, 2012, 11:45:45 pm
When it came to penalties it would be obvious that Young will miss it, and that Cole will put some crap shot like always. Too predictable. I mean why dont you train penalties on training day. Pirlo maestro, Ballotelli retard I cannot comment on England since I didnt see them play.
Diamanti means diamonds btw.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Magikarp on June 24, 2012, 11:52:58 pm
The English were playing a rather annoying tactic which is gaining ground in tournament finals. Namely, the ultra-defensive 'let's make it a penalty shootout' strategy.
And when it came to that, they were owned, plain and simple.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 25, 2012, 12:18:46 am
pirlo got balls of steel, nice panenka penalty
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 25, 2012, 03:57:20 am
Pirlo best player of that match really. Literally all the long balls that ended up right in Ballotelli's feet across half the terrain are from him.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Elmuri on June 25, 2012, 09:33:21 am
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on June 25, 2012, 10:36:14 am
Will be interesting to see if they keep the diamond shaped 4-4-2 against Germany.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 25, 2012, 11:20:42 am
Pirlo is a genius. I think he scored that goal as if waving goodbye to an entire career.

I remember I was in a spanish bar watching the match with some friends, and the moment Pirlo scored that goal we all started clapping...

Anyway, not surprised they reached the penalti-kicks. If both teams go play defense then, it's either penalties or negative score. Portugal - Spain should be interesting - Portugal's kicking quite a punch this year (Ronaldo is playing decently for a change), and Italy can give a nasty surprise to Germany, which I hope they do.

Will be interesting to see if they keep the diamond shaped 4-4-2 against Germany.

Heh, 4-4-2 diamond shape?

I think for Italy this is an offensive scheme, besides they're trying hard to play football with their new coach. Too bad people don't remember those times where Italy proudly showed off their Catenaccio:

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 25, 2012, 11:41:08 am
[...]and Italy can give a nasty surprise to Germany, which I hope they do.
I take it your a spanish lad?
There is fear spilling out of this sentence, all over the post  8-)
Spain is not even close to the form of the last tournament and the whole world knows it...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 25, 2012, 11:45:16 am
Still, Spain at 50% stands to Germany  :wink:

There is no fear in comment, I just take it Germany is the most dangerous team. It's reasonable I don't want Spain to encounter it at the final  :P Besides mate, the comment is aimed at Italy. I dedicated 90% of my post to Pirlo and yesterday's evening.

People don't really realise what is wrong with Spain... Spain plays as it played in the World Cup, and in the Euro Cup. Later they say one player cannot change anything... People who know about football will realise who I'm talking about.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 25, 2012, 12:20:22 pm
germans only luckily won against better portugal, then they may have played better than greeks or pathetic oranjes, but they yet have to be really tested. i'd not be afraid to bet on Italy again, especially if there would be a good betting rate.

spanish are maybe not as good as in previous tourneys, but imo its still enough. i'd still bet on them as on the champions (especially when i saw the 1st half when portugal played against czechs).
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 25, 2012, 12:49:55 pm
We all know how often Germany won vs. Italy in important matches such as EURO or World Cup. So this is gonna be a nice match, however we also know how Germany's team improved. :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 25, 2012, 01:21:33 pm
I gonna do my prediction now and stick with it:

Spain and Germany in the final. Germany wins. 2:1.  8-)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Belatu on June 25, 2012, 01:26:02 pm
with their incredible moviemaking skills!  :rolleyes:

I always thought this was real... now i see, yes, it is a hollywood tv movie

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 25, 2012, 01:38:17 pm
Well to be honest, I think Spain is in a better position to win the Eurocup, but you never know. Italy, Germany, Portugal - we are talking about great teams, not the crap of Europe when playing football. Anyone is capable of beating anyone.

I think I'm more afraid of Portugal at the moment than the final match if Spain made it. Anyhow my bet is this:

Final between Spain and Italy:

1-0 for Spain.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 25, 2012, 01:39:59 pm
1-0 for Spain.
And just cuz you can hardly shoot any more goals  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 25, 2012, 01:43:47 pm
Yeah, thats our style, we have little chances enemy doesn't have any :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 25, 2012, 02:00:34 pm
Yeah, thats our style, we have little chances enemy doesn't have any :)
Until now I am not impressed at all by Spain like I was during the world cup. I don't see Spain winning vs Portugal with the slow football they're playing right now. It's the same style as 2010, sure, but it's 30% slower than it was. Dunno why, maybe they're just tired with all those matches during the season.

But I don't see Portugal that strong either. Don't talk them stronger than they are, just to avoid the embarassment after a loss  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 25, 2012, 03:10:56 pm
Well, for me, this years tournament is rather an disappointment regarding spain and germany.

I mean, 2006 and 2008 were both incredible years for those 2 teams.They were literally playing football, in all hidden means that word could have.It was art.

All I see now is...Well, hardly art.You only get a short glimpse or 2 per match at the potential the teams have, everything else is still pretty good, accurate, professionall football, but Im missing the FIRE so far.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 25, 2012, 04:52:38 pm
I always thought this was real... now i see, yes, it is a hollywood tv movie

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I like how de jong moves away after the kung-fu kick. He looks like an ape. :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 25, 2012, 05:19:07 pm
Actually Portgual is kicking in pretty strong in this Eurocup. Spain and Germany aren't as good as they were back then, but I still enjoy seeing Spain play. Against France, it was was we call in Spain: "chorreo"
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on June 25, 2012, 05:33:31 pm
Soccer sucks and i'm sad i had to watch it cuz of friends watching it whilst on vacation. Divas that cry for nothing and barely any goals and boring matches. WTF IS THIS SHIT?

I'll guess i'll say GOGO SPAIN cuz they got pretty cool food.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Magikarp on June 25, 2012, 05:51:35 pm
Soccer sucks and i'm sad i had to watch it cuz of friends watching it whilst on vacation. Divas that cry for nothing and barely any goals and boring matches. WTF IS THIS SHIT?

I'll guess i'll say GOGO SPAIN cuz they got pretty cool food.
So a sport, where it actually takes SKILL and hard work to make a goal/point is bad? And it's football, get it right yankee :P.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 25, 2012, 05:53:04 pm
Soccer is okay imo.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 25, 2012, 05:55:41 pm
So a sport, where it actually takes SKILL and hard work to make a goal/point is bad? And it's football, get it right yankee :P.

i'd ignore his post. count just wants to get some attention, because he didn't get enough of it when he was very young...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on June 25, 2012, 05:57:14 pm
i'd ignore his post. count just wants to get some attention, because he didn't get enough of it when he was very young...

What's your summary/description of Soccer/Football then?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Dalhi on June 25, 2012, 06:09:55 pm
Divas that cry for nothing and barely any goals and boring matches.

You are watching too much Serie A matches :lol: becouse you just described Italian football.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 25, 2012, 06:17:56 pm
You are watching too much Serie A matches :lol: becouse you just described Italian football.

Haha, true.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 25, 2012, 07:36:02 pm
New poll up on last Germany prevailed with 30 votes.
Your mom had 16, Berengers mom 15 just like Turkey.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 25, 2012, 08:24:18 pm
i've voted for the wogs
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 26, 2012, 02:07:15 pm
lol so many people are obsessed with Germany. I tell ya, Italy will give us all a nasty surprise  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 26, 2012, 02:10:38 pm
lol so many people are obsessed with Germany. I tell ya, Italy will give us all a nasty surprise  :mrgreen:
That's just wishful thinking and you know it.
Again so much fear...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 26, 2012, 02:13:33 pm
Again so much fear...

Yeah, I'm so scared there's no point in hiding it. Good spotted Sherlock, I didn't even spot the fear myself.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 26, 2012, 02:16:22 pm
Yeah, I'm so scared there's no point in hiding it. Good spotted Sherlock, I didn't even spot the fear myself.

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I fixed it for you...
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 26, 2012, 02:21:29 pm
lol so many people are obsessed with Germany. I tell ya, Italy will give us all a nasty surprise  :mrgreen:

German revenge will be sweet both on Italy and Spain!  :twisted:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 26, 2012, 05:49:52 pm
I fixed it for you...
(click to show/hide)

Now comes the insults. My my... when we win the euro cup what will happen next.  :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 27, 2012, 08:57:33 pm
I'm a bit torn apart tonight...

It would be fun to see Portugal win but then we won't get the nice final of Spain versus Germany.
So, either way I am good with the result tonight.

Spain losing in penalty shootout would be a huge satisfaction though...  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 27, 2012, 09:11:54 pm
i hate portugay, their team is full of actor butchers like pepe, cointrablabla etc hopefully turkish refree will kick their asses
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 27, 2012, 09:19:34 pm
Now comes the insults. My my... when we win the euro cup what will happen next.  :)

Forgot to say...

No need to worry cuz they won't  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 27, 2012, 10:43:58 pm
i hate portugay, their team is full of actor butchers like pepe, cointrablabla etc hopefully turkish refree will kick their asses
u think they're bigger pussies than barcelona? :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 27, 2012, 10:44:50 pm
u think they're bigger pussies than barcelona? :D

i hate barcelona as well
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 27, 2012, 10:45:48 pm
Overtime is bad for Portugal. Hope they can save themselves to the penalty shootout.  :?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 27, 2012, 10:50:13 pm
Pedro is dead!  :o
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 27, 2012, 10:54:47 pm
Spain is overwhelming these guys.

