Strategus => Diplomacy => Topic started by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 07:12:18 am

Title: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 07:12:18 am
I don't know if this is the right section or if I can post this, but...

I was going to sell Hospitaller_Troyicide my Bear Skins, and I asked him if I could gather some more and then sell them to him so I'd make more. He responded with:
sure thing mr.monderan tell me when you'll be coming :)

Two days ago I was travelling to a Hospitaller village, and I check back. He attacked me with 187 troops (I had 0 of course). I lost 100 crates and 800 something Bear Skins. Seriously Troyicide?

I also heard that he said Tranquil was spying for CHAOS, and she got kicked out of the clan for it, which he was lying about. Again, seriously?

P.S. I didn't get to defend because it said the battle was on Sunday on my Battle list. So I didn't make it. Thank you Muki for coming.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Felix on February 19, 2012, 07:14:29 am
but nothing unusual really. people would do that all time in RL. next time pick carefully with whom you deal with.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 07:17:46 am
Next time I get that much, I will be giving it to CHAOS. Good job.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Troyicide on February 19, 2012, 07:21:46 am
Yes people will cry for your loss, but those tears only being from tears of enjoy and laughter.

more blood for the blood gods!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Zaren on February 19, 2012, 07:23:27 am
Yes people will cry for your loss, but those tears only being from tears of enjoy and laughter.

more blood for the blood gods!
and skulls for the skull throne(to complete reaperkillers quote). But as a general trading rule, ALWAYS have them come to you and stay in a castle you KNOW you can rely on(to not be kicked out or something).
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Warne! on February 19, 2012, 07:31:00 am
I apologize for the confusion. As agreed, here is your pay. A cute picture of a dog. Don't spend it all in one place! Awww so precious!

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Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Muki on February 19, 2012, 07:31:24 am
Yes people will cry for your loss, but those tears only being from tears of enjoy and laughter.

more blood for the blood gods!

Heretic! You and your pagan gods
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 07:31:42 am
cATS are better.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Zaren on February 19, 2012, 07:32:48 am
Heretic! You and your pagan gods
funny how its hospitallers
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: TurmoilTom on February 19, 2012, 07:35:39 am
Would've thought Miley would've known better than to trust the Hospitallers.  :lol:
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Troyicide on February 19, 2012, 07:40:46 am
Forgot to mention months ago mr.miley. You never came to were I was Narra , no hostilities existed between your associated faction and mine. Now there are, I booted your ass out of a captured fief , then you got attacked.QQ

Say it ain't so , it just isn't so.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Hobb on February 19, 2012, 07:41:48 am
of all the people to attack

you will waste 100 crates worth of gear just having miley sign against you in a few battles
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Shik on February 19, 2012, 07:51:57 am
something like this would never have happened while I was in charge of Hanun. Truly injustice rears its ugly head when these "holy" crusaders come preaching the word of their false prophet.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 19, 2012, 07:54:24 am
Forgot to mention months ago mr.miley. You never came to were I was Narra , no hostilities existed between your associated faction and mine.

Miley has an associated faction?  :shock:

Nobody told me this!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Allers on February 19, 2012, 07:57:43 am
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Aztek on February 19, 2012, 07:57:49 am
I have no idea about what went on, I thought Miley was with Chaos so shows you how much I know.. But to say all Hospitallers are untrustworthy over an issue with one individual is a little over dramatic. But hey, were at War and strat breeds the best and worst in all of us, So let the poo fly.. : /
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 08:00:01 am
Miley has an associated faction?  :shock:

Nobody told me this!

I dun't.

I have no idea about what went on, I thought Miley was with Chaos so shows you how much I know.. But to say all Hospitallers are untrustworthy over an issue with one individual is a little over dramatic. But hey, were at War and strat breeds the best and worst in all of us, So let the poo fly.. : /

I'm not with Chaos...
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Aztek on February 19, 2012, 08:00:40 am
something like this would never have happened while I was in charge of Hanun. Truly injustice rears its ugly head when these "holy" crusaders come preaching the word of their false prophet.

Was it not you that started this mess? If you never would have attacked us poor miley would have been eating chicken and rice at the local marketplace telling stories of his uberleet'ness
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Muki on February 19, 2012, 08:01:47 am
Was it not you that started this mess? If you never would have attacked us poor miley would have been eating chicken and rice at the local marketplace telling stories of his uberleet'ness

I do believe you need 1/3 more than the defeneder miley had 0 vs 187!?page=battledetail&id=1633
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 08:03:23 am
I do believe you need 1/3 more than the defeneder miley had 0 vs 187!?page=battledetail&id=1633

That's not the important part! *fixed
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Aztek on February 19, 2012, 08:05:01 am
You lost me Muki...
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 19, 2012, 08:06:36 am
I'm confuzzled. Why oh why did poor Mirey get attacked? Just trying to make an honest living from the looks of it  :(
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 08:09:57 am
I'm confuzzled. Why oh why did poor Mirey get attacked? Just trying to make an honest living from the looks of it  :(

Was going to make money to buy the looms I wanted and pay Allers back 500k...
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Zaren on February 19, 2012, 08:12:52 am
Was going to make money to buy the looms I wanted and pay Allers back 500k...
oh and allers is banned isnt he? he doesnt need that 500k. Oh wait he made a new account called larels so did ricki erm.... matrix is he now
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Aztek on February 19, 2012, 08:16:02 am
I wanted and pay Allers back 500k...

This makes me feel fine about what happened.. lol, I kid, I kid... kinda :p
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Warne! on February 19, 2012, 08:21:46 am
This makes me feel fine about what happened.. lol, I kid, I kid... kinda :p

I will show my approval of this post by rewarding you with a cute kitten. May you all behold my charity, if you please me, you shall be rewarded as well.

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Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 08:23:57 am
(click to show/hide)

Weird mouth
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Aztek on February 19, 2012, 08:27:53 am
What's even weirder is the fact that it looks like who ever is holding that cat, is squeezing the life out of it.. P.E.T.A is soooooo calling your ass Warne! Now drink some more rum and infiltrate Chaos again!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Warne! on February 19, 2012, 08:28:09 am
(click to show/hide)

Weird mouth

I disapprove. You should be punished.

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Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Smoothrich on February 19, 2012, 08:28:48 am
miley is another war orphan in these tragic days of red vs green spergicide

oh i do wish some days we were all color blind, for there would be no green or red, only grey, and maybe mushy blobs of orange on a sunny day
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Muki on February 19, 2012, 08:32:14 am
miley is another war orphan in these tragic days of red vs green spergicide

oh i do wish some days we were all color blind, for there would be no green or red, only grey, and maybe mushy blobs of orange on a sunny day

:3 would be nice
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on February 19, 2012, 12:27:10 pm
I'm confuzzled. Why oh why did poor Mirey get attacked? Just trying to make an honest living from the looks of it  :(

That is your problem right there.

Mirry, let old Frank take you under his wing and teach you the way of the massive douche. For I know only the enlightened path of enlightening others wallets, and through this you shall become rich and powerful and hated.

Mirry, will you rob with me? We don't have to have little robbers right away, maybe only 6 or 7 and only when your ready.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Darkkarma on February 19, 2012, 12:44:44 pm
I'm confuzzled. Why oh why did poor Mirey get attacked? Just trying to make an honest living from the looks of it  :(

They are trying to write it off as them assuming Miley was working on our behalf. The nerve I tell ya! Any and all items of interest stop becoming "goods" once they fall into hospitaller hands. They should know better than to assume we would ever want to do trade with them. In any case, I hope it was worth it to have her sign up against you lot in future battles. Enjoy your crates, treacherous pigs.

