-Create an intro for the station
-More DJ's
-Commenary on subjects such as... interviews of popular players,Strategus battles
-Input on furthering the playlists
-and anything else we can do to make this better!
O Hai,
It won't be up 24/7 but during NA prime time I'll support it. Feel free to listen along. It would be interesting if anything came of this
Also im looking for feedback on the playback bit rates.
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behold and enjoy.
how to???
I want to help in EU prime time..
Imagine, Panos and his own radio show. :lol:As long as it's not a podcast on Pub night, than there won't be any reasons not to lol
This sounds interesting though, if there could be talks with guests etc.
Could be a weekly or monthly stuff like a "podcast."
It would be cool to be in it or help in it. :wink:
We need a cRPG karaoke contest! Host it on the radio! :DWe got karaoke night on Friday nights, a.k.a pubnight
O Hai,
It won't be up 24/7 but during NA prime time I'll support it. Feel free to listen along. It would be interesting if anything came of this
Also im
-looking for feedback on the playback bit rates.
-Different DJ's EU/NA
-And ideas to further this venture
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behold and enjoy.
Needs some metal, and rock music.
jk duly noted. Yea im totally unsure what the standard playlist should consist of genre wise.
Also I need to, or someone needs to put together an intro clip to announce the stations name.
Maybe let each player contribute one song to the rotation? Or pay gold to get it added for the week? Like a weekly jukebox.
Thumbs up for who ever the DJ is atm.
What we need from you!
We need some able bodied dudes to do the following
-Create an intro for the station
-More DJ's
-Commenary on subjects such as... interviews of popular players,Strategus battles
Yea no gold paying, sounds dumb.Main reason we shouldn't have gold paying decide the playlist:
It would be sweet if someone recorded a cool intro that I could set to play on start up.
i joined, heard Overkill, and stayed.
thats the spirit man..Added Panos for the lolz
also feel free to add me on steam mighty_greek
You should have an exclusive interview with the Elder Council of Fisdnar.
i bet the only music genres you play is nigga rap and dubstep.
Blast you Troy. You did something to the server when you passed out. I can't connect to it anymore and people are waiting!!!
tuning in now, beer, when are we doing our talk show?
Tune in for some metal sounds :)
Something like a talk show would need to be pre-recorded, this station thing has like a 20 seconds delay so, making it live on it would drive you crazy, believe me. I tried talking real time on my test station, it was catastrophic.
Bleh, terrible news. there will be public outcry to be sure.
Bleh, terrible news. there will be public outcry to be sure.
Also beer. Or someone. Put on more Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, Nirvana, Shotgun Messiah and other old goodies! Do it now!
Or atleast some Lady Gaga.
I gotta get my other hard drives together that has the majority of our music. I'm a huge fan of Sinatra, Cash, and similar artists, so you will definitely hear this type. Think Fallout, Grand Theft Auto, and perhaps Godfather game soundtracks. :D
well i'd be up for doing some rock / reggea from my collection when beer is done.
we are doomed..Don't stop then :D. I thought there is not going to be any good stuff on air but you made me listen to the radio. Finally a radioshow that I can listen to xD.
Variety, you cunt, is the spice of life.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
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i`m creating every list based on my mod,some hardcore sounds like in flames , pantera etc etc will come soon :DGETCHA PULL! .\m/
totally wasn't addressing you...I know but I was addressing you :mrgreen:
Wow, wicked sick! Totally didn't expect a radio station dedicated for cRPG. Atm, it's just playing music so I'm wandering what else you are/ will be doing? Will we be expecting the following?:
- Strategus news.
- cRPG news on updates or mods.
- Interviews with players, clans, developers?
- Commentary for matches or general battles on the servers.
- cRPG learning sessions?
- Special guest karaoke.
- A daily story about equus africanus asinuss written and read by chadz himself :o?
- Late night sexy time tunes and chat.
Anyway, good luck and awesome job :mrgreen:!
got sick of eu radio. all the time death metal :evil: na is better
got sick of eu radio. all the time death metal :evil: na is better
2 slipknot songs back to back on NA Radio, my ears are bleeding.
Suggest a song you want instead of being a dickwad maybe?
Suggest a song you want instead of being a dickwad maybe?I don't mind most of the songs, i just hate listening to music thats screaming.
Also beer where is my Ensiferum you Greek cunt
I apply to be eu dj around midnight till 4am. Im gonna play songs Kingrim likes. The soothing songs. There is too much hate and crap metal around. If you want bosanova, and marvin gaye pick djavo. LOVE!
Suggest a song you want instead of being a dickwad maybe?
Also Panos where is my Ensiferum you Greek cunt
I apply to be eu dj around midnight till 4am. Im gonna play songs Kingrim likes. The soothing songs. There is too much hate and crap metal around. If you want bosanova, and marvin gaye pick djavo. LOVE!
I just wanted to ask beer wheres my marvin gaye. You da man, djavo!
But to be honest, best music as background for crpg is something medievalish, irish folk music for example. I really love to listen that but I'm not familiar with this genre. Hopefully someone can help me here.
I apply to be eu dj around midnight till 4am. Im gonna play songs Kingrim likes. The soothing songs. There is too much hate and crap metal around. If you want bosanova, and marvin gaye pick djavo. LOVE!Cool
I have some medieval folk tracks, if you'd like, I can put some in.this shit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eOIU9ekSMk
I have some medieval folk tracks, if you'd like, I can put some in.I demand medieval rock. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkX1iNUq6Jw)
variety of songs should be a basic thing. yes to submitting songs, but playing metal over and over again is maybe not the best idea to attract new listeners and doesnt interest people to participate
But to be honest, best music as background for crpg is something medievalish, irish folk music for example. I really love to listen that but I'm not familiar with this genre. Hopefully someone can help me here.
