I play mostly battle, but I play enough siege to know that this picture you describe about siege is exaggarated. I can't even recall spotting people breaking rules, let alone the complete chaos you seem to notice.
Still, there are very few admins on Siege and there probably admin rights should be given to a few hardcore siege players.
Sadly, this is true on the NA side as well :(
(click to show/hide)
So maybe devs chose the wrong persons for admins ? ..... [no offense]
Actually, if you spent some time spectating and looking for these things, you'll change your argument really fast. But don't worry I'm used to get that feedback and been called a liar several times before.So you have to spectate and look for these things otherwise you don't see it?
Luckily I have my own "folder of preciousness" regarding the usual lawbreakers, random law breakers, prospect lawbreakers, and the kings of it, and also eyewitnesses, which are common.
All I want, and for sure everyone else, is some quality time and peace of mind when playing in Siege, like we have in battle with those constant 3+ admins. It's not like we're asking the impossible.I succeed in having some quality time and peace of mind whenever I play Siege. Maybe you shouldn't let this shit get in the way of your enjoyment.
So you have to spectate and look for these things otherwise you don't see it?
That doesn't sound like its particularly game ruining.
I succeed in having some quality time and peace of mind whenever I play Siege. Maybe you shouldn't let this shit get in the way of your enjoyment.
So no higher up feedback? Nothing? Niente? Nada? :?
It wasn't a joke.
and some Grey guy (let them decide who's the best for that role).Doesn't matter who, they are all connected to the hive mind. Would be a great idea to give the clan with a record full of bug abusing, exploiting and hacking have admin on the server where they are 20% of the population.
Doesn't matter who, they are all connected to the hive mind. Would be a great idea to give the clan with a record full of bug abusing, exploiting and hacking have admin on the server where they are 20% of the population.
Main reason why I'm nominating one of them isn't because I like them (I don't), it's because they are very active siege clan. Mature and active players should be admins, inactive admin can be a cool dude but he's bad admin simply because he's not doing what he's chosen to do (playing the game and admining while playing).Besides from some of them, I never get a "sorry" or something like that when they teamkill me. The HRE guys are way more mature and there's always atleast one of them on eu2. Neresto would be a good choice, or perhaps Adalwulf, because he seems to be the most active.
- Racism;
Who cares about racism, you can mute them. Geez, why so sensitive ?Haha, I'm not a friend of them. :D They're boring like hell imo, that's why I think some of them would make good admins. It's just my experience.
Also Laufknoten, HRE is full of immature retards and i don't remember any situation where they said sorry after teamkilling me. No wonder you mentioned them, you are biased german.
Haha, I'm not a friend of them. :D They're boring like hell imo, that's why I think some of them would make good admins. It's just my experience.
Besides from some of them, I never get a "sorry" or something like that when they teamkill me. The HRE guys are way more mature and there's always atleast one of them on eu2. Neresto would be a good choice, or perhaps Adalwulf, because he seems to be the most active.
Wait, should I be insulted? =(Heck, I forgot to write that there are also cool admins like Randomdude. :D No really, you're one of the best admins! Which isn't hard, cause there are like only 3 admins on eu2 who do their job :lol:
..if you really wanted things admined properly, you seperate the admin pool out..
Recruiting more admins (perhaps with some weight put to where they prefer to play) is the only viable solution (besides fixing the obvious game mechanic flaws like autobalance abuse).
It's not autobalancing abuse that is the problem. Problems are too weak wooden doors in first round (which in most cases means that attackers won first round) and lack of autobalance in first round. Nothing else.
Admin status isn't a reward, it's a duty. Some ex-admins renounced it cause they failed to understand that very fact.
All I want, and for sure everyone else, is some quality time and peace of mind when playing in Siege, like we have in battle with those constant 3+ admins. It's not like we're asking the impossible.
But I'm going to correct your mis-perception. Admins renounce it because they get burned out. Your statement that they suffered under some childish misconception of what being an Admin entails is just plain insulting to those people who spent a lot of their playtime chasing down kids who can't just play the game without stirring up a bunch of crap. They get tired of being killed at the beginning of a round while in the Admin menu trying to address a situation or go to spec to witness someone violating the rules. (No play that round) They get tired of people who aren't Admins and have no idea of the restrictions they operate under spamming the Admin channel with insults because they don't like the Admins response or punishment for infractions. (No, we can't just take your word for it) In short, I don't think you quite get exactly what an active Admin is doing. Many times, it isn't playing the game.