Holy shit that attack was crazy.

C. Ronaldo should be an actor, not a football player. lol :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 27, 2012, 11:03:32 pm
Spain is overwhelming these guys.

Holy shit that attack was crazy.

Only overwhelming the first half of the overtime. Before not at all.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 27, 2012, 11:06:02 pm
I just got home, turned on the TV right now.

Didn't know about the rest of the match.  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 27, 2012, 11:09:22 pm
Okay  :wink:
Spain losing in penalty shootout would be a huge satisfaction though...  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 27, 2012, 11:16:16 pm
i hope fake ronaldo, pepe and coentrao miss their penalties. fukken actors
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 27, 2012, 11:26:05 pm
Go Portugal...

Oww...  :cry:

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 27, 2012, 11:27:09 pm
Actor's group eliminated.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 27, 2012, 11:28:47 pm
back to the theatres, portuguese

olololol pepe sux hard
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Patoson on June 27, 2012, 11:38:30 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 28, 2012, 12:07:07 am
Poor, poor cocaine Bento.

If Alves had received his (deserved) red card, Portugal could have won the penalties.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on June 28, 2012, 12:29:58 am
Germany should win because they play real football, not like Spain and Italy, they are fucking film stars.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 28, 2012, 12:51:11 am
Spanish players pass the ball around as if they loved it, whereas German players hate the ball and molest it.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 28, 2012, 01:04:34 am
Spain strategy = score&bore.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 28, 2012, 01:26:55 am
Well if Spain meets Germany and plays like that again, they are in for trouble, they wont hold their goal clean, meanwhile being totally unable to finish their own attacks lol
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 28, 2012, 09:48:23 am
Spanish players pass the ball around as if they loved it, whereas German players hate the ball and molest it.

So true.

Ramos is the new Pirlo, for whoever still remembered that semi-final against Bayern  :lol:

The last 30 minutes before the penalties were a joke. Never in my life I've seen a team play the ball as Spain does. Ronaldo didn't take long to start crying as a little baby. He didn't even need to shoot his penalty.

Germany should win because they play real football, not like Spain and Italy, they are fucking film stars.

If Spains, loses then football will have lost. Saying that Germany plays real football and that Spain and Portgual are shit, is like comparing a hamburguer with an evening at Ferran Adria's restaurant and denying his food because it "sucks".

And here Benkei, is where I start to see the fear now  :P

"Germany  SHOULD  win because....."
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 28, 2012, 12:00:28 pm
So true.

Ramos is the new Pirlo, for whoever still remembered that semi-final against Bayern  :lol:

The last 30 minutes before the penalties were a joke. Never in my life I've seen a team play the ball as Spain does. Ronaldo didn't take long to start crying as a little baby. He didn't even need to shoot his penalty.

If Spains, loses then football will have lost. Saying that Germany plays real football and that Spain and Portgual are shit, is like comparing a hamburguer with an evening at Ferran Adria's restaurant and denying his food because it "sucks".

And here Benkei, is where I start to see the fear now  :P

"Germany  SHOULD  win because....."
If you are seriously happy with how Spain played yesterday, I just feel sorry for you.

You know, after the last 2 tournaments we have a different mindset in Germany now...

You can ask everyone on the street and most will tell you something like:"Maybe they won't win the cup but, damn, they played some nice football. I'm happy with our team."
And I agree... I rather cheer for a team that is fun to watch and maybe loses, instead of having a team that wins 1:0 all the time by boring the other team to a state of mental numbness to score. Not to mention boring the people watching it.

Enjoy your boring Spain - I gonna cheer for my fun Germany.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 28, 2012, 12:04:51 pm
Yesterday's match was full of surprises and very entertaining. Almost as exciting as watching a match where both teams play catenaccio.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 28, 2012, 12:07:04 pm
lol really, I talked about the last 30 minutes. Learn to read. Besides, if you think Germany plays this sport better than Spain... Just look at the different leagues and compare their styles.

PD: Talking about Catenaccio doesn't make sense anymore. The ball even prefers Italy to Germany now.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 12:08:59 pm
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I support Italy today baby!!!

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 28, 2012, 12:10:19 pm
Rofl, Germany looks like a group of international fellas rather than a team. We want Mario back   :twisted:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 12:13:50 pm
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Facts that I loved during Ger Vs Gr match.

When Germany scored,poland media kept showing and mentioning how happy merkel was
When Greece scored they didnt showed us 1 Greek official neither the fans cheering
Polands cheering with their true brothers the Germans against Greeks (butthurt much i guess)

Edit: I forgot to mention about that little bitch PLATINI,what a bundle of sticks..

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gurnisson on June 28, 2012, 12:16:26 pm
Most of the time I find watching a plant grow more fun than watching Spain play. Go Germany! :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on June 28, 2012, 12:18:22 pm
Aogo, Marin, Cacau, Trochoswki and Tasci are not in the German squad. Please, if you try to troll use up-to-date material.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 12:21:06 pm
Aogo, Marin, Cacau, Trochoswki and Tasci are not in the German squad. Please, if you try to troll use up-to-date material.

CBA to waste time about Germany,your whole squad is a lie..
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 28, 2012, 12:28:50 pm
CBA to waste time about Germany,your whole squad is a lie..
...but still in the tournament and obviously better than yours.

Why do you keep mixing football with politics? Who's the butthurt here?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 28, 2012, 12:30:11 pm
Today final before final
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 12:36:40 pm
...but still in the tournament and obviously better than yours.

Why do you keep mixing football with politics? Who's the butthurt here?

Who talked about politics man??Read my last posts and tell me where I talked about politics??

Ofc still in the tournament,but if Greece had some really good foreign players that are here in the Greek League,things could be different  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 28, 2012, 12:56:36 pm
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I support Italy today baby!!!


You do realise that most of those players were born in germany and have a german passport, thus making them germans?

Also, of course, dont count the all german players in the team, which outweigh a lot, like Schweinsteiger, Müller, Badstuber, Hummels, etc.?

Thats really just a stupid attempt to make us look bad.

Anyway, Im really looking forward to see the Match Germany:Spain.

Not for me because last time this matchup happened, I rolled on the floor crying after it.

But because it will be a fest for the eyes to see those pretty fabulous teams play against each other.

And I think we have a rather good chance on getting our revenge against spain this time, too.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 28, 2012, 12:59:37 pm
How can you support Italy? They always wanted to take your country and make it gay paradise.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 28, 2012, 01:02:24 pm
I got Germany to win, they should easily beat Italy and the way Spain played v Portugal tells me Spain will lose if they play that way against Germany.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on June 28, 2012, 01:04:32 pm

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on June 28, 2012, 01:07:02 pm
If I wouldn't know it better I'd think that Panos is not trolling and actually serious about this ethnicy shit. Germany partly turned into a country  of emmigrants and I don't have a problem with it. Why not allow those to play for the country where they were born or grew up since they were little children? Is that bad? Do you want German players to show their Arierausweis before they play?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 28, 2012, 01:17:59 pm
Beauty of Football: people from different ethnic groups that unite together under the flag of the nation they grew up in, lived in and live for, and play a game of football together, and maybe even become winner of a tournament.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on June 28, 2012, 01:19:58 pm
Well, today's Greeks already are a mixture of Turks, Armenians and Balkan freakazoids, so they don't need any further diversity for their team. :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Muunilinst on June 28, 2012, 02:18:40 pm
wee do you guys gonna watch today im again on germanys bigest public viewing with my gay friends and lesbians.

where do you look?!

i say : Germany 2:1 Italy

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TO ALL GERMAN FANS : pls dont tell me you gonna watch this awesome game at home go out and celebrate this game ! ;D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 28, 2012, 02:58:51 pm
I say 2:0.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 28, 2012, 03:12:10 pm
I voted for Italy in this poll and I'll cheer for Italy.

Spain plays super boring football. Germany plays "good" but German football always was and always will be mechanical like everything else Germans do. Boring nation, boring football and will stay that way till the end of the world. Not even Turks who play for Germany can change that fact.

Paul, would you participate in a little bet?

If Germany wins, you can take all my looms then permaban me. If Italy wins you'll stop doing balancing for cRPG. Deal?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on June 28, 2012, 03:14:28 pm
I voted for Italy in this poll and I'll cheer for Italy.

Spain plays super boring football. Germany plays "good" but German football always was and always will be mechanical like everything else Germans do. Boring nation, boring football and will stay that way till the end of the world. Not even Turks who play for Germany can change that fact.

Paul, would you participate in a little bet?

If Germany wins, you can take all my looms then permaban me. If Italy wins you'll stop doing balancing for cRPG. Deal?
You have 0 idea what you're talking about do you?
Germany playing football in a mechanical way? Ever seen a game from the 1970 World Cup or the 1972 Euro?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 28, 2012, 03:21:25 pm
Who talked about politics man??Read my last posts and tell me where I talked about politics??

Ofc still in the tournament,but if Greece had some really good foreign players that are here in the Greek League,things could be different  :wink:
Well, posting pics of politicians in a... Aww, who am I kidding? You won't get it anyway.
And checking the TV pics for "how long did they show the cheering fans?"... I mean... Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! That's ridiculous.