Fear not though, Miley. For you are more than welcome to come and seek asylum within our territory, where treachery and under handed planning is not the law of the land. I make this offer simply for the sake of showing you and hopefully any other down trotted individuals on the map that there still are factions in north america that carry a strong sense of integrity, dignity and honor.

Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Gravoth_iii on February 19, 2012, 01:21:47 pm
One of the hospitallers kept teamkilling me on siege too, they are not to be trusted!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Adrian on February 19, 2012, 02:43:37 pm
I would never trust the hospitallers, they are shady as hell and only use everyone for their own personal gain.

I personally say GREEN is the way go these days
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Yourdaddy on February 19, 2012, 03:19:46 pm
Those scum.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Jarlek on February 19, 2012, 04:31:37 pm
Wow. That's really douchy behaviour.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 06:08:31 pm
They are trying to write it off as them assuming Miley was working on our behalf. The nerve I tell ya! Any and all items of interest stop becoming "goods" once they fall into hospitaller hands. They should know better than to assume we would ever want to do trade with them. In any case, I hope it was worth it to have her sign up against you lot in future battles. Enjoy your crates, treacherous pigs.

Fear not though, Miley. For you are more than welcome to come and seek asylum within our territory, where treachery and under handed planning is not the law of the land. I make this offer simply for the sake of showing you and hopefully any other down trotted individuals on the map that there still are factions in north america that carry a strong sense of integrity, dignity and honor.


Well I was teleported into Templar lands, and Casimir says I'm safe here. Thanks :D
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Shadowren on February 19, 2012, 06:34:17 pm
Best of luck to you in strat Miley and srying for the Miscommunication earlier in game.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 06:38:25 pm
Best of luck to you in strat Miley and srying for the Miscommunication earlier in game.

Leave Hospitaller so I don't feel guilty after I take my revenge!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 19, 2012, 06:45:51 pm
I think everyone should leave Hospitaller and form a new Clan, KoA, Knights/kingdom of Antioch. This is of course due to earning Miley's wrath, and so not because I think the Blue and Gold colour combo is prettier then white and red.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: farthammer on February 19, 2012, 06:53:04 pm
miley is another war orphan in these tragic days of red vs green spergicide

oh i do wish some days we were all color blind, for there would be no green or red, only grey, and maybe mushy blobs of orange on a sunny day

Indeed, this aspergian war has taken a great toll on all of us.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 19, 2012, 06:55:33 pm
I think everyone should leave Hospitaller and form a new Clan, KoA, Knights/kingdom of Antioch. This is of course due to earning Miley's wrath, and so not because I think the Blue and Gold colour combo is prettier then white and red.

KoA is native clan!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 19, 2012, 06:56:34 pm
KoA is native clan!

Hence the super lulz if they ever hit a native server! There can only be one, and so on so forth!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: dynamike on February 19, 2012, 08:19:41 pm
Well I was teleported into Templar lands, and Casimir says I'm safe here. Thanks :D

Just FYI Mirey: the Templars are working with Hospitallers in this war - you may not be as safe as you think  :wink:

Though Cas is cool cats!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Darkkarma on February 19, 2012, 08:21:52 pm
Well I was teleported into Templar lands, and Casimir says I'm safe here. Thanks :D

The Templars are working very closely with Hospitallers and are even on route to attack us right now. Do take care. You are still always welcome in our neck of the woods!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: dynamike on February 19, 2012, 08:24:58 pm
Just FYI Mirey: the Templars are working with Hospitallers in this war - you may not be as safe as you think  :wink:

Though Cas is cool cats!

The Templars are working very closely with Hospitallers and are even on route to attack us right now. Do take care. You are still always welcome in our neck of the woods!

Way to be the slowest brother in town  :D
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: ulfardarri on February 19, 2012, 08:25:38 pm
That was not cool Troy i thought hospitallers were good  :|
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Meow on February 19, 2012, 08:34:02 pm
Since Troyicide just reported Miley for posting something in the lines of "Don't trust this guy he will attack you" in his market post where he tries to buy troops - if you abuse that to rip people off, I will consider it scamming.
Moderators are not here to wipe clean your slate.

