Off Topic => General Off Topic => Topic started by: Quirian on March 08, 2011, 04:06:45 pm

Title: Do you smoke
Post by: Quirian on March 08, 2011, 04:06:45 pm
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: POCOMAKA on March 08, 2011, 04:09:59 pm
Yes! &h8 this habbit

What about u Quirian?
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: v/onMega on March 08, 2011, 04:20:11 pm
10 Cigs a day, maybe 12.

While climbing in Il:2 or playing m&b I am often close to chainsmoking...

Shitty habit....but so mild and delicious.....xD

Ill so fucken die due to big holes in my lungs....but well...
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Quirian on March 08, 2011, 04:23:12 pm
I do smoke, too much. Around 20 cigarettes a day :/
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Noble Crassius on March 08, 2011, 04:27:50 pm
Yes, more often when I'm playing cRPG. Wut I died early? cig break!
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Raskolnikov on March 08, 2011, 04:42:51 pm
Yes, but only three roll-ups per day. I know that sounds odd. Among the people I know who smoke, I'm the only person who smokes so few cigarettes.

Years ago when I boasted of only smoking 3 cigarettes each day, people used to tell me that my habit would increase, but it never did. Sometimes if I'm stressed or if I'm drinking alcohol the number goes up, but never by much.

Knowing my luck though, I'll still probably get cancer.  :(  Speaking of cancer, I watched my mother die from cancer, so perhaps it's that which has kept me from smoking many cigarettes?
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Joxer on March 08, 2011, 07:15:22 pm
I used to smoke outdoors maximum of once an hour. Crpg came along and I'm now sitting here happily chainsmoking. Thx chadz!
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Christo on March 08, 2011, 07:31:28 pm
I don't smoke regularly, in my whole life I smoked.. *don't laugh* 2 cigarettes.

And I'm just fine with it, I don't need it, but if a good friend invites me, or shares it with me, sometimes I'll say it's okay.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on March 08, 2011, 07:49:15 pm
I quit smoking, feel so good now.

And i have more money  :D

If you are going to quit, dont gradualy decrease the ammount of cigs because that does not work, you get back to it again real soon (im speaking from my experience). I just made the desicion to quit and stoped altogether. After a few weeks of willpower battle with myself i once tried to smoke a cig again but i found it awful and from then on i never smoked again
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Zypher on March 08, 2011, 08:10:12 pm
Smoking and gaming are an excellent combination.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Joxer on March 08, 2011, 09:06:34 pm
Yeah especially when I forget to put the fan on and have smoke in my eyes  :twisted:
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: NuberT on March 08, 2011, 09:16:51 pm
Only weed, but not regularly.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Bull on March 08, 2011, 11:34:07 pm
Smoking is proof of humanity's idiocy.

It smells bad, tastes bad, kills you, kills those around you, makes you poorer, and generally makes you unattractive.

There is no redeeming factor to it. Grow up and quit smoking. We're past the great high school rebellion, guys.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Noble Crassius on March 08, 2011, 11:48:40 pm
To each is own. Don't come in here with your D.A.R.E. holyer than thou attitude, prick. Also in different cultures its a fairly acceptable practice and a lot of the population smokes! Not just your stero typival teenage angtser. So not only are you a prick your a culturally intolerant one at that.

Plus remember, if she smokes, she pokes!
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Butan on March 08, 2011, 11:53:58 pm
Smoking is proof of humanity's idiocy.

It smells bad, tastes bad, kills you, kills those around you, makes you poorer, and generally makes you unattractive.

There is no redeeming factor to it. Grow up and quit smoking. We're past the great high school rebellion, guys.

If it smells/tastes bad, try an other brand or kind (cig, cigare, cigarillo).
For me smoking is like eating, its a question of taste.

The fine art of smoking is principaly jeopardized by manufacturer that adds some fucked up things in it...

I wonder if pure tobacco (or tobacco+non-cancer adds) is smokeable, and less dangerous for one's lung ?

