cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Guides => Topic started by: Tennenoth on October 11, 2011, 02:51:18 pm

Title: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial (Highly outdated)
Post by: Tennenoth on October 11, 2011, 02:51:18 pm

After a long time I have finally decided that some people might be at least a little interested in a quick guide/tip page by myself, not being the best archer in the world and of average skill at most, it's just a nice pick-me-up for budding archers.

Hello and welcome to Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial, or TWAT for short! Here I will be hopefully helping a few newbies find their archery feet and some veterens better understand why I and a lot of other archers run away so much. This guide highlights more or less the "Skirmishing bundle of sticksory Archer" build, the one that can out run a lot of things and deal reasonable damage.

This guide assumes you know some of the basics, it assumes you have common sense and of course it assumes you'll take artistic liberties with it. It assumes that you won't follow it by the letter and it assumes it's writer doesn't know everything there is to know about archery or other classes but has just written about how he feels is best to deal with things.

If you only take away some basics from this, then I will have done my job. Please save any questions, feedback and/or death threats, please wait until the end of the wall of text and post below, thank you.

Table of Contents

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Thanks for reading this guys, I will hopefully be adding more to this as time goes on. Some of you know me on the battlefield and I have been asked a fair amount what my build is, how I play and, as this guide is practically a rip from a personal message I was asked to send, through personal messages.

I hope this wasn't too boring, I tried to keep it spiced up a little with stupid acronyms and other things but all in all, as I said in the beginning, if one person takes something useful away, it will have been a success and I will be well on my way of having more Tenne clones running around!

This guide is only a guide and therefore some of the information within isn't accurate for all situations and you have to employ some common sense. For example, not all crossbowmen do camp a roof, there are times that they can't or they simply don't want to but make educated decisions as to what to do, don't just blindly go "derp, I wasn't told what to do, i'll stand and fire with tunnel vision." YOU HAVE A BRAIN! (I assume, even if you're some AI program, but then I suppose it is harder to "think for yourself".)

Comments, corrections, general feedback & personal experiences would be appretiated greatly so please don't hesitate to post!


***Please note that some of this isn't completely finished, such as the "mace" statistics aren't filled in. I have just rushed over this and edited in different areas, it'll be updated shortly to include some of this stuff so please don't go screaming about that! ;)***
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: RandomDude on October 11, 2011, 03:25:34 pm
Id like to hear your opinions on archery in strat, after you've had some experience (i heard it may be different in strat now).
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Tennenoth on October 11, 2011, 03:29:19 pm
Id like to hear your opinions on archery in strat, after you've had some experience (i heard it may be different in strat now).

I'll add a section when I get around to fighting in a decent battle. I missed the tester ones unfortunately.
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Dom.Miguel on October 12, 2011, 03:20:14 pm
Don't forget about the new bow damage with arrows scheme.
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Tennenoth on October 12, 2011, 04:51:21 pm
Don't forget about the new bow damage with arrows scheme.

Aye, i'm collecting stuff as we speak, next time I get some free time i'll start actually posting it, I did mention that bow damage is done by arrow type somewhere but it wasn't very clear lol.

I'll write it all out while i'm at work tonight!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Spawny on October 13, 2011, 04:14:59 pm
To save you some time looking for the stats:
1h weapons with a 2h secondary mode get a bonus of +2 damage and +2 speed when used in secondary mode.
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: bagge on October 13, 2011, 04:17:03 pm
Did read. Good basics for new archers
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Bobthehero on October 13, 2011, 04:43:01 pm
You should teach the archer to defend themselves in melee, not run away like wabbits.
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Tears of Destiny on October 13, 2011, 06:34:27 pm
You should teach the archer to defend themselves in melee, not run away like wabbits.

Only if the situation demands it. If in a team you are putting yourself in unnecessary risk.
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Tennenoth on October 13, 2011, 08:21:53 pm
To save you some time looking for the stats:
1h weapons with a 2h secondary mode get a bonus of +2 damage and +2 speed when used in secondary mode.

Thanks, i'll add those in soon!

Only if the situation demands it. If in a team you are putting yourself in unnecessary risk.

Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Bulzur on October 22, 2011, 03:26:48 pm
Didn't know about the Outro. I defintely learned something there.

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Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Tore on October 29, 2011, 11:18:36 pm
Awesome guide thanks! :D
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Farrok on November 03, 2011, 08:59:29 am
Didn't know about the Outro. I defintely learned something there.

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don`t worry we live in a world of computers...tenne have hacked all bank accounts and received the "donation" for the guards from the people who have read this thread...including yours!

damn you tenne now mine is hacked too! :P
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Tennenoth on November 03, 2011, 12:23:19 pm
don`t worry we live in a world of computers...tenne have hacked all bank accounts and received the "donation" for the guards from the people who have read this thread...including yours!

damn you tenne now mine is hacked too! :P

Now that is a Guild secret! D:
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Jambi on November 17, 2011, 09:14:35 pm
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I have to disagree with mostt of your stuff, sorry Tenne. But you guide is about numbers and calculations. Archery is about feeling.