Also me as a pretty inactive strat person - can't people just trade in neutral fiefs to make this stuff impossible to happen?
Obviously the dude with the goods should give the location where the trade should happen...
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: n445 on February 19, 2012, 09:23:45 pm
is it just me or does miley QQ about everything lol.
enjoy the game, be smart, go run a lap.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Darkkarma on February 19, 2012, 09:34:44 pm
is it just me or does miley QQ about everything lol.
enjoy the game, be smart, go run a lap.

What a lovely deflection from yet another pawn!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tanken on February 19, 2012, 09:52:06 pm
Had I known this was what happened Miley, I would have kept Lemmy Wink's +2 Morningstar, +3'd it, and then given it to you when he TRUSTED ME to make a TRADE WITH HIM just as YOU had trusted the HOSPITALLERS to make a trade with them.

Of course, I have too much honor to have done such a thing, so enjoy the Loom Point Lemmy Winks.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tanken on February 19, 2012, 09:53:31 pm
Since Troyicide just reported Miley for posting something in the lines of "Don't trust this guy he will attack you" in his market post where he tries to buy troops - if you abuse that to rip people off, I will consider it scamming.
Moderators are not here to wipe clean your slate.

Also me as a pretty inactive strat person - can't people just trade in neutral fiefs to make this stuff impossible to happen?
Obviously the dude with the goods should give the location where the trade should happen...

While I would agree with you that that would be great--there weren't any Neutral Factions around that didn't run Troyicide a risk of being beaten like a red headed step child.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: BaleOhay on February 19, 2012, 10:08:23 pm
Well I know an area I will not be bringing my goods in strat. Might even sign up for a few green sided fights if they will have me. Lessons must be learned for the deeds we do.

If green needs a sometimes ok shielder look me up
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: dynamike on February 19, 2012, 10:14:38 pm
Well I know an area I will not be bringing my goods in strat. Might even sign up for a few green sided fights if they will have me. Lessons must be learned for the deeds we do.

If green needs a sometimes ok shielder look me up

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For you, friend Bale. Green will always be honored to have you fight alongside us!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Aztek on February 19, 2012, 10:44:33 pm
I love all these "Oh Miley, Hospitaller are so Evil, come with us and we will shelter you and bath you with clean water and feed you until your belly is full, as we are the saviour and pure at heart" crap.. We at war people, opportunities arise, shady stuff takes place.. I'm not saying I agree with it, But that's just my play style.. But all of the ass kissing and mud slinging with such sincerity makes me doubt the maturity of a lot of our player base.

Or maybe I'm just a sensitive sap.... But regardless, Its over with, Green V's Red continues.. But for gods sake, Lets try and remember we are here to have fun.. I just really dislike all the "Your clan SUCKS and CHEATS" because of some conversation about who's dad is stronger with some random members. I have played with most factions were at war with and see a lot of decent players, And I also see the odd asshat, but I do try and differentiate the difference and not condone the actions of one guy and associate it to an entire faction.. is it to much to ask for the same in return? ..... yeah, Stupid question.. Lets leave that as rhetorical for now : /
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Darkkarma on February 19, 2012, 10:59:43 pm
You lot are very good at taking all of this role lay talk seriously. Lighten up guys. We are simply enjoying ourselves and playing the game here. One of the rules of this forum states that one most roleplay when discussing strat issues here, after all. I suggest you do the same.

edit: stay salty freakshow.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Nehvar on February 19, 2012, 11:01:15 pm
Is it wise, when you're at war, to go and make more enemies?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Chris_P_Bacon on February 19, 2012, 11:16:31 pm
Is it wise, when you're at war, to go and make more enemies?
Not to mention it subconsciously gives everyone the "should I trust this guy?" feeling.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 20, 2012, 12:00:12 am
Green Power
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Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 20, 2012, 12:02:35 am
Since Troyicide just reported Miley for posting something in the lines of "Don't trust this guy he will attack you" in his market post where he tries to buy troops - if you abuse that to rip people off, I will consider it scamming.
Moderators are not here to wipe clean your slate.