Lemme guess... Everyone in Europe is against Greece? Even the UEFA who makes the TV pics! I smell a conspiracy!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 03:28:25 pm

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Muunilinst on June 28, 2012, 03:35:34 pm
tavuk thats the kind of pictures we need.  :lol:
we have the turks on our side italy kann nach hause fahren!  8-)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 28, 2012, 03:39:31 pm
Probably a picture from cherring for Erdogan while he visited Germany some years back  :|
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 03:46:59 pm
Probably a picture from cherring for Erdogan while he visited Germany some years back  :|

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 28, 2012, 03:52:54 pm

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Not sure about this. If they were born in Germany and have their german pass, they are german, even with another culture.

So posting these screens is just another try to provoke. weak
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 28, 2012, 03:55:28 pm
Spain will win the cup, doesn't matter if germany or italia makes it to the finals. Spain is still the no. 1 and they will be for the next 6+ years...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 03:58:13 pm
they are german

i know, we have lots of germans in turkey

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on June 28, 2012, 03:59:22 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 28, 2012, 04:00:10 pm
i know, we have lots of germans in turkey

I said if.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 04:01:35 pm
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must resist!

I said if.

no you didn't
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 28, 2012, 04:02:04 pm
Not sure about this. If they were born in Germany and have their german pass, they are german, even with another culture.

So posting these screens is just another try to provoke. weak

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 04:04:47 pm
they were born in Germany and have their german pass, they are german

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 28, 2012, 04:16:35 pm
If they were born in Germany and have their german pass, they are german, even with another culture.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 28, 2012, 04:31:42 pm

lol ++
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on June 28, 2012, 06:46:54 pm
Spain will win the cup, doesn't matter if germany or italia makes it to the finals. Spain is still the no. 1 and they will be for the next 6+ years...

chocolate chip cookies will rage at u for that.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 28, 2012, 08:28:36 pm
10k on Italy at rate 1:1.5?

If there are some German lovers and Germans go to final, you get 10k, otherwise I get 15k. Anybody up for the challenge? :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 28, 2012, 08:34:46 pm
I'll take the deal, germany wins I get 10k, Italy wins you get 15k.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 28, 2012, 08:35:05 pm
I'll take the deal, germany wins I get 10k, Italy wins you get 15k.

accepted :)

have moneyz for 1 more bet
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 28, 2012, 08:47:49 pm
Well, let's hope for an entertaining match...

Have fun!

Am I the only one thinking that Pirlo actually helped the ball along with his hand?  :oops:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 09:07:40 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 09:12:59 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 28, 2012, 09:14:45 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 28, 2012, 09:15:28 pm
Manchester United - Manchester City
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 09:23:35 pm

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 28, 2012, 09:24:39 pm
aye i was saying that germans are a bit overrated - played worse against portugal, defeated pathetic oranjes and pitiful greeks. it says nothing :) not that they play that badly though, still it can be tough for italy...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 28, 2012, 09:26:19 pm
Nice pass and nice goal.

Guess our little minded Greek gets his revenge after all.  :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 09:30:06 pm
Nice pass and nice goal.

Guess our little minded Greek gets his revenge after all.  :P

i`m having a boner atm  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 28, 2012, 09:37:06 pm
i`m having a boner atm  :mrgreen:

...and I don't doubt that for a second that you actually do.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 28, 2012, 09:37:19 pm
They cannot break with traditions.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 10:02:38 pm
ohhh yeaaaahh go on wogs, beat those kebabs!

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 28, 2012, 10:23:36 pm
Suddenly England's awful heroic performance against Italy doesn't seem so bad  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 28, 2012, 10:23:45 pm
its like germans didn't play with heart, expecting they will kinda autowin...
(and schweinsteiger played shitte the whole championship, dunno why he was always on a pitch)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 28, 2012, 10:24:18 pm
What can I say? Italy is the better team and deserves the win.
3rd ain't that bad after all.
We take it like the English: can't break with tradition. They lose every single penalty shootout and Germans can't win versus Italy.  :mrgreen:

I even gonna cheer for Italy in the final. Every team than boring Spain is better. Except Greece probably...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 28, 2012, 10:25:58 pm
What can I say? Italy is the better team and deserves the win.
3rd ain't that bad after all.
We take it like the English: can't break with tradition. They lose every single penalty shootout and Germans can't win versus Italy.  :mrgreen:

I even gonna cheer for Italy in the final. Every team than boring Spain is better. Except Greece probably...

spain will win, they will find the motivation in the finals imo. and spain at their best > italy.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: ulya on June 28, 2012, 10:31:29 pm
Suddenly England's awful heroic performance against Italy doesn't seem so bad  :lol:
2 teams standing in their own half for 120 minutes waiting for the penalties doesn't make it an heroic performance, even if it means 0-0.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 28, 2012, 10:33:30 pm
2 teams standing in their own half for 120 minutes waiting for the penalties doesn't make it an heroic performance, even if it means 0-0.
u saw the other match, only balotelli himself could have scored how many times - 2 or 3 times? it was just total luck nobody scored that match (including english).
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 28, 2012, 10:35:06 pm
2 teams standing in their own half for 120 minutes waiting for the penalties doesn't make it an heroic performance, even if it means 0-0.

Lies, Football's coming Home 2014!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Cicero on June 28, 2012, 10:39:34 pm
how the fuck referee whistled before german attack ?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Dezilagel on June 28, 2012, 10:41:35 pm
Great game, I'd hoped this'd be the final.

I really hope Italy gives Spain a royal fuckover.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 10:42:23 pm
how the fuck referee whistled before german attack ?

don`t say that,they were all born in Germany so they are Germans  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Ujin on June 28, 2012, 10:45:29 pm
Forza Italia !

Used to hate their national team and support Spain, but from now on i'm rooting for Italy , at least as long as they stay loyal to their new offensive scheme =).

P.S. i hope when Pirlo gets TOO old to play they find someone at least close to his awesomeness .
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 10:45:41 pm
forza pickpockets!

they are Germ

you racis  :shock:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 28, 2012, 10:45:55 pm
don`t say that,they were all born in Germany so they are Germans  :lol:

No need to laugh. They are german when born in Germany.

Tradition ftw, hopefully Italy will win!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 28, 2012, 10:46:22 pm
I'll take the deal, germany wins I get 10k, Italy wins you get 15k.

head wrapping for 15k in the marketplace :)


btw i bet 10-30k at rate 1:1.5 that Spain will beat Italy in finals.

meaning that if I bet 10k on Spain and they win, you will owe me 10k. If Italy wins, I will owe Forza Italia believer 15k.
anybody up for a challenge? :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Magikarp on June 28, 2012, 10:59:37 pm
Ill take that bet for 50k, meaning you'll give me 75k when Italy wins.

Deal? (They will lose, but I like taking a risk :P)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on June 28, 2012, 11:04:43 pm
Told u Na.....errr Germans are no match for Pizza.

Pizza and siesta...mmmm dat eaze mode.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Bjarky on June 28, 2012, 11:15:36 pm
all your  3rd place belong to us. signed: Deutschland
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Falka on June 28, 2012, 11:16:43 pm
I hope Pirlo will get Golden Gold, he deserves it more than CR and Messi  8-)

btw i bet 10-30k at rate 1:1.5 that Spain will beat Italy in finals.

We need more spice, I bet my mw DGS against any +2 item that Italy will win  :wink: Dare you gamble?  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 11:18:32 pm
I hope Pirlo will get Golden Gold, he deserves it more than CR and Messi  8-)

We need more spice, I bet my mw DGS against any +2 item that Italy will win  :wink: Dare you gamble?  :lol:

cr is an overrated my old friend
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 28, 2012, 11:23:34 pm
Oh well, England and Italy went to penalties, Germany went home at 90 minutes, good enough result for me. ITALY TO WIN TO MAKE ENGLAND NOT LOOK SO BAD!.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 28, 2012, 11:24:01 pm

Objectively, I would have to say that Italy won deservedly(Although I think 15 more minutes and germany would have won).

But emotionally...Im raging so hard right now, I will never eat Pizza and Pasta again(Haram), and for FUCKS SAKE I wont ever play super mario again.

Only thing giving me some comfort is that Spain will win anyway.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Kafein on June 28, 2012, 11:26:18 pm
He's not a god, he is Pirlo.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 28, 2012, 11:27:00 pm
I ate Pizza while I watched.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 28, 2012, 11:31:59 pm
Dafuq Tavuk and panos?Why you hatin on my post, haters?

I wrote that Italy won deservedly, didnt I?

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Falka on June 28, 2012, 11:32:30 pm
Only thing giving me some comfort is that Spain will win anyway.

Not this time, they suck hard donkey balls and Italy plays best ball on this tournament.  Italy for the win  :o
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 11:34:25 pm
all german people born in turkey are crying on the streets for the loss

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 28, 2012, 11:35:37 pm
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True Ghanaian Italian Hero
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 28, 2012, 11:39:48 pm
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True Ghanaian Italian Hero

germans should be the last one talking about foreigners

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and ffs stop whining,it was a good match "Germans" fought untile the last minute..

