just reduce ammount of bolts and arrows, so there would be less spam
seriously grow up dude. Cross bows rarely kill anyone in so much as 2 hits and cost substancially more than any melee weapon ntm the steel bolts. They had their damage reduced by 30 (all of them) and are less accurate and slower. Just because a few non - fotm people stuck with the build and repeatedly kicked your ass does not justify a nerf
and yes i have been head shotted by darkkarma more times than i have braincells to count but the dill thumper has almost 180 prof
seriously grow up dude. Cross bows rarely kill anyone in so much as 2 hits and cost substancially more than any melee weapon ntm the steel bolts. They had their damage reduced by 30 (all of them) and are less accurate and slower. Just because a few non - fotm people stuck with the build and repeatedly kicked your ass does not justify a nerf
and yes i have been head shotted by darkkarma more times than i have braincells to count but the dill thumper has almost 180 prof
An Error Has Occurred.
Sorry, you can't repeat a karma action without waiting 24 hours.
Its not like Im going to snipe anyone, but I can definitly start climbing a ladder with it, spot the archer at laddertop and headshot him with my 1 wpf. Dont really think its fair on him, he probably has dedicated himself to ranged, and I just bought this crossbow to be annoying.....
I think a major issue is fairness> Lose a swordfight, you can only blame yourself, get shot in the back and you are much more annoyed since you had no chance to defend yourself.
I played on EU1 the other day and was appalled. In every frame I sent the first two minutes idling till the throwers have spent most of their ammo and the xbow hybrid my old friends took their cheap shots and came down from the roofs to fight.
Perhaps the only solution is to make two classes (YEH YOU HEAR IT RIGHT!): ranged & melee.
* if you choose ranged the cost of power-strike and shield skills are doubled
Agree, there should be atleast 100 wpf in crossbow to aim properly.
seriously grow up dude. Cross bows rarely kill anyone in so much as 2 hits and cost substancially more than any melee weapon ntm the steel bolts. They had their damage reduced by 30 (all of them) and are less accurate and slower. Just because a few non - fotm people stuck with the build and repeatedly kicked your ass does not justify a nerfSeriously learn to read dude. At no point did I say crossbows are OP; I said that there are too many of them combined with all the archers and that this distorts the gameplay.
and yes i have been head shotted by darkkarma more times than i have braincells to count but the dill thumper has almost 180 prof
Where are all these hordes of infantry guys who take crossbow as a backup weapon? I almost never see any.I started to notice a few days ago the amount of missiles flying had dramatically increased and that infantry were once again moving back to the pre-patch situation where, in most village maps, you spent the first minute or two hiding and hoping your side won the shooting match. At first I thought we just had more archers in play, but looking at it again I noticed that there were an awful lot of crossbows. Once again, this isn't because crossbows are OP; it's because the steep increase in wpf cost means specialisation is less effective than hybridisation.
I started to notice a few days ago the amount of missiles flying had dramatically increased and that infantry were once again moving back to the pre-patch situation where, in most village maps, you spent the first minute or two hiding and hoping your side won the shooting match. At first I thought we just had more archers in play, but looking at it again I noticed that there were an awful lot of crossbows. Once again, this isn't because crossbows are OP; it's because the steep increase in wpf cost means specialisation is less effective than hybridisation.
You made me go check EU1 now.You're comparing a lunchtime battle on a Monday with less than 60 people with my experience when the server is close to full. Yes, I dropped in just now and there were only 2 or 3 crossbows. It isn't always like that.
I did not see any problem you describe. I saw a LOT more archers than crossbowmen (as usual). And I saw a LOT of non hybrids, or at least people who in this game did not take any ranged weapon.
You made me go check EU1 now.(not directed at me but I support Elmetiacos view)
I did not see any problem you describe. I saw a LOT more archers than crossbowmen (as usual). And I saw a LOT of non hybrids, or at least people who in this game did not take any ranged weapon.