Finaly, you can begin to smoke if you think it makes you cool or attractive, but if you think it tastes like shit and you continue to smoke it nonetheless, then yes you are  fucking stupid. If you like it, you dont have to care about other's people opinion. End.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Gorath on March 09, 2011, 12:14:45 am
Smoking is proof of humanity's idiocy.

It smells bad, tastes bad, kills you, kills those around you, makes you poorer, and generally makes you unattractive.

There is no redeeming factor to it. Grow up and quit smoking. We're past the great high school rebellion, guys.
Some tobacco smells amazingly good, weed too.  Some tobacco tastes great, weed too.  Booze kills you too, so does working a real job, stress, most foods.  Also the planet is overpopulated anyways.  Yup, overtaxed bullshit imo.  Attractive is a matter of subjective taste.

To each is own. Don't come in here with your D.A.R.E. holyer than thou attitude, prick. Also in different cultures its a fairly acceptable practice and a lot of the population smokes! Not just your stero typival teenage angtser. So not only are you a prick your a culturally intolerant one at that.

Plus remember, if she smokes, she pokes!

Also that.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Fasader on March 09, 2011, 12:28:19 am
smoking is OP, nerf smoking!
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Kabookie on March 09, 2011, 12:51:12 am
I thought cigarettes were too expensive when they were 50 cents a pack! Government kept raising tax on them about every few months and I decided to quit. Thanks to the old $10 ounce of weed :), I was able to. But now the War on Drugs made the cost of weed skyrocket and now I smoke cigars or a hookah.
The old Hustler magazine used to show a diseased black lung from a smoker and that first inspired me to quit cigarettes.
A little ancient history for some of you... Lol
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Zahmbomb on March 09, 2011, 12:59:24 am
Listening to Cannabis Corpse whilst hitting my bong.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Gorath on March 09, 2011, 01:21:49 am
I thought cigarettes were too expensive when they were 50 cents a pack! Government kept raising tax on them about every few months and I decided to quit. Thanks to the old $10 ounce of weed :), I was able to. But now the War on Drugs made the cost of weed skyrocket and now I smoke cigars or a hookah.
The old Hustler magazine used to show a diseased black lung from a smoker and that first inspired me to quit cigarettes.
A little ancient history for some of you... Lol

While I'm not quite old enough to remember the 50cents a pack days I do remember growing up when I could take a 5, walk in to any store, buy two packs of smokes and a soda and have a few cents change in my pocket.

Now a won't even get a pack of smokes.   :cry:
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: OoberNoob on March 09, 2011, 01:37:07 am
Yea I should probably quit.. again.   Just ran out tonight and wont be able to pick up more till tomorrow.  I've found that coffee is a decent substitute while playing c-rpg but im almost out of that too. I hate being broke  :cry:
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Bull on March 09, 2011, 06:49:35 am
To each is own. Don't come in here with your D.A.R.E. holyer than thou attitude, prick. Also in different cultures its a fairly acceptable practice and a lot of the population smokes! Not just your stero typival teenage angtser. So not only are you a prick your a culturally intolerant one at that.

Plus remember, if she smokes, she pokes!

Well, first of all, D.A.R.E. was against drugs, not smoking, or at least as far as I can remember it.

As to it being an "acceptable practice" in "different cultures", that means nothing to me. I've lived in the USA, Mexico, Switzerland, Azerbaijan, Indonesia and Angola. In my opinion, that's a pretty fair cross-section of the cultures this world has to offer. Yes, lots of people all over the world smoke. So what? Slavery is an acceptable practice in some of these cultures. As is marrying and sleeping with what the United States and other first-world countries consider children. It's also "culturally acceptable" to beat and suppress your wife. Am I "intolerant" for disliking these?

The point is, humans choose to engage in idiotic behavior, and the popularity of such activities does not change its idiocy. Smoking is one of those.

Gorath's comment, while true, is proof that we needn't expedite our death through chain-smoking. Find something else to bring about your death.

