cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Glyph on September 26, 2011, 04:18:49 pm

Title: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Glyph on September 26, 2011, 04:18:49 pm
i'd like to know this, because some people say it is overused, but i don't know it yet, so why shouldn't we find out?

vote and leave a comment if you wish.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Fraemi on September 26, 2011, 04:21:29 pm
No, I think that style of play is beyond lame, it's boring to fight against and with.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Aymeric on September 26, 2011, 04:23:24 pm
As I told in an other post, it would be interesting to take in account advantages / disadvantages.
I ve always played like that and after 173 hours of total playing i don 't have any loom point for example.
I also will never be competitive againts lvl 30 player, but i don t mind, i have great fun!!!
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Oberyn on September 26, 2011, 04:27:50 pm
Piece of advice, if you are doing that, you should probably stop. It's circumventing one of the rules (upkeep) using a mechanism that serves a totally different purpose (respec). chadz himself said something along the lines of "I should send a thief to steal some of their stuff" about people who do this. It's a post somewhere on the forum, can't be asked to remember which thread exactly. Point is, don't come whining after saying it was a totally legitimate playstyle and why did this happen to me, boohoo, you are warned.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: bagge on September 26, 2011, 04:29:35 pm
No, I think that style of play is beyond lame, it's boring to fight against and with.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Aymeric on September 26, 2011, 04:38:05 pm
tks oberyn!
i didn't know it was forbidden, i read somewhere chadz was thikning of removing it if too many people were playing like this, nothing more.

Could we have an "official" post saying if it is forbidden or not pls?
if it is i will stop playing like this.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Oberyn on September 26, 2011, 04:40:20 pm
I don't think it's forbidden so much as frowned upon. I personally see it as a loophole, one that's going to be closed soon. I don't really think chadz is actually gonna take action against people who do/did it though, that might just be classic chadz trolling (or not, it's hard to know sometimes).
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Teeth on September 26, 2011, 04:40:45 pm
I remember the official statement on the subject being 'it is allowed, for now'

I'm leveling a character like this but I hate leveling, probably wont ever make it to 26. If I will it will probably be something I stop using after a few hours.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Phazey on September 26, 2011, 04:44:57 pm
I don't get it... running around at level 25 is very gimpy, armor or no armor. And not getting any looms...

Also, think about this: the price of one sold heirloom on the marketplace vs upkeep costs. I'm no expert on heirloom prices, but one heirloom is worth more than any potential upkeep costs you can have, i think.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Oberyn on September 26, 2011, 04:45:52 pm
Well, when you think about it, people who do this probably have a ridiculous amount of gold put aside, since they have no money sink beyond buying equipment. So there may be repercussions.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Aymeric on September 26, 2011, 05:02:00 pm
well, im not a "big" player.... but in 173 hours of play i have a full equipment and 25000 gold but no loomed items.
i don't know if it can help other people to say if it s a lot or not...
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Oberyn on September 26, 2011, 05:06:28 pm
Yes, but what equipment? If you're respeccing at 25 all the time, I'm going to assume it's some heavy plate or possibly an armored horse. If so, compared to someone who WOULD pay upkeep, yes, that is a lot of gold. You would probably be in debt
(negative gold) if you had been paying upkeep. If I'm wrong and you're using light equip, what's the point of retiring at 25?

If you really don't give a damn about heirlooms, do this: Get to lvl 31, retire, sell heirloom point for 450k gold, then use whatever equip you frigging want until you run out of cash again and repeat the process.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: LordBerenger on September 26, 2011, 05:10:08 pm
When i last played cRPG i abused this feature i admit. Nothing beat having a 16/15 Full Tincan Plated Charger character with only difference from the upkeep paying regular ''full builds'' being 5 levels and Plate Mittens instead of Heavy Gauntlets (since the gap between 25-26 was not too long but long enough to enjoy it for a couple of hours or so).

Didn't really affect the armor itself THAT much.