Also me as a pretty inactive strat person - can't people just trade in neutral fiefs to make this stuff impossible to happen?
Obviously the dude with the goods should give the location where the trade should happen...

I was reporting him scamming or whatever on his post so other people don't trust him. Why was I given a 20% watch because of it? I don't see it against the rules on the Marketplace rules.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Spanish on February 20, 2012, 12:14:49 am
Ya see what happened was.....Well actually I don't know what happened but point is you should put all your faith in me because im pretty awesome and trustworthy. And I have the best thing to trade.....Villager Torches! Yes, yes, I know how valuable and kind I must be to even present such a valuable trade commodity to you but I am kind and a generous person in these cold war torn lands. So your best bet is to march straight into Hospitaller lands and avoid all of those green chaos terrorists (because they like to ransom people and canary doesn't have a mustache ) so they're not to  be trusted obviously.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on February 20, 2012, 12:33:13 am
TBH mirry you made a serious blunder.

Don't wonder about in a war zone with 100 creates of stuff unless you have a) an army or b) some one elses army. Once you cross the threshold of 20 creates you are going to get attacked. If you don't have at least 49 heavily armed troops then you are boned.

49 is only a disincentive as well. Anyone serious with some merc muscle will still stomp you into valhala.

Can anyone tell me when the original trade was supposed to happen?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Allers on February 20, 2012, 12:53:31 am
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Aztek on February 20, 2012, 02:11:05 am
I was reporting him scamming or whatever on his post so other people don't trust him. Why was I given a 20% watch because of it? I don't see it against the rules on the Marketplace rules.

So you were trolling him? yeah.. why would that be looked at as a no no. 
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 20, 2012, 02:39:53 am
So you were trolling him? yeah.. why would that be looked at as a no no.

How is warning other people of something he's done trolling? Oh, that's right--clan protect clan.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Aztek on February 20, 2012, 05:15:40 am
How is warning other people of something he's done trolling? Oh, that's right--clan protect clan.

I'm not saying Troy is a Saint.. But your not innocent in this either. If you guys made arrangements for a trade and got burned, then it would have been dealt with.. But talking about something a month ago.. then being in the enemies land and a village we just took while carrying 100 crates which could have easily been used to support the green machine.. well, I'm not even going to continue Miley.. I'm sorry if this was just a miscommunication, But next time you want to do a trade with a clan ask one of their leaders.. If this was set up with Peppo or Dev this never would have happened.

But trolling Troy in another forum that had nothing to do with this issue is most likely what got you a slap on the wrist.. Tell ya what, Our next pub night we will dunk troy's head in a bucket filled with Suuper's urine for 1 second per crate he got from you.. deal?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Muki on February 20, 2012, 05:25:03 am
I'm not saying Troy is a Saint.. But your not innocent in this either. If you guys made arrangements for a trade and got burned, then it would have been dealt with.. But talking about something a month ago.. then being in the enemies land and a village we just took while carrying 100 crates which could have easily been used to support the green machine.. well, I'm not even going to continue Miley.. I'm sorry if this was just a miscommunication, But next time you want to do a trade with a clan ask one of their leaders.. If this was set up with Peppo or Dev this never would have happened.

But trolling Troy in another forum that had nothing to do with this issue is most likely what got you a slap on the wrist.. Tell ya what, Our next pub night we will dunk troy's head in a bucket filled with Suuper's urine for 1 second per crate he got from you.. deal?

mind if I can come :3 always amusing to come to those events
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Lordark on February 20, 2012, 07:28:18 am
Hence the super lulz if they ever hit a native server! There can only be one, and so on so forth!

