cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Felagunda on March 07, 2011, 01:39:57 am

Title: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Felagunda on March 07, 2011, 01:39:57 am
Banner Balance is a great feature.  In fact when I told the old Takeda guys about it was the only thing they really like that I told them since they left crpg.  Can we please leave it on at least one of the NA battle servers at all times?

And to whoever keeps turning it off I hope you die horribly and soon.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Kalam on March 07, 2011, 01:47:05 am
It's almost always on in Siege, and usually on in the Fallen Ones these days.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Mizzles on March 07, 2011, 01:48:49 am
Well see, I agree its a great feature but the problem is most players aren't in a clan. So if it were always left on we would see incredibly unbalanced teams, most of time. And in the long run that would just lead to a decrease in player base as most players lose to "banner stacking".
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Felagunda on March 07, 2011, 01:55:06 am
Well see, I agree its a great feature but the problem is most players aren't in a clan. So if it were always left on we would see incredibly unbalanced teams, most of time. And in the long run that would just lead to a decrease in player base as most players lose to "banner stacking".

those people that aren't in a clan should stop failing and join one.  There is alot they could learn.  Then they could actually play a team game with a corridnated effort.  OMG what a concept! 

Also i am pretty sure you have the downs b/c most people are in clans.
and also you don't need to be a clan to use thier banner.  It's not like they own a banner lol.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Gorath on March 07, 2011, 02:19:18 am
aren't in a clan

Fuck them imo.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Nemeth on March 07, 2011, 02:40:21 am
Fuck them imo.

You can fuck them all you want, fact is that chadz is not in a clan afaik, and if he sees banner as a fun ruiner for non-clan people, I guess we could see changes.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 07, 2011, 07:37:57 am
I am not in a clan, and I see no problem with banner balance.

If I am not actively playing with the few friends I have on here, then I usually switch to a generic/rare banner and just go where the wind takes me. I enjoy seeing clans fight alongside me or against me, so I care little.

I just play this to relax and have fun while venting/skyping with friends, nothing more. If an organized clan shows up and mops house, all the more power to them for killing me and my team with great tactics.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Blondin on March 07, 2011, 09:50:49 am
chadz is in IRC...

I'm not in a clan, but i find banner balance more enjoyable for everybody. I like to follow clan members cos they act like a group and use some strategy and tactics.

Btw once you taste Strategus, and coordinated battles, cRPG seems like a street battle.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Felagunda on March 07, 2011, 09:53:44 am
chadz is in IRC...

I thought he posted just yesterday he would be gone for 4 days?
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Erasmas on March 07, 2011, 09:54:26 am
Btw once you taste Strategus, and coordinated battles, cRPG seems like a street battle.


If we ever see Strategus again :-(
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: sF_Zorro on March 07, 2011, 10:00:10 am
Banner balance must be on all Servers!!!
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Tigerclaw on March 07, 2011, 12:17:02 pm
Not in a clan, love banner balance. Please keep/return it.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Blondin on March 07, 2011, 12:18:41 pm
Yeah sorry, chadz is not on IRC but in the clan IRC//: (like Fasader the heirloom thief, lilith the "unvote" admin, etc)
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Seawied on March 08, 2011, 09:09:05 am
I'm not in a clan, but I love banner balance. It enables squad tactics, and reduces the average dribble from running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Only time I don't like it is when I'm stuck on the same team with a certain group of idiots that use my same banner.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: IRunUDie on March 08, 2011, 09:56:15 am
Im in a clan and i disagree with bannar balance if you want a CLAN battle then you go to a private server, For Battle modes etc Bannar balance is abused by "CLANS" being able to like you said CORDINATE there attacks its unfair to players who are not in a CLAN or dont want to be in a CLAN.
You allways get 3 - 10 Clan members stacking on one team because of bannars and they stick together 10 people ganging people is very powerful as they are all gonig to stay together.

Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Felagunda on March 08, 2011, 10:34:23 am
Im in a clan and i disagree with bannar balance if you want a CLAN battle then you go to a private server, For Battle modes etc Bannar balance is abused by "CLANS" being able to like you said CORDINATE there attacks its unfair to players who are not in a CLAN or dont want to be in a CLAN.
You allways get 3 - 10 Clan members stacking on one team because of bannars and they stick together 10 people ganging people is very powerful as they are all gonig to stay together.


You are right SoA is not gonna be the type of clan you mention any time soon but you can always use another clans banner.  The people without Clans can do this as well pretty simple imo.

Not really sure how team work and organization is unfair maybe you can explain it in more depth?
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Tai Feng on March 08, 2011, 10:54:14 am
Im in a clan and i disagree with bannar balance if you want a CLAN battle then you go to a private server, For Battle modes etc Bannar balance is abused by "CLANS" being able to like you said CORDINATE there attacks its unfair to players who are not in a CLAN or dont want to be in a CLAN.

Back in Native, Battle mode was always for those who wanted to experience and participate in teamplay.
Those who wanted to just randomly kill people for frags went to Deathmatch mode.

