No he archer!
Archers dont have much repair costs, this is something else entirely. If only we knew what...
Repairs could be raised for, let's say 20-25%. But the real problem is loom point market. Make a rule which forbids one to sell his looms and we won't be seeing full plate monsters riding full plate horses as much as we do now. Force them to switch gear from time to time.lol, raise repairs to 200000%, remove the market, etc, as long as upkeep is glitchable as fuck I'll be making money.
But you'll never have more than 15 kills per map :wink:Leshma, let me explain to you a very simple thing about this, if you're on the winning team the chance of repair is next to none and you're making more money than normal, therefore an experienced upkeep aboozer like me would only abooze it when on the losing team, besides due to being a bad player and playing with horrible ultra-hybrid builds I get more deaths than kills.
be seeing full plate monsters riding full plate horses as much as we do now. Force them to switch gear from time to time.
Lol buff repair cost/chance, I have earned 222k in this gen and I am still at 7 mil XP (not level 31 yet). Buffing upkeep cost/chance would make gold worth more and might "fix" the market prices.(click to show/hide)