A small foot note for all the Strat History Buffs

KoH and Knights Hospitaller used to be 2 different clans that hooked up after fighting each other in a castle siege.

That was well over a year ago tho but just wanted to throw that out there  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Miley on February 20, 2012, 08:57:23 am
I'm not saying Troy is a Saint.. But your not innocent in this either. If you guys made arrangements for a trade and got burned, then it would have been dealt with.. But talking about something a month ago.. then being in the enemies land and a village we just took while carrying 100 crates which could have easily been used to support the green machine.. well, I'm not even going to continue Miley.. I'm sorry if this was just a miscommunication, But next time you want to do a trade with a clan ask one of their leaders.. If this was set up with Peppo or Dev this never would have happened.

But trolling Troy in another forum that had nothing to do with this issue is most likely what got you a slap on the wrist.. Tell ya what, Our next pub night we will dunk troy's head in a bucket filled with Suuper's urine for 1 second per crate he got from you.. deal?
How is warning other people of something he's done trolling? Oh, that's right--clan protect clan.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on February 20, 2012, 09:09:23 am
I lub you mirrey but this is strat. If your not waving your cock around in the air trying to take out some ones eye your not doing it right. No go dust off your douch-lord adjusting nob and twist that nipple up to 11.

Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tanken on February 20, 2012, 10:25:50 am
If we are to treat Strategus as a roleplay environment... then wouldn't that make the forums Out Of Character?

It was my understanding essentially Miley made an OOC trade agreement with the Hospitallers and they didn't go through with their half of the trade. It's the same to me as if someone were to rip off someone purchasing a loom point. 800 trade goods would take me 3 weeks to craft, so that's 3 weeks of Miley's Strategus gone.

Yah yah yah yah, It's war and all that shit but Hospitallers know the move they made was pretty snide and shitty. Can't fault all of them for it though.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Zerran on February 20, 2012, 12:49:58 pm
If we are to treat Strategus as a roleplay environment... then wouldn't that make the forums Out Of Character?

It was my understanding essentially Miley made an OOC trade agreement with the Hospitallers and they didn't go through with their half of the trade. It's the same to me as if someone were to rip off someone purchasing a loom point. 800 trade goods would take me 3 weeks to craft, so that's 3 weeks of Miley's Strategus gone.

Yah yah yah yah, It's war and all that shit but Hospitallers know the move they made was pretty snide and shitty. Can't fault all of them for it though.

Personally I like that the devs allow this sort of thing. It wouldn't be a true PvP environment without a bit of backstabbing.  :wink: Then again this is coming from someone who played EVE for about half a year.

It sucks for the people it happens to, but then that's what adds the sense of danger to the whole thing. It also hurts those who do it, simply because of the small community, people remember each other and remember things like this.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on February 20, 2012, 02:26:35 pm
Troll post against Hospitaller.
Miley, you at least can remember one thing. Trading with the ennemy of your allies is never a good thing to do !
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Darkkarma on February 20, 2012, 02:28:07 pm
Troll post against Hospitaller.
Miley, you at least can remember one thing. Trading with the ennemy of your allies is never a good thing to do !

We aren't allies. Further more, Miley is factionless.

Nice try though.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on February 20, 2012, 02:54:23 pm
Next time I get that much, I will be giving it to CHAOS. Good job.
So how do you call that?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Darkkarma on February 20, 2012, 02:57:39 pm
So how do you call that?

I call that someone pissed about getting screwed over by a faction joining up with their enemy out of spite. It's pretty normal actually. You should re-read the original post. Miley goes over it pretty well.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: _Tak_ on February 20, 2012, 03:06:34 pm
Never trust any faction in strategus , there is always a button saying "Attack" , you may trust some ppl from some faction, but there is always people who like to attack peasants for the sake of goods even if their faction leader says its not allow. Bring at least 300 man or something as a trader , its worth it.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: MR_FISTA on February 20, 2012, 03:36:03 pm
This thread is full of win, lulz
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Rikthor on February 20, 2012, 05:39:47 pm

I call that someone pissed about getting screwed over by a faction joining up with their enemy out of spite. It's pretty normal actually. You should re-read the original post. Miley goes over it pretty well.