I'd say the problem of cRPG is that it does not have Deathmatch mode. As much as I dislike that mode, it would be good to have it so that people not interested in clans or any form of teamplay can go there. I say any form of teamplay because anyone interested in teamplay can change his banner to some clan's banner and coordinate with them (even without being in a clan).

I quite enjoy banner balance because I dislike the anarchistic style of gameplay of many players, and I think it's fair those players lose since they're obviously not interested in their team winning, just in themselves having some "fun" randomly fighting (which is what Deathmatch mode is for).
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: GaenaralHONK on March 08, 2011, 03:28:10 pm
Back in Native, Battle mode was always for those who wanted to experience and participate in teamplay.
Those who wanted to just randomly kill people for frags went to Deathmatch mode.

I'd say the problem of cRPG is that it does not have Deathmatch mode. As much as I dislike that mode, it would be good to have it so that people not interested in clans or any form of teamplay can go there. I say any form of teamplay because anyone interested in teamplay can change his banner to some clan's banner and coordinate with them (even without being in a clan).

I quite enjoy banner balance because I dislike the anarchistic style of gameplay of many players, and I think it's fair those players lose since they're obviously not interested in their team winning, just in themselves having some "fun" randomly fighting (which is what Deathmatch mode is for).


i loved team deathmatch cos ppl there were totally stupid running with their horses into my pike/great sword in native, dying like lemmings! you had a few ppl who actually knew there was a right mouse button that you could use to block, and even more few who used this - most really ran around like headless chicken just going for the next best frag

easy targtes, so i enjoyed TDM mode  8-)
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Stud_Muffin on March 08, 2011, 04:11:32 pm
Im in a clan and i disagree with bannar balance if you want a CLAN battle then you go to a private server, For Battle modes etc Bannar balance is abused by "CLANS" being able to like you said CORDINATE there attacks its unfair to players who are not in a CLAN or dont want to be in a CLAN.

+1 I agree completly
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Harpag on March 08, 2011, 04:48:44 pm
Im in a clan and i disagree with bannar balance if you want a CLAN battle then you go to a private server, For Battle modes etc Bannar balance is abused by "CLANS" being able to like you said CORDINATE there attacks its unfair to players who are not in a CLAN or dont want to be in a CLAN.
You allways get 3 - 10 Clan members stacking on one team because of bannars and they stick together 10 people ganging people is very powerful as they are all gonig to stay together.


Is this a joke? This game is a team game. Organize instead of whining :-) Don't be selfish, invite others to TS :-)
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Tai Feng on March 08, 2011, 09:53:31 pm
Let me post one example:

I'm defender on a Siege map that is very easy to defend. My teammates and I spam "camp flag" which is easy, braindead, and tactically fine way to win on that map.
What do half of defenders do? They fight on distance walls protecting irrelevant pieces of the map, and feeling satisfied how they are contributing to their team, or perhaps they're just "having fun - dont tell us what to do".


Solution is leaving these jokers or zombies alone, joining the server with a bunch of teammates, and winning.

That's what banner balance is for. Banner balance exists so that anarchists and soloers can do what they want on the map, jokers can joke, zombies can crawl around - and people interested in winning - win.

People who like banner balance play to win, people who don't like banner balance don't play to win anyway - so why complain?
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Kalam on March 08, 2011, 10:14:44 pm
Fuck them imo.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Malaclypse on March 28, 2011, 07:18:58 am
I also enjoy banner balance, playing with or without a group. It would be nice to see other factors taken into account along with it though; perhaps generation number (more experience), level, etc if only to get rid of issues where teams are 47v31 due to straight banner balance.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: NuberT on March 28, 2011, 08:41:02 am
Banner balance is the best feature the patch brought us.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: The_Bloody_Nine on March 28, 2011, 09:20:30 am
I'm in no clan. Banner balance is the best, turn it on allways. (It is allways activated on EU servers, isn't it?)
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Felagunda on March 28, 2011, 10:31:09 am
Banner balance is the best feature the patch brought us.

Exactly what the old Takeda guys said when I told them about the patch changes.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: MouthnHoof on March 28, 2011, 11:16:20 am
Banner balance only works for large population. When the population is low it often becomes one clan against the PUG, which means nearly constant x5 for the clan members.
On large population servers, there are usually more than one clan on, so they are distributed between the teams and it balances out more.

There should be a feature to turn it off automatically if population get below X number. There could be an additional required condition that the ratio of the most numerous banner to the second most numerous is too high - if the ratio is close to one than there are at least two balanced clans and the banner balance can be kept down to lower numbers.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Cyclopsided on March 28, 2011, 11:36:15 am
When I am on with BRD and it is low population we never end up on the same team all as one group. We always get split up.
The game will always balance groups apart if it is not fair, and it does.
Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Madcat on March 28, 2011, 01:01:47 pm
I sometimes see large clans on one team, and they will lose most if not all rounds.
A huge clan on the same team isn't as intimidating as most of the top players in the same team, which I think is more common and deciding.

I think there is just too much chaos involved, for a 10 man clan team to dominate the battlefield. But it sure is fun to watch or be apart of.


Unless we are talking about 10 horse archers on the same team :D

Title: Re: Bannar Balance on pls
Post by: Puppybull on March 29, 2011, 04:26:24 am
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