You can call it a duty, but when a player wants to get in 20 minutes of fun (even an Admin plays this game for fun) and spends those 20 minutes not playing, and then to top it off has to listen to the complaints and gripes from either the person who was punished or the person who didn't think the punishment was enough; Yeah, they get burnt out and it has nothing to do with "failing to understand that it isn't a reward".
Maybe think about that before you start slinging stones.
(P.S. - it isn't 3+ constant Admins on NA Battle either. It's a 24 hour server and there are definitely times when I'm the only one around.)
(P.S.S. - @ the Admins need to be harsh comments- Hand out a first time 3 day ban without giving a warning. See how that goes down for you in the Admin forums okay? Would you like it if that 3 day ban was yours?)
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Keep this thread troll free, sir.Lol, this was in no way intended to be a troll post. I see you on siege most of the time when I'm on and you never did anything wrong as far as I know. So looking at your efforts to make eu2 better, I can just say that you would be the right man for the admin post on eu2. Maybe the the :rolleyes: and ... made my sentence look like it was ment to be ironic, but it wasn't.
The community appreciates it.
All my pestering was, has and will be with the sole purpose of making siege a more enjoyable place with better quality of game time.
Sadly this is a serious and urgent matter, feel free to rejoice with the other trolls in the general chat or spam section.
Thanks in advance.
I've started playing Siege even after I said that I wouldn't :P Hopefully I can provide enough NA coverage to make a difference. Sorry EU! :cry:
(Battle is still my love though! :o )
.... the admin powers are like highlander, by killing you I will inherit your power!
I see you standing still and cant hold back the urge to kill you (even though I know you are admining and making things nicer). Its revenge for killing my horse and thinking that the admin powers are like highlander, by killing you I will inherit your power!
When will you start recruiting players who play mainly siege to be admins? What is the reason for not doing it?
I won't give up on this ideal until Siege Mode get's the love it has been needing since its early days.
I have nothing to gain with such attitude but it's the least I can do either to help the community and to honor those who feel the same way and those who have suffered in the past playing this mode. It's all I can do, within the reach of my powers unfortunately.
May Siege see better days and shine upon us all.(click to show/hide)
Maybe easier solution than trying to get new admins for siege is just remove banner balance from all siege servers, then it can continue to be what it SHOULD be: Low level guys getting plenty of alive time for their gaming time, maybe limit multipliers to x3 or something also, stop the DESPERATE MULTI FARMERS from using it as a rollbase.
Only saying cause your campaign been goin a while now and I see no action...
People play siege mostly cause they can't stand all the annoying cavrape on battleservers...
I've been told by Ozin they are actually working on it, even though it took too much time.
We'll see, any action will be for the best of Siege at least.
You lost me there. Cav is underpowered, easy to kill and very fun to play against, since they dont really have ANY chance vs aware infantry. Obviously, rapetrain vs 1 guy is OP, but then, any gank 5 on 1 ends same way, unless the gankers are totally useless.
You lost me there. Cav is underpowered, easy to kill and very fun to play against, since they dont really have ANY chance vs aware infantry. Obviously, rapetrain vs 1 guy is OP, but then, any gank 5 on 1 ends same way, unless the gankers are totally useless.
Woot good news!
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Meanwhile in devs place.haters gonna hate...haters gonna hate... :lol:(click to show/hide)
Easy to notice that you don't play Siege.
Thanks for the feedback nonetheless.
Siege is DEAD! Long Live Rageball!
I have deiced to mostly play le siege until they nerf the shit out of all the construction gear and make it useless.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginHey, I know this... What is the name of this movie ? :rolleyes:
Dunno also, but was way after the Goonies participation from him. :lol:
I play on NA, but I never have problems on siege. In fact I find less douchebaggery there than in battle.
With all the love in the world, your new: Give it time, you will see some things make you hate the game.
Hi! You must be new around here. Welcome to the Internet.(click to show/hide)
Dont ever do that shit again please.
Lol i'm sorry, but it seems kinda cute, trying to hide and peek at the same time. :oops:
Here, have a cute shock-face mouse:(click to show/hide)
So Espu and co., any news regarding this topic?
Seems like it has been put on a "not an issue" category according to khorinWhat?
been seeing Muki & Diomedes on NA siege often, keep up the good work.
You should add Griefing to this list, right below Grieving.