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 11:41:35 pm
real germans live in turkey
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 28, 2012, 11:41:41 pm
I tell ya, Italy will give you a nasty surprise.


Seriously, I knew it. Now we proved half the people who voted in poll have no idea about football  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 28, 2012, 11:43:01 pm
germans should be the last one talking about foreigners

Who's german now?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 28, 2012, 11:43:56 pm
germans should be the last one talking about foreigners

I'm not german
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 11:44:28 pm
Who's german now?

this guy

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 28, 2012, 11:45:24 pm
Germany got whirled around.

Kinda ironic that Ballotelli pwned us
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 28, 2012, 11:46:40 pm
this guy

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Germany failed at racism since 1945.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 28, 2012, 11:48:17 pm
einstein was pro at racism tho.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 28, 2012, 11:50:54 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 28, 2012, 11:52:11 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on June 28, 2012, 11:52:34 pm
I hope Pirlo will get Golden Gold, he deserves it more than CR and Messi  8-)

We need more spice, I bet my mw DGS against any +2 item that Italy will win  :wink: Dare you gamble?  :lol:

I would, but I have only +1 item on my main char and I already promised it to the Fallen bank. I also have only 30k on my main char, so I can't really gambe, though I'd not mind to. I'm quite confident Spain will win...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 29, 2012, 12:20:27 am
Well, at least we fucking deserved losing. Especially first half was horrible to watch.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 29, 2012, 12:28:08 am
Well, at least we fucking deserved losing. Especially first half was horrible to watch.

Hmm, you are one of the first people i've seen write "we" after a loss.

You true patriot you.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 29, 2012, 12:31:11 am
Hmm, you are one of the first people i've seen write "we" after a loss.

You true patriot you.

I stay with mah team no matter what :o

It's sad to see us fail yet again, since 2006 we always did very very well in championships. =(
Well, maybe we get our 4th star in 2 years =D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 29, 2012, 12:31:48 am
I stay with mah team no matter what :o

It's sad to see us fail yet again, since 2006 we always did very very well in championships. =(
Well, maybe we get our 4th star in 2 years =D

I think Israel will win it in 2014, sorry.

They need to win it soon cos in 2022 when Qatar host it they aren't recognised as a country...trololo
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 29, 2012, 12:35:09 am

I think Israel will win it in 2014, sorry.

Football's coming Home 2014!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 29, 2012, 12:36:20 am
Football's coming Home 2014!

Not if James Milner is still in the team.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: zottlmarsch on June 29, 2012, 12:42:48 am
Yea I think we would have even been better playing Beckham instead 
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 29, 2012, 12:43:00 am
It's sad to see us fail yet again, since 2006 we always did very very well in championships. =(
Well, maybe we get our 4th star in 2 years =D
No, Spain will win again 2014, because they know how to win. Just being a good team isn't enough, that's why Germany fails all the time. They are excellent players, but they have the wrong attitude...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on June 29, 2012, 12:46:40 am
No, Spain will win again 2014, because they know how to win. Just being a good team isn't enough, that's why Germany fails all the time. They are excellent players, but they have the wrong attitude...

We'll talk about that in 2 years, alrighty? =P

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 29, 2012, 01:33:44 am
In order to beat Italy, Spain has to play a lot better than they used to during this cup and Italians need to fail hard. They already played in the group, it was a draw. But that was one of the better matches for Spain and one of the worse for Italy.

Btw. Pirlo lost the ball only two times. One was a foul which refree didn't signalize and second was in overtime and I guess he was tired. Other than that he played flawlessly in last two matches. Simply amazing. During the match I had a feeling that even if whole german team surrounded him he wouldn't lose the ball. He was that good.

If Italy wins he should be the best player for this (past) year. But I also cheer for Drogba because he singlehandedly won Champions League (against german national team called FC Bayern :mrgreen:). They both deserve it a lot more than Messi or CR or anyone else gay like those two actors. I'm sad to say this but old players are still better than young ones and I feel that football won't have epic players in the future like Pirlo and Drogba.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on June 29, 2012, 02:52:40 am
No more Euro or World Cups. Cos remember it's the end of the world this year.

RIP Earth
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: dregh94 on June 29, 2012, 06:33:37 am
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: dregh94 on June 29, 2012, 07:01:43 am
No more Euro or World Cups. Cos remember it's the end of the world this year.

RIP Earth
Usa will fall to  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 29, 2012, 08:06:01 am
Usa will fall to  :lol:

u ass a will survive cuz the holywood says so
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 29, 2012, 08:40:30 am
Actually, vs Italy Spain played horribly. Italy didn't play good either. Seriously don't say Spain did excellent - everybody knows Spain is at 50% this tournament. What I'm sure of, is that in the final we spaniards are gonna suffer  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 29, 2012, 10:43:08 am
Hmm, you are one of the first people i've seen write "we" after a loss.

You true patriot you.
Not true.
What can I say? Italy is the better team and deserves the win.
3rd ain't that bad after all.
We take it like the English: can't break with tradition. They lose every single penalty shootout and Germans can't win versus Italy.  :mrgreen:

I even gonna cheer for Italy in the final. Every team than boring Spain is better. Except Greece probably...
Just saying...  8-)

Hopefully Italy wins, then the English and we can say that we lost vs the Champion  :wink:

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 29, 2012, 11:31:27 am
Hmm, you are one of the first people i've seen write "we" after a loss.

Just saying... 8-)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 29, 2012, 12:42:24 pm
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Just saying... 8-)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 29, 2012, 01:04:32 pm
Hopefully Italy wins,

I like how the jelly is coming through already.

We suck so hard, yet we won the Eurocup and the World Cup. Now we are in the final. Damn it man boring sucking Spain is so fucking lucky...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leesin on June 29, 2012, 02:01:08 pm
I like how the jelly is coming through already.

We suck so hard, yet we won the Eurocup and the World Cup. Now we are in the final. Damn it man boring sucking Spain is so fucking lucky...

What the hell are you on about, did you even read the rest of what he wrote lol? you took it completely out of context. I too hope Italy win because then I can say we ( england ) lost to the champs  :lol:.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 29, 2012, 03:24:33 pm
I want Spain to win.

Know why?So they remain the undefeated Champions and we will crush them in 2 Years  :twisted:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on June 29, 2012, 03:37:33 pm
Actually, vs Italy Spain played horribly. Italy didn't play good either. Seriously don't say Spain did excellent - everybody knows Spain is at 50% this tournament. What I'm sure of, is that in the final we spaniards are gonna suffer  :mrgreen:

You don't get it, do you?

Do you know why Guardiola left football? Because he figured out that football his team plays is shit and that other teams found a way how to stop their lame excuse for boring football. And Barcelona has someone Spain does not and that's Leo Messi. Without Messi, Barcelona would play just as boring Spain national team plays and wouldn't win as many games they do.

Before, teams didn't know how to play against tika-taka. Now they do know how and that's why Spain is struggling.

On the other hand, Italy plays really well. They are the team, although their middlefielders don't play for the same club like Xavi, Iniesta, Fabregas and Sergio do. They simply play better football than Spain and that will show in the finals.

After this tournament Spain will never be the same. They will go back to the old results, where they couldn't pass the quarterfinals. Xavi is old and won't play on next tournament and without him tika-taka will die. Fabregas sux, there's a reason why Venger let him leave the club.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 29, 2012, 04:49:31 pm
You mention that Spain plays tiki-taka then you say it's boring. I'm confused.

For instance Germany and Italy are playing football these last years, in no small due to Low and Prandelli. Italy has a history of Capenaccio on its shoulders; that is obviously better football than Spain's. Similarly, Germany didn't play football as it does now. I've seen Germany play and I enjoy it, I enjoyed last night's match. But 10 years ago both teams played like shit.

By the way, the fuck you said has nothing to do with what I said. You say Spain plays boring etc etc then why do you say Spain did its best match against Italy? It was only match were contrary team disputed ball and actually scored lol. Learn a couple of things.

About what you say that Spain will return to "normal". You never know, but I agree, Spain has had an unique generation of players, learn to appreciate that as I would bow to Germany if they would win a World Cup and Eurocup as we did.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Gurnisson on June 29, 2012, 05:02:34 pm
Mata haven't played anything at all this tournament, has he? What a joke, he's got one of the best killer passes in the game of football, but I guess Spain rather wants to pass sideways forever. :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on June 29, 2012, 05:04:13 pm
But 10 years ago both teams played like shit.

This. I remember 10 years ago (World Cup 2002 in Japan/Korea) we had that crappy team with only Ballack and Kahn as true high-level players and we still reached the final despite (or just because of) the lame playing style...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 29, 2012, 05:08:03 pm
This. I remember 10 years ago (World Cup 2002 in Japan/Korea) we had that crappy team with only Ballack and Kahn as true high-level players and we still reached the final despite (or just because of) the lame playing style...

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on June 29, 2012, 05:41:32 pm
[...] as I would bow to Germany if they would win a World Cup and Eurocup as we did.

You saw those stars on the German shirt, right?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 29, 2012, 08:42:47 pm
i saw only one star

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on June 29, 2012, 08:47:13 pm
i saw only one star

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In 10 years there will be only Turks in Germany and rest of Europe and the greatest plan ever has been finished when Ottoman Empire will be revived and whole Europe and middle east will be under Turkish (Ottoman Empire) control.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 29, 2012, 08:57:16 pm
In 10 years there will be only Turks in Germany and rest of Europe and the greatest plan ever has been finished when Ottoman Empire will be revived and whole Europe and middle east will be under Turkish (Ottoman Empire) control.

No.  Well, maybe germany.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 29, 2012, 08:59:35 pm
No.  Well, maybe germany.

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austria is already fallen to turks & yugos
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 29, 2012, 09:26:01 pm
The Republic of Romanitaly will oppose the Turkish invasion.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: polkafranzi on June 29, 2012, 09:42:46 pm
austria is already fallen to turks & yugos

The 2 main cities have a sizeable population but that's where it ends  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on June 29, 2012, 09:59:16 pm
The Republic of Romanitaly will oppose the Turkish invasion.

It's already too late. Dark days are coming!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on June 29, 2012, 10:14:48 pm
The Republic of Romanitaly will oppose the Turkish invasion.

that's worst

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 29, 2012, 10:16:05 pm
that's worst

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on June 30, 2012, 01:54:35 am
Thank god we don't have those things in Italy.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: dregh94 on June 30, 2012, 02:20:07 am
u ass a will survive cuz the holywood says so
what? :?:you usa ass licker
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 30, 2012, 12:48:38 pm
that's worst

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Jersey Shore?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on June 30, 2012, 02:29:57 pm
Well a guido is an american with italian ancestry, a typical douchebag and habitating the lands of jersey shore.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Mial on June 30, 2012, 02:53:27 pm
The 2 main cities have a sizeable population but that's where it starts :wink:
fixed :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on June 30, 2012, 04:03:07 pm
Balotelli Photoshops:

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on June 30, 2012, 04:08:04 pm
third is best
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Mial on June 30, 2012, 05:33:32 pm
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Very nice :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on June 30, 2012, 07:39:24 pm
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Loved that one  :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on June 30, 2012, 11:49:53 pm
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God,I love italians 10 times more now  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on June 30, 2012, 11:50:48 pm

Ahahahahaaa  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on July 01, 2012, 01:17:32 am
That's a Berlusconi-loving newspaper. It's made by braindead idiots, for braindead idiots.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 01:33:55 am
That's a Berlusconi-loving newspaper. It's made by braindead idiots, for braindead idiots.

No need to be so grumpy,it`s a sketch nothing more nothing less.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: cmp on July 01, 2012, 01:43:36 am
It might seem like that to foreigners, but it's actually meant in an offensive way.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on July 01, 2012, 01:45:08 am
It might seem like that to foreigners, but it's actually meant in an offensive way.

Berlusconi is badass and Merkel is a bitch. What's your deal anyways :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on July 01, 2012, 10:58:29 am
lololol can't believe people publish that kind of shit  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on July 01, 2012, 02:19:04 pm
Every country has its shitpapers. I like the English, they are actually funny when it goes against Germany. Kinda cute though how Panos desperatly clings to everything anti-german he gets his hands on. Speak about biting the hand that feeds you. Scary that half of Europe turns greek now. That will be a shitload of bite marks. :/

In unrelated news, hoping for an Italian win cause I can't stand the Spanish football.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 02:22:41 pm
Every country has its shitpapers. I like the English, they are actually funny when it goes against Germany. Kinda cute though how Panos desperatly clings to everything anti-german he gets his hands on. Speak about biting the hand that feeds. Scary that half of Europe turns greek now. That will be a shitload of bite marks. :/

In unrelated news, hoping for an Italian win cause I can't stand the Spanish football.

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Keep on crying little Paullie  :lol:

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 01, 2012, 02:26:20 pm
He is actually right. You just fail to recognise it. It's not about football for you but some misplaced national pride, being butthurt for some or several reasons.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 02:27:52 pm
He is actually right. You just fail to recognise it. It's not about football for you but some misplaced national pride, being butthurt for some or several reasons.

Now YOU are mixing politics with football,i just wanted Germany to lose because your (INTER)National team beat Greece,simple as that.  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 02:30:16 pm
Not international just because they have some other roots than germany only. And YOURE butthurt about that. Not us. :P
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 02:38:07 pm
Not international just because they have some other roots than germany only. And YOURE butthurt about that. Not us. :P

"Khedira was born in Stuttgart. His father is from Tunisia and his mother is German."

"Podolski was born to Waldemar Podolski and to Krystyna Podolska, a former member of the Polish national handball team in the Silesian industrial town of Gliwice (near Katowice), Poland.[5]

"Özil is a third-generation Turkish-German,[50][28][51][52] who, in reference to his game, concludes, "My technique and feeling for the ball is the Turkish side to my game. The discipline, attitude and always-give-your-all is the German part."[53] Although of Turkish descent, his entire life has been committed to Germany.[28] His ancestors are from Devrek, Zonguldak in Northern Turkey.[54]"


"Boateng was born in Berlin. He has a German mother and a Ghanaian father."

"Klose was born in the Silesian city of Opole, Poland. Both of his parents were active in sports."


German International team.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on July 01, 2012, 02:40:18 pm
Well, it was Greeks who actually sued a German print magazine because they felt offended by the caricature on the title... now show me Germans doing the same. :lol:

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 02:42:34 pm

German International team.

They are all german. :P (try better and you should read what you quote)

Haha, Focus is a good magazine. They made a funny thing there..

At least Germans dont burn other nations' flags.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 02:44:54 pm
Well, it was Greeks who actually sued a German print magazine because they felt offended by the caricature on the title... now show me Germans doing the same. :lol:

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Well since you want to go to that part I`m totally in.

When Greeks has culture,democracy,maths,big cities,developing in general you Germans,were just some barbaric tribes killing each other and living in caves,and don`t forget that the things you make fun,you actully stole some of them in WW2 and you refuse to give them back like the English do  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 02:46:45 pm
At least Germans dont burn other nations' flags.  :mrgreen:

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on July 01, 2012, 02:47:23 pm
Too much drama...

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on July 01, 2012, 02:47:27 pm
Good try at dodging the issue Patros, but you just got TOLD.  :twisted:

No need to be so grumpy,it`s a sketch nothing more nothing less.

Tell that to your countrymen then.  :P

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on July 01, 2012, 02:52:42 pm
Molly, Miwiw and Paul are all German so their opinions are invalid. Atm only Panos got a valid one.


And if someone goes against what Panos said it's most likely a German loving outsider.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 02:53:15 pm
Good try at dodging the issue Patros, but you just got TOLD.  :twisted:

Tell that to your countrymen then.  :P

there is a big difference on making fun 1 person from making fun a whole nations history.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 02:56:24 pm
When Greeks has culture,democracy,maths,big cities,developing in general you Germans,were just some barbaric tribes killing each other and living in caves,and don`t forget that the things you make fun,you actully stole some of them in WW2 and you refuse to give them back like the English do  :wink:
Wow, youre really butthurt.

That was just a woman. Not even greek... (not really a comparison to a flag, not that I'd care tho)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 02:57:12 pm
Wow, youre really butthurt.

That was just a woman. Not even greek...

I`m not sure if you are retarded or a neo chocolate chip cookie
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 02:58:20 pm

that happens now and then.... just punching someone else is nothing great...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 03:00:00 pm

that happens now and then.... just punching someone else is nothing great...

yeap,stupid it is.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on July 01, 2012, 03:01:02 pm
When Greeks has culture,democracy,maths,big cities,developing in general you Germans,were just some barbaric tribes killing each other and living in caves,and don`t forget that the things you make fun,you actully stole some of them in WW2 and you refuse to give them back like the English do  :wink:

Well and right now its the other way round, isnt it?Your countrymen are barbaric idiots searching for food in trash while germans have big cities, developing new technology and have a functioning government thats not extremely fucking our butts ;)

But seriously man, lets stop it here.Its evident that we all are too emotionally involved in this to grant an objective discussion, and really, Im tired of reading insults towards germany from other nations, especially the ones broke as fuck and butthurt.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 03:02:14 pm
Funny as well that Panos says something about ancient Greece, as if he had something to do with them. butthurt
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on July 01, 2012, 03:03:46 pm
Also Germany's water sucks.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 03:08:47 pm
Well and right now its the other way round, isnt it?Your countrymen are barbaric idiots searching for food in trash while germans have big cities, developing new technology and have a functioning government thats not extremely fucking our butts ;)

But seriously man, lets stop it here.Its evident that we all are too emotionally involved in this to grant an objective discussion, and really, Im tired of reading insults towards germany from other nations, especially the ones broke as fuck and butthurt.

Well since you want to go there I`m on baby (sorry Molly)

If Germans actually paid back the loans that your chocolate chip cookie ancestors forced to the Greek governments I am 100% sure that your beloved country would be something like Nigeria or even worse.

Don`t forget that after WW2 ended USA donated to Germany a lot of millions to build up again but in other hand Greece suffered from a civil war and then a military coup.

And to be honest I prefer to be called poor than a chocolate chip cookie

simple as that.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 03:10:29 pm
I've got nothing to do with chocolate chip cookie Time, why should I pay for their faults then?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 03:11:26 pm
I've got nothing to do with chocolate chip cookie Time, why should I pay for their faults then?

