cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: crojosip on December 21, 2011, 03:11:44 pm
Admins who leave a server and do not turn polls back on should not be admins at all. That's just annoying and stupid.
More than a couple of times I've seen a teammate intentionaly go around teamkilling or teamhitting because they know there is no admin and no polls on server. Especialy bad on siege servers.
Loads of times those teammates make the team lose all the time and people start raging. Pretty soon 1/3 of the team is just standing in the spawn area waiting for the teammattacker to respawn so they can kill him due to rage.
Admins. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY, stop turning off polls if you're just gonna forget to put them back on after you leave.
Badmins :evil:
Votes should be on always
I dunno, polls never seem to work anyway, they usually always fail, and they just get spammed for no reason at all...
They work if you REALLY need them badly
Well you would think, but no, they don't... :P
well admins dont work properly neither sometimes :mrgreen:
Stop abusing polls and I shall stop turning them off when I enter a server...
So basically never.
Stop abusing polls and I shall stop turning them off when I enter a server...
So basically never.
This is the problem, a poll mid fight is damn annoying, and i've seen team attackers/killers get away with it poll after poll, the best thing to do in this situation if an admin isn't about is to take screenshots and post a thread, if you can be arsed of course...
OP is saying that admins are humans who sometimes forget to turn polls on before they leave?
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Badmins :evil:
Hahaha, oh my god, your profile pic is a Penischu.
Well you would think, but no, they don't... :P
In the most extreme cases, like a guy teamkilling 3 in a row. Most people will notice that, the people looking at it and the people being victim of the act. That means alot of people saying 1 when the poll enters. And everytime i see a big bunch of people typing 1 in chat, it does usually work.
And another issue here is the fact that people will behave alot more, if they know the polls is still on. That gives them a greater danger of being kicked/banned, which noone likes. Their act has a possible consequence to it. If an admin forget to turn em back on as he left, that means that the danger is limited, since not many people can be arsed to take screenies and make a thread. Since that takes quite alot of time, when u alrdy know that there can be 50 of these kind of guys daily. And thats where the poll helps aswell, its quick and easy.
OP is saying that admins are humans who sometimes forget to turn polls on before they leave?
Forget to turn of the stove when you leave your house and see how that works out for you. It's similar with polls. Leave them off and watch how eventualy the server gets filled with team attackers and team killers. Shit hits the fan.
Admins who leave a server and do not turn polls back on should not be admins at all. That's just annoying and stupid.
More than a couple of times I've seen a teammate intentionaly go around teamkilling or teamhitting because they know there is no admin and no polls on server. Especialy bad on siege servers.
Loads of times those teammates make the team lose all the time and people start raging. Pretty soon 1/3 of the team is just standing in the spawn area waiting for the teammattacker to respawn so they can kill him due to rage.
Admins. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY, stop turning off polls if you're just gonna forget to put them back on after you leave.
I totally agree!
More than once I've made a topic on forums about that, even requesting that this option is taken away from admins.
No solution at all, but all admins say they always turn polls on again.....of course :rolleyes:
I dunno, polls never seem to work anyway, they usually always fail, and they just get spammed for no reason at all...
They work, if you start them correctly ;)
9/10 polls I start get through 8-)
Votes should be on always
greatest Bullshit of all time. votes don't help at all if there is no admining. I would rather see them off all time.
go to some native servers and witness how tkers get the people kicked that report them.
Poll makers need to be smart about it. Whenever I see a poll come up randomly mid battle I press 2 and ignore immediately.
-make a poll at the beginning of the next round when people are actually going to have time to pay attention
-type something in chat about what happened
-having multiple people (probably not just from the same clan) confirm in chat
When that happens I tend to type '1' more often.
But I do agree when admins aren't around polls should be activated.
-having multiple people (probably not just from the same clan) confirm in chat
When that happens I tend to type '1' more often.
Proves my first point.
Admins who leave a server and do not turn polls back on should not be admins at all. That's just annoying and stupid.