- Leeching;
- Grieving;
- Opening doors as defender;
Auto-balance bypassing (I have 2 tickets opened regarding this);- Intentional and/or careless Team Wounding and Team Killing;
- Racism;
- Construction Materials spam on doorways and ladder places;
- and a couple of lesser infringements.
Yeah we should really save siege(equipment), I totally agree, siege equipment needs to be saved 'n' shit, and admins could take care of any abusin' bitches.
That horse looks more like it's asleep...(click to show/hide)
i can think of a couple good people that are ALWAYS in siege that would make good admins...
how does admin recruitment work? thats something i know little about.
suppose even I could apply, although i really dont think id want to be an admin - already pretty busy :(
Me, for example. :lol:
You can always take screenshots of offenders and make a thread in the ban sub-forum. It might take a little longer, but at least they won't be doing it anymore.
Arcade games by definition already require more constant supervision in sittu. It's bad, everyone sane hates to put more people as admins, too many walking time bombs.I'd take admin abuse any day over the constant active leechers, teamkillers and griefers.
But it's that, or anarchy.
I can be admin on siege. I'll take this heavy burden to punish lechers, pool spaminers and griefers. I promise to not ban/kick people just for chat abooz.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
seriously though you should give the more regular players the admin, if they abuse it, take it off them ...
I'd take admin abuse any day over the constant active leechers, teamkillers and griefers.
I liked Nuffens admining and felt we lost our most active admin when he was lynched.(click to show/hide)
Hello world.
This situation has been expressed for quite a while now (nearing 6 months).
Could we please get an official view and feedback from active Developers/Administrators regarding this subject? Preferably chadz himself.
We got some months ago a couple of feedbacks from both Espu and Ozin informing that the situation was being taken care of. Happens that Espu never said anything else neither is active, and Ozin only came back "from the dead" yesterday, if I'm not mistaken.
I understand wholeheartedly that my appeals might seem hopeless, biased, that my opinions are of no worth judging or taken into consideration from my carefree behavior in general, and specially that you have enough on your shoulders already, but this is something we all as a community struggle onto in a daily basis, specially now during vacation period.
I can point you several possible "candidates" to the position if you wish so, players who display enough integrity in my own view point and that play enough to fulfill the gaps, if you wish so.
Please don't leave us hangin' for another Semester. Thank you in advance once again.
Your demiurge,
Siege sucks.
Why does people not play on siege? Its alot more fun than battle.
Since the new patch they do; EU2 is often more populated than EU1, especially when Grey and their recruits are on it to maul their x5. If EU2 continues to be that stuffed, people should consider about rehosting a second siege server like EU5 was.
Siege also have way better maps (no abominations made by CA) and it has better balance than battle has these days.
Sticky this thread, would save me so much trouble. :rolleyes:That would imply they care :(
I don't understand any reasons to kick outside you make stupid things like open the gate (siege team) or fall down the ladders (attack team)
Keep this thread open. . . I havnt been made siege admin yet. :lol:Kicking and walls. Do I have to say more?
Kicking and walls. Do I have to say more?
Cause you have never done it ever, right Jarlek?Lots of times, just never on allies. Best part was that everkistus had been standing right beside it, but he disconnected.
Battering rams!
btw, has the ballista really been added?
I think i downloaded the file called ballista.dds like 3 or 4 patches ago.so nothing? It would be fun...
chocolate chip cookie bump 8-)
chocolate chip cookie bump 8-)chocolate chip cookie siege!
Is a man not entitled to his own dreams? :cry:This ain't Rapture!
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are only devs able to make you an admin?
let's keep on bumping it maybe some dev will check it and gives us admins
You must be new here.
My intention with this thread is solely the addition of MORE admins, not the lobbying for John Doe X and Y.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
This thread seems rather spammy now. Hmm.If you do either, someone else will make a thread at some point asking for exactly the same question, because that will not solve the problems siege has.
Move to spam or lock?
This thread seems rather spammy now. Hmm.
Move to spam or lock?
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lol you still bump this? close to an year without any admin being put on. You really thing they give a damn? :lol:
And the Ban-Requests on the EU-section are not looked after, as well. ARE THERE ANY ADMINS LEFT? :|
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Please almighty chadz, do not let this thread devolve into something similar to Meow's, add admins to siege insteadi will be expending my picture folder soon, ill add a map with cute and funny donkeys. prepare ur anus!
Gonna be new siege admins! :D best of luck to whoever gets it!Unless they gonna troll us again and take battle only players as admins :(