Can I interest you in a 2H, a polearm, some archery equipment, a crossbow or some throwing weapons for your 1H cav gear?
sorry went to bump my topic missed the SGA offer lol
ill think about that one, i do like SGA sometimes
look under your seat,
Mail and Plate add 50k for Mamluk ?
Lordly Gothic Plate With Bevor + gold for your Champion Destrier?
1.3m for your courser
Im trying to trade my +3 scimitar for a sword with thrust, how about your italian sword?
how about Champion Arabian Warhorse or mw elite scimitar? I just want to sell. U interested?
I have a +3 Spamitar.
What would you trade for that?
Mail Gauntlets for Mamluk ?
a pretty x1 side sword for faschion cav?
how many for Elite Cavalry Shield?
Interested in +3 red gambeson
Can I take the warhorse for a test drive next gen? I'll return it with smoke damage, a few scratches, and an empty tank.
if I still have it or unless I change my mind about trading/selling it sure bro
Interested in +3 Long Espada for the Light Kuyak?
yeah sure put it up ill accept right away ill even throw in 900kWut?
Lordly Heraldic Mail with Tabard
weight: 12.2
body armor: 45
leg armor: 17
difficulty: 10
Lordly Faceplate
weight: 3
head armor: 56
difficulty: 14
Im sure he wants you to add 900k.
EDIT : interested in lordly heraldic tranny for the blue churburg?
lordly drz mail for lordly blue transvesite armor? :mrgreen:(click to show/hide)
Lordly black coat of plated for the brig?
Why is there no Mighty Poophammer there?
Would you be interested in trading one of your lordly helms (not the chapel) for a Champion Rouncey?
+3 haubergeon for the brig? we can discuss a small ammount of gold
god damn ima never get a brig :( what would you accept body armour wise for a brig? :P
MW Heavy Lance + Balanced Elite scimitar for a Horse or Elite cav shield?
Tagancha helmet with veil for your klapp/faceplate?
do you want to complete your black armour collection?
... well not really complete so much as just have 3 of them.
Would you be interested in a trade, if so what is on offre. If you wish to buy it, how much for cheers.
Im interested in Pigface and Blue Churburg Cuirass.
Got Armors (heraldic) and Helmets (sugarloaf) to trade.
Perhaps we can get some trade.
i think black armor looks like a jester outfit right now :shock: but i wd wear it for the black guantlets :P
u f*ckin i hate u
Any interest for mw bamboo spear?
What do you want for cased greaves? I have +3 Nodachi and a shit ton of gold (not enough gold to buy it out right though. :( )
I might be interested in the greaves with spurs, how much do u sell them for? I 've sent u a pm but I didnt get a response of that.
+3 Round steel buckler+gold to your +3 Hourglass Gauntlets?
I hereby officially ban you from making offers to meHey!
how much do you want for your +3 Destrier?
I am not looking to trade my CHAMPION SUMPTER HORSE, 1H weapons, , Courser, Destrier, Splinted Greaves with Spurs
I am not looking to trade my CHAMPION SUMPTER HORSE, 1H weapons, , Courser, Destrier, Splinted Greaves with Spurs
I am not looking to trade my Destrier
then why are they on the list :?:
lordly blue tunic over mail for idk (do u want it)
If u want I have a lordly heraldic trans armour and I would like some cav stuff for it. I am a 2h and I think it I a good armour for 2h.
The elite cav shield was my item of choice but I'm open for offers.
hey poop, = got a mighty winged mace if you ever back to 1h. its awesome but i like heavier weps
Shame I got a loomed Mallet but it's +2, would love the elite cavalry shield :/
Masterwork Two Handed Sword
Length: 110
Weight: 2.2
Speed: 96
Thrust: 24p
Swing: 41c
Slots: 2
Hi,if you still have pigface klapvisier or kettle helmet,i would like to make an offer ,Choose one visitors can't see pics , please register or login
(gauntlets not for sale, and cav robe is now +3 scale armor)