In short, you charge into battle at round start without a shield and to you it seems like everyone and their dog is having a ranged weapon. Make analysis of the weapons used by people on a server, and then we can discuss this further.
Usually i'm more effective behind my huscarl slashing my scimitar at people.This, xbow just grimp you most of the time, so let people play pew pew if they have fun doing it and learn to flank them
My advice? Get a decent shield... :wink:Or just dodge if you don't have one, it is pretty effective.
Or just dodge if you don't have one, it is pretty effective.
I do dodge (bows anyway) and I do sometimes go with a shield. I'm not complaining about getting shot. I expect to get shot. But things are now close to where we were with crossbows before the patch - every battle feels more like modern, or at least Napoleonic era, combat because of the massive amounts of shooting going on. It will never be quite as bad because bows are slower now, but nevertheless the end result of the increased wpf cost has been more hybrids which has meant a lot more crossbows, which means lesstalking, more raidingfighting, more shooting.
i'd like to see requirements based on WPF (and PD, PT, PS) and not only on strength. this would solve a lot of things (archers wielding huge weapons, people taking javelins without any wpf, infantry taking spare crossbows etc...)
Well because of mr. Tai-Its a valid tactic-Feng and alikes that wont drop their ranged in all their generations atleast to try something else
Just dont have the patience to fight in the shadows or run around the furthest corners of the maps to avoid the barrage of arrows with probably 50/50 maybe less chance of sucession.
i just dont have the nerves to suck in arrows all the time.
Ill grind 5 more mil. try to have as much fun as possible with my Maul, but after playing sunday for about 6-7 hrs in witch there were 7 (i counted) draws, i really need a break from the game.
The problem exponentially increase with total number of players in the server (the absolute number of projectiles flying)
Most battles in the middle ages also had insane levels of range. Only hollywood has those stupid levels of mass melee combat and no range, mainly because watching melee is more entertaining.Did they? Oh.
That looks like a bad character build. You could've taken secondary melee weapon instead which would help you 10x more...
If you lose a swordfight besides yourself you can also blame shared connection and wireless, both of which can drastically reduce the ability to fight in melee.
Well arent we touchy Tajči, was looking forward to your bible answer but wasnt quite satisfied left me wanting for more...
Face it you will never be as good xbowmen as Dave, Ronald or Gnjus just to name a few so you and your higher tactics just might grab a bow and call it a day.
Now go on put your Mercs banner in a shameless attempt to rig in some x5˙s... oh but i forgot 7 draws in a day isnt a problem right?
but since you cannot defeat my archer char in melee with your INF char, your opinion on both ranged and melee combat are not valid to me, sorry.
And blaming your net is why I have never died under your blade, but your life has ended under mine many times, Imperial Guard Tai Feng
since you're primitive and malevolent.
I have a dedicated crossbowman
Better primitive and malevolent then a retarded piece of shit like yourself. You got muted numerous times for writing shit here and you'll get muted again, no worries about that.
As for the dedication - the only dedicated thing you are is a dedicated asshole who after ages in this game still sucks in every single aspect of it so you need to make up for it by trolling about "tactics" while you clearly have no idea about the meaning of the word. Now feel free to go and relax yourself by hiding among the trees and running away from combat, thats what you do best.....actually that is the only thing youre any good with, about the top of the crop when it comes to your "tactical knowledge".
visitors can't see pics , please register or login^
As for the "muted only once" statement
Wow, im so owned.
because I value completely different things.
Seriously learn to read dude. At no point did I say crossbows are OP; I said that there are too many of them combined with all the archers and that this distorts the gameplay.
Not good enough. A good Crossbowman will laugh at you, and when you start dodging like crazy and you need to stop because you forgot where you are going now, he will pull the trigger.
They can simply lock-on to you and wait.
The best idea from this thread is (in my opinion) the one saying that weapons need WPF requirements in addition to the existing requirements. I think that would be awesome, should this get a sepparate thread?
