Good Luck! :DCheers!
Nice to see you guys back together again.And it's nice to see you posting in our thread again. :P
Still using steam?Conservatism ftw. :lol:
TS ftw
*snip*Added ya.
Count me in (with an alt). Would be lovely to play with you guys again.Just like old days! I command thee to grindeth thy alt.
Added ya.
Proud new member of StG (Super Team Gay) :DIndeed, welcome Dave! (It's actually Steamy Tibetan Ganja)
Just like old days! I command thee to PLAY MOAR cRPG!!!
These fellas moved to The Deluge mod with a new clan.
These fellas moved to The Deluge mod with a new clan.
These fellas moved to The Deluge mod with a new clan.
These fellas moved to The Deluge mod with a new clan.
My god, Dan, why are you keeping this thread alive?!?!? :lol:
I declare this clan disbanded, free up the banner slot for an active clan ftw.
hello, it's a nice clan, i wish you good luck!
sup doodz, can i have your ts address plox?
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
We play most days on the public servers
Nice to see you guys back together again.asskisser
No, im just English, and they were English Knights.I lolleth'd.
Ask that nit infested greek goon you associate with, he'll tell you us yellow teeth have to stick together.
LOL me and Tomas were playing on Eu4 tonite and saw dis man!!?? whodafuk...
His name is accurate though...
...dat facial
LOL me and Tomas were playing on Eu4 tonite and saw dis man!!?? whodafuk...
His name is accurate though...
Tbh, this Failmoar character didn't play well enough to be either Rhys or Hawkes, both can competently block.
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I challenge Failmoar to a duel!
If I win he reveals who he is, gives me all his money and looms, shuts down his cRPG account and commits suicide IRL.
If he wins, he can have 4 gold pieces.
I challenge Failmoar to a duel!
If I win he reveals who he is, gives me all his money and looms, shuts down his cRPG account and commits suicide IRL.
If he wins, he can have 4 gold pieces.
I challenge Failmoar to a duel!
If I win he reveals who he is, gives me all his money and looms, shuts down his cRPG account and commits suicide IRL.
If he wins, He gains full control of StG and becomes the new leader!
This is better :Pfine with me, he cant possibly win, and IF he does, we will troll HIM to death. Or we will revive eng. :P
(1)fine with me, (2)he cant possibly win, (3)and IF he does, (4)we will troll HIM to death. (5)Or we will revive eng. :P
1. no.So what do you know about him, what makes u think rhys wont pwn him? Tomas said he couldnt block for shit.
2. no.
3. no.
4. no.
5. grow up.
So what do you know about him, what makes u think rhys wont pwn him? Tomas said he couldnt block for shit.
So either ure just sadly attempting to hurt us, or u know something about failmoar that we dont know...
Personally i just think ure a troll ^^
(which probably wont succeed)visitors can't see pics , please register or login
well whoever recruited Failmoar needs a big pat on the back, that guy has some serious style! :mrgreen:were probs gunna try to get him banned, but ill try to recruit xD
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginBUT in a week or so rhys will be playing moar crpg (or else!!!!!)
were probs gunna try to get him banned, but ill try to recruit xD
The Order of Saint George is a fairly casual clan formed by members of the late ENG clan. We play most days on the public servers and we play for fun
BUT in a week or so rhys will be playing more crpg (or else!!!!!)
A guy who is in your clan actually creating like the only activity (hence the reason i posted the bull about playing most days) in your clan, plus he's playing for fun (again, see quote) and you want to ban him?1: He isnt in our clan
cool story bro.
Plus, have you watched all the vids we posted in this thread, they are still relevant, at least for rhys.
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visitors can't see pics , please register or login
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Havent u got anything better to do than doing what phil tells you to do.... :|
you don't play most days on the public serversehm, i do?
peace and love
I haven't spoken to him in weeks, so, ultra-fail on your part.
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even Nord_BlueKnight agree's with us :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Havent u got anything better to do than doing what phil tells you to do.... :|
Phil told me to say You suck spud! :mrgreen:
and by the way we are not trolling we are trying to help, forget about this ENG/StG dream. Stop wasting your time. its Over. Its Dead. Move On...
My most serious and honest post coming up in a long long time on these forums:we could ofcourse make it StS (saint spud) XD
I think Spud is the only StG with some dedication, i reckon he should make a potato themed clan, and be leader, i reckon there'd be decent interest. I hear Sambo (smilledge, fail troll) is back too, he's looking for a clan.
my serious post too:indeed, but i dont give up fast (im not saying that ure wrong : P)
agreed, or just play tagless, you don't need to be in a clan. I enjoyed the time I was clanless between ING and HRE. It sucks to be the only player ever playing from your clan, trust me I know. that time just before I left ENG when I was the only player playing everyday (the only other person I'd ever really see was Tomas) was just depressing.
BUT in a week or so rhys will be playing moar crpg (or else!!!!!)
(click to show/hide)
Hey spud, butan is running around clanless, make your potato clan and he will im thinking about it :P
Forget saint gay.
Rhys should make a thread with
1. Keep StG
2. Convert to a freelancer themed clan
3. Convert to a Potato themed clan
(evt.) 4. other theme
What's this got to do with Rhys?
Time the young spudawan grew out of adolescence and false idolism and made his own way in this world.
Roflmao Spudawan. New name for an alt ty :D
And btw if i dont get StG to grow, ima leave it next gen.