Edit: And no, I'm not comparing smoking to slavery, so don't put words in my mouth. I'm just saying that some things are stupid despite their popularity. Hence, Charlie Sheen, Paris Hilton, and the women's NBA.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Gorath on March 09, 2011, 07:25:44 am
Well, first of all, D.A.R.E. was against drugs, not smoking, or at least as far as I can remember it.

Cigarettes are a drug.  Nicotine
Alchohal and coffee are as well technically.  And energy drinks/shots.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Bull on March 09, 2011, 07:29:36 am
Gorath, if I didn't know better, I'd say you're a good little Mormon.

But, whatever. I'm not arguing against energy drinks; I'm arguing against cigarettes. It's a proven killer. Feel free to try to categorically deny the stupidity of ingesting poison by changing the subject. It doesn't make it any less idiotic.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 09, 2011, 07:47:18 am
I do not smoke, both for health and because I do not enjoy kissing a smoker.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Gorath on March 09, 2011, 08:00:42 am
Gorath, if I didn't know better, I'd say you're a good little Mormon.

But, whatever. I'm not arguing against energy drinks; I'm arguing against cigarettes. It's a proven killer. Feel free to try to categorically deny the stupidity of ingesting poison by changing the subject. It doesn't make it any less idiotic.

I'm saying you should argue against energy drinks if you're going to argue against cigarettes because it's "ingesting poison".  So is drinking beer, whiskey, a can of monster/red bull/rockstar/bawls/whatever, and so forth.   :rolleyes:

I'd be a fail mormon because I smoke cigs, weed on rare occasions when my kiddo is away and I get to have grown up nights, coffee like water (I'm no good without at least my morning 36 ounce quad-shot iced mocha) and so on.  Also, I don't have magic undewear.   :mrgreen:

Anyways, simply pointing out that while yes cigarettes are inhaled poisons, humans ingest poisons of all types willingly for the different "highs" they provide all the time.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Vibe on March 09, 2011, 08:07:09 am
No. Stupid money dump.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Gorath on March 09, 2011, 08:09:35 am
No. Stupid money dump.

Agreed.  Getting to be way to expensive to continue smoking except on special occasions...
Or maybe I should take up pipe smoking and just make it an event with fancy tobaccos... hmmm
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: [ptx] on March 09, 2011, 08:18:18 am
Haven't smoked a single cigarette in my life and don't plan to.
I do smoke waterpipe tobaccos though.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: on March 09, 2011, 08:28:37 am
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Brutal on March 09, 2011, 10:05:03 am
So most of you guys don't play the game while being high/stoned all the time ?   (how do you do it ? )
Chocking  :mrgreen:

The point is, humans choose to engage in idiotic behavior, and the popularity of such activities does not change its idiocy. Smoking is one of those.
So releasing your stress from a little smoke after work is idiotic ?
It's only idiotic if your goal in life is to live the longest life possible but beware you can die at any moment from the stupidest reason even if you don't smoke., Also did your mother died of lung cancer or something like that ?

From my point of view people telling other people how to live their life are idiotic, intolerant and mostly very selfish.
It's not selfish to live your life the way you want however it's very selfish to tell people how they should live their life.

My great grand father often told me "you can use everything if you don't abuse anything" he died at 98 in his sleep, two day before he died he was still drinking is daily bottle of red whine and telling funny sex joke.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: ManOfWar on March 09, 2011, 01:58:38 pm
If I really wanted weed, I could probably get some weed
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Berserkadin on March 09, 2011, 02:54:04 pm
Only weed, and that doesnt happen to often
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Bull on March 09, 2011, 06:31:01 pm
From my point of view people telling other people how to live their life are idiotic, intolerant and mostly very selfish.
It's not selfish to live your life the way you want however it's very selfish to tell people how they should live their life.

I know this topic is about smoking, but that comment is just plain silly.

Is telling my brother not to get into meth "selfish"? How about telling the high-school dropout to try to get back into school?