For instance, as we are speaking about crossbows, 100 should be fine for heavy crossbow, 130 for sniper, 60? for light crossbow...
If this wpf requirements scale similarly to the gold price, it would give the battlefield more variety. But it would be a huge change, so I want to hear more about this from veteran players.
Main problem is: accepting the ranged playstyle as *equal* is just unacceptable to many. That's the real problem here - anything else is merely a matter of game balance.There are no complaints about any of the raged styles (from me and most of the posters here anyway) when it comes to dedicated roles - the complaints are about hybrids the inflate the number of projectiles in the air and surprisingly, are not ineffective. Xbows are by far the greatest offenders because they are carried loaded and are used to shoot into melee from short range or as a shotgun in urban warfare style.
There are no complaints about any of the raged styles (from me and most of the posters here anyway) when it comes to dedicated roles - the complaints are about hybrids the inflate the number of projectiles in the air and surprisingly, are not ineffective. Xbows are by far the greatest offenders because they are carried loaded and are used to shoot into melee from short range or as a shotgun in urban warfare style.
Xbows in close range get 1 shot and are pretty inaccurate when moving. Throwing is far better, it's fast, does high damage and is accurate enough at close range. I'd much rather play in a server with lots of xbows than lots of throwing.
Really, a lot of problems could be solved by using both str/skill AND wpf as weapon requirements. For example : Sidesword : 14 str/120 wpf. Jarids : 6pt/120 wpf. I'm sure we can come up with a balanced system, and it would really promote variety. Only have 75 wpf in xbows? You're stuck with regular crossbow or worse. Only have 50 prof in 2 hand, cause you're an archer? You get to use the longsword or less. Etc. etc. etc.
I know you play in EU, so you haven't seen this, but we've got some really bad ass xbowers here in NA. They are very effective, because the points they DIDN'T have to put into PD, or PT, went to stat upgrades, or athletics, or PS, or IF. True hybrids, all they have to spend is wpf, with no sacrifice anywhere else. It's very effective for the cost.
I support the adding wpf to the requirements of items.
If you guys want to talk realism, I think ranged has been nerfed too much, especially bows. If you've seen Shakespeare's Henry V, you'd have heard of Agincourt. 7000 archers and 1500 men-at-arms (8500 total) beat a French army numbering from 10,000-36,000.Did you even read what is written there? The arrows did little actual damage to the French army and the archers ended up killing French knights in melee. The longbow has long passed from the realm of history into the realm of fantasy. It now rests there on a pedestal next to the katana.
It's not about balancing weapons by nerfing. I didn't say crossbows were too powerful; they are not. The problem is that once again we are getting the "crossbow as sidearm" playing style with infantry adding a crossbow to their normal sword-and-shield or polearm specialisation. This is causing an increase in the number of crossbows and distorting a lot of games.
Although a longbow had greater range, could achieve comparable accuracy and faster shooting rate than wooden or composite crossbow, crossbows could release more kinetic energy and be used effectively after a week of training, while a comparable single-shot skill with a longbow could take years of practice.
Introduce the awesome skill -----> Power Xbow
Problem solved
I think crpg is pretty balanced right now. Perhaps throwing is a tad OP, but they also have limited ammo.
If you guys want to talk realism, I think ranged has been nerfed too much, especially bows. If you've seen Shakespeare's Henry V, you'd have heard of Agincourt. 7000 archers and 1500 men-at-arms (8500 total) beat a French army numbering from 10,000-36,000.
Imagine the rain of arrows in that battle...
Well one solution also would be to add the expanding recticle like archers have but say it kicks in after 5-7 seconds due to arm fatigue and that time and speed of expansion would depent on the weight of the armour.
also there really needs to be some requirement liike power draw or wpf.
xbow is a common second slot now and way too effective at 1 wpf.