Unfortunately you don't have a schedule so people don't know when to tune in :P
I have some medieval folk tracks, if you'd like, I can put some in.
every radio station around the world holds a daily schedule with different broadcasts that play different music,you cant force in 2 hours 10 different genres of music like pop,rock,metal,hip hop etc etc..
indeed, but there wasnt any change at all for what i got to hear from you, jsut metal all the way
Still metal.
I don't mind metal, as long its not newer stuff. You know, heavy metal, not trash, death, black, power etc. Give me some Judas Priest, Motorhead etc.Nice sub-genres of metal :P people just don't know the different types of metal -.-
Although Hammerfell has good songs. I also like Within Temptation but thats not metal.
Led Zeppelin yes, but this isn't metal. It's blues.I was talking about the metal sub-genres Pan mentioned.
I guess metal only?
got sick of eu radio. all the time death metal :evil: na is betterI'm not sure, but I think I didn't hear a single one death metal song. In Flames is sometimes considered as melodic death metal, but that isn't exactly death metal either. If I was doing my playlist there would be almost nothing else than real pure death metal and the channel have 2 listeners :D. Cannibal Corpse- late night show with Son Of Odin xD.
Can't post in shoutbox anymore :(
Anyway, my final request is Kenny Rogers - Lady
Ennio Morricone: Bloody briliant whoever thought of that
Lol this radio thingy is awesome :D
NA better than EU radio atm. Although i liked Sabaton and some others beer played earlier today.
dude stop griefing please,christo is doing his best and he`s pretty good actually,for once support something good 8-)
NA don't got shit on EU.
They did have two CKY tracks, though, thats about 200 cool points.
NA better than EU radio atm. Although i liked Sabaton and some others beer played earlier today.I requested Sabaton but i'm NA so i didn't get ti listen to it -.-
I requested Sabaton but i'm NA so i didn't get ti listen to it -.-
Berenger dig a really deep hole and jump in, please :D
its in a beta state,but u need to support us guys..making bad feedback wont do any good :)
Son of Odin was it. :)Yeah you see my taste for good music is universal and not completely tied in metal genre :). Morricone is a FUCKING MUSICAL GENIUS! A one big reason why spaghetti westerns are so awesome.
Also, yeah, I know it is. 8-)
what I can say about NA... I entered, heard Michael Jackson, and quit :PHey hey wait a second young man! This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRdxUFDoQe0) isn't actually too shit of a song, huh? Nice guitar solo too (Obviously because it's Eddie Van Halen who played it).
Yeah, but MJ is so common on commercial radios... literally everywhereWell I really don't know how much MJ do they play here...
1st day, good success i'd say :D
When he fixes the playlist though.... :l
This is why from now on i will never play requests,its really tiring for the person to find one song and play it..
Maybe go for themed hours, like a genre,
In 15 mins tune in for some Metal songs guys :)
Morning Metal? :twisted:
Morning Metal? :twisted:How can it be morning if you haven't slept in 3 days? :mrgreen:
Now thats a sweet radio tracklist.(click to show/hide)
I didn't read through the 13 pages of posts, but I used to do this for a sub-mod of MechWarrior called MCM back in the day.Wait, people care about strategus?
One thing that was always nice was to have play-back recordings of Live Strategus battles (the big ones) where the outcome would be pretty significant and give play-by-play announcements so people that missed it or wanted to listen to it while at work, on vacation, in the car or whatever could find it and listen to it.
If anything, it gives you announcing experience and gives everyone a chance to catch up on what happened there.
I didn't read through the 13 pages of posts, but I used to do this for a sub-mod of MechWarrior called MCM back in the day.If you wish, you could per-record interviews, strategus battles and we will gladly stream them on the station. + I'm looking at setting up a more defined programing time. Peppo can usually is on the graveyard hours lol.
One thing that was always nice was to have play-back recordings of Live Strategus battles (the big ones) where the outcome would be pretty significant and give play-by-play announcements so people that missed it or wanted to listen to it while at work, on vacation, in the car or whatever could find it and listen to it.
If anything, it gives you announcing experience and gives everyone a chance to catch up on what happened there.
19:03:47 Soundgarden - [Rusty Cage]
19:00:59 Eagles of Death Metal - Don't Speak
18:57:56 Hypnos 69 - Vertigo
18:54:57 Queens Of The Stone Age - Little Sister
18:50:22 Stonewall Noise Orchestra - Going To Clarksdale
18:44:25 Black Sabbath - Iron Man
18:40:52 Fu Manchu - Weird Beard
18:37:20 Slo Burn - Pilot The Dune
Now thats a sweet radio tracklist.
Play bjords song's xD
NA radio up right now. Playing CCR era music.
not working for meeeeeeeeeeh, ah, damn time differences...but guys, seriously, any chance to manage some autopilot for night hours for us working people? :D
Drake- the motto, please.
There were interviews?
Nords, Mercs and Merciless were interviewed quickly :p
Come on beer, SANIC UP THE RADIO.
well im trying to but there seems to be a prob,give me some mins.
I'll be streaming the Jimi Hendrix bbc session this evening for all those Hendrix fans out there. :D
I'm in to DJ for NA.. I've only been DJ'ing for less than a year, however I've got very far within this time and I've had the experience of playing in clubs in my province (Alberta, Canada).. I've worked on multiple internet radio stations. I'll provide my most recent mix for you, a nice dub, house, and prog house mix. http://soundcloud.com/djsunb/june-mixAh that was good stuff, nice work there :)
Why is there no radio atm. I check everyday but nothing. I fancy some block rocking beats :(
Radio is once again alive and kicking Mod sucks