cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Closed Requests => Topic started by: Kalitorian on March 20, 2012, 03:43:59 pm

Title: Ban The_Dovahkiin
Post by: Kalitorian on March 20, 2012, 03:43:59 pm
Two minutes ago on EU_cRPG_2:
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This nice guy attacked me at the spawn (first teamhit) I ran towards the ladder and had to stop cause somebody was in my way (then he made the last three teamhits).

So lets hope our nice admins wont ignore it this time...
Title: Re: Ban The_Dovahkiin
Post by: Tennenoth on March 20, 2012, 04:21:27 pm
So lets hope our nice admins wont ignore it this time...

Ignore it? The last one was banned, you just didn't get told!  :lol:

I would like to put this one on hold until the logs are released because there seems to be a lot of teamkilling going on and I really don't know if that's intentional or accidental, etc.

If anyone was there that saw this, please take over, otherwise i'll get the logs and take a look at the lot of them screenshotted as teamkilling. That "lol" from the double teamkilling guy doesn't seem very much like an apology.
Title: Re: Ban The_Dovahkiin
Post by: Kalitorian on March 20, 2012, 05:15:43 pm
Lepintoi was there but i think his word doesnt count much cause he`s aso a HRE.
Dovahiin has later reported three times or teamwounding... so i hope some of the guys he wounded will see this thread.
Title: Re: Ban The_Dovahkiin
Post by: Tennenoth on March 21, 2012, 02:18:53 pm
I recieved some more information;

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I've made my decisions;

The_Dovahkiin has been banned for 7 days for teamkilling, he is on his last chance before he recieves an essay ban, he has already been banned 4 times for teamwounding/killing and griefing, getting to the end of my patience with him.

Lepintoi_HRE has been banned for 2 days for teamkilling and griefing. This is his first ban so it's lighter.

Magzimilian_HRE has been banned for 12 hours for instigating this whole issue, if you want to go afk, use spectate, it's what it's there for. This is more of a "flag and warning" than a full ban, don't do it again.

Thank you to both parties that reported this.