Ahhh, you pulled the "m&b is melee oriented game, so why do archers have any possibility to actually kill someone?" card. How cute. Then I guess you would gladly enlighten us why is it that it's pretty much always melee people who top to scoreboards? Even if it's hybrid, the majority of his kills are melee. From your post it looks like they should be hiding the whole round and then get slaughtered by ranged, thus not getting any kills.
(click to show/hide)
The only valid point in that is, that when ranged reaches the "critical mass", it get's annyoing and very uncomfortable for melee people. The rest is just pile of crap, biased comparsions trying to make melee inf look unplayable when there are archers around. To that, my response was that even with all the range shit flying through the air, melee inf are still the ones at the top of scoreboards, not archers.
The only valid point in that is, that when ranged reaches the "critical mass", it get's annyoing and very uncomfortable for melee people. The rest is just pile of crap, biased comparsions trying to make melee inf look unplayable when there are archers around. To that, my response was that even with all the range shit flying through the air, melee inf are still the ones at the top of scoreboards, not archers.
Often it's not the ranged that kills you, it's the melee that swings at you while you're still stunned from the ranged. That's why range tends to top scoreboards less. Doesn't make them any less deadly.
melee inf are still the ones at the top of scoreboards, not archers.
Ranged weapons are just inbalanced at this point... 1 wpf + some power throw = instant kill axes/ranged
Bow, 150 wpf + complete build focused on it = needs several hits.
Well how you wanna measure it then? Let's put it this way then. Having someone like Tommy, who is arguably one of the best cavalry on EU, is game changing, and there is quite a chance that his team is gonna win if the map is at least remotely suited for cav. Having someone like Phyrex on your team is the same case. And there are more players both cav and melee that can and are able to turn the tides easily. What about ranged then? There is only one crossbowman that can make a difference like those guys, and that is DaveUKR, and even he is not that effective when it's raining in game. For archers, I don't think there is any that can have that significant impact on the game. IMO Jambi and Bambi are one of the best EU archers an none of them can really affect the game. Yes, they are annyoing, and they can get kills and help other melee guys get easy kills, but they are never as dangerous as equally skilled cav or melee.
What I'm trying to say is, that ranged defintely has much higher annyoing factor, but that's it. They are not as dangerous and they will not one shot you, usually not even two shot you unless you're cloth wearing peasant. If you wanna reduce crossbows as sidearms, go ahead and make wpf restrictions for weapons. But I don't think that will stop the crying.
Coming from a dedicated archer as my main, I am going to say that there is too much range atm. I would like to see less xbow sidearms, and less thrown. As for the archers, I am mostly fine with the amount in NA, though EU sometimes gets to be nuts with the level of archers there.
As I said, you acting like KDR or kill count being the be-all end-all of balance shows you don't really understand balance or game design. It's not just about kills, it's about scalability and other intangible effects as well. I'm not going to spend the energy continuing trying to show you the problems and reasons behind them because you obviously either can't wrap your head around the issues or just choose to ignore them, using kills as your only criteria for balancing issues.
Sadly though, K:D is the only method we've been given of measuring battlefield effectiveness. You may personally know how many times you've helped your team win with support, rather than kills, but there is no tangible evidence, hence nothing to introduce in the numbers game that is a balance discussion.
A highly experienced, talented and intelligent player (expert witness, if you would) and having him talk with other such players regarding the situation is more than enough tangible evidence. That is usually what forums are for, actually, but the problem is you have too many idiots giving opinions that they really aren't too informed so it usually devolves into a flamefest. Just because KD is a number doesn't make it any more or less "valid" than anything else. Balance is not about numbers, it's not that black and white.
Balance is not entirely about numbers
Fixed that for ya bud. :wink: At it's heart balance is truly about math and figures, however KDR as you said is not the end-all-be-all as it's simply one variable to take into account.
