cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: Crob28 on September 22, 2011, 04:26:53 am

Title: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Crob28 on September 22, 2011, 04:26:53 am
is pretty much useless am I right in saying?  Seeing as you are unable to block at all odds are you take a hit even if the kick lands, I've been trying it lately and even when it connects I usually end up being hit by my opponents swing anyway.  Am I doing it wrong or is kicking more of a mechanic for non shieldy players?
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Smoothrich on September 22, 2011, 04:29:20 am
When you kick there is a cooldown before you can attack again.  A good way of feeling this out is holding W, once your character begins moving after winding down from the kick you will be able to attack.  You need to be fast and accurate and it is guaranteed hit.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Crob28 on September 22, 2011, 04:36:49 am
yea i get the benefits of using it, esp when in deadlocks against other shielders and thats why i've been tryin to implement it into my playstyle but so far the total vulnerability I have to expose myself to in order to use it just doesnt seem like a worthwhile tradeoff, like I see 2h/poles for example kick whilst blocking so even if they miss they are relatively safe whereas if I miss i'm going to take a hit more often than not.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: MrShine on September 22, 2011, 05:08:32 am
I rarely use it unless I'm being face-hugged in a place where there is nowhere to go.

If you use it at the right times it nets a free hit.  But the right time comes rarely.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Diomedes on September 22, 2011, 05:15:59 am
I rarely use it unless I'm being face-hugged in a place where there is nowhere to go.

If you use it at the right times it nets a free hit.  But the right time comes rarely.

This.  By and large I just try to hit behind or above a shield.  Some folks may have seen me doing crazy jump+stabs recently, which is my way of practicing the over-shield hit [while feeling like a badass].
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Matey on September 22, 2011, 05:32:15 am
kicking is a lot more advantageous for those with longer reach weapons as they can hold a swing, try to kick, and if they miss the kick they just let go of the swing and if your opponent has a short reach wep... then chances are he will get hit unless he blocks... but its actually a very low risk maneuvre if you have a big reach advantage cause they have to dodge to a side to avoid the kick and then they gotta close in again while you let go of your swing... hopefully that makes sense... im a shielder with 72-85 reach wep... so i have been kicked around many a time :P
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Warcat on September 22, 2011, 06:55:34 am
Kicking is proven to be the best way to kill Tavern Keepers.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Leesin on September 22, 2011, 03:25:57 pm

Well, in my experience the kick is no longer a tool that is used much simply because there was a stage where alot of kicking happened, but over time people became more mobile and unpredictable in movement because of the kick, so kicking now has far less opportunities to be used, simply because alot of people know from experience not to move directly at his opponent or in straight lines within kick range.

The last time I remember having the opportunity to land a kick with 100% chance is because whilst I held my shield up, some guy came at me with his shield held up and for some reason he just stood on the spot right infront of me, which resulted me kicking him then chopping down onto his head.

This could also be the result of that because kick slashing is a rather rare occurance nowadays ( atleast from what I see ) that people themselves forget they can even kick and be kicked. Happens to me sometimes, after a fight I'll realise I had an opportunity to kick and I didn't simply because I forgot about kicking, lol. Where as when the game was first around, everyone was getting kick slashed.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Ujin on September 22, 2011, 03:29:46 pm
I'm still trying to master it , but i tend to use the kick more and more often as a shielder. It's worth it.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Vibe on September 22, 2011, 04:09:00 pm
It's very hard to pull of an unblockable attack after you kick with the shield, it seems to have some extra delay.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: DarkFox on September 22, 2011, 04:31:49 pm
When warband came out kick was much more useful. Any facehuging against advanced player was 100% that you will be kickslashed. For some reason kick was nerfed. Dont know, maybe it possible to return old kick with WSE?
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Kansuke on September 22, 2011, 04:46:18 pm
I only risk a kick if I am 100% sure it will work, as the shielder you can't block while kicking so if you miss and your opponent is good, you are sure to get slashed inthaface.

Imo shieldbash is very much needed to counter the kick advantage other class have.

Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Diomedes on September 22, 2011, 04:47:45 pm
I think shielders can block while kicking, though they retain a movement speed slow from having their shield up.  Not very many places to use it though  :?
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Phew on September 22, 2011, 04:48:41 pm
They only time I would benefit from kicking a shielder would be when I'm cornered and they are facehugging me, but in that situation, I can't land a swing after the kick anyway, thanks to the changes to how weapons catch on walls now. If I'm within 5ft of a wall, I can't land ANY kind of swing now. 

When using a shield, kick should be replaced with shield bash. Same effect, different animation, but doesn't make you vulnerable.