More than a couple of times I've seen a teammate intentionaly go around teamkilling or teamhitting because they know there is no admin and no polls on server. Especialy bad on siege servers.
Loads of times those teammates make the team lose all the time and people start raging. Pretty soon 1/3 of the team is just standing in the spawn area waiting for the teammattacker to respawn so they can kill him due to rage.
Admins. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY, stop turning off polls if you're just gonna forget to put them back on after you leave.
Get your CTRL-INSERT, or even better Fraps, ready, and be the rat.
I dunno, polls never seem to work anyway, they usually always fail, and they just get spammed for no reason at all...
They work quite well. The main problem are all these ragepolls, esp. during combat when the poll window is really annoying and you have better things to do than that. I was ban (!) polled because I accidently tk'ed one of my teammates and didn't even noticed that during battle heat - luckily it was refused.
Second problem are polls without a stated reason. How should I know why someone should be kicked, if I dont even see what he did esp. if he is on the other team? I press 2 on these kind of polls always.
More often then not, polls are turned back on. You mainly notice when you want to submit a poll but can't and take note because it irritates you.
As Xant said, Admins are human, but as cmpxchg8b said "Admins are human too, so mistakes can happen. We are terribly sorry for not being perfect and are working on replacing all players and admins with computers for optimal performance." Be patient, and in the mean time stop making mountains out of molehills... We have to put up with your shenanigans too...
Quit your nonesense, polls are damned annoying and you wouldn't believe the "I" chat we recieve when polls are on and someone makes a poll mid round. It ranges from the friendly players with "Awww hell naw, polls still on, admin gettin' mad" - direct quote, thank you to whomever sent that one in, to people just being downright rude and ignorant with things too explicable to post back.
Xant, Tears and cmp quite happily sum things up, specifically Tears' first comment;
More often than not, polls are turned back on. You mainly notice when you want to submit a poll but can't and take note because it irritates you.
Poll makers need to be smart about it.
hahaha, not likely. Turn them off.
Whenever I see a poll come up randomly mid battle I press 2 and ignore immediately.
If polls are off and no admins are on, just revenge teamkill, believe me, such griefers will stop at least bothering you when you do that. Oh well, that, of course, I heard from a friend, I would NEVER do such things :mrgreen:
Exactly, be a ruthless bastard, anyone pulls tricks on me and I can whine to an admin about it, I take matters in my own hand. Really devoted trolls will nag you until you do something against them and then screen it and post on forum, still worth it.
Just to support OP's post, no polls on on EU1 and there have been several admins online today.
What happens? Lots of pricks teamattacking and leeching...
+1 to our admins :rolleyes:
pollspam is worse than tking
just alt tab and whine on irc you big vaginas
It would be nice if every initiated poll would open a chat window, so that you can write down the reason for this poll.
And if someone starts spamming polls I bet people would be annoyed enough to banpoll him off the server :mrgreen:
pollspam is worse than tking
just alt tab and whine on irc you big vaginas
Try it when there is no admin on or most of them are ignoring it :rolleyes:
Try it when there is no admin on or most of them are ignoring it :rolleyes:
IRC at it's best. :wink:
pollspam is worse than tking
just alt tab and whine on irc you big vaginas
I never understood why people are so obsessed with polls "distracting" them.
Personally, when it's a kick and I don't know, I just hit 1 so the argument stops for a round.
"Pollspam" is very rare... when it happens it's usually because a big part of the server is fed up with someone in particular and various people from that group initiate polls until the person is kicked/temp banned.
Polls are a quite useful channel of communication in some circumstances, being straightforward in all languages and very noticeable.
I never understood why people are so obsessed with polls "distracting" them.
Personally, when it's a kick and I don't know, I just hit 1 so the argument stops for a round.
"Pollspam" is very rare... when it happens it's usually because a big part of the server is fed up with someone in particular and various people from that group initiate polls until the person is kicked/temp banned.
