cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Strudog on April 26, 2012, 08:45:33 pm

Title: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 26, 2012, 08:45:33 pm
Hello all,

Juat recently a man called Paulthetall has ported the game Mount and blade warband.,227080.0.html

This is what i have been waiting for a long time as i mostly use my mac when i am not home and thus cannot play c-rpg, is there anyway possible that we could make the c-rpg installer Mac friendly?

would be a great help if anyone could help me do this

Thank you

Title: Re: MAc Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Moncho on April 26, 2012, 08:52:07 pm
Ive been playing cRPG on a Mac ever since I started a few years ago.
Unfortunately, the last 1.151 Taleworlds version broke it for me.
My old way of playing:
(click to show/hide)
Now Im downloading the port you posted, and will try to get cRPG to work later, when its finished

EDIT: Downloaded and installed, but cant get it to run cRPGlauncher.exe
I probably will need to install the .NET 2.0 framework as in crossover, but I dont know how to do it.

EDIT 2: I managed to run the game using the WSEloader.exe, but when I select a server, it just freezes. This is exactly the same problem I have when using crossover both on the Steam and non-steam versions, dont have any idea of what can be causing this

UPDATE: Managed to install the .NET 2.0 framework, at least it said so, downloading it from here (, but when I try to run the cRPGlauncher it just crashes :(
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Shaith on April 27, 2012, 09:26:00 am
lol macs
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2012, 10:28:15 am
This has been out for a very long time. You can spot Mac players such as ivani4 very easily.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: autobus on April 27, 2012, 11:38:34 am
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Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 27, 2012, 01:49:48 pm
anyone know if c-rpg works with this port?
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Moncho on April 27, 2012, 02:20:13 pm
At the moment, for me, no.
But it doesnt either with crossover, since the 1.151 patch :(
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on April 27, 2012, 02:23:20 pm
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Lech on April 27, 2012, 02:58:59 pm
I wonder if there is some hidden native linux client around.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Turboflex on April 27, 2012, 04:40:13 pm
how can you play warband with one mouse button???
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: supy0 on April 29, 2012, 04:15:56 pm
My friend bought this the other day and I helped him get it working.

1) Installed game on mac
2) I sent him my cRPG folder from modules
3) Put my cRPG folder in his modules
4) Launch game normally without the cRPG launcher and ignore the message about WSE

Worked a treat.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Moncho on April 29, 2012, 04:22:36 pm
In that case, the cRPG launcher might not be downloading correctly some of the files.
Would it possible to know from a dev what tools the cRPG launcher uses?
I think it uses the .NET environment 2.0, at least with this, I could play correctly until the last Warband patch
To avoid the WSE message, you can launch instead of the mb_warband.exe (the standard one), the file WSEloader.exe located in /Modules/cRPG/WSE/WSEloader.exe
Without this, I believe Battle and Siege work fine, but DTV, rageball and strategus dont work, please correct me if im wrong.

Also a question, supy0, does he use the 1.143 or 1.151 version of Warband?
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: supy0 on April 29, 2012, 04:41:12 pm
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: NejStark on April 29, 2012, 04:44:41 pm
Hi, I'm the friend he mentions above. Just install the Tall the Paul version, then open packages for the MaB .app/.exe, go through the simulated windows folders to the packages and stick the cRPG folder in there like he says. Working fine for me, though I have crashed twice and I get a console error that I need to update cRPG when I join a server. Also get a warning that I need to use the cRPG script optimiser, but it all works fine.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Moncho on April 29, 2012, 05:02:08 pm
I did that, but I dont have a working version of cRPG on my laptop at the moment, so I cant get it to work.
Your errors might disappear if in wineskin, you change the windows EXE from /Program Files/Mount&Blade Warband/mb_warband.exe (what i have originally) to /Program Files/Mount&Blade Warband/mb_warband.exe/Modules/cRPG/WSE/WSEloader.exe
What the launcher does, iirc, is both launch the WSE and update the game if it is not to the latest version, this should launch the WSE and get rid of some warnings.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: NejStark on April 29, 2012, 07:48:24 pm
Becasue I have it working, and other people don;t seem to be able to, I'm not touching anything!!!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 29, 2012, 08:04:46 pm
anyone know how to get your CD key from steam, because i want to play on the character i have at home
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 29, 2012, 08:07:17 pm
anyone know how to get your CD key from steam, because i want to play on the character i have at home

