cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Closed Requests => Topic started by: BattalGazi on October 26, 2011, 02:18:05 am

Title: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: BattalGazi on October 26, 2011, 02:18:05 am
Here are the screenshots which include insults, indecent accusations and excessive usage of bad language towards me and kapikulu sultan eren.

I will translate each sentence but for the sake of forum moderation rules, you need Noctivagant's approval on translations.

(click to show/hide)

Translation: 1) My Sultan 2) We have declared war tomorrow, we gonna your mothers

(click to show/hide)

Translation: Sultan you b.stard, were you born of an unknown's and want to have it in your bridal chamber ?

(click to show/hide)

Translation: Mother f.king sidekick, son of a b.tch

(click to show/hide)

Translation: 1) You son of b.tches 2) You b.stards are worse than "PKK" ( the terrorist group in Turkey who are responsible for thousands of deaths )

(click to show/hide)

Translation: StupidGazi, I'll you if i'm not muted of this, you are a complete son of a b.tch

There's also another screenshot belonging to Cicero, which shows his insults to other Kapikulu members. Again in EU_cRPG_1, but the exact date information is missing.

(click to show/hide)

Translation: 1) F.cked 2) WHO ARE YOU SON OF A B.TCH 3) TO WRITE ME MESSAGES  4) Here comes the 2nd son of a b.tch 5) You are complete mother f.ckers 6) ....
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Cicero on October 26, 2011, 02:45:41 am
lol why didnt u put sultan_eren ganked us from behind and said "ezikler" ="loosers" at start and other things said by kapıkulu ? lol

2354234523.  tries to ban a bashibazouk from kapıkulu

Edit : spoiler six is from eu 3 not 1 which we can understand u are hiding evidence =)
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Bulzur on October 26, 2011, 03:00:49 am
There's a difference between saying "loosers", after a succesfull backstab, and a "we gonna your mother".

On another note, i don't know anything about that language, and am pretty sure google translation is useless there. So nothing more than waiting for Nocti on that matter. I'll also add that Kocik got a "friendly" attitude. He often kicks teammates, or try to block them, when they're ganking his "friends" on the other team.
I saw him down blocking while trying to stay in front of Sultan Eren, to prevent him from stabing his clanmate, even though it was an ennemy of the team. And no, it wasn't the last guy standing, it was a 8v6 situation.
Not speaking of all the time he decided to "camp" at a place, letting his team get slaughter, to then delay, farm valour, with his great maul of this. Attitude in game is something, but being rude, in a foreign language to make sure they don't get muted/kicked/ban by admins is totally lame...

Edit for Kocik :
Ok, so not "farm valour", dear Kocik, but definitely delaying. It's really stupid when we watch you idle for more than 1min, hiding behind whatever, waiting to be the last and then "same place, come get me". Mr. "hello i have  maul but i want people to come fight me in narrow places, or in straw hay". It's maybe not for gold (you do always use your splendid armor), but it's definitely your attitude ingame. And you don't seem to even feel guilty about that...
There's just too many incidents invovling Kocik, and each time, it's a "don't do that again Kocik"... but after a dozen of thoses, it would be nice if he gets at least a warning.

If even more, he starts trash talking... then... a little vacation from cRPG can only do him good.

PPS : I'm not mad cause you sometimes kill me, while sometimes you chase me, and finally get yourself ambushed, i'm just a lv26 for the moment.^^ For example, i wasn't mad at you at all this night. Just frustrated that all good Bashi's players were on the same team. ;)
But it's not because you were "nice" today (and not really, since you were trashtalking), that i'll not say what i've seen you do on official servers.

PPPS : Nothing to say about Cicero though. Ingame attitude is clearly good. Trashtalking, if it's indeed that, is not good, but not worthy of a long ban, imho.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Cicero on October 26, 2011, 03:06:32 am
Kocik said :

He has over 10 million crpg gold if he gonna sell his stuff and he doesnt need valour.Making rage against me cos i killed you a lot today is really made me unhappy =(

Edit against edit : Kocik = I just love playing last man standing and its funny with maul =) Try it for someday and i dont even jump to a roof and wait like boroda =)
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: caki on October 26, 2011, 03:38:42 am
Last picture was on the duel server(EU_cRPG_3), Oct 20, 2011 @ 4:11pm. When you translate "Orospu Cocugu" it becomes "Son of a bitch". It might seem soft but in Turkish it is one of the biggest insults. I think people should learn to behave.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Sultan Eren on October 26, 2011, 03:45:23 am
lol why didnt u put sultan_eren ganked us from behind and said "ezikler" ="loosers" at start and other things said by kapıkulu ? lol

2354234523.  tries to ban a bashibazouk from kapıkulu

Edit : spoiler six is from eu 3 not 1 which we can understand u are hiding evidence =)

We started all this crap? I can't believe you are 21+.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Cicero on October 26, 2011, 03:48:57 am
We dont have time to upload all of these screenshots to deal with you. But presenting your reputation against community can give people how can they decide or think about you.

I'm playing cRPG over 1 year and didnt ever get ban.

Check your attitude like banning for using autoblock or insulting my father ( about cancer )
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Lansamur on October 26, 2011, 07:48:03 am
Meh, as far as I see it, BashiBazouk&Kapikulu's count of Banrequest against each other are kinda equal atm. Really thinking about that blanket ban for all players of both clans atm, because the only thing we see coming from you is asshattery all around, either against each other or against others, though Kapis are a bit less active in the last bit than the Bashis.

Topic locked until further notice to stop the insults and waiting for translation-confirmation from Nocti.

Ah, this is gonna be good.

After having a quick conversation with Nocti via PM, he confirmed the translations made so far. Additionally, he also informed me of BattalGazi provoking Bashi's with his own insults. Thus:

All 3 get a 3-day ban. Cheers!
Unban dates:

BashiBazouk_Cicero    30.10.2011 09:24:00   
Kapikulu_BattalGazi_Pasa    30.10.2011 09:27:00   
BashiBazouk_Kocik_the_Bear     30.10.2011 09:28:00   

This is a EU-Official-ban, so all official EU-servers are affected.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Lansamur on October 27, 2011, 09:23:54 am
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Lansamur on October 27, 2011, 04:29:24 pm
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Lansamur on October 27, 2011, 09:06:08 pm
Thread unlocked until logs are completely checked, as it seems we might unban one (or more) of those accused earlier.

To the topic of Strategus: Who says you won't continue your asshattery on EU_3 too? Strategus belongs to cRPG and the other way round. Be a douchebag on one, be banned on both.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Cicero on October 28, 2011, 12:42:41 am
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Cicero:who ARE YOU ?
Cicero:WHO ARE YOU ? WHO ?
Kapikulu_BattalGazi_Pasa:ahaha your mother cicero your mother

I want to add these to case also.Battalgazi again provoked us in our strategus battle.(Attack on İbdeles)
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Chasey on October 28, 2011, 12:36:39 pm
grow up ...
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Paul on October 28, 2011, 01:00:47 pm
I suggest blanket ban Turkey. You guys are worse than NA...
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Iymore on October 28, 2011, 01:02:06 pm
Ban Turks who say bad words :(
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Vibe on October 28, 2011, 01:20:43 pm
"your mother"

Genius, couldn't have thought of a more harsh insult myself.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: HarunYahya on October 28, 2011, 01:55:59 pm
I suggest blanket ban Turkey. You guys are worse than NA...
+1 ban Turks from their own game .
You should praise turks cuz we give devs and admins some cases to use their "powers". I know most of you guys enjoy punishing those assholes with your magical banhammer of justice so it's win-win. :wink:
Im grabbing more popcorn and coke to watch flamewars keep it up !
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Cicero on October 28, 2011, 03:22:20 pm
haters gonna hate =) i thought it was a rule that muting people that dont have rights to talk about issue ?
I can still see Vibe , Iymore,Paul,Chasey,Great Sultan Eren , Caki typed here without rights.

I can show you that i got 2x +30 by typing on a ban topic which was about our members.

Espu can you mute those as same as me =)
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 28, 2011, 03:59:05 pm
Dont do ban post against other turks you lamo  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Lansamur on October 28, 2011, 06:35:05 pm
People who have nothing to do in this (except badmins): Stay the fuck out of it.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 28, 2011, 07:09:32 pm
I'm so glad i can talk shit in my own language on warband  :)
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Tennenoth on October 28, 2011, 09:13:32 pm
People who have nothing to do in this (except badmins): Stay the fuck out of it.

I'm so glad i can talk shit in my own language on warband  :)

There might be something wrong there Kuoin.
EDIT: Don't reply to this. Just do as Lans says please. Before we go good cop-bad cop on your arse.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on October 28, 2011, 10:19:10 pm
Translation: 1) You son of b.tches 2) You b.stards are worse than "PKK" ( the terrorist group in Turkey who are responsible for thousands of deaths )

THIS should get you banned, How... could.
The amount of inhumane shit this contains is unbelievable, so one person is worse than a fucking group who murders hundreds/millions of people?

Cicero:who ARE YOU ?
Cicero:WHO ARE YOU ? WHO ?
Kapikulu_BattalGazi_Pasa:ahaha your mother cicero your mother

I want to add these to case also.Battalgazi again provoked us in our strategus battle.(Attack on İbdeles)

This isn't not really bannable, Your mother?
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: BattalGazi on October 29, 2011, 12:06:59 am
Yea according to Cicero they both are in the same level, that's why he uses the former one in place of the latter one ... And the truth is the ban requested screenshots ( first 5 of what I have posted) belong to 1 day before the other one ( which I said "your mother" ) . So he might have foreseen this as a "provocation" and acted beforehand ... That's Cicero's level of logic.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Cicero on October 29, 2011, 12:40:23 am
I'm not a patient guy and i never be that one.But normally i act as person which community know me and this is my first ban.Provoking is totally different like if you gonna say something without an insult like this: Hey cicero hows your daddy ? Then ofcrouse i ll answer you with insult thats my weak side maybe.But its totally my fault from now on all kapıkulu players muted by me in game so i ll have fun while playing.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: BattalGazi on October 29, 2011, 01:00:18 am
You are not a decent guy everyone knows that, your forum account is full of mutes. No one has ever posted your verbal behaviors in game on this forum so far and that's the reason you are never banned before. It's not because you are behaving well in game.

And I got banned for the first time because of your fallacious accusations which depend on nothing, but a word "your mother" only. I never got a mute on forums, and most probably never being warned either. This 3 day ban is not fair, when both sides' actions are investigated.

You are completely lying and trying to deceive admins and community to show yourself as innocent. I never mentioned anything about your father and you. I just said "ahah your mother cicero your mother" which was a short answer to your sentences started with swears and ended with a question "who are you?"

You are insulting, swearing and accusing people of total indecent things, you can get as low as comparing people with a bloody terrorist group. And after all, you just come and say, "this is game, let it go". And how decent are you to use your father's health problems to your case and ask for admins to ban people who say anything to your father eh? Wasn't this just a game? According to you, no one can say anything about your father, who has health problems as you declare, but you can f.k people's mothers, parents, and accuse them to be worse then terrorists. So according to you, if someone's ill, its inhumane to curse them but it is free and fun to do otherwise.

Maybe the people you are swearing at also has some bad issues, or lost their beloved ones to acts of terrorism. Do you even care? Or maybe people do just have the honor to keep these things for secret and not use them as an excuse for their ill-behaviors ...
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Cicero on October 29, 2011, 01:14:22 am
not gonna keep arguing with someone that think im using my father's illness.Did i tell you to say me " hows your daddy ?" . No , u guys learned it before i was in kapıkulu then used against me.I can be member of PKK also its not a problem for this game even if i m not.Whatever like i said not gonna keep arguing with you.

Keep finding reasons about why people in community dont care about kapıkulu =)
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Casimir on October 29, 2011, 02:27:00 am
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on October 29, 2011, 04:01:34 am
I'm not a patient guy and i never be that one.But normally i act as person which community know me and this is my first ban.Provoking is totally different like if you gonna say something without an insult like this: Hey cicero hows your daddy ? Then ofcrouse i ll answer you with insult thats my weak side maybe.But its totally my fault from now on all kapıkulu players muted by me in game so i ll have fun while playing.
Yes lets make a insult about a group that kills people because they feel like it.
Thats like going to Poland and promoting how good the Soviet Union we're and how without them the country would be so much worse and not caring about the pain and sufferering that they caused, its inhumane and just plain silly.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Cicero on October 29, 2011, 04:22:04 am
use mic then we can talk 1 year non microphoned guy
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Siiem on October 29, 2011, 03:49:30 pm
I suggest blanket ban Turkey. You guys are worse than NA...

This, add one exception for Noc.
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: caki on October 30, 2011, 09:37:06 pm
@Cicero:I gave relevant information about last ss, would you mind reading the rules?
I suggest blanket ban Turkey. You guys are worse than NA...
Banning them is not enough. We should burn them all. Best solution for a discriminative mind :shock:
Title: Re: [BAN] BashiBazouk Cicero & Kocik
Post by: Noctivagant on October 31, 2011, 01:22:41 pm
This, add one exception for Noc.

I'm an EU spy, I'm politically immune to almost anything :P