Polls are a quite useful channel of communication in some circumstances, being straightforward in all languages and very noticeable.
hitting 1 in mid of melee is a pain in the ass, though.
also pollspam is only rare in crpg thanks to good admin work/regular presence.
This week it is complaining that polls are off.
Next week it is complaining that a group of trolls is poll banning people unfairly.
It's not that hard to get in the IRC channel and call an admin to turn it on back again, if they forget to turn it on.
By I guess it's way easier to come on the forums and post QQ.
hitting 1 in mid of melee is a pain in the ass, though.
Not at all. At least on my keyboard.
You use arrow keys for movement ?
And anyway, you have 20 seconds to vote and you don't even need to do it...
More often then not, polls are turned back on. You mainly notice when you want to submit a poll but can't and take note because it irritates you.
As Xant said, Admins are human, but as cmpxchg8b said "Admins are human too, so mistakes can happen. We are terribly sorry for not being perfect and are working on replacing all players and admins with computers for optimal performance." Be patient, and in the mean time stop making mountains out of molehills... We have to put up with your shenanigans too...
Admins are human but turning polls back on isn't so demanding, and if it is then they shouldn't be admins at all.
If polls are off and no admins are on, just revenge teamkill, believe me, such griefers will stop at least bothering you when you do that. Oh well, that, of course, I heard from a friend, I would NEVER do such things :mrgreen:
I'ts not revenge teamkillig or even team attacking that annoys me. The problem is when people start revenge teamkillin and the person they are venging upon still attacks other people then there will bemore than 5 or 6 people fighting among themselves instead of taking flags or doing something useful. When that makes you lose your multiplier it is quite annoying.
It's not that hard to get in the IRC channel and call an admin to turn it on back again, if they forget to turn it on.
By I guess it's way easier to come on the forums and post QQ.
Yes that will solve all problems. *sarcasm*
If they just turn polls back on BEFORE leaving then there won't be this kind of a problem anymore. When you come on a server to play for half an hour or an hour just for a bit then it really is a pain when you have to spend time alt tabbing, going irs, lookin for an admin, explaining what the problem is, waiting for admin to come on server, waiting for him to solve the problem. This can all be avoided with 1 simple thing. Polls. I'd rather have some ragepolls that fail, maybe take a bit of my screen, than people teamkilling every single round, distracting teammates and in some instances being directly involved in a loss of round and being unable to do anything about it.
What is your problem?
It's not every time it's forgotten and just because it got on your nerves all this makes me want to do is turn them off before leaving just to spite you. You've made your point that it would be nice for the admins to make a final check before they leave for the night but seriously, we do this because we want to for the community, we don't get paid, we give up our game time to make sure you're not messed around with by the few idiots out there and all we get is abuse for it.
I can't remember the quote but it went something along the lines of "Make a mistake and it'll be remembered for ever, do something right and no one will notice".
I'll leave it at that, don't get so angry about such a small issue.
It's not that hard to get in the IRC channel and call an admin to turn it on back again, if they forget to turn it on.
Usually do that, but often there is noone looking at IRC, which I can understand as they might do some other stuff, too^^
I'm not angry. I'm annoyed, there's a difference.
all this makes me want to do is turn them off before leaving just to spite you.
oh yes, that would be a great move for you. It would indeed show how mature as an admin you are.
we do this because we want to for the community, we don't get paid, we give up our game time to make sure you're not messed around with by the few idiots out there and all we get is abuse for it.
I can't remember the quote but it went something along the lines of "Make a mistake and it'll be remembered for ever, do something right and no one will notice".
Maybe you do but I never see any of this. I don't remember the last time an admin did something good while I was on a server. When I know an admin is on a server I'm just careful due to my experience with admins making bad decisions and banning wrong people. Maybe if I see admins do something good while I'm online might change my opinion of the current administration and might make me remember the good deed.
I'm not aiming all this at all admins, I'm sure most are great and do good work but whenever I saw an admin do some banns or kicks ( in my expereience only ) I've also seen them do loads of bad calls and when someone tells them about it then that person gets muted or banned as well.