Stealing your signature for my new intro.

The views expressed in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, the LLJK Faction, the CHAOS Faction, the Green Machine, the Green Movement, or the USA Faction.

Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Rhaelys on February 20, 2012, 11:11:24 pm
How long did you make it through the thread before losing interest?

I got to about 60 posts.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Darkkarma on February 21, 2012, 05:11:47 am
You lose track of how many posts are made when you have the post per page limit maxed out. My gosh this did get pretty big.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on February 21, 2012, 10:35:19 pm
Lesson of the day, meet in a neutral AI controlled castle or town, preferably if you are the weak one, make sure you're there first...

How long did you make it through the thread before losing interest?

I got to about 60 posts.

whatever half way through page 1 is...getting tired of skimming through shit talking to read posts.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: BaleOhay on February 22, 2012, 12:14:54 am
You lose track of how many posts are made when you have the post per page limit maxed out. My gosh this did get pretty big.

6 pages is long? Guess you never tried to read an FCC flame war thread!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Rhaelys on February 22, 2012, 02:42:09 am
6 pages is long? Guess you never tried to read an FCC flame war thread!

Or the Chaos clan thread.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Lordark on February 22, 2012, 10:12:16 am
Mileys last name is Mondaren dont taht make her CHaos by association?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: oprah_winfrey on February 22, 2012, 10:18:53 am
Mileys last name is Mondaren dont taht make her CHaos by association?

No that puts her in the Mondaren family.

Also, were you afraid miley's 0 troops were going to attack you?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Muki on February 22, 2012, 11:30:47 am
Also, were you afraid miley's 0 troops were going to attack you?

0 can make all the differences, the right person in the wrong place.

Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Zerran on February 22, 2012, 03:11:25 pm
0 can make all the differences, the right person in the wrong place.

+1 for reference to a great show.  :D
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Jarlek on February 22, 2012, 06:08:10 pm
+1 for reference to a great show.  :D
Which one?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 23, 2012, 12:01:54 am
Mileys last name is Mondaren dont taht make her CHaos by association?

Mondaren simply means you are a friend of Aldryk. He had me put a Mondaren tag on one of my characters, and I'm certain that I'm not CHAOS  :lol:
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Rhaelys on February 23, 2012, 02:42:40 am
Mondaren simply means you are a friend of Aldryk. He had me put a Mondaren tag on one of my characters, and I'm certain that I'm not CHAOS  :lol:

Goddamn you Tears Of Destiny of Chaos...

But we're the same person.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Dach on February 23, 2012, 02:45:38 am
Can't resist posting after these 2 post... just to add to the confusion...

Hwaiting <3  :P
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: TurmoilTom on February 23, 2012, 03:15:49 am

I don't know what's going on.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Dezilagel on February 23, 2012, 03:20:14 am

I don't know what's going on.


You still have my boots btw? I'd like them back
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Ecko on March 07, 2012, 01:23:24 am
Ironically...this would have been a great opportunity to make the subject title: "Don't Trust Hospburglars"

No offense intended....just saying.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Rhaelys on March 07, 2012, 01:52:55 am
Ironically...this would have been a great opportunity to make the subject title: "Don't Trust Hospburglars"

No offense intended....just saying.

It would have been too easy.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Goretooth on March 07, 2012, 02:02:54 am
Ironically...this would have been a great opportunity to make the subject title: "Don't Trust Hospburglars"

No offense intended....just saying.
Hospies were the last to go down last strat yet they are still alive and kicking. Looking for your lost empire somewhere?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Kreczor on March 07, 2012, 03:14:52 am
Hospies were the last to go down last strat yet they are still alive and kicking. Looking for your lost empire somewhere?
hehe I'm liking this thread. People bitching about bitching.