I have nothing to do with older generations evading taxes and stealing and being lazy fucks.

Why the fuck should I pay Germans?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 03:13:20 pm
You fail.

That is your government during your time. You cannot compare present Germany with chocolate chip cookie germany, boi.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 03:15:45 pm
You fail.

That is your government during your time. You cannot compare present Germany with chocolate chip cookie germany, boi.

Why not??

80 years ago aren`t  much time,probably your grandfather was alive back then.

And trust me boi,ask 10 Greeks all of them will say to you that they would prefer to starve than get German euros from the start,but unlucky for us we have a fully corrupted government.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 03:17:26 pm
Okay, let them starve. We save money then.  :lol:

btw this is funny, never enjoyed talking as much as now with you before. :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 03:20:21 pm
Okay, let them starve. We save money then.  :lol:

No that`s not germans,you ppl like to make money by selling soaps  :wink:

if you know what I mean my dear deutsche uber alles wannabe friend  :wink:

One quick edit:

You know einstein maybe dead,but his grotesque brain-drilled ideas that Germans are the center of the world and that if you are not a german you are lazy or a prick still lingers in most of the Germans sadly enpugh.
Arrogants,selfish pricks,know-it-all wanna-be attitudes while the only thing they do is drink beer and eat pork,keep repeating about their precious money and shit.

Not all of the Germans are like that but sadly the majority is like this.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on July 01, 2012, 03:49:24 pm

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on July 01, 2012, 04:07:38 pm

You know einstein maybe dead,but his grotesque brain-drilled ideas that Germans are the center of the world and that if you are not a german you are lazy or a prick still lingers in most of the Germans sadly enpugh.
Arrogants,selfish pricks,know-it-all wanna-be attitudes while the only thing they do is drink beer and eat pork,keep repeating about their precious money and shit.

Not all of the Germans are like that but sadly the majority is like this.

Thats not true at all.

it might look like that to you, because your idiotic media depicts germans as chocolate chip cookies and the like, but its just not like that.

If you look around on surveys all over the net you will see that pretty much whole europe thinks greeks are lazy pricks.

For the record, I think thats not the case, and I know your current state is caused by fucked up government and banks, and not your peoples attitude, but that´s not how the media shows you.

The Reasons I and many others keep talking about our "precious money" and shit is because of constant attacks from people like you against our country.Really, I once got told by a greek that germans are chocolate chip cookie again and this time we want to BUY europe instead of conquering it by war?How fucked up is that?

It´s just really annoying to get insulted by people from a nation germany gives billions of euros to.Of course there is more to that than just giving billions of euros, like the interest we gain back and our of course its mostly done to save european economy in the first place and probably not greece itself but it just gets me mad to be called a chocolate chip cookie constantly by people that at the moment basically live off the money we germans pay for them.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 04:30:54 pm
You know einstein maybe dead,but his grotesque brain-drilled ideas that Germans are the center of the world and that if you are not a german you are lazy or a prick still lingers in most of the Germans sadly enpugh.
Arrogants,selfish pricks,know-it-all wanna-be attitudes while the only thing they do is drink beer and eat pork,keep repeating about their precious money and shit.

Not all of the Germans are like that but sadly the majority is like this.

How would you even know that most Germans are like that. Not one of the people I know irl who are Germans are like that. You might think like that because of the internet, but dont take too much serious, mate.

Btw Germany has taken lots of loans aswell, we wont ever be able to pay that back. We have like 2 trillion of debt. ;D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Christo on July 01, 2012, 04:34:57 pm
I think this thread is about football.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 01, 2012, 04:35:29 pm

No that`s not germans,you ppl like to make money by selling soaps  :wink:

if you know what I mean my dear deutsche uber alles wannabe friend  :wink:

One quick edit:

You know einstein maybe dead,but his grotesque brain-drilled ideas that Germans are the center of the world and that if you are not a german you are lazy or a prick still lingers in most of the Germans sadly enpugh.
Arrogants,selfish pricks,know-it-all wanna-be attitudes while the only thing they do is drink beer and eat pork,keep repeating about their precious money and shit.

Not all of the Germans are like that but sadly the majority is like this.

You, good sir, just gave me the reason to call you "idiot" instead of panös for the rest of your miserable existence.
Do you ever read what you write before posting it?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on July 01, 2012, 04:37:56 pm
Wait a second. Both Greece and (West-)Germany were included in the US Marshall plan. Although Germany was the only country who actually had to fully pay back (with high interest) all the lend money. East germany had there own reverse Marshall plan which included transfering infrastructure to the Soviet Union.

But I guess the main problem is that the Greek seem to live in a different universe:
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 04:40:10 pm
Thats not true at all.

it might look like that to you, because your idiotic media depicts germans as chocolate chip cookies and the like, but its just not like that.

If you look around on surveys all over the net you will see that pretty much whole europe thinks greeks are lazy pricks.

For the record, I think thats not the case, and I know your current state is caused by fucked up government and banks, and not your peoples attitude, but that´s not how the media shows you.

The Reasons I and many others keep talking about our "precious money" and shit is because of constant attacks from people like you against our country.Really, I once got told by a greek that germans are chocolate chip cookie again and this time we want to BUY europe instead of conquering it by war?How fucked up is that?

It´s just really annoying to get insulted by people from a nation germany gives billions of euros to.Of course there is more to that than just giving billions of euros, like the interest we gain back and our of course its mostly done to save european economy in the first place and probably not greece itself but it just gets me mad to be called a chocolate chip cookie constantly by people that at the moment basically live off the money we germans pay for them.

First of all I live off the money I made during my 5 year service on the military,not from YOUR money.

All medias are idiotic because they sell false image just to hit higher popularity,Greeks believe that Germans want to buy Greece because they failed to do so in WW2,and Germans/Europe believe that Greeks are lazy,which is really sad.

What`s really annoying and sad is that 4000 Greeks commit suicide because of the crisis and while the whole Europe is getting poorer and poorer Germans are getting richer by the day.

2 damn years since Germany gave to Greece economical "help" and already Germany made a profit of 400Mil euros ONLY by the interests,and in the other hand you have fucktards like miwi saying "Let them starve,more money for us" now that talk I call it chocolate chip cookie talk but you know what they say right,"What goes around comes around" Greeks are stubborn bastards and we always manage to survive.

I disagree with my fellow Greek,it`s not chocolate chip cookies that want to take over whole Europe,it`s German banks + German companies,by creating false crisis in Europe,Germany will manage to have cheap working hands for your factories.

What makes me wonder the most is that while there are countries with higher debt than Greece

Manage to have no crisis but not only that,getting richer by the day..

Bah,I guess it was Greece`s turn to give cheap workes to germany,like turkey did some years ago  :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 04:42:32 pm
Wait a second. Both Greece and (West-)Germany were included in the US Marshall plan. Although Germany was the only country who actually had to fully pay back (with high interest) all the lend money. East germany had there own reverse Marshall plan which included transfering infrastructure to the Soviet Union.

But I guess the main problem is that the Greek seem to live in a different universe:
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My my,looks like that the lazy pricks work more than the mighty HRE 

But what "The Guardian" knows,after all it aint a German newspaper to tell the truth  :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 04:43:53 pm
Yes beer, everything we said in this thread was 100% serious meant.

e:   :lol:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 04:44:03 pm
You, good sir, just gave me the reason to call you "idiot" instead of panös for the rest of your miserable existence.
Do you ever read what you write before posting it?

Instead of calling me an idiot,I would suggest reading what your fellow country man miwi wrote "Let them starve"

To me as I said before,that kind of talk resembles what most germans believe.

Miwi,to be honest I don`t give a fuck,I`m tired of little german cunts like yourself keep repeating about their precious money while Greeks suicide because they can`t feed their families you chocolate chip cookie fucktwat.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 01, 2012, 04:48:36 pm

My my,looks like that the lazy pricks work more than the mighty HRE 

But what "The Guardian" knows,after all it aint a German newspaper to tell the truth  :lol:
Well, those are certainly true. Those few hundred greeks who actually do work are doing the work of the other 80% greeks who just don't work. Naturally they work longer, DOH!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on July 01, 2012, 04:48:40 pm
Haha, now I know how you got that fucked up view of the world. Only years in the military can do that.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 04:51:27 pm
I just realized that I waste my time.

When you grow up little Paullie,send me a pm so we could have an actual political discuss.

Enjoy your swine.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: BlackMilk on July 01, 2012, 04:54:27 pm
Tbh most germans could care less about greece. the economy of greece is approximately as big as the one from hesse (one of the 16 federal states of germany) and thus cant be the real reason why the euro is badly threatened and the debts rise and rise.
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the problem is the moneysystem, where states have to borrow the money from banks and have to pay back the borrowed money+interests. these interests have to emerge out of the nothing. this is why the debts continue to rise and not because greece people are lazy...

typing this from an ipod sry for any mistakes haha
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on July 01, 2012, 04:56:14 pm

2 damn years since Germany gave to Greece economical "help" and already Germany made a profit of 400Mil euros ONLY by the interests,and in the other hand you have fucktards like miwi saying "Let them starve,more money for us" now that talk I call it chocolate chip cookie talk but you know what they say right,"What goes around comes around" Greeks are stubborn bastards and we always manage to survive.