Prolly needs a new update as well. With jumpshot removal, and bow changes.

PM me if you need any help. :P
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Skysong on November 17, 2011, 10:18:51 pm
I have to disagree with mostt of your stuff, sorry Tenne. But you guide is about numbers and calculations. Archery is about feeling cheating

Prolly needs a new update as well. With jumpshot removal, and bow changes my homing arrows.

PM me if you need any help. :P

Thats why jambi never misses :twisted:
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Jambi on November 17, 2011, 10:22:39 pm
Thats why jambi never misses :twisted:

Ooh noes ive been unfold!  :wink:
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: Tennenoth on November 25, 2011, 03:00:19 pm
I have to disagree with mostt of your stuff, sorry Tenne. But you guide is about numbers and calculations. Archery is about feeling.

Prolly needs a new update as well. With jumpshot removal, and bow changes.

PM me if you need any help. :P

Firstly I would like to say that this is a Guide, that's fairly self explanatory and basically, not everyone will agree with what I am saying, I am merely trying to give out my experiences, some facts and figures to help the newer people in the community find a footing in archery.

"Archery is about feeling", I have to disagree, that's an opinion, there are people who prefer to work things out like myself, and those that just go for the "what feels right". Everyone plays differently, for example, I play with one stack of arrows and a reasonable melee weapon, if I remember correctly, you do not, you use two stacks and a hammer.
This guide follows through simple ways of dealing with scenarios, simple ways of trying to increase your life-span and some experienced views on the different equipment that's available. Simplifying things heavily in order to get people that foothold onto the archery ladder as it were.

Finally on the subject of the guide, it's based heavily on my level 30 build because that's what I know best. If the guide helps someone have a decent couple of rounds as an archer then it's hit the target, it's supposed to help people who are new to the class, not people who already know what they're doing. Of course, there are always people who are new and don't need help, Stulle was a prime example and still, despite his long absense, in my opinion, the best all round archer from his accuracy, adaptation, melee and even his general manner on the servers and forums. (Come back Stulle!)

I will state again, the guide is to help people find a good starting point off the back off an experienced player, i'm not the best archer by far and I don't want to be but I have built up enough experience that I would like to help others.

Yes, the guide needs an update but I haven't found too much time of late, my last coursework deadline for uni is the 2nd of December, so once that is over, I will be looking to finish some sections and to have it fully up-to-date, so don't worry about that one.

Thanks for the offer of help but as I have already said, these are my opinions, and as you dislike numbers and calculations I think we'd find it rather difficult to collaborate because i'd want to work out the reasoning behind your methods. Solid facts with evidence is how I work and I wouldn't be able to cope with "because it is" if you understand. I'd drive you mad.
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial
Post by: karasu on November 28, 2011, 05:01:45 pm
Hmm I think you could add to the 1h list both Iberian Mace and Military Pick for the obvious reasons.

Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial (Highly outdated)
Post by: ibigfire on July 16, 2012, 10:53:36 am
I don't see a newer pure archery guide posted anywhere or else I'd go to that.  Which parts of this are outdated and should be ignored?
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial (Highly outdated)
Post by: Waricck on August 21, 2012, 05:26:48 pm
I don't see a newer pure archery guide posted anywhere or else I'd go to that.  Which parts of this are outdated and should be ignored?

I think some of the stats are off.
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial (Highly outdated)
Post by: bagge on August 22, 2012, 03:26:09 am
I don't see a newer pure archery guide posted anywhere or else I'd go to that.  Which parts of this are outdated and should be ignored?

For starters they've increased the weight limit (before you get wpf penalty) to 10.

Head x2 weight
Body x1 weight
Feet x1 weight
Gloves x4 weight

For you newbies I'd recommend the 18/21 build as Tenne posted, but instead of the 3 PS, put em into 3 IF and skip the melee WPF. Since you will probably suck ass melee anyway. Get a Rus Bow + Bodkin Arrows like everyone else and a 0-slot Hammer/Pickaxe/Hand Axe
Title: Re: Tennenoth's Worthless Archery Tutorial (Highly outdated)
Post by: Tennenoth on August 23, 2012, 01:59:28 am
For starters they've increased the weight limit (before you get wpf penalty) to 10.

Head x2 weight
Body x1 weight
Feet x1 weight
Gloves x4 weight

For you newbies I'd recommend the 18/21 build as Tenne posted, but instead of the 3 PS, put em into 3 IF and skip the melee WPF. Since you will probably suck ass melee anyway. Get a Rus Bow + Bodkin Arrows like everyone else and a 0-slot Hammer/Pickaxe/Hand Axe

This man speaks the truth. Survivability for being hit and more arrows than the ability to melee back! :)

I do apologise for the state of this guide. I'll update it soon... (He says!) It certainly is fairly worthless at the moment! :)