Everyone takes things way too seriously nowadays in terms of strategus and taking it to a certain extent that affects them in real life. Just because someone jacks you on a trade run, doesn't mean that person is an asshole irl or anything, they just want to improve their strategus clan. Am I the only one who legitimately wants everyone to have a good time? I mean,  not even the developers have the decency to be proud of this mod that they've made.

Personally, Miley, don't take this little incident like others have in the past and hate the Hospitallers for every other strategus version to come or whatever. Take it in an RP sense, do what you want your character to do if they had been cheated as such.

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Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Lordark on March 07, 2012, 06:52:37 am
hehe I'm liking this thread. People bitching about bitching.

Everyone takes things way too seriously nowadays in terms of strategus and taking it to a certain extent that affects them in real life. Just because someone jacks you on a trade run, doesn't mean that person is an asshole irl or anything, they just want to improve their strategus clan. Am I the only one who legitimately wants everyone to have a good time? I mean,  not even the developers have the decency to be proud of this mod that they've made.

Personally, Miley, don't take this little incident like others have in the past and hate the Hospitallers for every other strategus version to come or whatever. Take it in an RP sense, do what you want your character to do if they had been cheated as such.

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Im sure if Hosp were in the Nditions TS this whole war would have been avoided probobly. Alas.  We need to send tweets about this game around Twitter so uh maybe we can get some of them to fight against SA and Reddits. Ne ideas about any other online forums to recruit against these 2?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Kreczor on March 07, 2012, 06:55:10 am

Im sure if Hosp were in the Nditions TS this whole war would have been avoided probobly. Alas.  We need to send tweets about this game around Twitter so uh maybe we can get some of them to fight against SA and Reddits. Ne ideas about any other online forums to recruit against these 2?

Get some of who to fight against SA and Reddits?
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: 0nly on March 07, 2012, 07:07:18 pm
Eternal Life for the Knights Hospitaller!
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tyrell on March 07, 2012, 08:09:45 pm
Get some of who to fight against SA and Reddits?
Tweeters?  :lol:
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Kreczor on March 07, 2012, 08:17:29 pm
Tweeters?  :lol:
Isn't there huge drama between reddit and SA right now anyways? With SA outright calling reddit a bunch of pedophiles and getting their subreddits closed they ain't too happy with us.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Rikthor on March 07, 2012, 09:04:22 pm
Isn't there huge drama between reddit and SA right now anyways? With SA outright calling reddit a bunch of pedophiles and getting their subreddits closed they ain't too happy with us.

Yeah SA launched a campaign against Reddits kiddie porn boards basically and got reddit officals to shut them down which certain unscrupulous individuals are upset about. 99% of Reddit probably could care less.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Kreczor on March 07, 2012, 09:09:48 pm
Yeah SA launched a campaign against Reddits kiddie porn boards basically and got reddit officals to shut them down which certain unscrupulous individuals are upset about. 99% of Reddit probably could care less.
I stopped paying attention to GBS when that thread was stickied and they changed the forum to something ridiculous. I liked talking about my problems in GBS too... stupid redditors
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Tyrell on March 07, 2012, 10:01:15 pm
99% of Reddit probably could care less.
This is true.
Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Peppovitch on March 08, 2012, 03:36:08 am
This thread:

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Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Rikthor on March 08, 2012, 06:24:52 am
Not really derailed, we are just showing the world what LLJK via SA has done for the world. We helped rid Reddit of kiddie porn, and Hosperglors, well you managed to rob Miley. I guess that's something.

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Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: ArysOakheart on March 08, 2012, 11:59:49 am

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Title: Re: Don't Trust Hospitallers
Post by: Jarlek on March 08, 2012, 02:00:52 pm

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Wait. Isn't that gif from Shamus Youngs video?