cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: Uumdi on January 27, 2012, 05:18:03 am

Title: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Uumdi on January 27, 2012, 05:18:03 am
Hey guys, time to post another probably gamebreaking suggestion.  Can we get some of the low to mid-ranged 2-handers usable on horseback?  Dadao and Long Iron Mace would be sick on horseback. 

115 length and high damage is balanced by lack of shield capability, and no thrust.  Long Iron Mace doesn't have crushthrough anymore either. 

Let me know what you guys think.  2H cav is limited to the shortened military scythe, Morningstar, and Longsword atm.  Let's have some fun with it.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Xol! on January 27, 2012, 05:21:47 am
Don't forget the 2h axes.  Great axe got added to the 2h cav line up last item patch.

115 length would be kind of OP, much as I would love to use a dadao on horseback, it's too long.  However, since the bar mace class of weapons doesn't have crushthrough anymore, I don't see why it couldn't be used on horseback again.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Uumdi on January 27, 2012, 05:39:04 am
Damn, great axe is pretty beast.  Never caught that detail.

Cmon guys help me lobby for the Dadao though, haha
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Malaclypse on January 27, 2012, 06:37:29 am
Uumdi really loves this weapon man (no homo), to the point where he'll give his +3 English Bill to the dev that makes this happen probably.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Uumdi on January 27, 2012, 12:21:52 pm
I can only approved.

Dev team, you know you want it.  Either add Dadao on horseback, or make a reskinned Uumdi's English Bill, that has the stats of an inferior weapon, but a really wacky and colorful graphic with LED lights on it.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Casimir on January 27, 2012, 12:48:59 pm
i really like my flamberge, can i swing this from horseback also?
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: _Tak_ on January 27, 2012, 01:02:02 pm
i don't understand why da-dao and miao dao cannot be swing on horseback, i have seen lots of movies and films and chinese people can do that actually. while great axe can swing on horseback? it's a bit unbalance if you tell me.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Oggrinsky on January 27, 2012, 01:26:52 pm
I'm with you on the Long Iron Mace. While the Dadao is a bit too long the Bar Mace, Studded Warclub and maybe the Maul should be usuable. They're all under 100 length and have a pretty moderate speed rating. It'd be great to see more diversity from 2h cav outside of the longswords and the occasional guy with a morningstar derpin around.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Okkam on January 27, 2012, 01:36:26 pm
I'm with you on the Long Iron Mace. While the Dadao is a bit too long the Bar Mace, Studded Warclub and maybe the Maul should be usuable. They're all under 100 length and have a pretty moderate speed rating. It'd be great to see more diversity from 2h cav outside of the longswords and the occasional guy with a morningstar derpin around.

You wanna make weapon with crushtrough usable on horseback? Think twice dude.

You can always take Shortened military Scythe. Don't tell me, that you cant live without this -3 lenght in comparison with Dadao.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Oggrinsky on January 28, 2012, 11:50:20 pm

You wanna make weapon with crushtrough usable on horseback? Think twice dude.

You can always take Shortened military Scythe. Don't tell me, that you cant live without this -3 lenght in comparison with Dadao.

I don't know about you, but landing overheads from horseback is pretty difficult for me and last time I checked crush-through was only activated from overhead attacks. Ninety-nine percent of the attacks made from horseback with a 3 directional weapon will most likely be side swings... unless you're me and you like to bop people on the head for the extra challenge. Like Uumdi, I want some more variety among 2h weapons used from horseback... little stat differences don't really factor into it so much.

Edit: If you can hit someone with an overhead from horseback using a 69 length Maul then you probably deserve some crush-through.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Xol! on January 28, 2012, 11:55:50 pm
I don't know about you, but landing overheads from horseback is pretty difficult for me and last time I checked crush-through was only activated from overhead attacks. Ninety-nine percent of the attacks made from horseback with a 3 directional weapon will most likely be side swings... unless you're me and you like to bop people on the head for the extra challenge. Like Uumdi, I want some more variety among 2h weapons used from horseback... little stat differences don't really factor into it so much.

Edit: If you can hit someone with an overhead from horseback using a 69 length Maul then you probably deserve some crush-through.

Mauls etc., used to be useable on horseback, and side swings do proc crushthrough when you're on horseback.

It was great fun, but it was overpowered as fuck, because EVERY swing was a crushthrough swing because of the huge speed bonus.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Vibe on January 29, 2012, 12:00:26 am
I think Dadao from horseback would be quite OP..
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Ujin on January 29, 2012, 12:04:13 am
long iron mace should be usable from horseback.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: owens on January 29, 2012, 12:26:56 am
Okay ill make a list

barmace- no                                                                           looks crap
long iron mace - yes                                                               was meant for cav
dadao- no                                                                               too much damage and reach looks bad
miadao- no                                                                             already good enough
practice longsword - (it is usable and very OP) - yes             It hits hard and is very long but isnt used so is okay
Twohandedsword - yes                                                          For the euro guys
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Oggrinsky on January 29, 2012, 12:52:53 am
Mauls etc., used to be useable on horseback, and side swings do proc crushthrough when you're on horseback.