Conversely, kick should be changed to be less of an insta-death if it misses for everyone else. Make it faster with a faster recovery, and the ability to rotate while it's executing.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Hygat on September 22, 2011, 04:48:47 pm
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Kansuke on September 22, 2011, 04:49:33 pm
I think shielders can block while kicking, though they retain a movement speed slow from having their shield up.  Not very many places to use it though  :?

Shielders can't block while kicking.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Gurnisson on September 22, 2011, 04:54:49 pm
When using a shield, kick should be replaced with shield bash. Same effect, different animation, but doesn't make you vulnerable.

Doesn't make you vulnerable? The thing with kick is that you risk taking a hit by possibly getting a free hit on your opponent. Making you invulnerable while performing such an attack would be very overpowered.

Conversely, kick should be changed to be less of an insta-death if it misses for everyone else. Make it faster with a faster recovery, and the ability to rotate while it's executing.

Faster, and with rotation? No, would make it overpowered. As of now, kick is a high risk - high reward move. If you add rotation and faster recovery it becomes low/no risk - high reward, and that ain't balanced for sure. :wink:

Btw, I'm a kick slasher, but I don't want it to be like in native in the old days, when it was overused and overpowered.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Kato on September 22, 2011, 05:04:14 pm
with shield the risk is bigger then reward

i trying to master it with my 2h and polearm user, still failing, but getting better even if i cant land kick, its easy perform right block, so risk is small

I am happy with this kick, when is something really hard to master or even use, not like op old kick
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Punisher on September 22, 2011, 11:16:30 pm
Kicking was horrible in the early days of Warband, nerfing it was one of the few good things TW ever did. Why would you want that back?
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Ujin on September 22, 2011, 11:19:57 pm
I like the current kick mechanics (it being also a somewhat risky move), but i'd definetly love to see shielders have a shieldbash animation instead of it =).
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Xant on September 22, 2011, 11:25:04 pm
When warband came out kick was much more useful. Any facehuging against advanced player was 100% that you will be kickslashed. For some reason kick was nerfed. Dont know, maybe it possible to return old kick with WSE?

Old kick was ridiculously OP. New kick is great. Very, very useful for 2handers/polearmers.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Diomedes on September 22, 2011, 11:32:45 pm
Shielders can't block while kicking.

The animation shows they can... sorta.  It's a little tilted but it's there.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Crob28 on September 23, 2011, 12:07:28 am
the animation may look like it but i've yet to block any attack mid kick with my shield "up", from any direction/angle.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: kinngrimm on September 23, 2011, 12:50:05 am
1h/sh kickslash is more risk due to less range on weapon and slow/predictable shield animations(this last bit might be only be in my imagination though  :rolleyes:)

Having a special move for each class, fitting to those classes pros/cons and depending if those had been there in reality seems great, still it would need lots of work(modelling,scripting and balancing) i guess.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: RandomDude on September 23, 2011, 03:32:24 pm
yea i get the benefits of using it, esp when in deadlocks against other shielders and thats why i've been tryin to implement it into my playstyle but so far the total vulnerability I have to expose myself to in order to use it just doesnt seem like a worthwhile tradeoff, like I see 2h/poles for example kick whilst blocking so even if they miss they are relatively safe whereas if I miss i'm going to take a hit more often than not.

It's the same risks as trying to chamber block. Its harder for me to kick than chamber currently and i am no master of that.

If you do land a kick on someone then it works really well. Same as if you land a chamber on someone and they're not expecting it.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Nasturtium on September 23, 2011, 08:24:31 pm
Kicking is my bread and butter, I consider it like counting coup on my enemy. I will rarely try a risky kick, the only sure fire way to land one is this:
 Baiting: after exchanging a blow or two, slowly back away in a straight line. If they follow you suddenly stop and kick, this way they walk right into it. I can't even count the number of times this has worked for me, even against folks who know what I am trying to do. 

 A riskier kick is if you are fighting a slow enemy that is in fact too slow to chase you, after backing away slightly, lunge forward and swing, this will freeze them usually for a second, and since you can attack and kick before they counter attack, you are likely to catch them mid swing.  This worked great for me as a bardiche user, but is riskier as a sheilder.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Xant on September 24, 2011, 02:23:18 am
It's the same risks as trying to chamber block. Its harder for me to kick than chamber currently and i am no master of that.

If you do land a kick on someone then it works really well. Same as if you land a chamber on someone and they're not expecting it.

Kicking as a shielder isn't the same risk at all as chambering. Chambering doesn't leave you defenseless.
Title: Re: Kicking as a shielder...
Post by: Bartlomiey on September 25, 2011, 07:03:45 pm
Shield Bash FTW.

I am a Historical Reconstructor and i know that, in real life you can block during kicking...

Shield Bash would be nice in-game. It can also do some dmg bassed on shield that you use. (like 5-10blunt).