cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dragon on April 09, 2012, 08:47:26 am
Translate by :oops:
Yesterday, I play times to Try a Horse Archer.
The build is 21/18 7 Power Draw and 3 Horse Archery.
Yesterday, I shot at someone, my horse has not unable to move.
My ping was fine 26th
I could swear the arrow went through the opponent's body so you see the arrow.
The whole two times in a row, how can that be? I only met him about 4 meters on previously 10meter.
That can not be nice please where is the hitbox of the people when you're playing Horse Archer?
Who can send me a good build times which are also skin clean?
And why I have not met? The arrow was neither too deep nor over it.
In the cross hairs is riding higher this is clear, but I unable targeted with small cross.
that was a bit mysterious.
So as I said I want to kill my opponent from far, so more power draw. But if you hit nothing is so bad.
Is this a bug who is it exactly?
This has nothing to do with your build or horse archery. Projectiles and other things as well passing through players without colliding with their hitboxes is a common occurrence and is referred as "ghost arrows" as far as I noticed.
the only good horse archer build is 15/24, thats as low agility u can go to still be accurate, and that only leaves 5 power draw / horn bow available. 5 power draw horn bow even with full looms is pathetic damage, most likely 7 arrows to kill anyone with descent armor. if not more, 3 headshots for most high armor. horse archery is simply put bad, any horse archer that gets a descent KD is getting it with a sword from horseback or with a high PD build and standing still on horse
the only good horse archer build is 15/24, thats as low agility u can go to still be accurate, and that only leaves 5 power draw / horn bow available. 5 power draw horn bow even with full looms is pathetic damage, most likely 7 arrows to kill anyone with descent armor. if not more, 3 headshots for most high armor. horse archery is simply put bad, any horse archer that gets a descent KD is getting it with a sword from horseback or with a high PD build and standing still on horse
I never use 1hs and can top scoreboards with my 15/24 usual build or my current 21/18. You can make lots of builds work, so saying flat out that 15/24 is the ONLY good build is just dumb. I'll agree with you for the sake of perhaps getting a buff to the class that HA is "bad". Mostly people that play it are bad, if you aren't on top of your shit 100% of the time you're done (and it's expensive). Some capitals at the start of sentences wouldn't hurt.
And as an answer for our German colleague, all I can say is, MAAAAAAGIC. Due to latency and arrow speed you rarely hit where you think you should. Depending on the angle you shoot from it also magically affects the trajectory of the arrow. You pretty much never put the cross-hairs over someone unless your going head to head in a straight line. For example, if you are riding parallel to someone running the same direction the amount lead required to hit is far far more than you think. Then it changes if you're turning and crap. It's really a huge disaster, there's no good way to explain it and it just comes with practice.
I think you should ask a member of your clan for help in translation. Google translater isn't the best thing to be used here... It's good only for simple words, not sentences.
Lern Englisch Dragon, das ist ja echt peinlich :oops:
I do not speak English well why the why there is google.
A guide for TV I do still more for me I do not need English, I'll never talk to someone who speak english. is easier to write than talk.
Yes, the ride with the flight path when I do realize the path to calculate ma must say the opponent is to say pure. I am familiar with my arbalest. boltsen is not around the target but different.
the joke so I was bi, I do not even ridden in a corner and unable to have a straight shot on upcoming opponents. there are 2 arrows went through his body. so I was thinking I had a 500 ping or something. But I had a 26ping only on the ladder where he unable to go to a house up to then I met him. but that was 2 meters distance is archery because of not really talking about. because then I could kill him with sword ore.
So I must say you meet with a XBOW honest about what horse than horse archer.
am also of the opinion a good horse archer at least all need to work and master level 34, because the horse archery. before it's all just luck.
But I've changed my times calculated from the masterwork of a light XBOW never hurt to get a sheet would. so I prefer horse archer before because you can shoot faster.
But if horse archer is still making a reasonable doubt because everyone has already lordly armor and one would shoot at the shoes in order to kill them. I always make the most of their infantry loomt shoes to last. as body goes.
But that is also a powerful impact by abalest enormous.
make it always shoot shoes and strike then killed with 5 power.
is not a horse archer.
When I played archery I had no troubles with hitting people, especially didn't have any troubles when it came to arrows going through people. Either it's something with Horse Archery or you suck.
When I played archery I had no troubles with hitting people, especially didn't have any troubles when it came to arrows going through people. Either it's something with Horse Archery or you suck.
You must have played a long time ago.
Arrows flying through body and heads happens enough to be noticeable now.
Arrows going trew people happens, so does arrows you see miss hit a person from a meter or more away from a hit box.
As far as i know, its always been like this, and beeing on foot is better.
Its always been like this and i have been playing for a year give or take.
the only good horse archer build is 15/24, thats as low agility u can go to still be accurate, and that only leaves 5 power draw / horn bow available. 5 power draw horn bow even with full looms is pathetic damage, most likely 7 arrows to kill anyone with descent armor. if not more, 3 headshots for most high armor. horse archery is simply put bad, any horse archer that gets a descent KD is getting it with a sword from horseback or with a high PD build and standing still on horse
That's not true. There are a lot of good horse archer builds; you just have to be good at horse archery. Anyways, yes, horse archer hitboxes are kinda weird, but you'll have to get used to them and learn to aim better.