cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Meow on October 15, 2011, 11:22:25 pm
Well, not really official or anything but while chadz is at it removing the weapon rack from cRPG we might as well check out what other stuff needs to be removed, so consider this me collecting opinions. :mrgreen:
You can also write something up in case you have a better idea and you can you can change your vote in case someone blew your mind.
In case someone convinced you that his/her idea is awesome just give his post a +.
Most definitely "Siege shields for Battle/DtV, siege shields and ladders for siege - Nothing else."
I blew my own mind and mis-voted. But I don't see the option to remove vote?
E:My vote is changed from the siege shields/ladders in siege & siege shields in Battle/DTV to a flat siege shields and ladders for all! :)
Everything in Siege, apart from weaponracks, so they cant spam the other things.
Siege shields on battle. Think about implementing deployable stakes. I understood making them hurt cav caused major performance issues, so just make them stop cav and slow down infantry. Also review the maps so that you can only get on roofs that the mapmaker intended.
Disable all siege equipment on duel.
I blew my own mind and mis-voted. But I don't see the option to remove vote?
I think i might have killed that when i added the last poll option :(
Doesn't allow me to change it now though.
But you can tell us :mrgreen:
is it possible to change construction sites hp to something like a siege shield so there not whored out in siege mode?
Battleservers: Siegeshields only. No unreachable roofcamping anymore if you do that. But maybe add some more deployable or already attached ladders to at least 2 hourseroofs in on every village map. That way archers will still have some protection against cav and backstabbing ninjas, but it will be easy for shielders to go up the roofs to clean them. And as already said, there won't be any unreachable roofcamping anymore :)
siegeservers: 1. Ladders, but limited numbers. It is ridiculous when there is an attacking team spamming a castle outside and inside with about 20 or more ladders, just walking over all roofs instead of through the strees :rolleyes: Same goes for defenders, let them have some ladders for some roofs, but limit the numbers. And please make it also bannable to put ladders on walls so noone can put ladders against it..
2. Siegeshields: Actually fine, but please also forbid it to block doors or whatever with it. It looks stupid and still stop attackers for some time if there are enough of them.
3. No construction sites, but some kind of barricades. They can almost have the same look if you wish to, but make them a bit weaker, because it takes alot of time to destroy it when there is only about 7 minutes to capture a castle and maybe limit the number to 3 at a time per team. Otherwise the doorspamming will go on forever.
4. Maybe one stationary weapon rack close to flag or something for defenders? That way you prevent the def team of spamming everything cause there is only one and only one person can use it at a time as it is now. But it would be good, because sometimes it happens that ranged classes run out of ammo or that there is need of a new barricade (which you will implement I hope :D ) so you can go there and refill instead of suiciding.
Dunno, I'm not playing it. Defend the village was nice, but defend the virgin totall sucks as the stupid bitch is always standing aroun somewhere in the middle of the map and has no chance against a group of attackers :rolleyes:
2. Siegeshields: Actually fine, but please also forbid it to block doors or whatever with it. It looks stupid and still stop attackers for some time if there are enough of them.
3. No construction sites, but some kind of barricades. They can almost have the same look if you wish to, but make them a bit weaker, because it takes alot of time to destroy it when there is only about 7 minutes to capture a castle and maybe limit the number to 3 at a time per team. Otherwise the doorspamming will go on forever.
Either you didn't connect the dots, or you have conflicting interests with yourself :P
That would be "Everything as is right now."
Because the weapon rack removal is happening anyhow.
Battle: Siege shields only
DTV/Siege: Ladders/sheilds, though some sort of barricade would be usefull and a good idea.
People who try to construct towers and other stuff in battle are no more than leechers. Sure its funny occasionaly, but when you constantly sit in the back wasting time constructing stuff your letting your teamates die while you leech.
remove construction sites from siege.
remove ladders from battle.
I'm playing melee, but removing ladders from battles would remove a lot of depth from the game. Please, don't do it.
There should simply be upkeep added to seige gear. The guy spamming contruction sites in seige would have to pay for a 34k gold item (=as much as black armor). To prevent weapon rack abuse, you would also have to pay for the extra gear you got thanks to the weapon rack. So the guy abusing weapon rack to get 10 construction sites would have to pay for 10 construction sites. Same thing in battle. If you spawn with mail gear and use the weapon rack to get full plate, you'd have to pay for both mail AND full plate.
This way, you would see very few people abusing weapon rack, and using it to build things like a healing tent would cost a lot of money (or would force everyone to spawn with some construction material). It's a better solution than simply removing everything imo.
I'm playing melee, but removing ladders from battles would remove a lot of depth from the game. Please, don't do it.
Ladders remove any depth and fun from battle. Flanking groups of archers with some melee and pikemen as protection against cav and ninjas add a lot more depth to battle dynamics .
If you remove cs and ladders for defenders in siege removing ladders for attackers is essential. Otherwise soon you will have little to noone willing to defend a castle. Fear the day pubbies realize how futile defending is with unorganized bunch of lemmings running round the walls when small band of attackers just snatch the flag from behind.
Either you didn't connect the dots, or you have conflicting interests with yourself :P
This is that siegeshields look stupid when there are 20 of them blocking door and it is not the purpose of them. Also you have no chance to shoot through/above them so there can be a group of 20 or more defenders wating behind them and just charging out as soon as they are destroyed :/
Consites are some kind of fine because you can still jump and shoot over them, but it is dangerous to cross them without destroying them, because the moment you jump you are vulnerable. And it makes you slower.
But consites need too long to be destroyed and they do not really look cool for a barricade^^
If you remove cs and ladders for defenders in siege removing ladders for attackers is essential. Otherwise soon you will have little to noone willing to defend a castle. Fear the day pubbies realize how futile defending is with unorganized bunch of lemmings running round the walls when small band of attackers just snatch the flag from behind.
Indeed. If you remove all chances of blocking ways, then attackers will win every round after 2 minutes :rolleyes:
Sooo...anything going to happen now?^^
Or was it just to stop people complaining about it? :D
A simple fix for the 'unreachable roofs' problem (10 archers camping some roof and destroying the ladder at the start of the round) would be:
Remove friendly fire on ladders.
That way, the roofcampers cannot create an unreachable roof, but they still have their spot to shoot from.
Keep shields - they break easily anyways. Small and medium ladders are fine for battle. Static ladders can only be brought up and down - can't be broken. So removing HP from deploying ladders would prevent the roof-camping.
Most definitely "Siege shields for Battle/DtV, siege shields and ladders for siege - Nothing else."
Dam it i missed the vote button "no ladders for roofmonkeys" :cry: