cRPG => Scene Editing => Topic started by: Thranduil on February 06, 2011, 05:43:42 pm

Title: Want to hear some suggestions about a map.
Post by: Thranduil on February 06, 2011, 05:43:42 pm
I've been hearing there's been some discontent with one of the maps on the NA server, "Pueblo Village":

(click to show/hide)

Unfortunately, I don't know any specifics, so from those who have played this map, I would like to hear what your complaints are and anything you'd like to see different about it.  I can't guarantee I'll get to it right away, what with 16 hours of engineering classes eating my life away, but I'll do what I can.  In the meantime, the map will probably be taken out of rotation until the map is updated, so no worries, you won't continue playing something that needs fixing.

Opinions and comments are welcome, but trolling is only encouraged if you want me to put you on a list of people's opinions to ignore. :P
Title: Re: Want to hear some suggestions about a map.
Post by: CtrlAltDe1337 on February 06, 2011, 08:08:05 pm
I think its fine except one of the spawns needs to be moved slightly forward, the other team always gets to the mid a hair faster.
Title: Re: Want to hear some suggestions about a map.
Post by: Nasturtium on February 09, 2011, 04:18:23 am
Withe the addition of the side passage things got a lot better. My main complaint on this map so far is purely cosmetic; the stretched textures of the side walls and the gravity defying overhanging rock shelves are a tad hard on the eyes.
Title: Re: Want to hear some suggestions about a map.
Post by: Airith on February 10, 2011, 12:07:55 am
I liked it better without the side passage and the giant rocks hanging over the sides. Just a simple desert valley with a crazy town in the middle was awesome to me. Could instead make passages through the middle (underneath maybe?). Yeah the main reason people disliked it was that one side had an advantage.
Title: Re: Want to hear some suggestions about a map.
Post by: Kung Fu Jesus on February 10, 2011, 07:02:40 pm
I also preferred it before the side tunnel was added. First, it looks weird but it also drags the round out unnecessarily as the teams circle each other. I agree with making a passage straight through from the bottom middle area.

My other issue with the map is that with all the climbing needed, one team always gets to the top first. The other team then must fight to try to take the stairs, while also fighting on a weird and tight dome area. I am not a fan of a lot of stairs in general but I guess that can't be helped here.

I don't hate the map at all though. I'm pretty open to all kinds of maps for something different. There are only 2 I really do not like.