cRPG => The Marketplace => Sell/Trade => Topic started by: Heres Ronnie on November 02, 2011, 05:46:57 pm

Title: Trade/sell: MW iron War axe and +2 German Greatsword
Post by: Heres Ronnie on November 02, 2011, 05:46:57 pm

Mighty Iron War Axe
weapon length: 69
weight: 3.5
difficulty: 16
speed rating: 96
weapon length: 69
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 40 cut
slots: 1
Bonus against Shield

Balanced German Greatsword
weapon length: 123
weight: 2.5
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 93
weapon length: 123
thrust damage: 27 pierce
swing damage: 39 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Secondary Mode

Im really interested in getting a Mw or +2 heavy bastard sword or longsword. I will look at any offer though so pm or post in this thread!