Since your country will inevitably crash in the next few years, germany wont get the billions back it lend greece.400 million in interest is a really small part compared to what germany will lose.

Also, Miwi´s comment was obviously shitty, but after you attack germany that hard and call everyone chocolate chip cookies, what do you expect? What goes around comes around is for you, too.

Also, what´s that about germany getting richer everyday and cheap work?Thats plain bullshit.

In case you didnt know, germanys debt hit 2 trillion some time ago.We dont get richer, we will be going down with the rest of europe if this shit continues, we will only go down later because it will take longer for us until we have to pay really high interest for loans.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on July 01, 2012, 04:59:37 pm
Let someone else argue with Panos that's not a German himself (that obviously excludes Paul, Molly, Berserker, Miwiw and you others.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 01, 2012, 05:01:51 pm
Also, Miwi´s comment was obviously shitty, but after you attack germany that hard and call everyone chocolate chip cookies, what do you expect? What goes around comes around is for you, too.

Of course it was shitty and meant like that. That it wasnt meant seriously; everyone can imagine that. ;)

Ye, 2 trillion in debt..
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 01, 2012, 05:03:35 pm
Bah i just wasted my time with some immature kids,and imagine how ppl call me a troll and a retard  :rolleyes:

Molly,Bosco my apologies if I offended u in any way,you know me better.

the rest of you can go fuck yourselves.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on July 01, 2012, 05:14:05 pm
I'm not offended, I'm a ghetto internet vet ( :wink:

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on July 01, 2012, 05:19:33 pm
Let someone else argue with beer that's not a German himself (that obviously excludes Paul, Molly, Berserker, Miwiw and you others.

Why?Panos is greek, his discussional partner should be german.

If there should be a objective discussion, both sides should not be directly involved, not just one.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on July 01, 2012, 05:29:24 pm
This thread shows how perfectly the plan of these "certain" people works to ride europe in the abyss.
Let the people fight against each other and they won't realize their real enemies. If there was unity, europe would be a much better place. And I'm not taking about an EU-state, I'm talking about countries that respect each other. The greeks (any many other countries) should stop with their "lets blame germany for it"-mentality and the germans should stop being the naive retards they are for the past decades... 
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on July 01, 2012, 05:31:27 pm
This thread shows how perfectly the plan of these "certain" people works to ride europe in the abyss.
Let the people fight against each other and they won't realize their real enemies. If there was unity, europe would be a much better place. And I'm not taking about an EU-state, I'm talking about countries that respect each other. The greeks (any many other countries) should stop with their "lets blame germany for it"-mentality and the germans should stop being the naive retards they are for the past decades...

We all know who's behind this...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on July 01, 2012, 05:48:16 pm
We all know who's behind this...

IV Reich and Merkel are.

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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: bosco on July 01, 2012, 05:50:58 pm
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on July 01, 2012, 05:51:49 pm
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lol where the fuck you got that pic from? Shows some hard-work put in with Paint.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 01, 2012, 05:54:05 pm
lol where the fuck you got that pic from? Shows some hard-work put in with Paint.

lauer meer!
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Oberyn on July 01, 2012, 06:06:48 pm
I've said it before and I'll say it again, GB is just a fucking troll trying to sabotage the EU from the inside, and the 'murkans just cheer it on cause they're competitive retards and think it proves how awesome their country is by comparison, completely ignoring that EU and US economy are linked at the hip and a recession in EU = a recession in the US and vice versa.

In other news,

Quote from: A Ulysees pact, on eurozone seniority (
Posted by Joseph Cotterill on Jun 29 04:54.



    We reaffirm that the financial assistance will be provided by the EFSF until the ESM becomes available, and that it will then be transferred to the ESM, without gaining seniority status.

This is

a) Progress in eurozone leaders’ understanding of how bond markets work; a viable plan especially given the crucial movement towards direct official recaps for banks


b) Simply unbelievable, based on past practice in Greece; plus they can happily leave seniority implicit until a restructuring anyway

You choose.

Quote from: Reuters (

Euro area agrees bond support for Italy, Spain

12:03am EDT

By Paul Taylor and Luke Baker

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Euro zone leaders agreed on Friday to take emergency action to bring down Italy's and Spain's spiraling borrowing costs and to create a single supervisory body for euro zone banks by the end of this year, a first step towards a European banking union.

Responding to pleas from Spanish and Italian leaders, a midnight summit of the 17-nation currency area agreed that euro area rescue funds could be used to stabilize bond markets without forcing countries that comply with EU budget rules to adopt extra austerity measures or economic reforms.

After hours of argument, they also agreed that the bloc's future permanent bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism, would be able to lend directly to recapitalize banks without increasing a country's budget deficit, and without preferential seniority status.

"The process was tough, the outcome was good," Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti told reporters, adding that Italy did not intend "at this time" to apply for the emergency support.

Countries that requested bond support from the rescue fund would have to sign a memorandum of understanding setting out their existing policy commitments and agreeing a timetable. But they would not face the intrusive oversight of a "troika" of international lenders to which Greece, Ireland and Portugal have been subjected, Monti said.

Spain and Italy had earlier withheld their agreement to a growth package at a European Union summit to demand emergency action to bring down their spiraling borrowing costs, which threaten to force the third and fourth largest economies in the euro zone out of the capital markets.

European Council chairman Herman Van Rompuy said the aim was to create a supervisory mechanism for euro zone banks involving the European Central Bank to break the "vicious circle" of dependence between banks and sovereign governments.

"We are opening the possibility to countries that are well behaving to make use of financial stability instruments in order to reassure markets and to get again some stability around some of the sovereign bonds of our member states," Van Rompuy told a 4.30 a.m. (0230 GMT) news conference.

"The aim is of course to make the euro an irreversible project," he added.

The euro surged by 1.1 percent to $1.2581 after the euro zone affirmed its commitment to use its bailout funds more flexibly and efficiently to stabilize markets.

But whether investors regard the deal struck at the 20th summit since the crisis erupted in early 2010 as sufficient remains to be seen. Previous relief rallies have fizzled within days or hours as new doubts set in.


Monti and his Spanish counterpart, Mariano Rajoy, had refused to sign off on a 120 billion euro ($149 billion) growth package until EU paymaster Germany approved short-term measures to ease their cost of credit.

The clash highlighted tensions between northern creditor countries and heavily indebted southern states over the future shape of the troubled 17-nation currency bloc, now in the third year of a sovereign debt crisis.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, leader of Europe's biggest economy, said she was satisfied with the result although she had dismissed any need for emergency support for Italian and Spanish bonds earlier this week.

"We made a good decision today, in particular concerning growth and combating unemployment and also on future measures for the EFSF and ESM. We will continue to work on long-term measures. I believe that we will reach a good conclusion tomorrow," she said.

Euro zone leaders will return on Friday to discuss longer-term plans to build a much closer fiscal and banking union, on which they asked Van Rompuy and the heads of the European Commission, ECB and Eurogroup finance ministers to present detailed proposals by October.

The special terms for Italy and Spain, cobbled together hastily in an effort to halt spreading contagion in bond markets, drew immediate demands for improved terms from one country under an EU/IMF bailout program.

Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny said the deal should open the way to "re-engineer the debt burden on our taxpayers" of his country's bailout, granted in 2010 to avert a banking collapse after a real estate bubble burst.

Spain formally applied for up to 100 billion euros in assistance this week to recapitalize banks laden with bad debts due to a similar burst housing bubble.

Cyprus became the fifth country out of 17 euro zone members to appeal for a rescue due to the east Mediterranean island's heavy exposure to Greece's debt crisis.

As the leaders argued, Italy beat Germany 2-1 in the Euro 2012 soccer semi-final, the underdog knocking the favorite out of the contest.

Asked whether he expected Italy to go on to beat Spain in Sunday's final, Monti deadpanned: "I never speculate about financial markets or football."

(Additional reporting by Julien Toyer, John O'Donnell, Catherine Bremer and Francesco Guarascio in Brussels. Writing by Paul Taylor, editing by Mike Peacock)

This is a huge step towards debt mutualization of the type that makes the US state system economically viable.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 01, 2012, 06:09:51 pm
now this thread is officially "troll an eu nation" thread
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on July 01, 2012, 06:49:25 pm
We all know who's behind this...

Watch what you say before i'll report you to CIA....just sayin
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: HarunYahya on July 01, 2012, 06:54:49 pm
Tonite someone's gonna be happy...
Guess who...
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 01, 2012, 07:15:05 pm
Tonite someone's gonna be happy...
Guess who...
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Let's hope it really comes to this.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on July 01, 2012, 07:15:42 pm
i hope the whole project of European Union will go to hell together with all the socialists that turned originally a good idea of free market and free borders into a big shit...

btw I bet 10-30k of c-rpg gold on Spain at rate 1:1.5, anybody up for the challenge?
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 01, 2012, 07:18:31 pm
i hope the whole project of European Union will go to hell together with all the socialists that turned originally a good idea of free market and free borders into a big shit...

btw I bet 10-30k of c-rpg gold on Spain at rate 1:1.5, anybody up for the challenge?
my 10k for Italy for your 15k on Spain.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on July 01, 2012, 07:40:05 pm
my 10k for Italy for your 15k on Spain.


done :)

(have money for 1 more bet if sbdy is interested)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Franke on July 01, 2012, 08:18:46 pm
I still expect Spain to Win tonight. Italy really have improved their playing style dring the tournament but Spain are very confident and will probably prevail.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 01, 2012, 08:43:40 pm
Anybody watched the ceremony just now? The part with flags showing the tournament was done pretty cool...