Was rather fun imo. You could actually enjoy the parts of cRPG that was fun (IN MY PERSONAL BIASED OPINION) without wasting hours upon hours of boring grinding with playing with gear you didn't enjoy to use such as peasant gear or chainmail blah blah etc...

Since level 26 was the level you had to start paying upkeep at, you'll just level a couple of xp points below Level 26. Respec get lvl 22 if i remember it right and then get level 26 and repeat procedure.

Having Plated Charger + Full Tincan Armor and a semi decent shield with example Arab Cav Sword was pretty sweet. Using it every single round without having to care for something ridiuculous such as upkeep.

Sure it went against what chadz wanted this mod to be about but it was fun to say the least.

And if you got tired 1h/Shielder you could go Mounted Xbow on Plated Charger which was always fun.

So in the end it was ''Winning''. Getting to play with the gear you appreciate whenever you wanted to without constantly having to grind gold and gold was very sweet alongside the fact that it pissed off a couple of hardcore (usually 2handed) grinders.

EDIT: Also the Oberyn process with retiring and getting a heirloom points and blah blah blah takes alot of time depending on the circumstances and also how well your team is fighting. Even if you are a Phyrex rambo at level 15 you'll have hell to face if your team is utterly crap.

Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Oberyn on September 26, 2011, 05:11:36 pm
The difference is that in old cRPG it would take you just as long of a grind to be able to buy it in the first place. These days the money sink is in upkeep, not the equipment itself. Relatively to how much money is made in rounds +multipliers, the equip itself is worth practically nothing.
And it's a loophole, grats, exploiting loopholes gives people advantages over those who have to follow the rules, who knew.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 26, 2011, 05:12:43 pm
I've heard that a large amount of the NA "Plated chargers shit gear" are people who are doing this. Using plated charger, shitty gear and then just running people over and being hard to take down. (Hearsay of course, but there's a TON of armored horses now on NA servers)
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Ganner on September 26, 2011, 05:14:30 pm
on an alt sure Ive done this, but on a main no wouldent do that.

Edit: At least until there is some meaningful way alts could contribute to your main or a reason to play an alt other than just being bored of your main.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Aymeric on September 26, 2011, 05:22:56 pm
to reply to oberyn, yes i am with plated charger and heavy armor.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: LordBerenger on September 26, 2011, 05:29:08 pm
I'll bet chadz is gonna counter this by making the free no upkeep up to lvl 15 only now.

People will still be able to get a 18 Riding skills or whatever you need for Elephant thou. Can't stop the Zoophile revolution  :shock:
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Phazey on September 26, 2011, 05:44:03 pm
How about making upkeep kick in once you reach level 25 OR 100k gold earned?  :twisted:
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Aymeric on September 26, 2011, 05:47:17 pm
100k is good option in my point of view, as it will allow players like me to have fun, but will avoid players making cash on playing this way.
don t mind if the top is 70 or 60 either... the idea is ok for me
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Swahili_Zulu_Mon on September 27, 2011, 12:41:16 pm
i'd like to know this, because some people say it is overused, but i don't know it yet, so why shouldn't we find out?

vote and leave a comment if you wish.

It's only a natural response to the boring ass grind devs are forcing down the throats of the player base. I played when this game first came out then stopped (site was too shitty back then). Regarding gameplay though, I can safely say upkeep costs drained the fun out of this game. 

Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: HarunYahya on September 27, 2011, 12:46:04 pm
Add a code which disables no upkeep thingy after you respec.
I dunno if its duable or the easiest solution but in theory it'll work imo.
Title: Re: are you using the respec at 25 to avoid upkeep option as your number 1 char?
Post by: Qilidj_Arslan on September 27, 2011, 05:21:45 pm
I've heard that a large amount of the NA "Plated chargers shit gear" are people who are doing this. Using plated charger, shitty gear and then just running people over and being hard to take down. (Hearsay of course, but there's a TON of armored horses now on NA servers)

Ah that makes total sense. Always wondered how those people managed to do that.