The thing about ranged is that it's a player mentality. Yup, I carry an x-bow around nowadays. I put a significant amount of wpf into it as well (130 min, 160 max depending on which toon I'm on). So in essence I am part of the "range excess" problem. However the reason I have done this is because I'm tired of other ranged bitches camping stupid areas and either forcing me to hide, run in crazy circles hoping I don't get shot to shit in the time it takes to get to melee range (where they have the option to just pull out a random 2h/polearm and fight just as well as someone spec'd for melee), or be shielder #18928479874982749579287495874 with a side katana. Same with cavalry. And HA's. So it's a situation of might as well join them so that when my team is cowering behind cover while thousands of projectiles rain down upon us with horse bastards circling like sharks I can at least DO something, IE: shoot back.
I go some rounds without my x-bow (mostly to avoid the insane upkeep cost when it breaks) and even if I'm alive by the end of the round I'll have 2-3+ arrows/javelins/etc in my body with no health left and maybe a kill or two because the entire round was spent just TRYING to GET into melee range. Fuck that, I'd rather shoot back.
You must realize that range (from throwing weapons to archery), help to balance out two handed combat. A nerf to range would just compliment the already favored play-style of two handed melee; the reason most of you are complaining is because you fit under that demographic. Melee is definitely the best part about this game in my opinion (and surely that of most others), but other play-styles need to have a place as well without being completely gimped.That used to be the case, before the patch. However, pwnage as a 2hander depended on heavy armour, reasonably high str and high wpf and you can't have all those anymore. Look at the Kills table and who's on top now - it's not the old greatsword wielding tin cans, it's shielders and the better cav, depending on the map. The class that has been nerfed most is the two handed users. Therefore the argument that lots of shooting is needed to stop 2 handers reigning supreme no longer applies. Once again though, this isn't a moan on behalf of 2h fighters (I am no longer one) it's a complaint that there is just too much shooting and it loses the feel it should have; as 2h or polearm infantry you have to cower behind buildings, as shield infantry you have to keep your shield up all the time as you slowly advance under fire and as cavalry you have to ride around the edge of the map staying out of range.
As I said, you acting like KDR or kill count being the be-all end-all of balance shows you don't really understand balance or game design. It's not just about kills, it's about scalability and other intangible effects as well. I'm not going to spend the energy continuing trying to show you the problems and reasons behind them because you obviously either can't wrap your head around the issues or just choose to ignore them, using kills as your only criteria for balancing issues.
You're almost forced to go range these days, really.
If Crpg turns into something like this
i wont mind :D
If chadz could add the grappling hook, it be awesomesauce! :P
or be shielder #18928479874982749579287495874 with a side katana.
I think he means that an infinite number of ranged can target one guy while it gets pretty crowded when 3-4 melee guys are trying to go for said guy..but that plot fails when a single allied meleer (to the archers) gets in the way. Could be wrong idk he was pretty vague and offered no follow ups.
I wrote an extremely well made, structured and informed argumentits on page 5. just read the whole thread and that's the one post that said it all.
So you won't mind that the only game to have a good melee combat system is killed by the playerbase's desire to gay it up with ranged spam rather than fight?
Seriously, the state of the game and the players as it pertains to the ranged crap is truly sad.
w/e pisses you off the most.
I said sad, not rage inducing or maddening. Sad. IE: Pathetic, pitiful, something to sigh and shake head at. Quite a different end of the e-motional scale. Derpidy derping herp.
I said sad, not rage inducing or maddening. Sad. IE: Pathetic, pitiful, something to sigh and shake head at. Quite a different end of the e-motional scale. Derpidy derping herp.
its on page 5. just read the whole thread and that's the one post that said it all.
can't wait for next patch...
I said sad, not rage inducing or maddening. Sad. IE: Pathetic, pitiful, something to sigh and shake head at. Quite a different end of the e-motional scale. Derpidy derping herp.
It's been rage inducing me since long before pre patch...
I still hate xbows. I hate watching certain people go camp the same spot on the map, every round.