The definition of "selfish" is to be concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself. It seems to me that the way you want people to live their life is, by definition, selfish. It's a self-centered, do-what-I-want lifestyle (AKA postmodernism, and in my opinion, dumb). There is no benefit to me if you live or die because of your smoking habits (except having one less person in cRPG to fight). I have no vested interest in your life. Thus, I cannot possibly be selfish in saying that smoking is stupid.

I'm not making a moral judgment on smoking. You guys have done that for yourselves. I'm just saying it's stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health. You wanna blow off some steam? Get some exercise.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Trippin on March 09, 2011, 10:32:44 pm
No. Stupid money dump.

The problem is you, not the price of tobacco. Not all of us are filthy, money grubbing, poor peasants. Most of us folks with class can afford to smoke a few cigars daily. Get a real job, bro.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Shpritza on March 09, 2011, 11:01:37 pm
Only weed, and that doesnt happen to often

Only diffrence is in my case it happens often  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: bruce on March 09, 2011, 11:18:35 pm
It smells good, tastes good, kills you, kills those around you, makes you poorer, and generally makes you unattractive is pleasurable.

If it isn't your drug, doesn't mean nobody likes it.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Kalam on March 09, 2011, 11:37:52 pm
Smoke in the lungs sucks. Get a vaporizer!
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: IG_Saint on March 10, 2011, 12:14:30 am
I'm not making a moral judgment on smoking. You guys have done that for yourselves. I'm just saying it's stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health. You wanna blow off some steam? Get some exercise.

Gaming is stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health.
Reading fiction is stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health.
Eating cake is stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health.
Drinking is stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health.
etc etc.

Get off your high horse. Lots of things are bad for you and most of said things are highly enjoyable, that's why people do things that are bad for them. Personally if the choice is living my life without doing anything dangerous, or dying a couple of years earlier, I will happily start digging my grave. Living without joy isn't living.

Oh, on topic, yes, about half a pack a day, 3-6 joints in the weekend and cigars for special occasions.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: BD_Guard_Bane on March 10, 2011, 02:59:12 am
smoking is OP, nerf smoking!

They already did in the UK :(

Anyway, its proven (i.e. a fact, measured empirically using scientific method) and demonstrated (using deduction, that it is the case a priori as well) that people who smoke are happier. And they are better at M&B Warband. And though cRPG wasn't tested specifically, I think we can assume the same applies.

Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: DrKronic on March 10, 2011, 04:11:34 am
And you know this, man
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Nogar on March 10, 2011, 04:28:26 am
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: EponiCo on March 10, 2011, 05:21:56 am
1.) Gaming is stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health.
2.) Reading fiction is stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health.
3.) Eating cake is stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health.
4.) Drinking is stupid, because it has no benefit whatsoever to you or your health.
etc etc.

1.) Trained gamers get less hand joint problems in office jobs.
2.) You may find yourself in a potentially lethal situation and say "hey, I read about that kind of thing I know exactly what to do". Wether it actually is a benefit depends heavily on the author.
3.) One cake probably not. But 20 pounds of extra body fat can keep you alive in an arctic desert for a bit longer.
4.) The younger you are when needing a replacement liver the higher is your chance to get it.

I can agree with your general point, but next time please don't use such ridiculous examples.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Darkkarma on March 10, 2011, 08:25:33 am
The problem is you, not the price of tobacco. Not all of us are filthy, money grubbing, poor peasants. Most of us folks with class can afford to smoke a few cigars daily. Get a real job, bro.

real talk

Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Trippin on March 10, 2011, 08:58:34 am

real talk

On a serious note, cigarettes are fucking trashy. Cigars not only taste fucking fantastic, but they aren't really that addictive because no one in their right mind inhales cigar smoke. You can buy a decent cigar for less than five dollars; one or two a day isn't going to break the fucking bank unless you are working a part time mcjob and have no other source of income.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Haru_Takeda on March 10, 2011, 09:04:05 am
On a serious note, cigarettes are fucking trashy. Cigars not only taste fucking fantastic, but they aren't really that addictive because no one in their right mind inhales cigar smoke. You can buy a decent cigar for less than five dollars; one or two a day isn't going to break the fucking bank unless you are working a part time mcjob and have no other source of income.