Oh boy, that is early...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on July 01, 2012, 09:36:00 pm
if i were betting real money, i'd be fucking rich already...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 01, 2012, 09:47:23 pm
if i were betting real money, i'd be fucking rich already...

Ya ya,  set up the trade for 10k already and I gonna buy after the match.
Gimme your name on the marketplace.  :cry:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on July 01, 2012, 10:01:54 pm
Lol all you natzees and marios voted for Italy and Doucheland.

No match against El Cid.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on July 01, 2012, 10:07:30 pm

Ya ya,  set up the trade for 10k already and I gonna buy after the match.
Gimme your name on the marketplace.  :cry:

head wrapping is up for 10k in the market. name: Beauchamp :)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Falka on July 01, 2012, 10:24:52 pm
I bet my mw DGS against any +2 item that Italy will win  :wink: Dare you gamble?  :lol:

Lucky me, noone wanted to make a bet with me :wink:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 01, 2012, 10:43:17 pm
Lovely Head Wrapping I got there now...  :|
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Patoson on July 01, 2012, 10:45:47 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Laufknoten on July 01, 2012, 10:58:07 pm
Spain will win the cup, doesn't matter if germany or italia makes it to the finals. Spain is still the no. 1 and they will be for the next 6+ years...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: pepejul on July 01, 2012, 10:58:58 pm
now I bet on Spain...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 01, 2012, 11:05:19 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Vibe on July 01, 2012, 11:12:07 pm
disappointing match, was rooting for Italy but meh, Spain was just a lot better

loved the Balotelli rage at the end tho
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Razzer on July 01, 2012, 11:12:30 pm
Brillant game from spain, it's a deserved win.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Narestel on July 01, 2012, 11:29:36 pm
"The autobalance feature is bugged, it didn't work! Please, nerf the red team! :lol: It's just too good to have all of them on the same side!"

Spain has created a new record in football history! The first team ever to win 2 eurocups and the world cup in a row! Congratulations, team!! :)

BTW, I felt bad when Motta was injured by the minute 60 and Italy had already substituted all the 3 players trying to get into the match. :(

I still expect Spain to Win tonight. Italy really have improved their playing style dring the tournament but Spain are very confident and will probably prevail.

Our team has avenged yours :P (with all my respects to our italian brothers)

P.S.: I think I won't be able to sleep tonight... So many people shouting and honking on every street, hahaha
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on July 01, 2012, 11:36:35 pm
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on July 01, 2012, 11:46:22 pm
Anything to say anyone? German haters, Leshma? 4-0 ? Historic record? Unbeatable? Thanks.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Fips on July 02, 2012, 12:18:04 am
That was just fucking awesome how they crushed those smurfs =D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: djavo on July 02, 2012, 12:18:41 am
Mandžukić best striker of Euro 2012. Lolz.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: dregh94 on July 02, 2012, 02:25:49 am
That was just fucking awesome how they crushed those smurfs =D
Ah german hater,anyway germany will be always kicked in football by Italy,don't forget that.Spain is another story this final has been played bad by italian team because they were tired and many of them they had problems to their legs ,watch chiellini and other 3 guys.At the begin of the tournament we didn't lost again Spain no we did a good match without winner but always a good match at the difference of tonight/yesterday that they played like a team from Asia.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on July 02, 2012, 10:52:04 am
Now people that said Spain played like shit ( I understand their jealousy I've been jealous of Germany or other countries in the past) realised that Spain is the best generation of players ever a country has given. Italy won easily against Germany. Spain just crashed Italy totally and not precisely 1-0.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 02, 2012, 11:21:20 am
Tho Italy didnt even play nearly as good as they did against Germany... just saying...
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Paul on July 02, 2012, 12:13:07 pm
In the end it boils down who makes the first goal, at least for Germany and Italy. That's probably the main difference between those 2 teams and Spain. The latter can catch up even when conceding a goal - even against a strong team.

Ramos will smash the cup anyway, cause he can.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on July 02, 2012, 12:24:09 pm
Italy didn't do a good match but please, don't try to take away merit from Spain. Spain blocked Italy completely and made them feel dizzy whilst moving the ball. If people still think this football is boring, then I can't say anymore man.

It's very tough to score against Spain once they have scored first. They start dizzing the ball around until you just fall into desesperation like Balotelli did - a teammate had to call him to stay for the medal awards  :mrgreen:

Ramos will smash the cup anyway, cause he can.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 02, 2012, 12:29:11 pm
I am not saying that Spain didnt play good yesterday but I still gonna say that they were ass-boring in the matches before. Yesterday was the only match I was entertained and not bored to death. Well, the first match vs Italy was kinda entertaining too but more from a tactical point of view.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Miwiw on July 02, 2012, 12:29:56 pm
In the end it boils down who makes the first goal, at least for Germany and Italy.

Yes, it kinda always has been like that. Germany usually loses hope when the enemy scored a goal first. :D
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on July 02, 2012, 12:48:03 pm
Spain wrecked motherfucking havoc on Italy.

italy didnt stand a chance at any time.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on July 02, 2012, 01:00:49 pm
I am not saying that Spain didnt play good yesterday but I still gonna say that they were ass-boring in the matches before. Yesterday was the only match I was entertained and not bored to death. Well, the first match vs Italy was kinda entertaining too but more from a tactical point of view.

Yeah I respect your opinion - it may have been boring for you. Spain always starts badly the tournament then rises to it's supreme playing style. Happened in last competitions and happened yesterday as well. We just blew them off the field.  :twisted:
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Beauchamp on July 02, 2012, 01:32:43 pm
spain just struggled to find a motivation to play at their best imo, finals gave them this motivation (together with crap talk of spanish haters and so called experts) and so we saw true champions. italians also played very well (i think they gave their best), but it just was not enough - especially if they were unlucky when not being able to score. and after a few injuries the game was just over. 4:0 is very harsh, it should have been like 1-2 goal difference at most.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Leshma on July 02, 2012, 02:02:36 pm
Italy didn't play their best because Pirlo was horrible last night.

Spain played brilliant, especially Iniesta. Germans probably think they would play better against Spain in the finals, but they wouldn't do any better against motivated Spain.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: HarunYahya on July 02, 2012, 02:22:33 pm
Anything to say anyone? German haters, Leshma? 4-0 ? Historic record? Unbeatable? Thanks.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on July 02, 2012, 02:31:57 pm
Germans probably think they would play better against Spain in the finals, but they wouldn't do any better against motivated Spain.

Yes we would.Only slightly though.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 02, 2012, 02:36:31 pm
Well, let's wait till Xavi and Iniesta are too old to play and then we'll see if the success will endure with the newmy old friends.

Look at England, few good clubs, mainly cuz of foreign players on the shopping list. Same goes for Barca and Real M...
Strong leagues cuz of the shopping cart and less caused by their own players.
And I am no expert but I think Italian and German league are less depending on those kind of players. Well, Bayern München does the same but who likes those anyway? ;)
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: B3RS3RK on July 02, 2012, 02:39:54 pm

And I am no expert but I think Italian and German league are less depending on those kind of players. Well, Bayern München does the same but who likes those anyway? ;)

They are, mainly due to the fact that german football clubs arent allowed to go over a certain amount of debt or they get serious penaltys or even excluded from Bundesliga.

That has the positive Effect that most clubs cant affort International "Stars", but have to rely more on newcomers and local players.

Also, they arent shitty indebted like many of the english clubs for example.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Molly on July 02, 2012, 02:55:55 pm
And my statement in general to the fact that Spain won:
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Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Lannistark on July 02, 2012, 04:06:00 pm
And my statement in general to the fact that Spain won:
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Hah, if Germany had won this you'd be spamming this forum like a mad bitch. It's the usual claim.

By the way spanish league is similar to Spain's play. Most teams, even the most humble play similarly like Spain does. Best example - Barça.
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Zildjan on July 02, 2012, 05:09:20 pm
Well obviously Spain deserved it but not by that big a margin.  I didn't think Pirlo did too bad, Italy just got the shit kicked outa them on defense, too much ball watching and not enough following marks.  Buffon was right to be pissed with how many open attackers made it into his box.  Then Italy couldn't finish to save their lives.

I don't think Torres deserved the golden boot for walking on against a tired, down a man Italian squad but I'd much rather have him get it than balotelli.  That young prick needs to get his ass kicked a few times and find out he's not as good as he thinks he is, not at that level
Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: LordBerenger on July 02, 2012, 05:28:45 pm
Hah, if Germany had won this you'd be spamming this forum like a mad bitch. It's the usual claim.

By the way spanish league is similar to Spain's play. Most teams, even the most humble play similarly like Spain does. Best example - Barça.

Dey all mad cuz Natzeees didn't win.

Title: Re: EURO 2012
Post by: Arthur_ on July 19, 2012, 04:31:56 pm
Was no one for Croatia on EURO 2012 ?, they almost humiliated Spain.

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