Library >> Right click on game >> View CD Key
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: POOPHAMMER on April 29, 2012, 08:09:12 pm
idk I think warband on Mac would be boring, unless you want to be an archer or a melee user who cant block
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 29, 2012, 08:15:24 pm
Library >> Right click on game >> View CD Key

dosent seem to give me that option, does the game have to be installed to see it?
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Moncho on April 29, 2012, 08:16:33 pm
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 29, 2012, 08:16:50 pm
dosent seem to give me that option, does the game have to be installed to see it?
Yes (EDIT: Ninjaed!).
idk I think warband on Mac would be boring, unless you want to be an archer or a melee user who cant block
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 29, 2012, 08:22:50 pm
i managed to get it, is there anywhere i could download the latest version of c-rpg?
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 29, 2012, 08:25:03 pm
i managed to get it, is there anywhere i could download the latest version of c-rpg?,4910.0.html
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 29, 2012, 08:29:54 pm

The installer dosent work on macs :(
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 29, 2012, 08:33:17 pm
Well, it totals about 420mb, so perhaps one of your friends can put it on a stick for you or a dropbox or something else, and you can drop the entire cRPG folder into your modules section.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 29, 2012, 08:42:41 pm
yh doing that now, are there any people good with macs out there that could probably make the launcher work for Macs?
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 30, 2012, 01:53:31 am
can anyone post the latest version of c-rpg folder here?
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Sarpton on April 30, 2012, 06:15:47 am
Seriously, how do you play with one mouse button? 

(Not trolling just wondering.)

:( I was unaware Mac's would recognize the second mouse button lol.:
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Strudog on April 30, 2012, 09:43:44 am
its called using a external mouse
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 30, 2012, 07:11:27 pm
Seriously, how do you play with one mouse button? 

(Not trolling just wondering.)

:( I was unaware Mac's would recognize the second mouse button lol.:

My Mac uses a 5 button mouse. The default "one button" is just a marketing ploy for "simplicity" and all that. There are other ways around it though, like this piece of crap:
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on April 30, 2012, 07:16:02 pm
Apple is so decadent.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on April 30, 2012, 07:40:16 pm
Apple is shit, lol'd at the mouse ToD posted, "Magic Mouse is a chip that tells it exactly what you want to do.", truly sound like an apple product (always messing with you trying to make you do shit you don't want to).
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Kafein on April 30, 2012, 07:43:25 pm
My Mac uses a 5 button mouse. The default "one button" is just a marketing ploy for "simplicity" and all that. There are other ways around it though, like this piece of crap:

Used this once  :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Never, never, never, never again.

The low profile literally wrecks your hand, you click all the time without wanting to, the back surface doesn'tslide well, and you have to use two fingers to scroll.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: NejStark on May 17, 2012, 06:37:05 pm
Magic mouse is reaaally good for video editing (why I bought a Mac) and other standard computey stuff. But for gaming you need an external mouse.
I started out playing M&B with Magic Mouse and if you left click you can only right click once youve released that left click... Which is shit. Played as an archer character and if i lostmy shot had to shoot the ground and pickmy arrows up... ballache. Also ballache if you're in melee and want to stop your swing and block.
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: mcdeath on May 18, 2012, 03:41:26 pm
If you use a mac the gods of crpg frown on you
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: Svitjodvarg on May 18, 2012, 03:54:55 pm
why do people use macs??
Title: Re: Mac Version of Mount and Blade Warband!
Post by: NejStark on June 10, 2012, 09:03:48 am
I have a PC at work and a Mac at home. Why not?