Plus cigars make you look like a fucking boss.
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Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: EyeBeat on March 10, 2011, 01:34:01 pm
I stopped smoking in November.  I used to smoke a pack of marlboro reds a day.  I am smoking E-cigs now. 

It works and I hardly even use it now.  I feel so much better.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Prpavi on March 10, 2011, 01:56:18 pm
stopped smoking september 2009 and never looked back.

ne e-cigs no othing i just quit, i was smoking 1-1,5 packs a day of Marlboro lights (2-3 pack a night weekends drinking)

Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Konrax on March 10, 2011, 03:02:55 pm
Smoke W33D everyday

& M&B
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Shpritza on March 10, 2011, 03:13:40 pm
Smoke in the lungs sucks. Get a vaporizer!

Thumbs up  8-)
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Gorath on March 10, 2011, 05:56:45 pm
On a serious note, cigarettes are fucking trashy.
Subjective elitism.
Cigars not only taste fucking fantastic, but they aren't really that addictive because no one in their right mind inhales cigar smoke.
Some cigars taste and smell like ass.  Some cigarettes smell and taste fantastic.  Again, subjective elitism.  Also completely missing the point by not inhaling, instead merely spending money and burning tobacco for the taste.
You can buy a decent cigar for less than five dollars; one or two a day isn't going to break the fucking bank unless you are working a part time mcjob and have no other source of income.
One or two a day isn't going to satisfy the desire to smoke all day long like a pack of smokes either.  Some of us like to smoke much more often than once or twice a day.  More like around once every 30-60 mins, more if we're drinkin/playin music.

I enjoy a good cigar here and there as well, however you smoke cigars and cigarettes for completely different reasons.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Bull on March 10, 2011, 10:53:28 pm
Personally if the choice is living my life without doing anything dangerous, or dying a couple of years earlier, I will happily start digging my grave. Living without joy isn't living.

I could agree with this if the debated subject wasn't cigarettes. I never advocated living life with minimal risk; risk means a possibility of loss or injury. I am an avid skier; there is inherent risk when skiing, but it's not like every time I go to the mountain I come back with a disease or injury. Smoking is different. It's a guarantee that it affects your health in a negative way. That's not risk, that's idiocy.

I sincerely hope your comment, "living without joy isn't living", was not about smoking habits. If that's your form of joy, you live a very sad life. I will, however, give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant something else.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Darkkarma on March 11, 2011, 07:39:42 am
Weed and Cigars
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Dez Nutz on March 11, 2011, 05:06:56 pm
poll fail, you dont have  crack
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Shpritza on March 13, 2011, 12:22:13 am
poll fail, you dont have  crack

hahahahahaha   :D :mrgreen: :P
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on March 13, 2011, 02:54:08 pm
Just weed in pipes, dont smoke that horrible brown stuff known as tobacco.
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Ghazan on March 14, 2011, 09:12:14 am
I quit smoking, feel so good now.

And i have more money  :D

If you are going to quit, dont gradualy decrease the ammount of cigs because that does not work, you get back to it again real soon (im speaking from my experience). I just made the desicion to quit and stoped altogether. After a few weeks of willpower battle with myself i once tried to smoke a cig again but i found it awful and from then on i never smoked again

Thats exactly the way I did it.  Chainsmoked for 8 years, and was never one of those smokers that sais "Im gonna quit, gonna try and cut back every day"  I knew I was addicted and never said I was gonna quit until one day last May I had a sudden burst of willpower, said to my co-worker "this is my last cigarette"  ofc he laughed at me.  Havent had one since and dont want to. 
Title: Re: Do you smoke
Post by: Laufknoten on March 14, 2011, 06:39:35 pm