Here's a proposal .. cut ALL ammo stacks in half.
cut ammo stack for xbows in half ill still have 14 or 16 bolts, more than enough.
thats not the real solution imo.
the problem is easy hybrid build with xbow.
we need to implement something like powerdaw as a requirement both for bow and xbow and with that points spent in pd lets say 6 or 7 just so you can fire off sniper xbow itll be allot harder to make an effective haybrid well not as effective as today atleast.
mind you i dont wish pd would determine wbow damage just requirement.
+ youll see allot more regular and light xbows due to high requirement for heavyer ones.
It's been rage inducing me since long before pre patch...
I still hate xbows. I hate watching certain people go camp the same spot on the map, every round.
Here's a proposal .. cut ALL ammo stacks in half.
It's been rage inducing me since long before pre patch...
I still hate xbows. I hate watching certain people go camp the same spot on the map, every round.
Here's a proposal .. cut ALL ammo stacks in half.
No +30 karma points for you =(
+1 will have to suffice
You know you need to stand still to reload a crossbow, right?
I don't shell out coin by the thousand to fire one bolt per round. I have a desire to play as a crossbowman, which means using my crossbow as a primary weapon. Which means standing still and firing it as often as possible, and damn the chumps that consider this 'camping'.
Um, no, you do not need to stand still, what game are you playing? You new?
Huh? And how the hell would you pull back the string while moving.Oh so I musta imagined that bunny hop reload, maybe it was a flashback.
You have to stand still until your character pulls the string back, and gets back to standing position, and you can only start moving when the bolt is getting loaded, or the reloading fails.
Oh so I musta imagined that bunny hop reload, maybe it was a flashback.That is, in fact, your imagination. You can jump in order to START the reload animation, usually to dive for a corner or cover while you begin to reload, but when you land you have to stand still in order to finish the other 2/3rds of the animation time. You cannot keep moving while reloading an x-bow, merely gain a half second of movement while you start to do it.
That is, in fact, your imagination. You can jump in order to START the reload animation, usually to dive for a corner or cover while you begin to reload, but when you land you have to stand still in order to finish the other 2/3rds of the animation time. You cannot keep moving while reloading an x-bow, merely gain a half second of movement while you start to do it.How is it my imagination if you start the animation and are in fact moving for 1/3 of the reload time while hopping?
Something like this? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0a9Ks3P9hk&feature=player_detailpage#t=100s)
Or this? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4NvgHSIs78&feature=player_detailpage#t=102s)
You know you need to stand still to reload a crossbow, right?Camping is not what you do while the reload animation plays out. Camping is climbing on a roof 20 seconds into the frame and staying up there will the frame ends or you get killed. Standard modus operandi for most archers/xbowmen. A minority of archers actually follow the infantry from close behind. Xbowmen that follow the infantry use their xbows as muskets. While still despicable and gay it is infinitely better than the "archer on the roof" - Wasn't there a musical with this name? ahhh no, it was "fiddler...", another annoying string instrument.
I don't shell out coin by the thousand to fire one bolt per round. I have a desire to play as a crossbowman, which means using my crossbow as a primary weapon. Which means standing still and firing it as often as possible, and damn the chumps that consider this 'camping'.
Not everyone wants to lug a huscarl shield around and a ladder, or have to make an athletics build.
I was going to similarily build a plearm/thrower hybrid. However, as pointless as it may be, think I will do a test thrower and take loads of screenies documenting wpf, pt, weight worn, movement. Though the lol's are running around with throwing lances now, I suspect BkS shenanigans to prove a point.
What really helped me is playing as an archer for a while. It made me look at the battles from a different perspective and improved my awareness a bit. Knowing all those good archer spots and more importantly their lines of fire helps.
It's been rage inducing me since long before pre patch...
I still hate xbows. I hate watching certain people go camp the same spot on the map, every round.
Here's a proposal .. cut ALL ammo stacks in half.
