cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Other => Topic started by: Herkkutatti on January 18, 2012, 08:08:04 pm
So I saw Ivanna banning people for stupid reasons as clearing the goal area from defenders(" Spawn killing "), thats what i did to get banned. So we were attacking and our guy with ball was near the goal, so i started to kill defenders front of goal , so he would make a goal, and when i killed ivanna(BADMIN) who just spawned , after that he banned me without saying anything. There is no rule(I'm not sure) what says that u can't clear goal area for making goal (" Spawn kills happen" ). Also he didn't ban for "spawn killing" anyone else and he spawn killed people himself too, but what can u do for rule breaker admin??
I ask you to unbann me and remove ivanna's admin power because he abuses it and uses it for his own good. I have no pictures about it because it happeneds so fast and I didn't do anything wrong so i didn't expect this to happen. Char name Herkkutatti_The_Holyman
This seems like a perfectly valid tactic. Smart even.
You are playing Rageball correctly...violently with an eye on the goal.
Admin is administering punishment incorrectly.
This seems like a perfectly valid tactic. Smart even.
You are playing Rageball correctly...violently with an eye on the goal.
Admin is administering punishment incorrectly.
stop my asslicking :D
oh well it was 1hour ban but still remove his adimn power cos he uses it for his own good (to get multi)
I played yesterday on the same server. Ivanna did a few strange things. I think he/she isnt mature enough to be an admin.
He/she kicked and banned a lot of players cause they were "spawnkilling" - keeping the own goal clear. This punishment seemed to me hasty.
I cant proof anything with screens and I dont want do convict her/him. I only want you to rethink your decision and maybe if it is necessary to remove admin power.
Thanks for reading.
I wasnt there for any kicks or bans but, yesterday when Ivanna was playing she/he was also doing what could be seen as spawnkilling (e.g. ball was over other side of map but Ivanna was just killing 1-2 defenders who were defending the goal) so if he then banned people for the same offense then that is pretty hypocritical.
Speaking of retarded ban on EU6 I think you shouldn't bring the subject here joosto, 2 days ago you were already killing people at spawn with 2 other guys and when I came and killed you, you made a poll to ban me and left the server right after it not to get banned by the admins who were on.
You claim you're defending the goal but all you do is spawnkilling defenders and ragepolling when someone manage to kill you, idiot.
Speaking of retarded ban on EU6 I think you shouldn't bring the subject here joosto, 2 days ago you were already killing people at spawn with 2 other guys and when I came and killed you, you made a poll to ban me and left the server right after it not to get banned by the admins who were on.
You claim you're defending the goal but all you do is spawnkilling defenders and ragepolling when someone manage to kill you, idiot.
butthurt , and its not spawnkilling when you don't leave when we give you a chance ..... and the poll was just trolling, and that yu didn't leave our spawn proves that you were spawnkilling me and the 2 other guys . This thread has nothing to do with that because "spawnkilling" was not bannale at that time and i was attacking , not defending
I have to say too that ivanna is the worst admin i have ever seen...she respawns at our goal and i only threw a stone at here and then she attacked me and i killed her -> i got kicked for spawnkilling... :mad:
That server shut down anyhow, it was community hosted and Ivanna is not an official admin.
Just FYI :mrgreen: