cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Tzar on March 10, 2012, 03:12:46 pm
Revert the website change plz thx.
BatmanĀ“s reaction when checkin the new market for finding hes new +2 bodkin arrows :arrow:
That is all bye.
indeed i dislike this new version.
the listing of my own items is horrible :(
Market is virtually the same as before just with more options. Oh and the statistics area will be interesting
Equipment area is a lot better, rather than those big icons with no ordering. Shows total upkeep cost now too
i liked seeing my items and all the values without having to look at tiny pics and grey writing thats hard to make out sometimes to get the stats
Why the fuck ...
I recognize my items by their looks not their retarded names.... now i need to look for shynbabauls or something to find my fucking boots ....
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The split between seeing what gear you have equipped and what is in your inventory wasnt really necessary. The disorganized big icons change to a list you can order for your inventory is nice, it should just have been combined on the same screen as the equipped gear screen.
My only gripe is that I liked the big icons in the inventory more
WTF i cant sell my +3 items !!! :mad:
What's wrong with you backward thinking twats.
I bet if someone showed you a wheel 5000 thousand years ago you'd be all like "Pfff, what is this shit, the old way works fine!".
I like most of the changes, I just don't see why Gear and Inventory had to be split into two separate pages. There's more than enough room to combine them both into one awesome page.
what were backwards cunts because we prefer the old style to this new long list style? how is that really progress. comparing it to the wheel is pretty fucked up ^^ I liked pressing inventory and seeing all my items and the stats with pictures and then putting them on my saved list. now i see a long list and i have to read the small grey writing to see the info then i have to change pages to equip it. Indeed progress = longer to do what i did before! all hail progress
i liked seeing my items and all the values without having to look at tiny pics and grey writing thats hard to make out sometimes to get the stats
the text is hard to see, its coming out not in contrast from the background
aside from that visual problem, it works cool I love the upkeep max estimation thing, wish it had a "Mean" repair cost or something/average "estimate"
mmmh ye gear/equipment was better before for me , Marketplace is awesome now.
Site is messed up, please change it fast, cuz it's retarded like Panos jokes :S
Much better now, although it would also be nice for the "Detailed view" to be the "old" one, where we have the big pictures and stuff. I mainly want that so I can still get the big picture of items for my marketplace thread.
PS: Maybe add it so clicking on them automatically opens the "item details" panel, and add the "sell" option there? As it is now, they are pretty close to each other and accidental selling risk is higher :/
Now that the inventory is sorted alphabetically, I have finally realized that I have 4 stacks of steel bolts. I'm not even a crossbowman. Where did those come from?
Meh... rage part done ive all rdy gotten used to it... sry for being a bitch about it :rolleyes: shit works just fine just took some time gettin used to
Also, it would be nice if the inventory could be organizable by types. i.e weapon types first (1h,2h,polearm,bows,xbows,ammo,throwing) then shields, then helms, body armor, gloves, boots and horses. Or the reverse.
I cannot deal with any sort of change and I demand good changes be removed within an hour of them being implemented without necessary testing.
Revert pl0x
I don't care about the market place cause I don't have enough money to trade stuff^^
But I would love to get my old equipscreen back :/ Looked much better with all the big item pictures. Although now you'll have to search for the name instead of the picture if you need something. And you can't compare itemstats quickly anymore cause you have to select "show item detail" first :/
Okay, why did the website need to be changed? Were there problems? This one's way too complicated now, so I agree: Revert back to the website we had YESTERDAY.
And th new cRPG website appears a clear color on my browser now, so I can't see :P