My 2h alt and my polearm alt both have 2 shield skill and use that big old board shield. That provides excellent protection against ranged. No need to go 4 shield unless you are a 1h.
Not exactly a bug but the player holds the shield bad you always have your foot exposed if you move your shield down when infact it should protect your feet.
I don't mean shooting under or over the shield, I'm talking about shooting through it. If you don't know what I'm talking about good, I have alts that use board shields :D
...Set up a nice ambush somewhere. Try to get a safe area to fight by positioning your own ranged teammates and sticking with them. Or fight somewhere where you have good cover.Yes, exactly. This is what I mean about the game becoming distorted by the volume of fire. It's forcing a particular build and style on those of us who don't pick up crossbows ourselves.
And most important of all: get a good shield and high athletics. My main character, a 1h + shield cavalry guy with high althletics and a huscarl shield on his back for on foot does fine against three archers. Flank. Don't let yourself get outmaneuvered. And keep up that shield...
Yes, exactly. This is what I mean about the game becoming distorted by the volume of fire. It's forcing a particular build and style on those of us who don't pick up crossbows ourselves.
The wpf requirements on weapons would solve that problem. Alternatively make upkeep cost scale with wpf for weapons and maybe IF for armours (just to give IF some love). That would be pretty realistic, in that an inexperienced guy doesn't know how to care for his weapon/armour and it would solve the sidearm problem, since less people would use them because of the price.
i like the idea (it could go to all the weapons including armor, horses etc... not only to xbows)
i even think this deserves a special thread
Bolt penetration isn't a glitch it's part of the game.
I'm not talking about bolt penetration, I'm talking about shooting through a specific spot on the board shields. I haven't actually tested this in cRPG, only in native, it just came to mind after spending a couple of rounds fighting a guy with a board shield. However since nobody has any idea what I'm talking about it's not really a problem.
imo, Suck it up or adapt
coming from a proud foot infantry that does not use a shield.
We all hate ranged , even ranged hates ranged but we need range or this game becomes one stale piece of rushing into mobs left clicking furiously without any tactic or thought about what you're even doing.
Of course that's what the majority of players do anyway.. No wonder the c-rpg community is having such troubles with ranged.
really now, stop whining play the game have fun.
You obviously missed the subforum mate....this is the cRPG general discussion.....and you obviously never played this mod cause if you had you'd never post such crap in your lifetime..........i'll just focus on the bolded part: please enlighten us how does one have any fun by getting himself shot by dozens of missiles before being able to perform any "actions" at all ? You spawn, you start moving and then volleys of arrows/bolts/axes/javelins/jarids/etc start coming your way.......and even if you're lucky enough to survive all that shit (and you DO need an "irish" luck for it) then you get finished off by roof camping sons of bitches.......which part of it do you find to be "enjoyable" ? Please tell us so we can "enjoy" ourselves as well, kind sir.
Also having played against my old friend and spectating in EU you for the most part seem to make it into melee and score kills so congrats on your "Irish luck" mister Gnjus as it seems to have rubbed off on your entire clan. Thumbs up!
You obviously missed the subforum mate....this is the cRPG general discussion.....and you obviously never played this mod cause if you had you'd never post such crap in your lifetime..........i'll just focus on the bolded part: please enlighten us how does one have any fun by getting himself shot by dozens of missiles before being able to perform any "actions" at all ? You spawn, you start moving and then volleys of arrows/bolts/axes/javelins/jarids/etc start coming your way.......and even if you're lucky enough to survive all that shit (and you DO need an "irish" luck for it) then you get finished off by roof camping sons of bitches.......which part of it do you find to be "enjoyable" ? Please tell us so we can "enjoy" ourselves as well, kind sir.Note that he's a D'Haran and therefore not aware that it's possible to go more than 30 seconds without dying.
Note that he's a D'Haran and therefore not aware that it's possible to go more than 30 seconds without dying.