It was great fun, but it was overpowered as fuck, because EVERY swing was a crushthrough swing because of the huge speed bonus.

I have to admit I jumped on the Warband train kind of late. But, I've been playing M&B though since 0.7x and remember using great mauls from horseback... just didn't realize this feature was imported over to Multiplayer. Looks like I missed the fun! With WSE though, and all the great changes they've been able to make with it, it should be possible to remove this and make only overheads proc crush-through. I guess I just have a real hard on for maces/mauls used from horseback and would love to see some more.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Uumdi on January 29, 2012, 03:57:10 am
Yeah I think diversity would add to the mod.  Deep in my heart, I know I should concede because I'm pretty confident it would be the most fun I've ever had on the mod, but 2H cav could use some love, if only in the category of diversity.  If its an unfair upkeep issue, couldn't they jack up the price on the sword?  It would make sense due to the high material cost and craftsmanship of the things.  Lance cav would still be generally superior or equal, and each serve their purposes.

Also Okkam - shortened military scythe gets +++ style points, and its not OP, i can totally agree with that.  Also, in the sense of balancing for strategus (which I know the devs are really taking into consideration with these patches), dadao's are incredible for the value in strategus, with such high length, damage, and balance.

Glad you guys agree on the long iron mace, at least.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Casimir on January 29, 2012, 05:17:53 am
Bring back morningstar crush through!
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Xol! on January 29, 2012, 05:23:48 am
Bring back morningstar crush through!

oh god
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Memento_Mori on January 29, 2012, 05:33:50 am
Studded warclub on horseback plz :3 k bye  :twisted:

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Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Casimir on January 29, 2012, 06:12:32 am
oh god

it was so not op!
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Uumdi on January 29, 2012, 09:41:45 am
Studded warclub on horseback plz :3 k bye  :twisted:

(click to show/hide)

Hell yeah ++++ style points
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Lange on January 29, 2012, 06:52:30 pm
How about this? (
Give Great Swords (German, Danish, Great Sword, Sword of War) a horseback stab.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Xol! on January 29, 2012, 07:23:49 pm
How about this? (
Give Great Swords (German, Danish, Great Sword, Sword of War) a horseback stab.

An overly long, slow stab-and-overhead-only 2h weapon that can be used (stab-only) on horseback?

I'm down.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Uumdi on January 29, 2012, 07:53:13 pm
Yeah, I know its probly a nightmare for the dev team, but they might be able to do a lot with WSE.  I think it would be a lot of fun, add some dimensions to the game.

Flamberge couch only like a great lance, hahaha
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Casimir on January 29, 2012, 10:01:27 pm
Flamberge couch only like a great lance, hahaha

Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Oggrinsky on January 30, 2012, 03:24:44 am
How about this? (
Give Great Swords (German, Danish, Great Sword, Sword of War) a horseback stab.

Yes! I would be incredibly happy with this too.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Torben on January 30, 2012, 05:44:44 am
I would like the iron staffs swing animation back on horseback.  also a mounted great long bardiche,  with added crush through
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Uumdi on February 03, 2012, 03:40:16 am
Yeah, after playing with an unloomed Shortened Military Scythe, it does plenty of damage, and I'm only at 10 strength.  Dadao would be really gross unless they nerfed the damage and broke the weapon's usefulness as an infantry weapon.  I have seen the light.

Long Iron Mace and Studden Warclub would be cool blunt alternatives to the Great Axe though.  Thanks for giving us the axes, might try Persian when I get the STR just for the sake of it.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: HarunYahya on February 03, 2012, 07:15:55 am
How about this? (
Give Great Swords (German, Danish, Great Sword, Sword of War) a horseback stab.
Length :160 1 handed weapon !
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Casimir on February 03, 2012, 09:41:53 am
All the axes have alwyas been avaliable excluding the great axe.  persians are great for their reach and kick a hell of a punch when on foot.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: dodnet on February 03, 2012, 01:29:09 pm
Flamberge couch only like a great lance, hahaha

No one could hold that shit with one hand for a longer time on horse. And I guess you would break your hand if you really hit anything with it.
Title: Re: Weapons useable on horseback (Mostly 2H)
Post by: Toffi on February 03, 2012, 01:38:05 pm
I remember at the beginning of crpg some players like DRZ_RMX and Guard_Bane were crushing people with the morningstar, from horseback. If you went full speed head-on and hit a guy in full plate blocking your swing with a steel shield you still killed him. That was awesome :D

But then my horse took an A R R O W to the K N E E!